Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2674 Interactions Between White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) and Artificial Reefs Along the East-Coast of Australia Becker, A. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Morris, S. ; Champion, C. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2024 Fisheries Research Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Marine -32.935856 151.799514 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharodon carcharias White shark Lamnidae juvenile; adult 548 None None 237 Sharks-Rays No
2684 Climate Change-Driven Cooling Can Kill Marine Megafauna at Their Distributional Limits Lubitz, N. ; Daly, R. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Vianello, P. ; Roberts, M. J. ; Schoeman, D. S. ; Sheaves, M. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Dagorn, L. ; Forget, F. G. ; Soria, M. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Brett, G. ; Barnett, A. . 2024 Nature Climate Change Review paper None None None None None None None http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41558-024-01966-8
2706 From Little Things Big Things Grow: Enhancement of an Acoustic Telemetry Network to Monitor Broad-Scale Movements of Marine Species Along Australia's East Coast Barnett, A. ; Jaine, F. R. a. ; Bierwagen, S. L. ; Lubitz, N. ; Abrantes, K. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Huveneers, C. ; Dwyer, R. G. ; Udyawer, V. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Miller, I. ; Scott-holland, T. ; Kilpatrick, C. ; Williams, S. M. ; Smith, D. . ; Dudgeon, C. L. ; Hoey, A. S. ; Fitzpatrick, R. ; Osborne, F. E. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Sheaves, M. ; Fisher, E. E. ; Svaikauskas, M. ; Ellis, M. T. ; Kanno, S. ; Cresswell, B. J. ; Flint, N. ; Armstrong, A. O. ; Townsend, K. A. ; Mitchell, J. D. ; Campbell, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Gustafson, J. A. ; Currey-randall, L. M.. 2024 Movement Ecology Review paper None None None None None None None http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40462-024-00468-8
2529 Capture Response and Long-Term Fate of White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) After Release From Smart Drumlines Butcher, P. A. ; Lee, K. A. ; Brand, C. P. ; Gallen, C. ; Green, M. . ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Peddemors, V. M.. 2023 Biology-Basel Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Marine -30.316735 153.143546 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharodon carcharias White shark Lamnidae juvenile; adult 36 172 350 261 Sharks-Rays No
2567 Bull Shark (Carcharhinus Leucas) Occurrence Along Beaches of South-Eastern Australia: Understanding Where, When and Why Smoothey, A. F. ; Niella, Y. ; Brand, C. P. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Butcher, P. A.. 2023 Biology-Basel Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Marine -30.876443 153.036334 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 233 131 322 188 Sharks-Rays ; No
2552 Scaling of Activity Space in Marine Organisms Across Latitudinal Gradients Pillans, R. D. ; Reina, R. D. ; Rogers, P. J. ; Semmens, J. M. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Speed, C. W. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Udyawer, V. ; Huveneers, C. ; Jaine, F. R. a. ; Babcock, R. C. ; Brodie, S. ; Buscot, M. J. ; Campbell, H. A. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Hoenner, X. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Armstrong, A. . ; Barnett, A. ; Brown, C. ; Bruce, B. D. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Cadiou, G. ; Couturier, L. I. e. ; Currey-randall, L. M. ; Drew, M. ; Dudgeon, C. L. ; Dwyer, R. G. ; Espinoza, M. ; Ferreira, L. C. ; Fowler, A. J. ; Harasti, D. ; Harborne, A. R. ; Knott, N. A. ; Lee, K. ; Lloyd, M. T. ; Lowry, M. B. ; Marzullo, T. ; Matley, J. K. ; Mcallister, J. D. ; Mcauley, R. B. ; Mcgregor, F. ; Meekan, M. G. ; Mills, K. ; Norman, B. M. ; Oh, B. ; Payne, N. L. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Piddocke, T. . 2023 American Naturalist Review paper None None None None None None None 10.1086/723405
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Mugil cephalus Sea mullet; Striped mullet; Flathead grey mullet Mugilidae adult 20 36 53 44 Fish No
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Pseudocaranx dentex White trevally; Silver trevally Carangidae juvenile; adult 6 25 52 43 Fish No
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob; Mulloway; Japanese meagre Sciaenidae juvenile 17 57 80 69 Fish No
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 22 23 70 32 Fish No
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 95 204 322 268 Sharks-Rays ; No
