

Title Authors Journal Year
Humans Influence Shark Behavior: Evidence From the Covid-19 Lockdown Afonso, A. S. Ocean & Coastal Management 2024
Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Evaluate Fish Movement, Habitat Use, and Protection Effectiveness of a Coral Reef No-Take Zone (Ntz) in Brazil Lippi, D. L. Coxey, M. S. Rooker, J. R. Rezende, S. M. Dance, M. A. Bertoldi gaspar, A. L. Maida, M. Ferreira, B. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022
Semi-Natural Fishway Efficiency for Goliath Catfish (Brachyplatystoma Spp.) in a Large Dam in the Amazon Basin Hahn, L. Martins, E. G. Nunes, L. D. Machado, L. S. Lopes, T. M. Da camara, L. F. Hydrobiologia 2022
Local Fisheries Conservation and Management Works: Implications of Migrations and Site Fidelity of Arapaima in the Lower Amazon Gurdak, D. J. Stewart, D. J. Klimley, A. P. Thomas, M. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
The Sum of Multiple Human Stressors and Weak Management as a Threat for Migratory Fish Silva, F. D. o. Kalapothakis, E. Da silva, L. G. m. Pelicice, F. M. Biological Conservation 2021
Aggregative Capacity of Experimental Anchored Fish Aggregating Devices (Afads) in Northeastern Brazil Revealed Through Electronic Tagging Data Veras, L. Q. Capello, M. Forget, F. G. Tolotti, M. T. Veras, D. P. Dagorn, L. Hazin, F. H. v. Ocean And Coastal Research 2020
Biotelemetry Reveals Migratory Behaviour of Large Catfish in the Xingu River, Eastern Amazon Hahn, L. Martins, E. G. Nunes, L. D. Da camara, L. F. Machado, L. S. Garrone-neto, D. Scientific Reports 2019
Evaluation of Intracoelomic Tagging of Tainha, Mugil Liza (Valenciennes, 1836), Under Laboratory Conditions Gomes pinheiro, I. E. Costa muelbert, M. M. Pedrosa, V. F. Romano, L. A. Muelbert, J. H. Hydrobiologia 2018
Seasonal Aggregation and Diel Activity by the Sicklefin Devil Ray Mobula Tarapacana Off a Small, Equatorial Outcrop of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Mendonca, S. A. Macena, B. C. l. Afonso, A. S. Hazin, F. H. v. Journal Of Fish Biology 2018
Factors Influencing Movements of Two Migratory Fishes Within the Tailrace of a Large Neotropical Dam and Their Implications for Hydropower Impacts Suzuki, F. M. Dunham, J. B. Silva, L. G. m. Alves, C. B. m. Pompeu, P. S. River Research And Applications 2017
Movement and Activity Patterns of the Nurse Shark, Ginglymostoma Cirratum, in an Oceanic Marine Protected Area of the South-Western Atlantic Garla, R. C. Fazzano gadig, O. B. Garrone-neto, D. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 2017
Effect of Anesthetic, Tag Size, and Surgeon Experience on Postsurgical Recovering After Implantation of Electronic Tags in a Neotropical Fish: Prochilodus Lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837) (Characiformes: Prochilodontidae) Lopes, J. M. Alves, C. B. m. Silva, F. O. Bedore, A. G. Pompeu, P. S. Neotropical Ichthyology 2016
Habitat Use of the Nurse Shark, Ginglymostoma Cirratum, Off Recife, Northeast Brazil: A Combined Survey With Longline and Acoustic Telemetry Ferreira, L. C. Afonso, A. S. Castilho, P. C. Hazin, F. H. v. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Movement Patterns of Juvenile Lemon Sharks Negaprion Brevirostris Within Atol Das Rocas, Brazil: A Nursery Characterized by Tidal Extremes Wetherbee, B. M. Gruber, S. H. Rosa, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007


Scientific Name Common Name
Acanthocybium solandri Wahoo.
Brachyplatystoma platynema Slobbering catfish.
Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii Zungaro dorado.
Brachyplatystoma vaillantii Laulao catfish.
Caranx crysos Blue runner.
Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish, Common dolphinfish, Mahi mahi.
Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark.
Ginglymostoma cirratum Nurse shark, Nuse shark.
Lutjanus alexandrei Brazilian snapper.
Mobula tarapacana Sicklefin devil ray.
Mugil liza Tainha.
Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark.
Phractocephalus hemioliopterus Redtail catfish.
Pimelodus maculatus Mandi.
Prochilodus argenteus Curimba.
Prochilodus harttii Curimba.
Prochilodus lineatus Curimba.
Pseudoplatystoma punctifer Tiger sorubim.
Sparisoma axillare Gray parrotfish.
Thunnus atlanticus Blackfin tuna.
