Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2676 Tracking Aquatic Animals for Fisheries Management in European Waters Ozgul, A. ; Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Abecasis, D. ; Alos, J. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Bolland, J. D. ; Lok, A. ; Edwards, J. E. ; Pengal, P. ; Prchalova, M. ; Riha, M. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Vollset, K. W. ; Afonso, P. ; Davidsen, J. G. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Unal, V. ; Lennox, R. J.. 2024 Fisheries Management And Ecology Review paper None None None None None None None http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fme.12706
2630 Positioning Aquatic Animals With Acoustic Transmitters Lennox, R. J. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Alos, J. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Bertram, M. G. ; Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Brodin, T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Dahlmo, L. S. ; Dhellemmes, F. ; Gjelland, K. O. ; Hellstrom, G. ; Hershey, H. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Klefoth, T. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Monk, C. T. ; Nilsen, C. I. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Prchalova, M. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Riha, M. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Vollset, K. W. ; Westrelin, S. ; Baktoft, H. . 2023 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Technology None None None None None None None 10.1111/2041-210x.14191
2597 Intense Scuba Diving Does Not Alter Activity Patterns of Predatory Reef Fish: Evidence From a Protected Tourism Hotspot Pereniguez, J. M. ; Alos, J. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Rojo, I. ; Calo, A. ; Hackradt, C. ; Hernandez-andreu, R. ; Mourre, B. ; Garcia-charton, J. A.. 2023 Journal Of Environmental Management Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 37.649878 -0.657982 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae adult 16 50 92 73 Fish ; No
2541 Activity-Rest Circadian Rhythm of the Pearly Razorfish in Its Natural Habitat, Before and During Its Mating Akaarir, M. ; Pujol, J. M. ; Suau, M. ; Rial, R. V. ; Nicolau, M. C. ; Gamundi, A. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Barcelo-serra, M. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Alos, J. . 2023 Biology-Basel Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.524351 2.689681 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae None 58 None None 17 Fish No
2495 Body Size Scaling of Space Use in Coastal Pike (Esox Lucius) in Brackish Lagoons of the Southern Baltic Sea Dhellemmes, F. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Rittweg, T. ; Alos, J. ; Moeller, P. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2023 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Germany Freshwater Marine 54.208089 13.358763 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ETN Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 210 480 1210 764 Fish No
2086 Toward a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Through Acoustic Animal Tracking Aarestrup, K. ; Alos, J. ; Abecasis, D. ; Afonso, P. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Barcelo-serra, M. ; Bolland, J. D. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Mcgill, R. ; Ozgul, A. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Villegas-rios, D. . 2022 Global Change Biology Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/gcb.16343
187 A State-Space Model to Derive Motorboat Noise Effects on Fish Movement From Acoustic Tracking Data Barcelo-serra, M. ; Cabanellas, S. ; Palmer, M. ; Bolgan, M. ; Alos, J. . 2021 Scientific Reports Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1038/s41598-021-84261-2
2032 High-Throughput Tracking of Social Networks in Marine Fish Populations Aspillaga, E. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Barcelo-serra, M. ; Alos, J. . 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.470079 2.721906 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae None 320 9 22 15 Fish No
2033 Performance of a Novel System for High-Resolution Tracking of Marine Fish Societies Aspillaga, E. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Follana-berna, G. ; Lana, A. ; Campos-candela, A. ; Alos, J. . 2021 Animal Biotelemetry Technology None None None None None None None 10.1186/s40317-020-00224-w
1787 Home Range and Residency of Scorpaena Porcus and Scorpaena Scrofa in Artificial Reefs Revealed by Fine-Scale Acoustic Tracking Ozgul, A. ; Lok, A. ; Tanrikul, T. T. ; Alos, J. . 2019 Fisheries Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Turkey Marine 39.566872 26.732371 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Scorpaena porcus Black scorpionfish Scorpaenidae adult 14 18 27 23 Fish No
1787 Home Range and Residency of Scorpaena Porcus and Scorpaena Scrofa in Artificial Reefs Revealed by Fine-Scale Acoustic Tracking Ozgul, A. ; Lok, A. ; Tanrikul, T. T. ; Alos, J. . 2019 Fisheries Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Turkey Marine 39.566872 26.732371 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Scorpaena scrofa Red scorpionfish Scorpaenidae adult 7 25 44 32 Fish No
1600 Fitness Consequences of Fish Circadian Behavioural Variation in Exploited Marine Environments Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Campos-candela, A. ; Alos, J. . 2018 Peerj Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.7717/peerj.4814
