Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2605 Depth and Temperature Profiles Reflect Individual Differences in the Daytime Diving Behaviours of Pelagic Thresher Sharks Oliver, S. P. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Mayo, Z. J. ; Williams, A. L. ; Silvosa, M. ; Cases, G. . 2023 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Pacific, Western Central Philippines Marine 11.318415 124.192193 Small-Scale Mobile NO Alopias pelagicus Thresher shark; Pelagic thresher shark Alopiidae adult 13 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2023 Discard Mortality of Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata) in a Deepwater Recreational Fishery Off New Jersey: Role of Swim Bladder Venting in Reducing Mortality Zemeckis, D. R. ; Kneebone, J. ; Capizzano, C. W. ; Bochenek, E. A. ; Hoffman, W. S. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Mandelman, J. W. ; Jensen, O. P.. 2020 Fishery Bulletin Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 38.903825 -73.863036 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Centropristis striata Black sea bass Serranidae adult 96 27 54 35 Fish No
1930 Using Acoustic Telemetry to Estimate Weakfish Survival Rates Along the Us East Coast Grothues, T. M. ; Manderson, J. P. ; Rosendale, J. E. ; Pessutti, J. P. ; Krause, J. R. ; Hightower, J. E. ; Buckel, J. A. ; Turnure, J. T.. 2020 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Mortality/survival Atlantic, Western Central USA Freshwater Marine 34.709771 -76.870903 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ACT Cynoscion regalis Weakfish Sciaenidae adult 342 22 86 36 Fish No
1785 Risk and Resilience: High Stakes for Sharks Making Transjurisdictional Movements to Use a Conservation Area Oliver, S. P. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Williams, A. L. ; Cerna, V. ; Silvosa, M. ; Cases, G. ; Reed, M. ; Christopher, S. . 2019 Biological Conservation Ecology Pacific, Western Central Philippines Marine 11.318528 124.192194 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Alopias pelagicus Thresher shark; Pelagic thresher shark Alopiidae juvenile; adult 14 None None None Sharks-Rays No
1715 Tracking the Movements of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Under Payload Control Eiler, J. H. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Dobarro, J. A. ; Shome, R. . 2019 Applied Sciences-Basel Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.3390/app9122516
1514 Acoustic-Telemetry Payload Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Mapping Tagged Fish Dodson, T. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Eiler, J. H. ; Dobarro, J. A. ; Shome, R. . 2018 Limnology And Oceanography-Methods Technology None None None None None None None 10.1002/lom3.10280
1227 Seasonal Residency of Adult Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis) in a Small Temperate Estuary Based on Acoustic Telemetry: A Local Perspective of a Coast Wide Phenomenon Turnure, J. T. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Able, K. W.. 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.519687 -74.378099 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Cynoscion regalis Weakfish Sciaenidae adult 59 27 86 41 Fish No
1226 Patterns of Intra-Estuarine Movement of Adult Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis): Evidence of Site Affinity at Seasonal and Diel Scales Turnure, J. T. ; Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M.. 2015 Fishery Bulletin Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.519687 -74.378099 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Cynoscion regalis Weakfish Sciaenidae adult 29 27 59 40 Fish No
958 Dynamics of Residency and Egress in Selected Estuarine Fishes: Evidence From Acoustic Telemetry Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Turnure, J. T. ; Malone, M. A. ; Henkes, G. A.. 2014 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.490571 -74.344036 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Alosa mediocris Hickory shad Alosidae juvenile; adult 10 30 39 34 Fish No
958 Dynamics of Residency and Egress in Selected Estuarine Fishes: Evidence From Acoustic Telemetry Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Turnure, J. T. ; Malone, M. A. ; Henkes, G. A.. 2014 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.490571 -74.344036 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Mustelus canis Smooth dogfish Triakidae juvenile; adult 10 87 111 100 Sharks-Rays No
958 Dynamics of Residency and Egress in Selected Estuarine Fishes: Evidence From Acoustic Telemetry Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Turnure, J. T. ; Malone, M. A. ; Henkes, G. A.. 2014 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.490571 -74.344036 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pogonias cromis Black drum Sciaenidae juvenile; adult 3 58 61 59 Fish No
854 Sound Pressure Level Weighting of the Center of Activity Method to Approximate Sequential Fish Positions From Acoustic Telemetry Grothues, T. M. ; Davis, W. C.. 2013 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0056
803 Testing an Autonomous Acoustic Telemetry Positioning System for Fine-Scale Space Use in Marine Animals Biesinger, Z. F. ; Bolker, B. M. ; Marcinek, D. J. ; Grothues, T. M. ; Dobarro, J. A. ; Lindberg, W. J.. 2013 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology Technology None None None None None None None 10.1016/j.jembe.2013.06.007
791 Evaluating Discard Mortality of Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus) in the Commercial Trawl Fishery: Developing Acoustic Telemetry Techniques Grothues, T. M. ; Able, K. W. ; Crawford, C. ; Decristofer, K. ; Yergey, M. E.. 2012 Fisheries Research Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 39.487337 -74.302626 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Fine-scale NO Paralichthys dentatus Summer flounder Paralichthyidae adult 67 31 47 39 Fish No
731 Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes Americanus Walbaum) Burial in Estuaries: Acoustic Telemetry Triumph and Tribulation Grothues, T. M. ; Able, K. W. ; Pravatiner, J. H.. 2012 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology Range testing Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 39.867293 -74.112251 Small-Scale None No 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.09.006
442 Habitat Dynamics of Summer Flounder Paralichthys Dentatus Within a Shallow Usa Estuary, Based on Multiple Approaches Using Acoustic Telemetry Sackett, D. K. ; Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M.. 2008 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.542558 -74.404226 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Paralichthys dentatus Summer flounder Paralichthyidae juvenile; adult 70 26 53 40 Fish No
364 Scaling Acoustic Telemetry of Bluefish in an Estuarine Observatory: Detection and Habitat Use Patterns Grothues, T. M. ; Able, K. W.. 2007 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.530148 -74.388711 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae adult 18 28 62 45 Fish No
384 Dynamics of Summer Flounder, Paralichthys Dentatus, Seasonal Migrations Based on Ultrasonic Telemetry Sackett, D. K. ; Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M.. 2007 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.528566 -74.394014 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Paralichthys dentatus Summer flounder Paralichthyidae juvenile; adult 70 26 53 40 Fish No
382 Habitat Use, Site Fidelity, and Movement of Adult Striped Bass in a Southern New Jersey Estuary Based on Mobile Acoustic Telemetry Ng, C. L. ; Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M.. 2007 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.528566 -74.394014 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Morone saxatilis Striped bass; Sttriped bass Moronidae adult 81 48 95 70 Fish No
346 An Approach to Understanding Habitat Dynamics of Flatfishes: Advantages of Biotelemetry Able, K. W. ; Grothues, T. M.. 2007 Journal Of Sea Research Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.seares.2007.01.001