Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2519 A Probabilistic Methodology for Determining Collision Risk of Marine Animals With Tidal Energy Turbines Copping, A. E. ; Hasselman, D. J. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Culina, J. ; Carcas, M. . 2023 Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.3390/jmse11112151
2574 Measuring Detection Efficiency of High-Residency Acoustic Signals for Estimating Probability of Fish-Turbine Encounter in a Fast-Flowing Tidal Passage Sanderson, B. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Mcgarry, L. P. ; Hasselman, D. J.. 2023 Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering Range testing Atlantic, Northwest Canada Marine 45.375132 -64.432523 Small-Scale None No 10.3390/jmse11061172
2527 Visitation Patterns of Two Ray Mesopredators at Shellfish Aquaculture Leases in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida Cahill, B. V. ; Degroot, B. C. ; Brewster, L. ; Lombardo, S. M. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Ogburn, M. B. ; Ajemian, M. J.. 2023 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 27.853815 -80.455595 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Rhinoptera brasiliensis Brazilian cownose rays Rhinopteridae juvenile; adult 4 61 95 84 Sharks-Rays No
2527 Visitation Patterns of Two Ray Mesopredators at Shellfish Aquaculture Leases in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida Cahill, B. V. ; Degroot, B. C. ; Brewster, L. ; Lombardo, S. M. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Ogburn, M. B. ; Ajemian, M. J.. 2023 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 27.853815 -80.455595 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Rhinoptera bonasus Cownose ray; Atlantic cownose rays Rhinopteridae juvenile; adult 14 46 104 89 Sharks-Rays No
2527 Visitation Patterns of Two Ray Mesopredators at Shellfish Aquaculture Leases in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida Cahill, B. V. ; Degroot, B. C. ; Brewster, L. ; Lombardo, S. M. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Ogburn, M. B. ; Ajemian, M. J.. 2023 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 27.853815 -80.455595 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Aetobatus narinari Spotted eagle ray; Whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatidae juvenile; adult 25 65 196 162 Sharks-Rays ; No
2257 Modeling the Probability of Overlap Between Marine Fish Distributions and Marine Renewable Energy Infrastructure Using Acoustic Telemetry Data Bangley, C. W. ; Hasselman, D. J. ; Mills flemming, J. E. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Culina, J. ; Enders, L. ; Bradford, R. G.. 2022 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Northwest Canada Marine 45.350753 -64.422832 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Morone saxatilis Striped bass; Sttriped bass Moronidae adult 69 60 None None Fish No
2284 Development of a Continental Shelf Acoustic Telemetry Array to Support Behavioral Research of Fish in a High Energy Ocean Environment Cudney, J. L. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Dell'apa, A. ; Diaddorio, E. ; Rulifson, R. A.. 2022 Fisheries Research Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106177
2507 Multi-Year Assessment of Immature Bull Shark Carcharhinus Leucas Residency and Activity Spaces in an Expansive Estuarine Nursery Edwards, M. L. ; Mccallister, M. P. ; Brewster, L. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Curtis, T. H. ; Ogburn, M. B. ; Ajemian, M. J.. 2022 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 28.439737 -80.537304 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT FACT Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 29 77 171 124 Sharks-Rays ; No
2039 Environmental Associations of Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera Bonasus) Seasonal Presence Along the Us Atlantic Coast Bangley, C. W. ; Edwards, M. L. ; Mueller, C. ; Fisher, R. A. ; Aguilar, R. ; Heggie, K. ; Richie, K. ; Ahr, B. J. ; Ogburn, M. B.. 2021 Ecosphere Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 37.042555 -76.126091 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT FACT Rhinoptera bonasus Cownose ray; Atlantic cownose rays Rhinopteridae adult 51 None None None Sharks-Rays No
1850 Identifying Important Juvenile Dusky Shark Habitat in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Using Acoustic Telemetry and Spatial Modeling Bangley, C. W. ; Curtis, T. H. ; Secor, D. H. ; Latour, R. J. ; Ogburn, M. B.. 2020 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 35.961081 -75.324012 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT FACT Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark; Duskey shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 23 107 220 148 Sharks-Rays No
1849 Networked Animal Telemetry in the Northwest Atlantic and Caribbean Waters Bangley, C. W. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Young, J. M. ; Ogburn, M. B.. 2020 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1002/mcf2.10128
1887 Detection of a Mature Atlantic Sturgeon in the Patuxent River, Maryland, Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry Edwards, M. L. ; Balazik, M. T. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Aguilar, R. ; Ogburn, M. B.. 2020 Northeastern Naturalist Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 38.743625 -76.690424 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon; Gulf sturgeon Acipenseridae adult 1 140 140 140 Fish ; No
1983 Seasonal Presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sharks at Cape Hatteras, a Large Continental Shelf Constriction to Coastal Migration Rulifson, R. A. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Cudney, J. L. ; Dell'apa, A. ; Dunton, K. J. ; Frisk, M. G. ; Loeffler, M. S. ; Balazik, M. T. ; Hager, C. H. ; Savoy, T. ; Brundage, H. M. ; Post, W. C.. 2020 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 35.188664 -75.708803 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon; Gulf sturgeon Acipenseridae None 91 None None None Fish ; No
1983 Seasonal Presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sharks at Cape Hatteras, a Large Continental Shelf Constriction to Coastal Migration Rulifson, R. A. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Cudney, J. L. ; Dell'apa, A. ; Dunton, K. J. ; Frisk, M. G. ; Loeffler, M. S. ; Balazik, M. T. ; Hager, C. H. ; Savoy, T. ; Brundage, H. M. ; Post, W. C.. 2020 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 35.188664 -75.708803 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark Carcharhinidae None 8 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No
1983 Seasonal Presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sharks at Cape Hatteras, a Large Continental Shelf Constriction to Coastal Migration Rulifson, R. A. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Cudney, J. L. ; Dell'apa, A. ; Dunton, K. J. ; Frisk, M. G. ; Loeffler, M. S. ; Balazik, M. T. ; Hager, C. H. ; Savoy, T. ; Brundage, H. M. ; Post, W. C.. 2020 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 35.188664 -75.708803 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Squalus acanthias Spiny dogfish Squalidae None 43 None None None Sharks-Rays No
1617 Migratory Connectivity and Philopatry of Cownose Rays Rhinoptera Bonasus Along the Atlantic Coast, Usa Ogburn, M. B. ; Bangley, C. W. ; Aguilar, R. ; Fisher, R. A. ; Curran, M. C. ; Webb, S. F. ; Hines, A. H.. 2018 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 37.004818 -76.024544 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale ACT FACT Rhinoptera bonasus Cownose ray; Atlantic cownose rays Rhinopteridae adult 36 80 103 93 Sharks-Rays No