Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2195 Exposure Time of Wild, Juvenile Sockeye Salmon to Open-Net-Pen Atlantic Salmon Farms in British Columbia, Canada Rechisky, E. L. ; Porter, A. D. ; Johnston, S. D. ; Stevenson, C. F. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Hunt, B. P. v. ; Welch, D. W.. 2021 North American Journal Of Fisheries Management Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 50.154672 -125.157113 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 514 7 19 13 Fish No
1855 In Situ Experimental Evaluation of Tag Burden and Gill Biopsy Reveals Survival Impacts on Migrating Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Bass, A. L. ; Stevenson, C. F. ; Porter, A. D. ; Rechisky, E. L. ; Furey, N. B. ; Healy, S. J. ; Kanigan, A. M. ; Lotto, A. G. ; Welch, D. W. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2020 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Tagging effects Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 51.43194 -124.160026 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 151 12 14 13 Fish No
2001 Infectious Agents and Gene Expression Differ Between Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Smolt Age Classes but Do Not Predict Migration Survival Stevenson, C. F. ; Bass, A. L. ; Furey, N. B. ; Miller, K. M. ; Li, S. . ; Rechisky, E. L. ; Porter, A. D. ; Welch, D. W. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2020 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 51.27471 -124.056364 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 299 8 14 11 Fish No
1812 The Influence of Smolt Age on Freshwater and Early Marine Behavior and Survival of Migrating Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Stevenson, C. F. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Porter, A. D. ; Rechisky, E. L. ; Welch, D. W. ; Healy, S. J. ; Lotto, A. G. ; Furey, N. B.. 2019 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Mortality/survival Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.907047 -124.985444 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 299 8 14 11 Fish No