South africa


Title Authors Journal Year
Diamond Gymnura Natalensis and Duckbill Aetomylaeus Bovinus Rays Undertake Nationwide Coastal Migrations Elston, C. Murray, T. S. Rogers, T. D. Parkinson, M. C. Mann, B. Q. Daly, R. Filmalter, J. D. Cowley, P. D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Marine Predators Segregate Interspecifically by Space and Time in a Sheltered Coastal Bay Murray, T. S. Elston, C. Smale, M. J. Childs, A. R. Dicken, M. L. Cowley, P. D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Longshore Movements and Site Fidelity of the Iconic Giant Trevally Caranx Ignobilis From Southern Africa, Determined Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry Dixon, R. B. Murray, T. S. Mann, B. Q. Cowley, P. D. Daly, R. Filmalter, J. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2024
Novel Insights Into Coastal Site Affinity and Habitat Connectivity of a Benthic Stingray With Implications for Management Elston, C. Cowley, P. D. Murray, T. S. Parkinson, M. C. Biodiversity And Conservation 2023
Acoustic Telemetry Reveals the Drivers Behind Estuary-Sea Connectivity of an Important Estuarine-Dependent Fishery Species, Pomadasys Commersonnii, in the Breede Estuary, South Africa Ziko, B. A. Murray, T. S. Naesje, T. F. Filmalter, J. D. Cowley, P. D. African Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Acoustic Tracking of a Threatened Juvenile Shark Species, the Smooth Hammerhead (Sphyrna Zygaena), Reveals Vulnerability to Exploitation at the Boundary of a Marine Reserve Albano, P. S. Fallows, C. Fallows, M. Williams, L. H. Murray, T. S. Sedgwick, O. Hammerschlag, N. Frontiers In Marine Science 2023
Network Analysis of the Endemic Spotted Gully Shark Triakis Megalopterus Reveals Spatial Vulnerability to Exploitation in the Western Cape, South Africa Cottrant, E. Drobniewska, N. J. Johnson, T. L. Underhill, L. G. Murray, T. S. Hammerschlag, N. Albano, P. S. Elston, C. Mccord, M. E. Cowley, P. D. Fallows, C. Paulet, T. G. African Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Female Diamond Rays Gymnura Natalensis and Bull Rays Aetomylaeus Bovinus Display Seasonal Philopatry to South African Estuaries Elston, C. Murray, T. S. Parkinson, M. C. Filmalter, J. D. Cowley, P. D. Estuaries And Coasts 2023
Persistent Transboundary Movements of Threatened Sharks Highlight the Importance of Cooperative Management for Effective Conservation Daly, R. Venables, S. K. Rogers, T. D. Filmalter, J. D. Hempson, T. N. Murray, T. S. Hussey, N. E. Silva, I. Pereira, M. A. m. Mann, B. Q. Nharreluga, B. A. s. Cowley, P. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Context Drives Movement Patterns in a Mobile Marine Predator Lubitz, N. Daly, R. Filmalter, J. D. Sheaves, M. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Barnett, A. Movement Ecology 2023
The Fate and Movements of Aquarium-Released Giant Trevally Caranx Ignobilis Inferred From Acoustic Telemetry Mann, B. Q. Daly, R. Dixon, R. B. Filmalter, J. D. Murray, T. S. Cowley, P. D. Kyle, R. Chater, S. Mann-lang, J. B. Zoo Biology 2023
Fear at the Top: Killer Whale Predation Drives White Shark Absence at South Africa's Largest Aggregation Site Towner, A. V. Watson, R. G. a. Kock, A. A. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Sturup, M. Gennari, E. Baker, K. Booth, T. Dicken, M. L. Chivell, W. Elwen, S. Kaschke, T. Edwards, D. Smale, M. J. African Journal Of Marine Science 2022
Testing the Waters to Find the `Goldilocks' Zone: Fine-Scale Movement of Mustelus Mustelus in Relation to Environmental Cues Da silva, C. Kerwath, S. E. Winker, H. Lamberth, S. J. Attwood, C. G. Wilke, C. G. Naesje, T. F. Marine And Freshwater Research 2022
Movement Behaviour of Catface Rockcod Mycteroperca (Epinephelus) Andersoni (Epinephelidae) Off the Eastern Seaboard of Southern Africa Mann, B. Q. Daly, R. Jordaan, G. L. Dalton, W. N. Fennessy, S. T. African Journal Of Marine Science 2022