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Seriola lalandi Yellowtail kingfish Carangidae None 17 51 80 71 Fish No
2114 Continental-Scale Network Reveals Cross-Jurisdictional Movements of Sympatric Sharks With Implications for Assessment and Management Huveneers, C. ; Niella, Y. ; Drew, M. ; Mcauley, R. B. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Waltrick, D. ; Dowling, C. E. ; Mountford, S. ; Keay, I. S. ; Braccini, M. . 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Review paper None None None None None None No 10.3389/fmars.2021.697175
2076 Intra-Specific Variation in Movement and Habitat Connectivity of a Mobile Predator Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry and Network Analyses Espinoza, M. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Tobin, A. J. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A.. 2021 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Western Central Australia Marine -18.701139 147.110447 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 73 150 314 230 Sharks-Rays ; No
2138 Continental-Scale Acoustic Telemetry and Network Analysis Reveal New Insights Into Stock Structure Espinoza, M. ; Ferreira, L. C. ; Fetterplace, L. C. ; Fowler, A. J. ; Harborne, A. R. ; Knott, N. A. ; Lowry, M. B. ; Mcallister, J. D. ; Mcauley, R. B. ; Meekan, M. G. ; Mills, K. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Pillans, R. D. ; Semmens, J. M. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Speed, C. W. ; Stehfest, K. M. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Jaine, F. R. a. ; Huveneers, C. ; Udyawer, V. ; Campbell, H. A. ; Babcock, R. C. ; Hoenner, X. ; Barnett, A. ; Braccini, M. ; Brodie, S. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Cadiou, G. ; Dwyer, R. G.. 2021 Fish And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/faf.12565
1961 Refined Shortest Paths (Rsp): Incorporation of Topography in Space Use Estimation From Node-Based Telemetry Data Niella, Y. ; Flavio, H. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2020 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1111/2041-210x.13484
1807 Long-Term Patterns of Abundance, Residency and Movements of Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus Leucas) in Sydney Harbour, Australia Smoothey, A. F. ; Lee, K. A. ; Peddemors, V. M.. 2019 Scientific Reports Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.85 151.233334 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 40 220 322 269 Sharks-Rays ; No
1758 Environmental Drivers of Abundance and Residency of a Large Migratory Shark, Carcharhinus Leucas, Inshore of a Dynamic Western Boundary Current Lee, K. A. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Roughan, M. ; Butcher, P. A. ; Peddemors, V. M.. 2019 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.85378 151.245633 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 72 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No
1487 Optimising the Design of Large-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Curtains Steckenreuter, A. ; Hoenner, X. ; Huveneers, C. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Buscot, M. J. ; Tattersall, K. ; Babcock, R. C. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Meekan, M. G. ; Van den broek, J. ; Mcdowall, P. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2017 Marine And Freshwater Research Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1071/mf16126
1185 Born to Be Free? Assessing the Viability of Releasing Captive-Bred Wobbegongs to Restock Depleted Populations Lee, K. A. ; Huveneers, C. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Boomer, A. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2015 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Marine -33.799167 151.295556 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Orectolobus maculatus Wobbegong shark Orectolobidae juvenile; adult 27 77 123 101 Sharks-Rays No
1163 Conservation Challenges of Sharks With Continental Scale Migrations Heupel, M. R. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Espinoza, M. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Tobin, A. J. ; Peddemors, V. M.. 2015 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Pacific, Western Central Australia Marine -24.119622 152.702356 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 114 80 322 221 Sharks-Rays ; No
1025 To Catch or to Sight? A Comparison of Demographic Parameter Estimates Obtained From Mark-Recapture and Mark-Resight Models Lee, K. A. ; Huveneers, C. ; Gimenez, O. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2014 Biodiversity And Conservation Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1007/s10531-014-0748-9