Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2316 Informative Priors Assess Tradeoffs Between Mark-Recapture and Telemetry-Based Fish Movement in a Large River System Hansen, H. H. ; Kachman, S. D. ; Pegg, M. A. ; Charles, C. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C.. 2022 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Mortality/survival Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.678824 -96.461971 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish Ictaluridae adult 161 None None 70 Fish No
2174 Assessing Movement Patterns Using Bayesian State Space Models on Lake Winnipeg Walleye Munaweera, I. ; Muthukumarana, S. ; Gillis, D. M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Charles, C. ; Enders, E. C.. 2021 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1139/cjfas-2020-0262
2234 Spatial Ecology of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Lake Winnipeg and Its Potential for Management Actions Watkinson, D. A. ; Charles, C. ; Enders, E. C.. 2021 Journal Of Great Lakes Research Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.824717 -96.727329 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 40 61 81 71 Fish No
2227 Historical and Contemporary Movement and Survival Rates of Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Lake Winnipeg, Canada Turner, N. A. ; Charles, C. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Klein, G. ; Rennie, M. D.. 2021 Journal Of Great Lakes Research Mortality/survival Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 52.01699 -97.037113 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae juvenile; adult 359 34 73 51 Fish No
1871 An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Pegg, M. A. ; Van den broeke, M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Hansen, H. H.. 2020 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.381102 -96.763263 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae None 40 None None None Fish No
1871 An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Pegg, M. A. ; Van den broeke, M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Hansen, H. H.. 2020 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.381102 -96.763263 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon Acipenseridae None 44 None None None Fish ; No
1871 An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Pegg, M. A. ; Van den broeke, M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Hansen, H. H.. 2020 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.381102 -96.763263 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae None 357 None None None Fish No
1871 An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Pegg, M. A. ; Van den broeke, M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Hansen, H. H.. 2020 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.381102 -96.763263 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Aplodinotus grunniens Freshwater drum Sciaenidae None 81 None None None Fish No
1871 An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Pegg, M. A. ; Van den broeke, M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Hansen, H. H.. 2020 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.381102 -96.763263 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish Ictaluridae None 161 None None None Fish No
1871 An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Pegg, M. A. ; Van den broeke, M. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Hansen, H. H.. 2020 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation Ecology Arctic Sea Canada Freshwater 50.381102 -96.763263 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo Catostomidae None 80 None None None Fish No
1718 Analysing Habitat Connectivity and Home Ranges of Bigmouth Buffalo and Channel Catfish Using a Large-Scale Acoustic Receiver Network Enders, E. C. ; Charles, C. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Kovachik, C. ; Leroux, D. R. ; Hansen, H. H. ; Pegg, M. A.. 2019 Sustainability Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.007773 -97.216486 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish Ictaluridae None 161 None None 69 Fish No
1718 Analysing Habitat Connectivity and Home Ranges of Bigmouth Buffalo and Channel Catfish Using a Large-Scale Acoustic Receiver Network Enders, E. C. ; Charles, C. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Kovachik, C. ; Leroux, D. R. ; Hansen, H. H. ; Pegg, M. A.. 2019 Sustainability Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.007773 -97.216486 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo Catostomidae None 80 None None 60 Fish No
1583 Evaluation of Acoustic Telemetry Grids for Determining Aquatic Animal Movement and Survival Kraus, R. T. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Stewart, T. R. ; Faust, M. D. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Charles, C. ; Pegg, M. A. ; Enders, E. C. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2018 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1111/2041-210x.12996
1491 Factors Influencing the Spatial Ecology of Lake Sturgeon and Walleye Within an Impounded Reach of the Winnipeg River Struthers, D. P. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Enders, E. C. ; Smokorowski, K. E. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Silva, A. T. ; Cvetkovic, M. ; Bibeau, E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.123596 -96.032663 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon Acipenseridae None 40 None None None Fish ; No
1491 Factors Influencing the Spatial Ecology of Lake Sturgeon and Walleye Within an Impounded Reach of the Winnipeg River Struthers, D. P. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Enders, E. C. ; Smokorowski, K. E. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Silva, A. T. ; Cvetkovic, M. ; Bibeau, E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.123596 -96.032663 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae None 40 None None None Fish No
1497 Identifying Temporal Bottlenecks for the Conservation of Large-Bodied Fishes: Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens) Show Highly Restricted Movement and Habitat Use Over-Winter Ruppert, J. L. w. ; Thayer, D. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Clayton, T. ; Poesch, M. S.. 2017 Global Ecology And Conservation Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.499288 -110.393057 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon Acipenseridae juvenile; adult 123 62 160 111 Fish ; No