Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
1868 Movement Behaviours and Survival of Largetooth Sawfish, Pristis Pristis, Released From a Public Aquarium Buckley, K. A. ; Crook, D. A. ; Einoder, L. D. ; Pillans, R. D. ; Smith, L. D. g. ; Kyne, P. M.. 2020 Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems Ecology Pacific, Western Central Australia Freshwater Marine -12.207554 131.219324 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pristis pristis Largetooth sawfish Pristidae juvenile 10 83 104 94 Sharks-Rays No 10.1002/aqc.3400
1502 Habitat Use of a Critically Endangered Elasmobranch, the Largetooth Sawfish Pristis Pristis, in an Intermittently Flowing Riverine Nursery Whitty, J. M. . ; Keleher, J. J. ; Ebner, B. C. ; Gleiss, A. C. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Morgan, D. L.. 2017 Endangered Species Research Ecology Oceania - Inland Waters Australia Freshwater -18.105179 124.15827 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pristis pristis Largetooth sawfish Pristidae juvenile 32 95 251 191 Sharks-Rays No 10.3354/esr00837