

Title Authors Journal Year
Comparing the Migration Behavior and Survival of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) and Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) Smolts Sortland, L. K. Aarestrup, K. Birnie-gauvin, K. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Survival, Growth and Tag Retention of Juvenile European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla L.) With Implanted 12 Mm Passive Integrated Transponder Tags and Acoustic Tags Jepsen, N. Richter, L. Pedersen, M. I. Deng, Z. D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Locate Flatfish Spawning Areas: Estuarine Migrations of Turbot Scophthalmus Maximus and European Flounder Platichthys Flesus Baden, C. Christoffersen, M. Flavio, H. Brown, E. . Aarestrup, K. Svendsen, J. C. Journal Of Sea Research 2022
The Effect of Externally Attached Archival Data Loggers on the Short-Term Dispersal Behaviour and Migration Speed of European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla L.) Verhelst, P. Aarestrup, K. Hellstrom, G. Jepsen, N. Koed, A. Reubens, J. T. Sjoberg, N. Svendsen, J. C. Kristensen, M. L. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Assess Behavioral Responses to Acute Hypoxia and Ammonia Exposure in Farmed Rainbow Trout of Different Competitive Ability Gesto, M. Zupa, W. Alfonso, S. Spedicato, M. T. Lembo, G. Carbonara, P. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2020
Investigating Fish Migration, Mortality, and Physiology to Improve Conservation Planning of Anadromous Salmonids: A Case Study on the Endangered North Sea Houting (Coregonus Oxyrinchus) Hertz, M. Jensen, L. F. Pertoldi, C. Aarestrup, K. Thomsen, S. N. Alstrup, A. K. o. Asmus, H. Madsen, S. S. Svendsen, J. C. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 2019
Naturalised Atlantic Salmon Smolts Are More Likely to Reach the Sea Than Wild Smolts in a Lowland Fjord Flavio, H. Aarestrup, K. Jepsen, N. Koed, A. River Research And Applications 2019
Using Acoustic Telemetry and Snorkel Surveys to Study Diel Activity and Seasonal Migration of Round Goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) in an Estuary of the Western Baltic Sea Christoffersen, M. Svendsen, J. C. Behrens, J. W. Jepsen, N. Van deurs, M. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2019
Getting Cosy in Freshwater: Assumed to Be Brackish Pike Are Not So Brackish After All Birnie-gauvin, K. Hojrup, L. B. Kragh, T. Jacobsen, L. Aarestrup, K. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2019
Cortisol Predicts Migration Timing and Success in Both Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Kelts Birnie-gauvin, K. Flavio, H. Kristensen, M. L. Walton-rabideau, S. E. Cooke, S. J. Willmore, W. G. Koed, A. Aarestrup, K. Scientific Reports 2019
Evidence of Cormorant-Induced Mortality, Disparate Migration Strategies and Repeatable Circadian Rhythm in the Endangered North Sea Houting (Coregonus Oxyrinchus): A Telemetry Study Mapping the Postspawning Migration Jensen, L. F. Rognon, P. Aarestrup, K. Bottcher, J. W. Pertoldi, C. Thomsen, S. N. Hertz, M. Winde, J. Svendsen, J. C. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
Routes and Survival of Anadromous Brown Trout Salmo Trutta L. Post-Smolts During Early Marine Migration Through a Danish Fjord System Kristensen, M. L. Birnie-gauvin, K. Aarestrup, K. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2018
Survival of Migrating Sea Trout (Salmo Trutta) Smolts During Their Passage of an Artificial Lake in a Danish Lowland Stream Schwinn, M. Aarestrup, K. Baktoft, H. Koed, A. River Research And Applications 2017
Effects of Acoustic Telemetry Transmitters on Gill Ventilation Rate and Haematocrit Levels of Round Goby Neogobius Melanostomus Behrens, J. W. Svendsen, J. C. Van deurs, M. Sokolova, M. Christoffersen, M. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2017
Pike (Esox Lucius L.) on the Edge: Consistent Individual Movement Patterns in Transitional Waters of the Western Baltic Jacobsen, L. Bekkevold, D. Berg, S. Jepsen, N. Koed, A. Aarestrup, K. Baktoft, H. Skov, C. Hydrobiologia 2017
Behavioural Changes of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) After Marine Boulder Reef Restoration: Implications for Coastal Habitat Management and Natura 2000 Areas Kristensen, L. D. Stottrup, J. G. Svendsen, J. C. Stenberg, C. Hansen, O. K. h. Gronkjaer, P. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2017
Survival and Progression Rates of Anadromous Brown Trout Kelts Salmo Trutta During Downstream Migration in Freshwater and at Sea Aarestrup, K. Baktoft, H. Thorstad, E. B. Svendsen, J. C. Hojesjo, J. Koed, A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Impact of a Short-Term Exposure to Tributyl Phosphate on Morphology, Physiology and Migratory Behaviour of European Eels During the Transition From Freshwater to the Marine Environment Privitera, L. Aarestrup, K. Moore, A. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2014
Effect of Boat Noise and Angling on Lake Fish Behaviour Jacobsen, L. Baktoft, H. Jepsen, N. Aarestrup, K. Berg, S. Skov, C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2014
Comparison of the Riverine and Early Marine Migration Behaviour and Survival of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Sea Trout Salmo Trutta Smolts Aarestrup, K. Baktoft, H. Koed, A. Del villar-guerra, D. Thorstad, E. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Effects of Angling and Manual Handling on Pike Behaviour Investigated by High-Resolution Positional Telemetry Baktoft, H. Aarestrup, K. Berg, S. Boel, M. Jacobsen, L. Koed, A. Pedersen, M. W. Svendsen, J. C. Skov, C. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2013
Marine Spawning Sites of Perch Perca Fluviatilis Revealed by Oviduct-Inserted Acoustic Transmitters Skovrind, M. Christensen, E. A. f. Carl, H. Jacobsen, L. Moller, P. R. Aquatic Biology 2013
Loss of European Silver Eel Passing a Hydropower Station Pedersen, M. I. Jepsen, N. Aarestrup, K. Koed, A. Pedersen, S. Okland, F. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2012
Linking Individual Behaviour and Migration Success in Salmo Salar Smolts Approaching a Water Withdrawal Site: Implications for Management Svendsen, J. C. Aarestrup, K. Malte, H. Thygesen, U. H. Baktoft, H. Koed, A. Deacon, M. G. Cubitt, K. F. Mckinley, R. S. Aquatic Living Resources 2011
Survival and Progression Rates of Large European Silver Eel Anguilla Anguilla in Late Freshwater and Early Marine Phases Aarestrup, K. Thorstad, E. B. Koed, A. Svendsen, J. C. Jepsen, N. Pedersen, M. I. Okland, F. Aquatic Biology 2010
Effects of Tag and Suture Type on Survival and Growth of Brown Trout With Surgically Implanted Telemetry Tags in the Wild Jepsen, N. Mikkelsen, J. S. Koed, A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2008


Scientific Name Common Name
Anguilla anguilla European eel, Silver eel, European eels, European silver eel.
Coregonus oxyrinchus North sea houting.
Esox lucius Northern pike, Pike, European pike.
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod, Atlantic od.
Neogobius melanostomus Round goby.
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout, Redband trout, Rainbown trout.
Perca fluviatilis European perch, Eurasian perch.
Platichthys flesus European flounder.
Rutilus rutilus Roach, Rutilus roach.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
Scophthalmus maximus Turbot.
