

Title Authors Journal Year
Elucidating the Migrations of European Seabass From the Southern North Sea Using Mark-Recapture Data, Acoustic Telemetry and Data Storage Tags Goossens, J. Woillez, M. Wright, S. Edwards, J. E. De putter, G. Torreele, E. Verhelst, P. Sheehan, E.v. Moens, T. Reubens, J. T. Scientific Reports 2024
Fisheries Measures Protect European Seabass Groups With Distinct Habitat Use Differently Goossens, J. Villagra, D. De putter, G. Verhelst, P. Torreele, E. Moens, T. Reubens, J. T. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Turning the Tide: Understanding Estuarine Detection Range Variability via Structural Equation Models Bruneel, S. Goossens, J. Reubens, J. T. Pauwels, I. S. Moens, T. Goethals, P. Verhelst, P. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
European Plaice Movements Show Evidence of High Residency, Site Fidelity, and Feeding Around Hard Substrates Within an Offshore Wind Farm Buyse, J. Reubens, J. T. Hostens, K. Degraer, S. Goossens, J. De backer, A. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Taking the Time for Range Testing: An Approach to Account for Temporal Resolution in Acoustic Telemetry Detection Range Assessments Goossens, J. Buyse, J. Bruneel, S. Verhelst, P. Goethals, P. Torreele, E. Moens, T. Reubens, J. T. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
Effects of Pile Driving Sound on Local Movement of Free-Ranging Atlantic Cod in the Belgian North Sea Van der knaap, I. Slabbekoorn, H. Moens, T. Van den eynde, D. Reubens, J. T. Environmental Pollution 2022
Effects of a Seismic Survey on Movement of Free-Ranging Atlantic Cod Van der knaap, I. Reubens, J. T. Thomas, L. Ainslie, M. A. Winter, H. V. Hubert, J. Martin, B. Slabbekoorn, H. Current Biology 2021
Trying to Choose the Less Bad Route: Individual Migratory Behaviour of Atlantic Salmon Smolts (Salmo Salar L.) Approaching a Bifurcation Between a Hydropower Station and a Navigation Canal Renardy, S. Takriet, A. Benitez, J. P. Dierckx, A. Baeyens, R. Coeck, J. Pauwels, I. S. Mouton, A. Archambeau, P. Dewals, B. Pirotton, M. Erpicum, S. Ovidio, M. Ecological Engineering 2021
Environmental Factors Influence the Detection Probability in Acoustic Telemetry in a Marine Environment: Results From a New Setup Reubens, J. T. Verhelst, P. Van der knaap, I. Deneudt, K. Moens, T. Hernandez, F. Hydrobiologia 2019
Movement Behaviour of Large Female Yellow European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla L.) in a Freshwater Polder Area Verhelst, P. Reubens, J. T. Pauwels, I. S. Buysse, D. Aelterman, B. Van hoey, S. Goethals, P. Moens, T. Coeck, J. Mouton, A. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
Heading South or North: Novel Insights on European Silver Eel Anguilla Anguilla Migration in the North Sea Huisman, J. Verhelst, P. Deneudt, K. Goethals, P. Moens, T. Nagelkerke, L. A. j. Nolting, C. Reubens, J. T. Schollema, P. P. Winter, H. V. Mouton, A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Diel Variation in Feeding and Movement Patterns of Juvenile Atlantic Cod at Offshore Wind Farms Reubens, J. T. De rijcke, M. Degraer, S. Vincx, M. Journal Of Sea Research 2014
Residency, Site Fidelity and Habitat Use of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) at an Offshore Wind Farm Using Acoustic Telemetry Reubens, J. T. Pasotti, F. Degraer, S. Vincx, M. Marine Environmental Research 2013
The Effect of Insertion of a Dummy Acoustic Transmitter on the Survival of Pouting, Trisopterus Luscus L. Reubens, J. T. Delbare, D. Degraer, S. Vincx, M. Belgian Journal Of Zoology 2012
Movement Patterns, Spatial Distribution and Depth Preference by Individual Whitefish, Coregonus Lavaretus in a Small Artificial Lake Ovidio, M. Neus, Y. Rimbaud, G. Hallot, E. J. Prevost, V. Legrain, F. Philippart, J. C. Folia Zoologica 2006


Scientific Name Common Name
Anguilla anguilla European eel, Silver eel, European eels, European silver eel.
Coregonus lavaretus Whitefish, Common whitefish.
Dicentrarchus labrax Seabass, European bass, European seabass, European sea bass.
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod, Atlantic od.
Pleuronectes platessa Plaice.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Trisopterus luscus Pouting.
