Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
1333 Comparative Use of a Caribbean Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem and Association With Fish Spawning Aggregations by Three Species of Shark Pickard, A. E. ; Vaudo, J. J. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Nemeth, R. S. ; Blondeau, J. B. ; Kadison, E. A. ; Shivji, M. S.. 2016 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.191485 -64.975135 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 17 260 347 303 Sharks-Rays No
1333 Comparative Use of a Caribbean Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem and Association With Fish Spawning Aggregations by Three Species of Shark Pickard, A. E. ; Vaudo, J. J. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Nemeth, R. S. ; Blondeau, J. B. ; Kadison, E. A. ; Shivji, M. S.. 2016 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.191485 -64.975135 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark Carcharhinidae adult 7 245 278 260 Sharks-Rays ; No
1333 Comparative Use of a Caribbean Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem and Association With Fish Spawning Aggregations by Three Species of Shark Pickard, A. E. ; Vaudo, J. J. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Nemeth, R. S. ; Blondeau, J. B. ; Kadison, E. A. ; Shivji, M. S.. 2016 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.191485 -64.975135 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 6 132 157 145 Sharks-Rays ; No
780 Diel and Seasonal Variation in the Use of a Nearshore Sandflat by a Ray Community in a Near Pristine System Vaudo, J. J. ; Heithaus, M. R.. 2012 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -25.739477 113.657499 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pateobatis fai Pink whipray Dasyatidae juvenile 5 84 100 92 Sharks-Rays No
780 Diel and Seasonal Variation in the Use of a Nearshore Sandflat by a Ray Community in a Near Pristine System Vaudo, J. J. ; Heithaus, M. R.. 2012 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -25.739477 113.657499 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Glaucostegus typus Shovelnose ray; Common shovelnose ray; Giant shovelnose ray Glaucostegidae juvenile 11 151 205 178 Sharks-Rays No
780 Diel and Seasonal Variation in the Use of a Nearshore Sandflat by a Ray Community in a Near Pristine System Vaudo, J. J. ; Heithaus, M. R.. 2012 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -25.739477 113.657499 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Himantura uarnak Reticulate whipray Dasyatidae juvenile 11 73 113 93 Sharks-Rays No
780 Diel and Seasonal Variation in the Use of a Nearshore Sandflat by a Ray Community in a Near Pristine System Vaudo, J. J. ; Heithaus, M. R.. 2012 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -25.739477 113.657499 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pastinachus ater Cowtail stingray; Broad cowtail ray Dasyatidae juvenile; adult 9 89 133 111 Sharks-Rays ; No
345 Movement Patterns of the Round Stingray Urobatis Halleri (Cooper) Near a Thermal Outfall Vaudo, J. J. ; Lowe, C. G.. 2006 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 33.737036 -118.114311 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Urobatis halleri Round stingray Urotrygonidae adult 10 19 28 23 Sharks-Rays No
239 Diel Movement Patterns of the Hawaiian Stingray, Dasyatis Lata: Implications for Ecological Interactions Between Sympatric Elasmobranch Species Cartamil, D. P. ; Vaudo, J. J. ; Lowe, C. G. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Holland, K. N.. 2003 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.433333 -157.783333 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Bathytoshia lata Hawaiian stingray Dasyatidae adult 7 40 73 56 Sharks-Rays No