Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2224 Acoustic Telemetry Around Western Australia's Oil and Gas Infrastructure Helps Detect the Presence of an Elusive and Endangered Migratory Giant Thomson, P. G. ; Pillans, R. D. ; Jaine, F. R. a. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Pattiaratchi, C. B. ; Mclean, D. L.. 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -21.947524 113.735431 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Rhincodon typus Whale shark Rhincodontidae juvenile 40 No 700 700 700 Sharks-Rays No 10.3389/fmars.2021.631449