

Title Authors Journal Year
Interannual Variation in Survival of Wild Atlantic Salmon Smolts Through a Dynamic Estuarine Habitat Barry, J. Fitzgerald, C. J. Callaghan, J. O. Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. Roche, W. K. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2024
Does Phenology Influence Predation Rate on Salmo Trutta Parr During Lake Migration? Kennedy, R. J. Barry, J. Boyd, A. Allen, M. M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
The Use of Predator Tags to Explain Reversal Movement Patterns in Atlantic Salmon Smolts (Salmo Salar L.) Waters, C. Cotter, D. O'neill, R. Drumm, A. Cooney, J. Bond, N. . Rogan, G. Maoileidigh, N. O. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Partitioning Survival During Early Marine Migration of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Smolts Using Acoustic Telemetry Doogan, A. Cotter, D. Bond, N. . O'maoileidigh, N. Brophy, D. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
A Comparison of the Behaviour and Survival of Angling vs. Trap-Sampled Salmo Salar Smolts Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. Campbell, W. Allen, M. M. Del villar-guerra, D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Programmed Acoustic Tags Reveal Novel Information on Late-Phase Marine Life in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. Hunter, E. Del villar-guerra, D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Investigating the Phenology of Juvenile Potamodromous Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta L.) in Two Large Lake Catchments Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. Allen, M. M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
In-River Behaviour and Freshwater Return Rates of Sea Trout, Salmo Trutta L., From Two Coastal River Populations Kennedy, R. J. Barry, J. Roche, W. K. Rosell, R. Allen, M. M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Some Observations on the Behaviour of Lake-Dwelling Brown Trout in Lower Lough Erne Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. Allen, M. M. Biology And Environment-Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy 2021
Atlantic Salmon Smolts in the Irish Sea: First Evidence of a Northerly Migration Trajectory Barry, J. Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. Roche, W. K. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2020
The Spatial Ecology of Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) and Dace (Leuciscus Leuciscus) in an Artificially Impounded Riverine Habitat: Results From an Acoustic Telemetry Study Barry, J. Mcloone, P. Fitzgerald, C. J. King, J. J. Aquatic Sciences 2020
Localised Residency and Interannual Fidelity to Coastal Foraging Areas May Place Sea Bass at Risk to Local Depletion Doyle, T. K. Haberlin, D. Clohessy, J. Bennison, A. Jessopp, M. Scientific Reports 2017
Foraging Specialisms Influence Space Use and Movement Patterns of the European Eel Anguilla Anguilla Barry, J. Newton, M. Dodd, J. A. . Hooker, O. E. Boylan, P. Lucas, M. C. Adams, C. E. Hydrobiologia 2016
Spawner Escapement of European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) From the River Erne, Ireland Mccarthy, T. K. Nowak, D. Grennan, J. Bateman, A. Conneely, B. Macnamara, R. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2014
The Impact of a Pesticide on the Physiology and Behaviour of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar, Smolts During the Transition From Fresh Water to the Marine Environment Moore, A. Cotter, D. Quayle, V. Rogan, G. Poole, R. Lower, N. Privitera, L. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
Refuging Behaviour in the Nursehound Scyliorhinus Stellaris (Chondrichthyes : Elasmobranchii): Preliminary Evidence From Acoustic Telemetry Sims, D. W. Southall, E. J. Wearmouth, V. J. Hutchinson, N. Budd, G. C. Morritt, D. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 2005
Movements and Activity of Male and Female Dogfish in a Tidal Sea Lough: Alternative Behavioural Strategies and Apparent Sexual Segregation Sims, D. W. Nash, J. P. Morritt, D. Marine Biology 2001


Scientific Name Common Name
Anguilla anguilla European eel, Silver eel, European eels, European silver eel.
Dicentrarchus labrax Seabass, European bass, European seabass, European sea bass.
Leuciscus leuciscus Dace.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
Scyliorhinus canicula Dogfish, Small-spotted catshark, Small spotted catshark.
Scyliorhinus stellaris Nursehound shark.
