Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2679 Marine Predators Segregate Interspecifically by Space and Time in a Sheltered Coastal Bay Murray, T. S. ; Elston, C. ; Smale, M. J. ; Childs, A. R. ; Dicken, M. L. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast South Africa Marine 60.120932 5.078087 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Carcharodon carcharias White shark Lamnidae juvenile; adult 31 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2679 Marine Predators Segregate Interspecifically by Space and Time in a Sheltered Coastal Bay Murray, T. S. ; Elston, C. ; Smale, M. J. ; Childs, A. R. ; Dicken, M. L. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast South Africa Marine 60.120932 5.078087 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark; Sand tiger shark; Spotted ragged-tooth shark; Ragged-tooth shark Carchariidae juvenile; adult 45 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No
2679 Marine Predators Segregate Interspecifically by Space and Time in a Sheltered Coastal Bay Murray, T. S. ; Elston, C. ; Smale, M. J. ; Childs, A. R. ; Dicken, M. L. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast South Africa Marine 60.120932 5.078087 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Lichia amia Leervis Carangidae adult 16 None None None Fish No
2679 Marine Predators Segregate Interspecifically by Space and Time in a Sheltered Coastal Bay Murray, T. S. ; Elston, C. ; Smale, M. J. ; Childs, A. R. ; Dicken, M. L. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast South Africa Marine 60.120932 5.078087 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob; Mulloway; Japanese meagre Sciaenidae adult 11 None None None Fish No
2709 Longshore Movements and Site Fidelity of the Iconic Giant Trevally Caranx Ignobilis From Southern Africa, Determined Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry Dixon, R. B. ; Murray, T. S. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Daly, R. ; Filmalter, J. D.. 2024 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western South Africa Marine -30.249999 30.816693 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ATAP Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally Carangidae adult 36 650 1160 829 Fish No
2708 Diamond Gymnura Natalensis and Duckbill Aetomylaeus Bovinus Rays Undertake Nationwide Coastal Migrations Elston, C. ; Murray, T. S. ; Rogers, T. D. ; Parkinson, M. C. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Daly, R. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -33.85019 25.954744 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ATAP Aetomylaeus bovinus Bull ray; Duckbill ray Myliobatidae adult 25 99 171 135 Sharks-Rays No
2708 Diamond Gymnura Natalensis and Duckbill Aetomylaeus Bovinus Rays Undertake Nationwide Coastal Migrations Elston, C. ; Murray, T. S. ; Rogers, T. D. ; Parkinson, M. C. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Daly, R. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -33.85019 25.954744 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ATAP Gymnura natalensis Diamond ray Gymnuridae juvenile; adult 33 90 189 139 Sharks-Rays No
2530 Acoustic Tracking of a Threatened Juvenile Shark Species, the Smooth Hammerhead (Sphyrna Zygaena), Reveals Vulnerability to Exploitation at the Boundary of a Marine Reserve Albano, P. S. ; Fallows, C. ; Fallows, M. ; Williams, L. H. ; Murray, T. S. ; Sedgwick, O. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2023 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -34.516242 20.493513 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ATAP Sphyrna zygaena Smooth hammerhead shark; Smooth hammerhead Sphyrnidae juvenile 20 100 132 116 Sharks-Rays No
2518 Network Analysis of the Endemic Spotted Gully Shark Triakis Megalopterus Reveals Spatial Vulnerability to Exploitation in the Western Cape, South Africa Cottrant, E. ; Drobniewska, N. J. ; Johnson, T. L. ; Underhill, L. G. ; Murray, T. S. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Albano, P. S. ; Elston, C. ; Mccord, M. E. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Fallows, C. ; Paulet, T. G.. 2023 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -34.516242 20.493513 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ATAP Triakis megalopterus Spotted gully shark Triakidae juvenile; adult 25 76 175 134 Sharks-Rays No
2542 Acoustic Telemetry Reveals the Drivers Behind Estuary-Sea Connectivity of an Important Estuarine-Dependent Fishery Species, Pomadasys Commersonnii, in the Breede Estuary, South Africa Ziko, B. A. ; Murray, T. S. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2023 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -34.399287 20.825787 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Pomadasys commersonnii Spotted grunter Haemulidae adult 7 610 690 645 Fish No
2588 Novel Insights Into Coastal Site Affinity and Habitat Connectivity of a Benthic Stingray With Implications for Management Elston, C. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Murray, T. S. ; Parkinson, M. C.. 2023 Biodiversity And Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -33.766602 25.802491 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Dasyatis chrysonota Blue stingray Dasyatidae adult 27 39 72 55 Sharks-Rays No
2620 The Fate and Movements of Aquarium-Released Giant Trevally Caranx Ignobilis Inferred From Acoustic Telemetry Mann, B. Q. ; Daly, R. ; Dixon, R. B. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Murray, T. S. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Kyle, R. ; Chater, S. ; Mann-lang, J. B.. 2023 Zoo Biology Ecology Indian Ocean, Western South Africa Marine -29.591575 31.173504 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ATAP Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally Carangidae adult 4 300 400 350 Fish No
