Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
1351 Effects of a Novel Acoustic Transmitter on Swimming Performance and Predator Avoidance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon: Determination of a Size Threshold Walker, R. W. ; Ashton, N. K. ; Brown, R. S. ; Liss, S. A. ; Colotelo, A. H. ; Beirao, B. V. ; Townsend, R. L. ; Deng, Z. D. ; Eppard, M. B.. 2016 Fisheries Research Tagging effects None USA Laboratory 46.34514 -119.279231 Small-Scale Neither NO Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon Salmonidae juvenile 180 7 10 9 Fish No
966 Understanding Barotrauma in Fish Passing Hydro Structures: A Global Strategy for Sustainable Development of Water Resources Brown, R. S. ; Colotelo, A. H. ; Pflugrath, B. D. ; Boys, C. A. ; Baumgartner, L. J. ; Deng, Z. D. ; Silva, L. G. m. ; Brauner, C. J. ; Mallen-cooper, M. ; Phonekhampeng, O. ; Thorncraft, G. ; Singhanouvong, D. . 2014 Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1080/03632415.2014.883570
717 The Influence of Tag Presence on the Mortality of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Exposed to Simulated Hydroturbine Passage: Implications for Survival Estimates and Management of Hydroelectric Facilities Carlson, T. J. ; Brown, R. S. ; Stephenson, J. R. ; Pflugrath, B. D. ; Colotelo, A. H. ; Gingerich, A. J. ; Benjamin, P. L. ; Langeslay, M. J. ; Ahmann, M. L. ; Johnson, R. L. . ; Skalski, J. R. ; Seaburg, A. G. ; Townsend, R. L.. 2012 North American Journal Of Fisheries Management Tagging effects None USA Laboratory 46.34514 -119.27923 Small-Scale Neither NO Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon Salmonidae juvenile 5131 8 22 15 Fish No
725 Development of External and Neutrally Buoyant Acoustic Transmitters for Juvenile Salmon Turbine Passage Evaluation Deng, Z. D. ; Martinez, J. J. ; Colotelo, A. H. ; Abel, T. K. ; Lebarge, A. P. ; Brown, R. S. ; Pflugrath, B. D. ; Mueller, R. P. ; Carlson, T. J. ; Seaburg, A. G. ; Johnson, R. L. . ; Ahmann, M. L.. 2012 Fisheries Research Tagging effects None USA Laboratory 46.34514 -119.27923 Small-Scale Neither NO Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon Salmonidae juvenile 84 9 13 12 Fish No
743 The Effects of Neutrally Buoyant, Externally Attached Transmitters on Swimming Performance and Predator Avoidance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Janak, J. M. ; Brown, R. S. ; Colotelo, A. H. ; Pflugrath, B. D. ; Stephenson, J. R. ; Deng, Z. D. ; Carlson, T. J. ; Seaburg, A. G.. 2012 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Tagging effects None USA Laboratory 46.34514 -119.27923 Small-Scale Neither NO Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon Salmonidae juvenile 125 9 15 12 Fish No