Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2006 Association Dynamics of Tuna and Purse Seine Bycatch Species With Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean Tolotti, M. T. ; Forget, F. G. ; Capello, M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Itano, D. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Dagorn, L. . 2020 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central International Marine 8.998049 -17.966526 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Thunnus obesus Bigeye tuna Scombridae juvenile 23 45 61 52 Fish No
2006 Association Dynamics of Tuna and Purse Seine Bycatch Species With Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean Tolotti, M. T. ; Forget, F. G. ; Capello, M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Itano, D. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Dagorn, L. . 2020 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central International Marine 8.998049 -17.966526 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna Scombridae juvenile 20 34 82 56 Fish No
2006 Association Dynamics of Tuna and Purse Seine Bycatch Species With Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean Tolotti, M. T. ; Forget, F. G. ; Capello, M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Itano, D. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Dagorn, L. . 2020 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central International Marine 8.998049 -17.966526 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 18 78 146 116 Sharks-Rays No
2006 Association Dynamics of Tuna and Purse Seine Bycatch Species With Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean Tolotti, M. T. ; Forget, F. G. ; Capello, M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Itano, D. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Dagorn, L. . 2020 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central International Marine 8.998049 -17.966526 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Canthidermis maculata Oceanic triggerfish; Ocean triggerfish Balistidae None 20 43 115 58 Fish No
2006 Association Dynamics of Tuna and Purse Seine Bycatch Species With Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean Tolotti, M. T. ; Forget, F. G. ; Capello, M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Itano, D. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Dagorn, L. . 2020 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central International Marine 8.998049 -17.966526 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Katsuwonus pelamis Skipjack tuna Scombridae juvenile; adult 7 39 61 47 Fish No
2006 Association Dynamics of Tuna and Purse Seine Bycatch Species With Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean Tolotti, M. T. ; Forget, F. G. ; Capello, M. ; Filmalter, J. D. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Itano, D. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Dagorn, L. . 2020 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central International Marine 8.998049 -17.966526 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Elagatis bipinnulata Rainbow runner Carangidae juvenile 19 30 41 36 Fish No
1602 Habitat Geography Around Hawaii's Oceanic Islands Influences Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo Cuvier) Spatial Behaviour and Shark Bite Risk at Ocean Recreation Sites Meyer, C. G. ; Anderson, J. M. ; Coffey, D. M. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Royer, M. A. ; Holland, K. N.. 2018 Scientific Reports Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.015949 -156.688469 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 41 217 448 332 Sharks-Rays No
897 Telemetry and Random-Walk Models Reveal Complex Patterns of Partial Migration in a Large Marine Predator Papastamatiou, Y. P. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Carvalho, F. ; Dale, J. J. ; Hutchinson, M. R. ; Holland, K. N.. 2013 Ecology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.205043 -158.125154 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 95 99 464 350 Sharks-Rays No