

Title Authors Journal Year
Challenges in Downstream Dam Passage and the Effect of Dam Removal on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolt Migrations Shry, S. Harbicht, A. Forsberg, H. Nilsson, P. A. Hellstroem, G. Osterling, M. Calles, O. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Downstream Migration of Landlocked Atlantic Salmon Smolt in a Regulated River-Effects of Multiple Passage at Dams With Programmed Spill Norrgard, J. R. Nyqvist, D. Greenberg, L. A. Bergman, E. River Research And Applications 2024
Lake Survival of Hatchery-Reared Adfluvial Brown Trout-a Case Study in a Large Natural Lake in Sweden Palm, D. Lundberg, P. Persson, L. Losee, J. Brodin, T. Hellstrom, G. River Research And Applications 2024
Guiding Downstream Migrating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) and Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) of Different Life Stages in a Large River Using Bubbles Leander, J. Hellstrom, G. Nordin, J. Jonsson, M. Klaminder, J. River Research And Applications 2023
Three-Dimensional Migratory Behaviour of European Silver Eels (Anguilla Anguilla) Approaching a Hydropower Plant Kjaeras, H. Baktoft, H. Silva, A. T. Gjelland, K. O. Okland, F. Forseth, T. Szabo-meszaros, M. Calles, O. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Six Common Behavioral Trials and Their Relevance for Perch Performance in Natural Lakes Fahlman, J. Hellstrom, G. Jonsson, M. Veenstra, A. Klaminder, J. Science Of The Total Environment 2020
The Old and the New: Evaluating Performance of Acoustic Telemetry Systems in Tracking Migrating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolt and European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) Around Hydropower Facilities Leander, J. Klaminder, J. Jonsson, M. Brodin, T. Leonardsson, K. Hellstrom, G. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
Less Anxious Salmon Smolt Become Easy Prey During Downstream Migration Klaminder, J. Jonsson, M. Leander, J. Fahlman, J. Brodin, T. Fick, J. Hellstrom, G. Science Of The Total Environment 2019
The Effect of Physiological and Environmental Conditions on Smolt Migration in Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Persson, L. Kagervall, A. Leonardsson, K. Royan, M. Alanara, A. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2019
Sea Surface Temperature Dictate Movement and Habitat Connectivity of Atlantic Cod in a Coastal Fjord System Staveley, T. A. Jacoby, D. M. p. Perry, D. Van der meijs, F. Lagenfelt, I. Cremle, M. Gullstrom, M. Ecology And Evolution 2019
Drug-Induced Behavioral Changes: Using Laboratory Observations to Predict Field Observations Klaminder, J. Hellstrom, G. Fahlman, J. Jonsson, M. Fick, J. Lagesson, A. Bergman, E. Brodin, T. Frontiers In Environmental Science 2016
Migration Speed, Routes, and Mortality Rates of Anadromous Brown Trout Salmo Trutta During Outward Migration Through a Complex Coastal Habitat Aldven, D. Hedger, R. D. Okland, F. Rivinoja, P. Hojesjo, J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Behaviour of Stocked and Naturally Recruited European Eels During Migration Westerberg, H. Sjoberg, N. Lagenfelt, I. Aarestrup, K. Righton, D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Effects of Feeding Regimes and Early Maturation on Migratory Behaviour of Landlocked Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Smolts Norrgard, J. R. Bergman, E. Schmitz, M. Greenberg, L. A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2014
Riverine and Early Marine Survival of Stocked Salmon Smolts, Salmo Salar L., Descending the Testebo River, Sweden Serrano, I. Rivinoja, P. Karlsson, L. Larsson, S. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2009
Migration Performance of Wild and Hatchery Sea Trout (Salmo Trutta L.) Smolts-Implications for Compensatory Hatchery Programs Serrano, I. Larsson, S. Eriksson, L. O. Fisheries Research 2009
Sub-Sea Power Cables and the Migration Behaviour of the European Eel Westerberg, H. Lagenfelt, I. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
Movement of Adult Edible Crab (Cancer Pagurus L.) at the Swedish West Coast by Mark-Recapture and Acoustic Tracking Ungfors, A. Hallback, H. Nilsson, P. G. Fisheries Research 2007
Reactions in Individual Fish to Strobe Light. Field and Aquarium Experiments Performed on Whitefish (Coregonus Lavaretus) Konigson, S. Fjalling, A. Lunneryd, S. G. Hydrobiologia 2002


Scientific Name Common Name
Anguilla anguilla European eel, Silver eel, European eels, European silver eel.
Cancer pagurus Edible crab.
Coregonus lavaretus Whitefish, Common whitefish.
Esox lucius Northern pike, Pike, European pike.
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod, Atlantic od.
Perca fluviatilis European perch, Eurasian perch.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