1509 A Review of Acoustic Telemetry in Europe and the Need for a Regional Aquatic Telemetry Network Abecasis, D. ; Steckenreuter, A. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Alos, J. ; Badalamenti, F. ; Bajona, L. ; Boylan, P. ; Deneudt, K. ; Greenberg, L. A. ; Breve, N. W. p. ; Hernandez, F. ; Humphries, N. E. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Sims, D. W. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Walker, A. M. . ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Afonso, P. . 2018 Animal Biotelemetry Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1186/s40317-018-0156-0
1361 Repeatability of Circadian Behavioural Variation Revealed in Free-Ranging Marine Fish Alos, J. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Campos-candela, A. . 2017 Royal Society Open Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.439041 2.73028 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae None 21 None None None Fish No
1240 Fast and Behavior-Selective Exploitation of a Marine Fish Targeted by Anglers Alos, J. ; Palmer, M. ; Rossello, R. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2016 Scientific Reports Mortality/survival Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.44081 2.736924 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae adult 22 14 22 17 Fish No
1312 Behaviour in a Standardized Assay, but Not Metabolic or Growth Rate, Predicts Behavioural Variation in an Adult Aquatic Top Predator Esox Lucius in the Wild Laskowski, K. L. ; Monk, C. T. ; Polverino, G. ; Alos, J. ; Nakayama, S. ; Staaks, G. ; Mehner, T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2016 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994772 13.581281 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 6 47 56 51 Fish No
1239 Bayesian State-Space Modelling of Conventional Acoustic Tracking Provides Accurate Descriptors of Home Range Behavior in a Small-Bodied Coastal Fish Species Alos, J. ; Palmer, M. ; Balle, S. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2016 Plos One Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1371/journal.pone.0154089
1237 Short-Term Fidelity, Habitat Use and Vertical Movement Behavior of the Black Rockfish Sebastes Schlegelii as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Zhang, Y. . ; Xu, Q. . ; Alos, J. ; Liu, H. . ; Xu, Q. . ; Yang, H. . 2015 Plos One Ecology Pacific, Northwest China Marine 35.140311 119.912735 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sebastes schlegelii Black rockfish; Korean rockfish Sebastidae adult 6 26 34 28 Fish No
866 Contrasting Fish Behavior in Artificial Seascapes With Implications for Resources Conservation Koeck, B. ; Alos, J. ; Caro, A. ; Neveu, R. ; Crec'hriou, R. ; Saragoni, G. ; Lenfant, P. . 2013 Plos One Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea France Marine 42.786809 3.057575 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Diplodus sargus White seabream Sparidae adult 98 17 35 25 Fish No
945 Home Range and Diel Behavior of the Ballan Wrasse, Labrus Bergylta, Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Villegas-rios, D. ; Alos, J. ; March, D. ; Palmer, M. ; Mucientes, G. ; Saborido-rey, F. . 2013 Journal Of Sea Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.21461 -8.900165 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse Labridae juvenile; adult 25 20 50 33 Fish No
700 Experimental Acoustic Telemetry Experiment Reveals Strong Site Fidelity During the Sexual Resting Period of Wild Brown Meagre, Sciaena Umbra Alos, J. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. . 2012 Journal Of Applied Ichthyology Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.47254 2.535374 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Sciaenidae adult 4 29 35 32 Fish No
702 Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Movement of Adult Two-Banded Sea Bream Diplodus Vulgaris (Saint-Hilaire, 1817) Alos, J. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; March, D. . 2012 Fisheries Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.47254 2.535374 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Diplodus vulgaris Two-banded seabream; Common two-banded seabream Sparidae adult 10 24 27 25 Fish No
701 Diel Behaviour and Habitat Utilisation by the Pearly Razorfish During the Spawning Season Alos, J. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K.. 2012 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.437702 2.745292 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae adult 12 15 20 17 Fish No
713 Movement Patterns of the European Squid Loligo Vulgaris During the Inshore Spawning Season Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; Alos, J. ; Palmer, M. ; March, D. ; O'dor, R. K.. 2012 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.518015 2.678186 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Loligo vulgaris European squid Loliginidae adult 26 17 33 23 Squid No
656 Short-Term Residence and Movement Patterns of the Annular Seabream Diplodus Annularis in a Temperate Marine Reserve March, D. ; Alos, J. ; Grau, A. ; Palmer, M. . 2011 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.474675 2.706752 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Diplodus annularis Annular seabream Sparidae adult 20 14 16 15 Fish No
601 Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Serranus Cabrilla Habitat Use in the Nw Mediterranean Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Alos, J. ; March, D. ; Palmer, M. ; Grau, A. ; Morales-nin, B. . 2011 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.44362 2.719313 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Serranus cabrilla Comber Serranidae adult 15 12 17 15 Fish No
573 Short-Term Residence, Home Range Size and Diel Patterns of the Painted Comber Serranus Scriba in a Temperate Marine Reserve March, D. ; Palmer, M. ; Alos, J. ; Grau, A. ; Cardona, F. . 2010 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.462377 2.715465 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Serranus scriba Painted comber Serranidae adult 15 16 21 18 Fish No