New zealand


Title Authors Journal Year
Evaluating the Impact of Hydropower on Downstream Migrating Anguillid Eels: Catchment-Wide and Fine-Scale Approaches to Identify Cost-Effective Solutions Baker, N. J. Boubee, J. Lokman, P. M. Bolland, J. D. Science Of The Total Environment 2020
Fine-Scale Swimming Movement and Behaviour of Female Silver Eels, Anguilla Dieffenbachii, Within a Lake Affected by Hydro-Power Generation Jellyman, D. J. Unwin, M. J. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2019
Diel and Seasonal Movements of Silver Eels, Anguilla Dieffenbachii, Emigrating From a Lake Subject to Hydro-Electric Control Jellyman, D. J. Unwin, M. J. Journal Of Fish Biology 2017
Spatial and Temporal Habitat Use by White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) at an Aggregation Site in Southern New Zealand Francis, M. P. Duffy, C. Lyon, W. Marine And Freshwater Research 2015
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Habitat Use by Juveniles of a Small Coastal Shark (Mustelus Lenticulatus) in an Estuarine Nursery Francis, M. P. Plos One 2013
Movements of Radio- And Acoustic-Tagged Adult Koi Carp in the Waikato River, New Zealand Daniel, A. J. Hicks, B. J. Ling, N. David, B. O. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2011
Home Range Use and Movement Patterns of the Yellow Moray Eel Gymnothorax Prasinus Bassett, D. Montgomery, J. Journal Of Fish Biology 2011
Responses to Marine Reserves: Decreased Dispersion of the Sparid Pagrus Auratus (Snapper) Parsons, D. M. Morrison, M. A. Slater, M. J. Biological Conservation 2010
Acoustic and Radio-Transmitter Retention in Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in New Zealand Daniel, A. J. Hicks, B. J. Ling, N. David, B. O. Marine And Freshwater Research 2009
Eel Protection Measures Within the Manapouri Hydro-Electric Power Scheme, South Island, New Zealand Boubee, J. Jellyman, D. J. Sinclair, C. Hydrobiologia 2008
Life in the Fast Lane: The Free-Ranging Activity, Heart Rate and Metabolism of an Antarctic Fish Tracked in Temperate Waters Campbell, H. A. Fraser, K. P. p. Peck, L. S. Bishop, C. M. Egginton, S. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2007
Ultrasonic Tracking Reveals Multiple Behavioural Modes of Snapper (Pagrus Auratus) in a Temperate No-Take Marine Reserve Egli, D. P. Babcock, R. C. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2004
Snapper Pagrus Auratus (Sparidae) Home Range Dynamics: Acoustic Tagging Studies in a Marine Reserve Parsons, D. M. Babcock, R. C. Hankin, R. K. s. Willis, T. J. Aitken, J. P. O'dor, R. K. Jackson, G. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003
Diurnal and Tidal Movements of Snapper (Pagrus Auratus, Sparidae) in an Estuarine Environment Hartill, B. W. Morrison, M. A. Smith, M. D. Boubee, J. Parsons, D. M. Marine And Freshwater Research 2003
Vertical Distribution and Movements of Brown Bullhead (Ameiurus Nebulosus Lesueur 1819) in Motuoapa Bay, Southern Lake Taupo, New Zealand Dedual, M. Hydrobiologia 2002
Temporal Variation in the Movement of the Spiny Lobster Jasus Edwardsii Kelly, S. Marine And Freshwater Research 2001
Movements and Habitat Preference of Adult Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) in a New Zealand Montane Lake James, G. D. Kelso, J. R. m. New Zealand Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research 1995


Scientific Name Common Name
Ameiurus nebulosus Brown bullhead.
Anguilla australis Shortfin eel, Shortfinned eel, Short-finned eel.
Anguilla dieffenbachii Longfin eel.
Carcharodon carcharias White shark.
Cyprinus carpio Common carp, Carp.
Gymnothorax prasinus Yellow moray eel.
Jasus edwardsii Spiny lobster, Spiny rock lobster, Southern rock lobster.
Mustelus lenticulatus Rig.
Notothenia angustata Maori chief.
Notothenia coriiceps Black rockcod.
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout, Redband trout, Rainbown trout.
Sparus aurata Snapper, Seabream, Gilthead seabream, Australasian snapper, Silver seabream, Gilt-head sea bream, Sea bream.
