Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2412 The Sociality of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Sharks in an Estuarine Environment Roose, R. ; Oliver, M. J. ; Haulsee, D. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Fox, D. A.. 2022 Animal Behaviour Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 39.024418 -75.163963 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon; Gulf sturgeon Acipenseridae juvenile; adult 181 None None None Fish ; No
2412 The Sociality of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Sharks in an Estuarine Environment Roose, R. ; Oliver, M. J. ; Haulsee, D. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Fox, D. A.. 2022 Animal Behaviour Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 39.024418 -75.163963 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark; Sand tiger shark; Spotted ragged-tooth shark; Ragged-tooth shark Carchariidae juvenile; adult 207 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No
1909 Simple Is Sometimes Better: A Test of the Transferability of Species Distribution Models Haulsee, D. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Fox, D. A. ; Oliver, M. J.. 2020 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa024
1979 Comparative Migration Ecology of Striped Bass and Atlantic Sturgeon in the Us Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight Flyway Best, J. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Fox, D. A. ; Gahagan, B. I. ; Haulsee, D. E. ; Higgs, A. L. ; O'brien, M. H. p. ; Oliver, M. J. ; Park, I. A. ; Secor, D. H. ; Rothermel, E. R. ; Balazik, M. T.. 2020 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 38.402421 -74.615438 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon; Gulf sturgeon Acipenseridae adult 309 160 260 210 Fish ; No
1979 Comparative Migration Ecology of Striped Bass and Atlantic Sturgeon in the Us Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight Flyway Best, J. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Fox, D. A. ; Gahagan, B. I. ; Haulsee, D. E. ; Higgs, A. L. ; O'brien, M. H. p. ; Oliver, M. J. ; Park, I. A. ; Secor, D. H. ; Rothermel, E. R. ; Balazik, M. T.. 2020 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 38.402421 -74.615438 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Morone saxatilis Striped bass; Sttriped bass Moronidae adult 315 57 116 86 Fish No
1559 Spatial Ecology of Carcharias Taurus in the Northwestern Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Haulsee, D. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Brown, L. M. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Fox, D. A. ; Oliver, M. J.. 2018 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 38.782566 -75.070607 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark; Sand tiger shark; Spotted ragged-tooth shark; Ragged-tooth shark Carchariidae juvenile; adult 303 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No
1468 Factors Affecting Detection Efficiency of Mobile Telemetry Slocum Gliders Oliver, M. J. ; Breece, M. W. ; Haulsee, D. E. ; Cimino, M. A. ; Kohut, J. ; Aragon, D. ; Fox, D. A.. 2017 Animal Biotelemetry Range testing Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 39.455772 -74.201105 Large-Scale None No 10.1186/s40317-017-0129-8
1288 Implantation and Recovery of Long-Term Archival Transceivers in a Migratory Shark With High Site Fidelity Haulsee, D. E. ; Fox, D. A. ; Breece, M. W. ; Clauss, T. M. ; Oliver, M. J.. 2016 Plos One Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1371/journal.pone.0148617
1287 Social Network Analysis Reveals Potential Fission-Fusion Behavior in a Shark Haulsee, D. E. ; Fox, D. A. ; Breece, M. W. ; Brown, L. M. ; Kneebone, J. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Oliver, M. J.. 2016 Scientific Reports Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 38.849418 -75.192167 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale ACT Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark; Sand tiger shark; Spotted ragged-tooth shark; Ragged-tooth shark Carchariidae adult 20 175 246 210 Sharks-Rays ; No
1160 Habitat Selection of a Coastal Shark Species Estimated From an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Haulsee, D. E. ; Breece, M. W. ; Miller, D. C. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Fox, D. A. ; Oliver, M. J.. 2015 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 38.488274 -75.044422 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark; Sand tiger shark; Spotted ragged-tooth shark; Ragged-tooth shark Carchariidae juvenile 292 117 217 177 Sharks-Rays ; No