Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2652 Space Use and Residency Patterns of Largemouth Bass Relative to a Freshwater Protected Area Zolderdo, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Abrams, A. E. i. ; Suski, C. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2024 Aquatic Sciences Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.728977 -76.177343 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 50 130 475 302 Fish No
2737 Spatial Ecology and Thermal Preferences of Muskellunge Within a Midwest Impoundment Bieber, J. F. ; Suski, C. D.. 2024 Aquaculture, Fish And Fisheries Review paper America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 41.746291 -88.858701 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox masquinongy Muskellunge; Muskellenge Esocidae adult 36 None None 864 Fish No
2593 Movement and Behavioral States of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Response to a Behavioral Deterrent in a Navigational Lock Raboin, M. ; Plumb, J. M. ; Sholtis, M. D. ; Smith, D. L. ; Jackson, P. R. ; Rivera, J. M. ; Suski, C. D. ; Cupp, A. R.. 2023 Movement Ecology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.282866 -88.257418 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 57 409 788 621 Fish Michigan
1901 Revealing Migration and Reproductive Habitat of Invasive Fish Under an Active Population Suppression Program Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Romine, J. G. ; Heredia, N. A. ; Bigelow, P. E. ; Parsley, M. J. ; Sandstrom, P. T. ; Suski, C. D. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Gresswell, R. E.. 2020 Conservation Science And Practice Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.4605 -110.3333 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus namaycush Lake trout; Lake charr; Arctic char Salmonidae adult 344 40 87 57 Fish No
1286 Exposure to Elevated Pco(2) Alters Post-Treatment Diel Movement Patterns of Largemouth Bass Over Short Time Scales Hasler, C. T. ; Midway, S. R. ; Jeffrey, J. D. ; Tix, J. A. ; Sullivan, C. ; Suski, C. D.. 2016 Freshwater Biology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 41.829503 -88.179866 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 19 None None 40 Fish No
1270 Carbon Dioxide as a Tool to Deter the Movement of Invasive Bigheaded Carps Donaldson, M. R. ; Amberg, J. ; Adhikari, S. ; Cupp, A. R. ; Jensen, N. ; Romine, J. G. ; Wright, A. . ; Gaikowski, M. P. ; Suski, C. D.. 2016 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Technology None None None None None None None 10.1080/00028487.2016.1143397
1179 Locomotor Activity Patterns of Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy) Assessed Using Tri-Axial Acceleration Sensing Acoustic Transmitters Landsman, S. J. ; Martins, E. G. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Suski, C. D. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 45.28946 -75.697966 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox masquinongy Muskellunge; Muskellenge Esocidae juvenile; adult 13 53 109 89 Fish No
984 Making Connections in Aquatic Ecosystems With Acoustic Telemetry Monitoring Suski, C. D. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Donaldson, M. R. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2014 Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1890/130283
890 Movement Patterns of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) in Tidal Creeks and Coastal Waters of Eleuthera, the Bahamas Murchie, K. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2013 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.799747 -76.279554 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 47 40 57 49 Fish No
666 Spatial Ecology and Residency Patterns of Adult Great Barracuda (Sphyraena Barracuda) in Coastal Waters of the Bahamas O'toole, A. C. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P. ; Brooks, E. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2011 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.838077 -76.34097 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae adult 42 60 125 88 Fish No
622 Aggregations and Offshore Movements as Indicators of Spawning Activity of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) in the Bahamas Cooke, S. J. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Shultz, A. D. ; Haak, C. R. ; Brooks, E. J. ; Oronti, A. ; Koppelman, J. B. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2011 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.835863 -76.346564 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 68 44 60 50 Fish No
662 Thermal Biology of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) in Bahamian Coastal Waters and Tidal Creeks: An Integrated Laboratory and Field Study Murchie, K. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2011 Journal Of Thermal Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.797747 -76.27875 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 47 None None 49 Fish No
580 Locomotory Activity and Depth Distribution of Adult Great Barracuda (Sphyraena Barracuda) in Bahamian Coastal Habitats Determined Using Acceleration and Pressure Biotelemetry Transmitters O'toole, A. C. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Pullen, C. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Suski, C. D. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2010 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.835822 -76.328044 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae adult 13 62 120 84 Fish No
578 Spatial Ecology of Juvenile Lemon Sharks (Negaprion Brevirostris) in Tidal Creeks and Coastal Waters of Eleuthera, the Bahamas Murchie, K. J. ; Schwager, E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2010 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.801104 -76.279221 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 11 54 95 76 Sharks-Rays ; No
520 Seasonal Pattern of Depth Selection in Smallmouth Bass Suski, C. D. ; Ridgway, M. S.. 2009 Journal Of Zoology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 45.728806 -78.402942 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth bass Centrarchidae adult 28 31 45 36 Fish No
420 Effects of Lunar Cycles on the Activity Patterns and Depth Use of a Temperate Sport Fish, the Largemouth Bass, Micropterus Salmoides Hanson, K. C. ; Arrosa, S. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2008 Fisheries Management And Ecology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.529051 -76.383498 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 22 None None 40 Fish No
421 Intersexual Variation in the Seasonal Behaviour and Depth Distribution of a Freshwater Temperate Fish, the Largemouth Bass Hanson, K. C. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2008 Canadian Journal Of Zoology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.529051 -76.383498 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 20 None None None Fish No
367 Assessment of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) Behaviour and Activity at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales Utilizing a Whole-Lake Telemetry Array Hanson, K. C. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Suski, C. D. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Phelan, F. J. s. ; Tinline, R. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2007 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.528377 -76.381989 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 20 None None None Fish No
368 Frequency, Composition and Stability of Associations Among Individual Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) at Diel, Daily and Seasonal Scales Hasler, C. T. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Tinline, R. ; Suski, C. D. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Phelan, F. J. s. ; Philipps, D. P.. 2007 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.528377 -76.381989 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 20 None None None Fish No
283 Use of Cdma Acoustic Telemetry to Document 3-D Positions of Fish: Relevance to the Design and Monitoring of Aquatic Protected Areas Cooke, S. J. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Suski, C. D. ; Phelan, F. J. s. ; Tinline, R. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2005 Marine Technology Society Journal Technology None None None None None None None 10.4031/002533205787521659