Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2661 Consequences of Juvenile Fish Movement and Seascape Connectivity: Does the Concept of Nursery Habitat Need a Rethink? Swadling, D. S. ; Knott, N. A. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Rees, M. J. ; Cadiou, G. ; Davis, A. R.. 2024 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Marine -35.008314 150.760475 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae juvenile 20 145 298 244 Fish No http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12237-023-01323-6
2390 Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. ; Smoothey, A. F. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Peddemors, V. M. ; Harcourt, R. G.. 2022 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.854838 151.238481 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 22 23 70 32 Fish No 10.1007/s12237-021-01020-2
1643 Investigating the Functional Role of an Artificial Reef Within an Estuarine Seascape: A Case Study of Yellowfin Bream (Acanthopagrus Australis) Taylor, M. D. ; Becker, A. ; Lowry, M. B.. 2018 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.102446 151.616507 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae juvenile; adult 8 26 33 29 Fish No 10.1007/s12237-018-0395-6
1644 Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Brodie, S. ; Cadiou, G. ; Knott, N. A.. 2018 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.855227 151.217051 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae juvenile; adult 12 25 37 31 Fish No 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.177
1496 Feels Like Home: Homing of Mature Large-Bodied Fish Following Translocation From a Power-Station Canal Taylor, M. D. ; Payne, N. L. ; Becker, A. ; Lowry, M. B.. 2017 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.090579 151.624138 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 33 26 49 39 Fish No 10.1093/icesjms/fsw168
1443 Residency and Movement Patterns of Yellowfin Bream (Acanthopagrus Australis) Released at Natural and Artificial Reef Sites Lowry, M. B. ; Becker, A. ; Folpp, H. ; Mcleod, J. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2017 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Marine -33.083333 151.6 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae juvenile; adult 39 22 33 26 Fish No 10.1071/mf16351
1150 Fine-Scale Movements, Site Fidelity and Habitat Use of an Estuarine Dependent Sparid Gannon, R. ; Payne, N. L. ; Suthers, I. M. ; Gray, C. A. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -34.008021 151.118998 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 10 26 40 30 Fish No 10.1007/s10641-015-0385-5
1060 Evaluation of a Novel External Tag-Mount for Acoustic Tracking of Small Fish Pursche, A. R. ; Walsh, C. T. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2014 Fisheries Management And Ecology Tagging effects None Australia Laboratory None None Small-Scale Neither NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae juvenile 20 None None None Fish No 10.1111/fme.12051
898 Rain Reverses Diel Activity Rhythms in an Estuarine Teleost Payne, N. L. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Gannon, R. ; Semmens, J. M. ; Suthers, I. M. ; Gray, C. A. ; Taylor, M. D.. 2013 Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.9778 151.0368 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 6 24 30 27 Fish No 10.1098/rspb.2012.2363
934 Interactive Drivers of Activity in a Free-Ranging Estuarine Predator Taylor, M. D. ; Mcphan, L. ; Van der meulen, D. E. ; Gray, C. A. ; Payne, N. L.. 2013 Plos One Ecology Pacific, Southwest Australia Freshwater Marine -33.977 151.036 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Sparidae adult 6 24 30 27 Fish No 10.1371/journal.pone.0080962