Active Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Ontogenetic Habitat-Related Variations in the Coastal Movement Ecology of the White Shark Gennari, E. Irion, D. T. Cowley, P. D. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
Bull Shark Carcharhinus Leucas Recruitment Into the St Lucia Estuary, South Africa, After Prolonged Mouth Closure, and the First Observation of a Neonate Bull Shark Preyed on by a Nile Crocodile Crocodylus Niloticus Daly, R. Le noury, P. Hempson, T. N. Ziembicki, M. Olbers, J. M. Brokensha, G. M. Mann, B. Q. African Journal Of Marine Science 2021
Daytime Intra-Estuary Movements and Harmful Algal Bloom Avoidance by Mugil Cephalus (Family Mugilidae) Bornman, E. Cowley, P. D. Adams, J. B. Strydom, N. A. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2021
Using Mark-Recapture Methods to Estimate Population Size and Survival of Pyjama Sharks Poroderma Africanum in Mossel Bay, South Africa Grusd, S. Moloney, C. Distiller, G. Watson, R. G. a. Cowley, P. D. Gennari, E. African Journal Of Marine Science 2019
Summer at the Beach: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of White Shark Occurrence Along the Inshore Areas of False Bay, South Africa Kock, A. A. Photopoulou, T. Durbach, I. Mauff, K. Meyer, M. Kotze, D. Griffiths, C. L. O'riain, M. J. Movement Ecology 2018
Fish on the Move: Connectivity of an Estuary-Dependent Fishery Species Evaluated Using a Large-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Array Murray, T. S. Cowley, P. D. Bennett, R. H. Childs, A. R. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Estuarine and Coastal Connectivity of an Estuarine-Dependent Fishery Species, Pomadasys Commersonnii (Haemulidae) Dames, M. H. Cowley, P. D. Childs, A. R. Bennett, R. H. Thorstad, E. B. Naesje, T. F. African Journal Of Marine Science 2017
Influences of Selected Geophysical and Environmental Drivers on the Movement Patterns of Rhabdosargus Holubi in a Southern African Estuary Grant, G. N. Cowley, P. D. Bennett, R. H. Childs, A. R. Whitfield, A. K. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2017
Space Use by Rhabdosargus Holubi in a Southern African Estuary, With Emphasis on Fish Movements and Ecosystem Connectivity Grant, G. N. Cowley, P. D. Bennett, R. H. Murray, T. S. Whitfield, A. K. African Journal Of Marine Science 2017
Sex-Specific and Individual Preferences for Hunting Strategies in White Sharks Towner, A. V. Leos-barajas, V. Langrock, R. Schick, R. S. Smale, M. J. Kaschke, T. Jewell, O. J. d. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Functional Ecology 2016
Influence of Prey Abundance and Abiotic Factors on the Long-Term Home-Range and Movement Dynamics of Spotted Grunter Pomadasys Commersonnii in an Intermittently Open Estuary Maree, B. A. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Childs, A. R. Teroerde, A. I. Thorstad, E. B. African Journal Of Marine Science 2016
Movement Behaviour of Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides in a South African Impoundment Howell, D. H. Cowley, P. D. Childs, A. R. Weyl, O. L. f. African Zoology 2015
Movements and Residency of Juvenile White Steenbras Lithognathus Lithognathus in a Range of Contrasting Estuaries Bennett, R. H. Cowley, P. D. Childs, A. R. Naesje, T. F. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2015
Habitat Connectivity and Intra-Population Structure of an Estuary-Dependent Fishery Species Childs, A. R. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Bennett, R. H. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Movement Behaviour of Alien Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides in the Estuarine Headwater Region of the Kowie River, South Africa Murray, T. S. Magoro, M. L. Whitfield, A. K. Cowley, P. D. African Zoology 2015
