Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2275 Evidence for Three Morphotypes Among Anadromous Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) Sampled in the Marine Environment Burke, T. G. ; Pettitt-wade, H. ; Hollins, J. P. w. ; Gallagher, C. P. ; Lea, E. V. ; Loseto, L. L. ; Hussey, N. E.. 2022 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater Marine 71.124924 -116.359125 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Salvelinus alpinus Arctic char; Arctic charr Salmonidae adult 90 44 85 71 Fish No
2312 Arctic Char Enter the Marine Environment Before Annual Ice Breakup in the High Arctic Hammer, L. J. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Marcoux, M. ; Pettitt-wade, H. ; Hedges, K. ; Tallman, R. F. ; Furey, N. B.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Marine 72.278349 -81.222456 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus alpinus Arctic char; Arctic charr Salmonidae None 110 None None 67 Fish No
2313 Arctic Char Salvelinus Alpinus Movement Dynamics Relative to Ice Breakup in a High Arctic Embayment Hammer, L. J. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Marcoux, M. ; Pettitt-wade, H. ; Hedges, K. ; Tallman, R. F. ; Furey, N. B.. 2022 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Marine 72.278349 -81.222456 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus alpinus Arctic char; Arctic charr Salmonidae None 110 None None 67 Fish No
2325 Distinct Freshwater Migratory Pathways in Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) Coincide With Separate Patterns of Marine Spatial Habitat-Use Across a Large Coastal Landscape Hollins, J. P. w. ; Pettitt-wade, H. ; Gallagher, C. P. ; Lea, E. V. ; Loseto, L. L. ; Hussey, N. E.. 2022 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Marine 70.592859 -117.46614 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salvelinus alpinus Arctic char; Arctic charr Salmonidae adult 110 51 88 75 Fish No
1852 A Framework to Estimate the Likelihood of Species Interactions and Behavioural Responses Using Animal-Borne Acoustic Telemetry Transceivers and Accelerometers Barkley, A. N. ; Broell, F. ; Pettitt-wade, H. ; Watanabe, Y. Y. ; Marcoux, M. ; Hussey, N. E.. 2020 Journal Of Animal Ecology Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Marine 72.540939 -80.494067 Small-Scale Mobile Fine-scale NO Somniosus microcephalus Greenland shark Somniosidae adult 30 260 330 290 Sharks-Rays No