

Title Authors Journal Year
Depth Partitioning and Diel Movement of Two Large Carcharhinid Sharks in Extremely Shallow Waters Barash, A. Scheinin, A. Bigal, E. Shamir, Z. Z. Martinez, S. Tchernov, D. Fishes 2023
A Remote Sensing Approach for Exploring the Dynamics of Jellyfish, Relative to the Water Current Diamant, R. Alexandri, T. Barak, N. Lotan, T. Scientific Reports 2023
Some Like It Hot: Investigating Thermoregulatory Behavior of Carcharhinid Sharks in a Natural Environment With Artificially Elevated Temperatures Barash, A. Scheinin, A. Bigal, E. Shamir, Z. Z. Martinez, S. Davidi, A. Fadida, Y. Pickholtz, R. S. m. Tchernov, D. Fishes 2023
Nature Reserves Facilitate Conservation of the Mediterranean Slipper Lobster Scyllarides Latus Miller, E. Spanier, E. Diamant, R. Yahel, R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Preliminary Insights of a Mixed-Species Shark Aggregation: A Case Study of Two Carcharhinids From the Mediterranean Sea Zemah-shamir, Z. Mourier, J. Ilany, A. Bigal, E. Scheinin, A. Tchernov, D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Toward Naturalistic Neuroscience of Navigation: Opportunities in Coral Reef Fish Givon, S. Pickholtz, R. S. m. Pickholtz, E. Y. Ben-shahar, O. Kiflawi, M. Segev, R. Frontiers In Neural Circuits 2022
Highly Repetitive Space-Use Dynamics in Parrotfishes Pickholtz, R. S. m. Kiflawi, M. Crossin, G. T. Pickholtz, E. Y. Zamsky, R. Kahan, I. Gavriel, T. Belmaker, J. Coral Reefs 2022
Large Individual-Level Variability in Diel Activity and Depth Use for the Common Lionfish (Pterois Miles) Gavriel, T. Pickholtz, R. S. m. Belmaker, J. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Habitat Utilization by an Invasive Herbivorous Fish (Siganus Rivulatus) in Its Native and Invaded Range Pickholtz, R. S. m. Kiflawi, M. Friedlander, A. M. Belmaker, J. Biological Invasions 2018


Scientific Name Common Name
Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark, Duskey shark.
Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark.
Chlorurus sordidus Daisy parrotfish.
Pterois miles Common lionfish.
Rhopilema nomadica Nomad jellyfish.
Scarus ferrugineus Rusty parrotfish.
Scarus fuscopurpureus Purple-brown parrotfish.
Scyllarides latus Slipper lobster.
Siganus rivulatus Surf parrotfish, Rivulated rabbitfish.