Seasonality, Behaviour and Philopatry of Spotted Ragged-Tooth Sharks Carcharias Taurus in Eastern Cape Nursery Areas, South Africa Smale, M. J. Dicken, M. L. Booth, A. J. African Journal Of Marine Science 2015
Core Habitat Use of an Apex Predator in a Complex Marine Landscape Jewell, O. J. d. Wcisel, M. A. Towner, A. V. Chivell, W. Van der merwe, L. Bester, M. N. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Quantifying the Degree of Protection Afforded by a No-Take Marine Reserve on an Exploited Shark Da silva, C. Kerwath, S. E. Attwood, C. G. Thorstad, E. B. Cowley, P. D. Okland, F. Wilke, C. G. Naesje, T. F. African Journal Of Marine Science 2013
Residency, Habitat Use and Sexual Segregation of White Sharks, Carcharodon Carcharias in False Bay, South Africa Kock, A. A. O'riain, M. J. Mauff, K. Meyer, M. Kotze, D. Griffiths, C. L. Plos One 2013
Movement Patterns and Habitat Selection of Invasive African Sharptooth Catfish Kadye, W. T. Booth, A. J. Journal Of Zoology 2013
Fine Scale Movements and Activity Areas of White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) in Mossel Bay, South Africa Jewell, O. J. d. Johnson, R. L. . Gennari, E. Bester, M. N. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Evaluation of Acoustic Transmitter Implantation and Determination of Post-Translocation Behaviour of Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides in a South African Impoundment Huchzermeyer, C. F. Weyl, O. L. f. Cowley, P. D. African Journal Of Aquatic Science 2013
Riding the Tide: Estuarine Movements of a Sciaenid Fish, Argyrosomus Japonicus Naesje, T. F. Cowley, P. D. Diserud, O. H. Childs, A. R. Kerwath, S. E. Thorstad, E. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
Area-Use Patterns and Diel Movements of White Steenbras Lithognathus Lithognathus in a Temporarily Open/Closed South African Estuary, Inferred From Acoustic Telemetry and Long-Term Seine-Netting Data Bennett, R. H. Cowley, P. D. Childs, A. R. Whitfield, A. K. African Journal Of Marine Science 2012
Long-Term Effects of Different-Sized Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters on the Sciaenid Arygyrosomus Japonicus: Breaking the 2\% Tag-to-Body Mass Rule Childs, A. R. Naesje, T. F. Cowley, P. D. Marine And Freshwater Research 2011
First Assessment of Estuarine Space Use and Home Range of Juvenile White Steenbras, Lithognathus Lithognathus Bennett, R. H. Childs, A. R. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Thorstad, E. B. Okland, F. African Zoology 2011
Residency and Migratory Behaviour by Adult Pomatomus Saltatrix in a South African Coastal Embayment Hedger, R. D. Naesje, T. F. Cowley, P. D. Thorstad, E. B. Attwood, C. G. Okland, F. Wilke, C. G. Kerwath, S. E. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2010
An Investigation of the Spawning Behaviour of the Chokka Squid Loligo Reynaudii and the Potential Effects of Temperature Using Acoustic Telemetry Downey, N. J. Roberts, M. J. Baird, D. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2010
Crossing Invisible Boundaries: The Effectiveness of the Langebaan Lagoon Marine Protected Area as a Harvest Refuge for a Migratory Fish Species in South Africa Kerwath, S. E. Thorstad, E. B. Naesje, T. F. Cowley, P. D. Okland, F. Wilke, C. G. Attwood, C. G. Conservation Biology 2009
Long-Term Effects of Two Sizes of Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters on a Predatory Marine Fish (Pomatomus Saltatrix) Thorstad, E. B. Kerwath, S. E. Attwood, C. G. Okland, F. Wilke, C. G. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Marine And Freshwater Research 2009
Design and Calibration of an Acoustic Telemetry System Subject to Upwelling Events Singh, L. Downey, N. J. Roberts, M. J. Webber, D. M. Smale, M. J. Van den berg, M. A. Harding, R. T. Engelbrecht, D. C. Blows, B. M. African Journal Of Marine Science 2009
