Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
1397 Movement Patterns of Reef Predators in a Small Isolated Marine Protected Area With Implications for Resource Management Filous, A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Wolfe, B. W. ; Stamoulis, K. A. ; Scherrer, S. R. ; Wong, A. ; Stone, K. ; Sparks, R. T.. 2017 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 20.699816 -156.454752 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally Carangidae adult 16 69 129 91 Fish No
1397 Movement Patterns of Reef Predators in a Small Isolated Marine Protected Area With Implications for Resource Management Filous, A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Wolfe, B. W. ; Stamoulis, K. A. ; Scherrer, S. R. ; Wong, A. ; Stone, K. ; Sparks, R. T.. 2017 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 20.699816 -156.454752 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark; Grey shark; Grey reef sharks; Gray reef shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 5 87 149 116 Sharks-Rays No
1397 Movement Patterns of Reef Predators in a Small Isolated Marine Protected Area With Implications for Resource Management Filous, A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Wolfe, B. W. ; Stamoulis, K. A. ; Scherrer, S. R. ; Wong, A. ; Stone, K. ; Sparks, R. T.. 2017 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 20.699816 -156.454752 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Aprion virescens Green jobfish Lutjanidae juvenile; adult 10 40 78 66 Fish No
1397 Movement Patterns of Reef Predators in a Small Isolated Marine Protected Area With Implications for Resource Management Filous, A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Wolfe, B. W. ; Stamoulis, K. A. ; Scherrer, S. R. ; Wong, A. ; Stone, K. ; Sparks, R. T.. 2017 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 20.699816 -156.454752 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Triaenodon obesus Whitetip reef shark; Whitetip shark; Whiettip reef shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 13 72 119 87 Sharks-Rays No
1397 Movement Patterns of Reef Predators in a Small Isolated Marine Protected Area With Implications for Resource Management Filous, A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Wolfe, B. W. ; Stamoulis, K. A. ; Scherrer, S. R. ; Wong, A. ; Stone, K. ; Sparks, R. T.. 2017 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 20.699816 -156.454752 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Caranx melampygus Bluefin trevally Carangidae juvenile; adult 15 33 77 54 Fish No
1486 Coral Reef Grazer-Benthos Dynamics Complicated by Invasive Algae in a Small Marine Reserve Stamoulis, K. A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Fernandez-silva, I. ; Toonen, R. J.. 2017 Scientific Reports Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.461792 -157.810275 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Naso unicornis Bluespine unicornfish Acanthuridae None 10 None None None Fish No
1486 Coral Reef Grazer-Benthos Dynamics Complicated by Invasive Algae in a Small Marine Reserve Stamoulis, K. A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Fernandez-silva, I. ; Toonen, R. J.. 2017 Scientific Reports Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.461792 -157.810275 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acanthurus xanthopterus Yellowfin surgeonfish Acanthuridae None 10 None None None Fish No
1486 Coral Reef Grazer-Benthos Dynamics Complicated by Invasive Algae in a Small Marine Reserve Stamoulis, K. A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Fernandez-silva, I. ; Toonen, R. J.. 2017 Scientific Reports Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.461792 -157.810275 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Calotomus carolinus Carolines parrotfish Scaridae None 10 None None None Fish No
1486 Coral Reef Grazer-Benthos Dynamics Complicated by Invasive Algae in a Small Marine Reserve Stamoulis, K. A. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Fernandez-silva, I. ; Toonen, R. J.. 2017 Scientific Reports Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.461792 -157.810275 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Chlorurus perspicillatus Spectacled parrotfish Scaridae None 10 None None None Fish No