Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2649 What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Jessen, B. ; Williams, B. L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Ellis, R. D. d.. 2024 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.911666 -81.54213 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Sciaenops ocellatus Red drum Sciaenidae juvenile; adult 17 53 None None Fish No
2649 What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Jessen, B. ; Williams, B. L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Ellis, R. D. d.. 2024 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.911666 -81.54213 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Epinephelus itajara Goliath grouper Epinephelidae juvenile; adult 22 115 None None Fish No
2649 What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. ; Siceloff, L. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Jessen, B. ; Williams, B. L. ; Winship, A. J. ; Ellis, R. D. d.. 2024 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.911666 -81.54213 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale FACT Lutjanus griseus Mangrove snapper; Grey snapper; Gray snapper Lutjanidae juvenile; adult 76 21 None None Fish No
2084 Regional-Scale Variability in the Movement Ecology of Marine Fishes Revealed by an Integrative Acoustic Tracking Network Rehage, J. S. ; Shea, C. P. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Burnsed, S. L. w. ; Wilkinson, K. A. ; Young, J. M. ; Collins, A. B. ; Degroot, B. C. ; Peterson, C. T. ; Purtlebaugh, C. ; Randall, M. T. ; Scharer, R. M. ; Friess, C. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Poulakis, G. R. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Gardiner, J. M. ; Kroetz, A. M. ; Bassos-hull, K. ; Bickford, J. W. ; Bohaboy, E. C. ; Ellis, R. D. ; Menendez, H. ; Patterson, W. F. ; Price, M. E. ; Schloesser, R. W. ; Wiley, T. R. ; Alvarez, G. A. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Fox, A. G. . ; Grubbs, R. D. ; Hill, A. ; Locascio, J. V. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Griffin, L. P.. 2021 Marine Ecology Progress Series Review paper None None None None None None No 10.3354/meps13637
2003 Movements of Juvenile Bull Sharks in Response to a Major Hurricane Within a Tropical Estuarine Nursery Area Strickland, B. A. ; Massie, J. A. ; Viadero, N. M. ; Santos, R. O. ; Gastrich, K. R. ; Paz, V. ; O'donnell, P. M. ; Kroetz, A. M. ; Ho, D. T. ; Rehage, J. S. ; Heithaus, M. R.. 2020 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 25.416731 -80.998548 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 14 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No