Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2671 Inshore and Offshore Marine Migration Pathways of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts From Multiple Rivers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Ireland Rodger, J. R. ; Lilly, J. M. ; Honkanen, H. M. ; Del villar, D. ; Kennedy, R. J. ; Maoileidigh, N. O. ; Boylan, P. ; Rosell, R. ; Morris, D. J. ; O'neill, R. ; Waters, C. ; Cotter, D. ; Wilkie, L. ; Barkley, A. . ; Green, A. ; Beck, S. V. ; Ribbens, J. ; Henderson, J. ; Parke, D. ; Kettle-white, A. ; Ballantyne, L. ; Marshall, S. . ; Hopper, P. ; Gauld, N. R. ; Godfrey, J. D. ; Chapman, L. E. ; Thorburn, J. ; Drumm, A. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Shields, B. ; Ramsden, P. ; Barry, J. ; Milane, M. ; Roche, W. K. ; Armstrong, J. D. ; Wells, A. ; Walton, S. . ; Fletcher, M. ; Bailey, D. M. ; Whyte, B. ; Mcgill, R. ; Bilsby, M. ; Whelan, K. ; Bean, C. W. ; Adams, C. E.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Scotland Freshwater Marine 55.070032 -5.651994 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 1914 133 158 151 Fish No
2627 Migration Patterns and Navigation Cues of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Migrating From 12 Rivers Through the Coastal Zones Around the Irish Sea Lilly, J. M. ; Honkanen, H. M. ; Rodger, J. R. ; Del villar, D. ; Boylan, P. ; Green, A. ; Pereiro, D. ; Wilkie, L. ; Kennedy, R. J. ; Barkley, A. . ; Rosell, R. ; Maoileidigh, N. O. ; O'neill, R. ; Waters, C. ; Cotter, D. ; Bailey, D. M. ; Roche, W. K. ; Mcgill, R. ; Barry, J. ; Beck, S. V. ; Henderson, J. ; Parke, D. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Shields, B. ; Ramsden, P. ; Walton, S. . ; Fletcher, M. ; Whelan, K. ; Bean, C. W. ; Elliott, S. ; Bowman, A. ; Adams, C. E.. 2023 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast England Freshwater 54.85679 -5.632158 Large-Scale Stationary OTN Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 1068 130 None 149 Fish No
2363 Combining Acoustic Telemetry With a Mechanistic Model to Investigate Characteristics Unique to Successful Atlantic Salmon Smolt Migrants Through a Standing Body of Water Lilly, J. M. ; Honkanen, H. M. ; Mccallum, J. M. ; Newton, M. ; Bailey, D. M. ; Adams, C. E.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Mortality/survival Europe - Inland Waters Scotland Freshwater 56.053582 -4.578354 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 125 13 20 14 Fish No
2364 Investigating the Behaviour of Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Post-Smolts During Their Early Marine Migration Through the Clyde Marine Region Lilly, J. M. ; Honkanen, H. M. ; Bailey, D. M. ; Bean, C. W. ; Forrester, R. ; Rodger, J. R. ; Adams, C. E.. 2022 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Scotland Freshwater Marine 55.863138 -4.932931 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 247 13 18 14 Fish No
1410 Field Testing a Novel High Residence Positioning System for Monitoring the Fine-Scale Movements of Aquatic Organisms Guzzo, M. M. ; Van leeuwen, T. E. ; Hollins, J. P. w. ; Koeck, B. ; Newton, M. ; Webber, D. M. ; Smith, F. I. . ; Bailey, D. M. ; Killen, S. S.. 2018 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Technology None None None None None None None 10.1111/2041-210x.12993