Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2649 What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Jessen, B. ; Williams, B. L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Ellis, R. D. d.. 2024 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.911666 -81.54213 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Sciaenops ocellatus Red drum Sciaenidae juvenile; adult 17 53 None None Fish No
2649 What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Jessen, B. ; Williams, B. L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Ellis, R. D. d.. 2024 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.911666 -81.54213 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Epinephelus itajara Goliath grouper Epinephelidae juvenile; adult 22 115 None None Fish No
2649 What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Jessen, B. ; Williams, B. L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Ellis, R. D. d.. 2024 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.911666 -81.54213 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Lutjanus griseus Mangrove snapper; Grey snapper; Gray snapper Lutjanidae juvenile; adult 76 21 None None Fish No
2124 Green Morays (Gymnothorax Funebris) Have Sedentary Ways in Mangrove Bays, but Also Ontogenetic Forays to Reef Enclaves Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E. ; Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Ruffo, A. . 2021 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 17.776466 -64.756334 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale USCAN FACT Gymnothorax funebris Green moray Muraenidae None 16 54 126 83 Fish No
2125 Measuring Mutual Movements, Mixing, and Mingling Among Multiple Mangrove Bays by an Important Estuarine Sea Bream (Archosargus Rhomboidalis) Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Monaco, M. E. ; Ruffo, A. ; Winship, A. J. ; Holloway, N. H.. 2021 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 17.776466 -64.756334 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale USCAN FACT Archosargus rhomboidalis Sea bream Sparidae adult 19 20 26 23 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Calamus penna Sheepshead porgy Sparidae juvenile; adult 2 27 29 28 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Caranx ruber Bar jack Carangidae juvenile 1 30 30 30 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cephalopholis cruentata Graysby Epinephelidae adult 1 27 27 27 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus guttatus Red hind Epinephelidae adult 2 31 31 31 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Haemulon aurolineatum Tomtate Haemulidae adult 1 20 20 20 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Haemulon flavolineatum French grunt Haemulidae adult 4 19 20 19 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Haemulon parra Sailor's choice Haemulidae adult 1 28 28 28 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Haemulon plumierii White grunt Haemulidae adult 7 20 29 24 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Haemulon sciurus Bluestriped grunts; Bluestriped grunt Haemulidae adult 11 20 29 25 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Holocentrus adscensionis Longjaw squirrelfish; Squirrelfish Holocentridae adult 3 25 26 25 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Holocentrus rufus Longspine squirrelfish Holocentridae adult 1 22 22 22 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lutjanus apodus Schoolmaster snapper; Schoolmaster Lutjanidae juvenile; adult 9 19 36 25 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lutjanus griseus Mangrove snapper; Grey snapper; Gray snapper Lutjanidae juvenile; adult 7 20 43 28 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lutjanus jocu Dog snapper Lutjanidae juvenile 1 28 28 28 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lutjanus synagris Lane snapper Lutjanidae juvenile; adult 16 19 25 24 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ocyurus chrysurus Yellowtail snapper Lutjanidae adult 5 25 34 28 Fish No
1428 Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Monaco, M. E.. 2017 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.338159 -64.691577 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sparisoma aurofrenatum Redband parrotfish Scaridae juvenile 3 21 23 22 Fish No
842 Coastal Spawning by Winter Flounder and a Reassessment of Essential Fish Habitat in the Gulf of Maine Fairchild, E. A. ; Siceloff, L. ; Howell, W. H. ; Hoffman, B. ; Armstrong, M. P.. 2013 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 42.86795 -70.66745 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pseudopleuronectes americanus Winter flounder Pleuronectidae adult 40 23 41 33 Fish ; No
920 Fine-Scale Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) on a Western Gulf of Maine Spawning Ground Siceloff, L. ; Howell, W. H.. 2013 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 42.833372 -70.664001 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae adult 26 73 119 95 Fish ; No