2629 Globally Coordinated Acoustic Aquatic Animal Tracking Reveals Unexpected, Ecologically Important Movements Across Oceans, Lakes and Rivers Lennox, R. J. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Verhelst, P. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Soria, M. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Rechisky, E. L. ; Power, M. ; Murray, T. S. ; Mulder, I. M. ; Markham, J. L. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Lindley, S. T. ; Knott, N. A. ; Kessel, S. T. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Huveneers, C. ; Heidemeyer, M. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Friess, C. ; Filous, A. ; Fetterplace, L. C. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Daly, R. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Chavez, E. J. ; Blaison, A. ; Whoriskey, K. . 2023 Ecography Review paper None None None None None None None 10.1111/ecog.06801
2483 Female Diamond Rays Gymnura Natalensis and Bull Rays Aetomylaeus Bovinus Display Seasonal Philopatry to South African Estuaries Elston, C. ; Murray, T. S. ; Parkinson, M. C. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2023 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -34.411984 20.860095 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Aetomylaeus bovinus Bull ray; Duckbill ray Myliobatidae adult 25 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2483 Female Diamond Rays Gymnura Natalensis and Bull Rays Aetomylaeus Bovinus Display Seasonal Philopatry to South African Estuaries Elston, C. ; Murray, T. S. ; Parkinson, M. C. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2023 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -34.411984 20.860095 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Gymnura natalensis Diamond ray Gymnuridae juvenile; adult 33 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2501 Persistent Transboundary Movements of Threatened Sharks Highlight the Importance of Cooperative Management for Effective Conservation Venables, S. K. ; Rogers, T. D. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hempson, T. N. ; Murray, T. S. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Silva, I. ; Pereira, M. A. m. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Nharreluga, B. A. s. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Daly, R. . 2023 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western South Africa Marine -29.904625 31.046291 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 21 315 416 351 Sharks-Rays No
2501 Persistent Transboundary Movements of Threatened Sharks Highlight the Importance of Cooperative Management for Effective Conservation Venables, S. K. ; Rogers, T. D. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hempson, T. N. ; Murray, T. S. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Silva, I. ; Pereira, M. A. m. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Nharreluga, B. A. s. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Daly, R. . 2023 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western South Africa Marine -29.904625 31.046291 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark; Grey shark; Grey reef sharks; Gray reef shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 23 124 183 159 Sharks-Rays No
2501 Persistent Transboundary Movements of Threatened Sharks Highlight the Importance of Cooperative Management for Effective Conservation Venables, S. K. ; Rogers, T. D. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hempson, T. N. ; Murray, T. S. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Silva, I. ; Pereira, M. A. m. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Nharreluga, B. A. s. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Daly, R. . 2023 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western South Africa Marine -29.904625 31.046291 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark; Blacktip sharks; Blacktip; Oceanic blacktip Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 20 191 288 237 Sharks-Rays ; No
2501 Persistent Transboundary Movements of Threatened Sharks Highlight the Importance of Cooperative Management for Effective Conservation Venables, S. K. ; Rogers, T. D. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hempson, T. N. ; Murray, T. S. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Silva, I. ; Pereira, M. A. m. ; Mann, B. Q. ; Nharreluga, B. A. s. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Daly, R. . 2023 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western South Africa Marine -29.904625 31.046291 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 38 195 297 257 Sharks-Rays ; No
2388 A Decade of South Africa's Acoustic Tracking Array Platform: An Example of a Successful Ocean Stewardship Programme Murray, T. S. ; Elston, C. ; Parkinson, M. C. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2022 Frontiers In Marine Science Review paper None None None None None None No 10.3389/fmars.2022.886554
1612 Fish on the Move: Connectivity of an Estuary-Dependent Fishery Species Evaluated Using a Large-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Array Murray, T. S. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Bennett, R. H. ; Childs, A. R.. 2018 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -34.478125 21.39909 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ATAP Lichia amia Leervis Carangidae juvenile 38 23 60 36 Fish No
1385 Reflection on the First Five Years of South Africa's Acoustic Tracking Array Platform (Atap): Status, Challenges and Opportunities Cowley, P. D. ; Bennett, R. H. ; Childs, A. R. ; Murray, T. S.. 2017 African Journal Of Marine Science Review paper None None None None None None No 10.2989/1814232x.2017.1399927
1403 Space Use by Rhabdosargus Holubi in a Southern African Estuary, With Emphasis on Fish Movements and Ecosystem Connectivity Grant, G. N. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Bennett, R. H. ; Murray, T. S. ; Whitfield, A. K.. 2017 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.559156 26.839612 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Rhabdosargus holubi Cape stumpnose Sparidae juvenile 21 14 19 15 Fish No
1196 Movement Behaviour of Alien Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides in the Estuarine Headwater Region of the Kowie River, South Africa Murray, T. S. ; Magoro, M. L. ; Whitfield, A. K. ; Cowley, P. D.. 2015 African Zoology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.546848 26.818104 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 10 23 38 30 Fish No