Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
751 An Empirical Movement Model for Sixgill Sharks in Puget Sound: Combining Observed and Unobserved Behavior Levin, P. S. ; Horne, P. ; Andrews, K. S. . ; Williams, G. D.. 2012 Current Zoology Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Freshwater Marine 47.621666 -122.449488 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Hexanchus griseus Sixgill shark; Bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchidae juvenile 13 140 250 210 Sharks-Rays No
790 Scale and Pattern of Broadnose Sevengill Shark Notorynchus Cepedianus Movement in Estuarine Embayments Williams, G. D. ; Andrews, K. S. . ; Katz, S. L. ; Moser, M. L. ; Tolimieri, N. ; Farrer, D. A. ; Levin, P. S.. 2012 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Freshwater Marine 46.539541 -123.988778 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale POST Notorynchus cepedianus Broadnose sevengill shark; Sevengill sharks; Sevengill shark Hexanchidae juvenile; adult 32 None None 207 Sharks-Rays ; No
602 Comparison of Fine-Scale Acoustic Monitoring Systems Using Home Range Size of a Demersal Fish Andrews, K. S. . ; Tolimieri, N. ; Williams, G. D. ; Samhouri, J. F. ; Harvey, C. J. ; Levin, P. S.. 2011 Marine Biology Technology None None None None None None None 10.1007/s00227-011-1724-5
652 Electronic Tagging of Green Sturgeon Reveals Population Structure and Movement Among Estuaries Lindley, S. T. ; Erickson, D. L. ; Moser, M. L. ; Williams, G. D. ; Langness, O. P. ; Mccovey, B. W. ; Belchik, M. ; Vogel, D. ; Pinnix, W. D. ; Kelly, J. T. ; Heublein, J. C. ; Klimley, A. P.. 2011 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Freshwater Marine 42.498966 -124.22891 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser medirostris Green sturgeon Acipenseridae adult 355 110 240 171 Fish ; No
529 Seasonal and Ontogenetic Changes in Movement Patterns of Sixgill Sharks Andrews, K. S. . ; Williams, G. D. ; Levin, P. S.. 2010 Plos One Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Freshwater Marine 47.678587 -122.459075 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale POST Hexanchus griseus Sixgill shark; Bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchidae juvenile 39 109 293 218 Sharks-Rays No
522 Home Range Size and Patterns of Space Use by Lingcod, Copper Rockfish and Quillback Rockfish in Relation to Diel and Tidal Cycles Tolimieri, N. ; Andrews, K. S. . ; Williams, G. D. ; Katz, S. L. ; Levin, P. S.. 2009 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Marine 47.902479 -122.458499 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Ophiodon elongatus Lingcod Hexagrammidae juvenile; adult 10 45 68 55 Fish No
522 Home Range Size and Patterns of Space Use by Lingcod, Copper Rockfish and Quillback Rockfish in Relation to Diel and Tidal Cycles Tolimieri, N. ; Andrews, K. S. . ; Williams, G. D. ; Katz, S. L. ; Levin, P. S.. 2009 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Marine 47.902479 -122.458499 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Sebastes maliger Quillback rockfish Sebastidae juvenile; adult 8 26 32 29 Fish No
522 Home Range Size and Patterns of Space Use by Lingcod, Copper Rockfish and Quillback Rockfish in Relation to Diel and Tidal Cycles Tolimieri, N. ; Andrews, K. S. . ; Williams, G. D. ; Katz, S. L. ; Levin, P. S.. 2009 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Marine 47.902479 -122.458499 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Sebastes caurinus Copper rockfish Sebastidae juvenile; adult 6 30 36 33 Fish No
454 Diel Activity Patterns of Sixgill Sharks, Hexanchus Griseus: The Ups and Downs of an Apex Predator Andrews, K. S. . ; Williams, G. D. ; Farrer, D. A. ; Tolimieri, N. ; Harvey, C. J. ; Bargmann, G. ; Levin, P. S.. 2009 Animal Behaviour Ecology Pacific, Northeast USA Freshwater Marine 47.61985 -122.455075 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Hexanchus griseus Sixgill shark; Bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchidae juvenile 32 109 293 201 Sharks-Rays No