Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2597 Intense Scuba Diving Does Not Alter Activity Patterns of Predatory Reef Fish: Evidence From a Protected Tourism Hotspot Pereniguez, J. M. ; Alos, J. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Rojo, I. ; Calo, A. ; Hackradt, C. ; Hernandez-andreu, R. ; Mourre, B. ; Garcia-charton, J. A.. 2023 Journal Of Environmental Management Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 37.649878 -0.657982 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae adult 16 50 92 73 Fish ; No 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118491
2418 Movements of Hatchery-Reared Dusky Groupers Released in a Northeast Atlantic Coastal Marine Protected Area Bentes, L. ; Goncalves, J. M. s. ; De almeida, P. R. ; Quintella, B. R. ; Silva, A. F. ; Costa, B. H. e. ; Costa, J. L. ; Pereira, E. ; Marques, J. P. ; Castro, J. J. ; Lino, P. G. ; Candeias-mendes, A. ; Pousao-ferreira, P. ; Sousa, I. . 2022 Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Portugal Marine 37.833689 -8.802772 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale PTN Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae adult 30 48 65 56 Fish ; No 10.3390/jmse10070904
1238 Contrasting Movements and Residency of Two Serranids in a Small Macaronesian Mpa Afonso, P. ; Abecasis, D. ; Santos, R. S. ; Fontes, J. . 2016 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Portugal Marine 38.538932 -28.579977 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae juvenile; adult 11 39 93 66 Fish ; No 10.1016/j.fishres.2015.12.014
1021 Diel and Seasonal Movement Pattern of the Dusky Grouper Epinephelus Marginatus Inside a Marine Reserve Koeck, B. ; Pastor, J. ; Saragoni, G. ; Dalias, N. ; Payrot, J. ; Lenfant, P. . 2014 Marine Environmental Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea France Marine 42.466668 3.166652 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae adult 7 55 95 69 Fish ; No 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.12.002
600 Small Marine Reserves Can Offer Long Term Protection to an Endangered Fish Afonso, P. ; Fontes, J. ; Santos, R. S.. 2011 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Portugal Marine 38.516563 -28.626656 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae juvenile; adult 11 39 93 66 Fish ; No 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.07.028
505 Acoustic Telemetry Survey of the Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus Marginatus) in the Marine Reserve of Cerbere-Banyuls: Informations on the Territoriality of This Emblematic Species Pastor, J. ; Verdoit-jarraya, M. ; Astruch, P. ; Dalias, N. ; Pasqual, J. S. n. ; Saragoni, G. ; Lenfant, P. . 2009 Comptes Rendus Biologies Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea France Marine 42.460777 3.162778 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae adult 6 52 105 79 Fish ; No 10.1016/j.crvi.2009.03.010
221 A Wireless Communication System for Determining Site Fidelity of Juvenile Dusky Groupers Epinephelus Marginatus (Lowe, 1834) Using Coded Acoustic Transmitters Lembo, G. ; Spedicato, M. T. ; Okland, F. ; Carbonara, P. ; Fleming, I. A. ; Mckinley, R. S. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Sisak, M. ; Ragonese, S. . 2002 Hydrobiologia Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Italy Marine 38.706002 13.154029 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae juvenile 7 20 40 30 Fish ; No 10.1007/978-94-017-0771-8_29