Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2170 Seasonal Use of a Macrotidal Estuary by the Endangered Dwarf Sawfish, Pristis Clavata Morgan, D. L. ; Lear, K. O. ; Dobinson, E. ; Gleiss, A. C. ; Fazeldean, T. ; Pillans, R. D. ; Beatty, S. J. ; Whitty, J. M. .. 2021 Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Freshwater Marine -17.474062 123.558029 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pristis clavata Dwarf sawfish Pristidae juvenile 17 133 198 159 Sharks-Rays No
1369 First Evidence of Spawning Migration by Goldfish (Carassius Auratus); Implications for Control of a Globally Invasive Species Beatty, S. J. ; Allen, M. G. ; Whitty, J. M. . ; Lymbery, A. J. ; Keleher, J. J. ; Tweedley, J. R. ; Ebner, B. C. ; Morgan, D. L.. 2017 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Freshwater Marine -33.658887 115.349526 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carassius auratus Nigorobuna; Goldfish Cyprinidae adult 21 26 37 30 Fish No
1466 Do They Stay or Do They Go? Acoustic Monitoring of Whale Sharks at Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia Norman, B. M. ; Whitty, J. M. . ; Beatty, S. J. ; Reynolds, S. D. ; Morgan, D. L.. 2017 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -22.096911 113.885373 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Rhincodon typus Whale shark Rhincodontidae juvenile 21 None None None Sharks-Rays No
1459 Habitat Use and Site Fidelity of Neonate and Juvenile Green Sawfish Pristis Zijsron in a Nursery Area in Western Australia Morgan, D. L. ; Ebner, B. C. ; Allen, M. G. ; Gleiss, A. C. ; Beatty, S. J. ; Whitty, J. M. .. 2017 Endangered Species Research Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Freshwater Marine -21.640071 115.110247 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pristis zijsron Green sawfish Pristidae juvenile 37 84 293 154 Sharks-Rays No
1502 Habitat Use of a Critically Endangered Elasmobranch, the Largetooth Sawfish Pristis Pristis, in an Intermittently Flowing Riverine Nursery Whitty, J. M. . ; Keleher, J. J. ; Ebner, B. C. ; Gleiss, A. C. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Morgan, D. L.. 2017 Endangered Species Research Ecology Oceania - Inland Waters Australia Freshwater -18.105179 124.15827 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pristis pristis Largetooth sawfish Pristidae juvenile 32 95 251 191 Sharks-Rays No
527 Ontogenetic Depth Partitioning by Juvenile Freshwater Sawfish (Pristis Microdon: Pristidae) in a Riverine Environment Whitty, J. M. . ; Morgan, D. L. ; Peverell, S. ; Thorburn, D. C. ; Beatty, S. J.. 2009 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Freshwater Marine -17.840671 123.705871 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pristis microdon Largetooth sawfish Pristidae juvenile 7 84 161 122 Sharks-Rays No