Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2551 Estuarine Movements in a Sparid Hybrid Complex Van der meulen, D. E. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Reinfelds, I. V. ; Payne, N. L. ; Ives, M. C. ; Roberts, D. G. ; Craig, J. R. ; Gray, C. A. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2023 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.853283 150.664011 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus spp Bream Sparidae juvenile; adult 29 168 368 268 Fish No
2552 Scaling of Activity Space in Marine Organisms Across Latitudinal Gradients Pillans, R. D. ; Reina, R. D. ; Rogers, P. J. ; Semmens, J. M. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Speed, C. W. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Udyawer, V. ; Huveneers, C. ; Jaine, F. R. a. ; Babcock, R. C. ; Brodie, S. ; Buscot, M. J. ; Campbell, H. A. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Hoenner, X. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Armstrong, A. . ; Barnett, A. ; Brown, C. ; Bruce, B. D. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Cadiou, G. ; Couturier, L. I. e. ; Currey-randall, L. M. ; Drew, M. ; Dudgeon, C. L. ; Dwyer, R. G. ; Espinoza, M. ; Ferreira, L. C. ; Fowler, A. J. ; Harasti, D. ; Harborne, A. R. ; Knott, N. A. ; Lee, K. ; Lloyd, M. T. ; Lowry, M. B. ; Marzullo, T. ; Matley, J. K. ; Mcallister, J. D. ; Mcauley, R. B. ; Mcgregor, F. ; Meekan, M. G. ; Mills, K. ; Norman, B. M. ; Oh, B. ; Payne, N. L. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Piddocke, T. . 2023 American Naturalist Review paper None None None None None None None 10.1086/723405
2138 Continental-Scale Acoustic Telemetry and Network Analysis Reveal New Insights Into Stock Structure Espinoza, M. ; Ferreira, L. C. ; Fetterplace, L. C. ; Fowler, A. J. ; Harborne, A. R. ; Knott, N. A. ; Lowry, M. B. ; Mcallister, J. D. ; Mcauley, R. B. ; Meekan, M. G. ; Mills, K. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Pillans, R. D. ; Semmens, J. M. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Speed, C. W. ; Stehfest, K. M. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Jaine, F. R. a. ; Huveneers, C. ; Udyawer, V. ; Campbell, H. A. ; Babcock, R. C. ; Hoenner, X. ; Barnett, A. ; Braccini, M. ; Brodie, S. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Cadiou, G. ; Dwyer, R. G.. 2021 Fish And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/faf.12565
1605 Combining Otolith Chemistry and Telemetry to Assess Diadromous Migration in Pinkeye Mullet, Trachystoma Petardi (Actinopterygii, Mugiliformes) Miles, N. G. ; Butler, G. L. ; Diamond, S. L. ; Bishop, D. P. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Reinfelds, I. V. ; Walsh, C. T.. 2018 Hydrobiologia Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -29.64717 152.948249 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Trachystoma petardi Freshwater mullet; Pinkeye mullet Mugilidae adult 16 33 44 39 Fish No
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Mugil cephalus Sea mullet; Striped mullet; Flathead grey mullet Mugilidae adult 6 42 48 45 Fish No
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Pseudocaranx dentex White trevally; Silver trevally Carangidae juvenile; adult 6 35 53 44 Fish No
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob; Mulloway; Japanese meagre Sciaenidae juvenile; adult 17 57 80 68 Fish No
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae juvenile; adult 12 25 37 31 Fish No
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Girella tricuspidata Luderick Girellidae juvenile; adult 4 29 38 33 Fish No
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Seriola lalandi Yellowtail kingfish Carangidae juvenile; adult 9 65 84 74 Fish No
1150 Fine-Scale Movements, Site Fidelity and Habitat Use of an Estuarine Dependent Sparid Gannon, R. ; Payne, N. L. ; Suthers, I. M. ; Gray, C. A. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.008021 151.118998 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 10 26 40 30 Fish No
1201 Rain-Driven Changes in Fish Dynamics: A Switch From Spatial to Temporal Segregation Payne, N. L. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Suthers, I. M. ; Gray, C. A. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2015 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -35.704136 150.179069 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob; Mulloway; Japanese meagre Sciaenidae adult 9 54 120 76 Fish No
1201 Rain-Driven Changes in Fish Dynamics: A Switch From Spatial to Temporal Segregation Payne, N. L. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Suthers, I. M. ; Gray, C. A. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2015 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -35.704136 150.179069 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sillago ciliata Sand whiting Sillaginidae adult 10 30 38 35 Fish No
1079 Shock, Stress or Signal ? Implications of Freshwater Flows for a Top-Level Estuarine Predator Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Ives, M. C. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Reinfelds, I. V. ; Gray, C. A.. 2014 Plos One Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.899999 150.760004 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob; Mulloway; Japanese meagre Sciaenidae juvenile; adult 13 47 89 69 Fish No
1082 Habitat Requirements and Spawning Strategy of an Estuarine-Dependent Fish, Percalates Colonorum Van der meulen, D. E. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Gray, C. A.. 2014 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.882526 150.752277 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Macquaria colonorum Estuary perch Percichthyidae adult 20 26 39 32 Fish No
934 Interactive Drivers of Activity in a Free-Ranging Estuarine Predator Taylor, M. D. ; Mcphan, L. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Gray, C. A. ; Payne, N. L.. 2013 Plos One Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.977 151.036 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 6 24 30 27 Fish No
909 Magnitude, Frequency and Duration of Instream Flows to Stimulate and Facilitate Catadromous Fish Migrations: Australian Bass (Macquaria Novemaculeata Perciformes, Percichthyidae) Reinfelds, I. V. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Growns, I. O. ; Gray, C. A.. 2013 River Research And Applications Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.866266 150.497308 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass Percichthyidae adult 79 None None 37 Fish No
947 Environmental Influences on the Spatial Ecology and Spawning Behaviour of an Estuarine-Resident Fish, Macquaria Colonorum Walsh, C. T. ; Reinfelds, I. V. ; Ives, M. C. ; Gray, C. A. ; West, R. J. ; Van der meulen, D. E.. 2013 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.852121 150.543938 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Macquaria colonorum Estuary perch Percichthyidae adult 19 30 40 33 Fish No
898 Rain Reverses Diel Activity Rhythms in an Estuarine Teleost Payne, N. L. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Gannon, R. ; Semmens, J. M. ; Suthers, I. M. ; Gray, C. A. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2013 Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.9778 151.0368 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 6 24 30 27 Fish No
782 Seasonal Residency and Movement Patterns of Two Co-Occurring Catadromous Percichthyids Within a South-Eastern Australian River Walsh, C. T. ; Reinfelds, I. V. ; Gray, C. A. ; West, R. J. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Craig, J. R.. 2012 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.859319 150.521143 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Macquaria colonorum Estuary perch Percichthyidae adult 33 27 40 31 Fish No
782 Seasonal Residency and Movement Patterns of Two Co-Occurring Catadromous Percichthyids Within a South-Eastern Australian River Walsh, C. T. ; Reinfelds, I. V. ; Gray, C. A. ; West, R. J. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Craig, J. R.. 2012 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.859319 150.521143 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass Percichthyidae adult 39 32 44 37 Fish No