Catching and Tracking the World's Largest Zambezi (Bull) Shark Carcharhinus Leucas in the Breede Estuary, South Africa: The First 43 Hours Mccord, M. E. Lamberth, S. J. African Journal Of Marine Science 2009
Coastal Swimming Patterns of White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) at Mossel Bay, South Africa Johnson, R. L. . Bester, M. N. Dudley, S. F. j. Oosthuizen, W. H. Meyer, M. Hancke, L. Gennari, E. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2009
Home Range of an Estuarine-Dependent Fish Species Pomadasys Commersonnii in a South African Estuary Childs, A. R. Booth, A. J. Cowley, P. D. Potts, W. M. Naesje, T. F. Thorstad, E. B. Okland, F. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
Estuarine Habitat Use by Juvenile Dusky Kob Argyrosomus Japonicus (Sciaenidae), With Implications for Management Cowley, P. D. Kerwath, S. E. Childs, A. R. Thorstad, E. B. Okland, F. Naesje, T. F. African Journal Of Marine Science 2008
Estuarine Use by Spotted Grunter Pomadasys Commersonnii in a South African Estuary, as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Childs, A. R. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Booth, A. J. Potts, W. M. Thorstad, E. B. Okland, F. African Journal Of Marine Science 2008
Do Environmental Factors Influence the Movement of Estuarine Fish? A Case Study Using Acoustic Telemetry Childs, A. R. Cowley, P. D. Naesje, T. F. Booth, A. J. Potts, W. M. Thorstad, E. B. Okland, F. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2008
First Tracking of White Stumpnose Rhabdosargus Globiceps (Sparidae) in a South African Marine Protected Area Attwood, C. G. Cowley, P. D. Kerwath, S. E. Naesje, T. F. Okland, F. Thorstad, E. B. African Journal Of Marine Science 2007
Area Utilisation and Activity Patterns of Roman Chrysoblephus Laticeps (Sparidae) in a Small Marine Protected Area Kerwath, S. E. Goetz, A. Attwood, C. G. Sauer, W. H. h. Wilke, C. G. African Journal Of Marine Science 2007
The Potential for Using Acoustic Tracking to Monitor the Movement of the West Coast Rock Lobster Jasus Lalandii Atkinson, L. J. Mayfield, S. Cockcroft, A. C. African Journal Of Marine Science 2005
A Telemetry Experiment on Spotted Grunter Pomadasys Commersonnii in an African Estuary Kerwath, S. E. Gotz, A. Cowley, P. D. Sauer, W. H. h. Attwood, C. G. African Journal Of Marine Science 2005


Scientific Name Common Name
Aetomylaeus bovinus Bull ray, Duckbill ray.
Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob, Mulloway, Japanese meagre.
Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally.
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark, Grey shark, Grey reef sharks, Gray reef shark.
Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark.
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark, Blacktip sharks, Blacktip, Oceanic blacktip.
Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark, Sand tiger shark, Spotted ragged-tooth shark, Ragged-tooth shark.
Carcharodon carcharias White shark.
Chrysoblephus laticeps Red roman.
Clarias gariepinus African catfish.
Dasyatis chrysonota Blue stingray.
Epinephelus andersoni Catface rockcod.
Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark.
Gymnura natalensis Diamond ray.
Jasus lalandii West coast rock lobster.
Lichia amia Leervis.
Lithognathus lithognathus White steenbras.
Loligo reynaudii Chokka squid.
Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass.
Mugil cephalus Sea mullet, Striped mullet, Flathead grey mullet.
Mustelus mustelus Smoothhound shark, Smoothound shark.
Pomadasys commersonnii Spotted grunter.
Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish.
Poroderma africanum Pyjama shark.
Rhabdosargus globiceps White stumpnose.
Rhabdosargus holubi Cape stumpnose.
Sphyrna zygaena Smooth hammerhead shark, Smooth hammerhead.
Triakis megalopterus Spotted gully shark.
