Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2698 Spatiotemporal Variations in Reef Manta Ray (Mobula Alfredi) Residency at a Remote Meso-Scale Habitat and Its Importance in Future Spatial Planning Harris, J. L. ; Hosegood, P. ; Embling, C. B. ; Williamson, B. J. ; Stevens, G. M. w.. 2024 Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -6.658154 71.356165 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Mobula alfredi Reef manta ray Mobulidae juvenile; adult 42 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2677 Coexistence, Resource Partitioning, and Fisheries Management: A Tale of Two Mesopredators in Equatorial Waters Orrell, D. L. ; Sadd, D. ; Jones, K. L. ; Chadwick, K. ; Simpson, T. ; Philpott, D. E. ; Hussey, N. E.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast United Kingdom Marine -7.887799 -14.375187 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gymnothorax moringa Spotted moray eel; Spotted moray Muraenidae adult 15 74 122 94 Fish No
2677 Coexistence, Resource Partitioning, and Fisheries Management: A Tale of Two Mesopredators in Equatorial Waters Orrell, D. L. ; Sadd, D. ; Jones, K. L. ; Chadwick, K. ; Simpson, T. ; Philpott, D. E. ; Hussey, N. E.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast United Kingdom Marine -7.887799 -14.375187 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus adscensionis Rock hind Epinephelidae adult 46 33 58 47 Fish No
2557 Pop-Up Archival Tags Reveal Environmental Influences on the Vertical Movements of Silvertip Sharks Carcharhinus Albimarginatus Carlisle, A. B. ; Meeuwig, J. J. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Tickler, D. M. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Dale, J. J. ; Castleton, M. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Block, B. A.. 2023 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.427415 71.881185 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 1 124 124 124 Sharks-Rays No
2166 SNP Analyses and Acoustic Tagging Reveal Multiple Origins and Widespread Dispersal of Invasive Brown Trout in the Falkland Islands Minett, J. F. ; De leaniz, C. G. ; Sobolewska, H. ; Brickle, P. ; Crossin, G. T. ; Consuegra, S. . 2021 Evolutionary Applications Ecology Atlantic, Southwest United Kingdom Freshwater Marine -51.513393 -58.963029 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile; adult 25 17 54 36 Fish No
1845 Individual Variation in Residency and Regional Movements of Reef Manta Rays Mobula Alfredi in a Large Marine Protected Area Andrzejaczek, S. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Castleton, M. ; Jacoby, D. M. p. ; Peel, L. R. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Tickler, D. M. ; Block, B. A.. 2020 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.436344 72.391554 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Mobula alfredi Reef manta ray Mobulidae None 21 None None None Sharks-Rays No
1970 St. Helena: An Important Reproductive Habitat for Whale Sharks (Rhincodon Typus) in the Central South Atlantic Perry, C. T. ; Clingham, E. ; Webb, D. H. ; De la parra, R. ; Pierce, S. J. ; Beard, A. ; Henry, L. ; Taylor, B. M. ; Andrews, K. . ; Hobbs, R. ; Araujo, G. ; Dove, A. D. m.. 2020 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast United Kingdom Marine -15.925793 -5.727968 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Rhincodon typus Whale shark Rhincodontidae None 43 None None None Sharks-Rays No
1916 Shark Movement Strategies Influence Poaching Risk and Can Guide Enforcement Decisions in a Large, Remote Marine Protected Area Jacoby, D. M. p. ; Ferretti, F. ; Freeman, R. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Dale, J. J. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Tickler, D. M. ; Block, B. A.. 2020 Journal Of Applied Ecology Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.613208 71.901498 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 54 83 208 145 Sharks-Rays No
1916 Shark Movement Strategies Influence Poaching Risk and Can Guide Enforcement Decisions in a Large, Remote Marine Protected Area Jacoby, D. M. p. ; Ferretti, F. ; Freeman, R. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Dale, J. J. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Tickler, D. M. ; Block, B. A.. 2020 Journal Of Applied Ecology Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.613208 71.901498 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark; Grey shark; Grey reef sharks; Gray reef shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 47 70 171 120 Sharks-Rays No
1878 Behavior and Ecology of Silky Sharks Around the Chagos Archipelago and Evidence of Indian Ocean Wide Movement Curnick, D. J. ; Andrzejaczek, S. ; Jacoby, D. M. p. ; Coffey, D. M. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Ferretti, F. ; Schallert, R. J. ; White, T. D. ; Block, B. A. ; Koldewey, H. J. ; Collen, B. . 2020 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.436344 72.391554 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 4 148 169 159 Sharks-Rays No
1817 Potential Detection of Illegal Fishing by Passive Acoustic Telemetry Tickler, D. M. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Dale, J. J. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Block, B. A.. 2019 Animal Biotelemetry Mortality/survival Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.400839 71.850837 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 48 83 180 131 Sharks-Rays No
1817 Potential Detection of Illegal Fishing by Passive Acoustic Telemetry Tickler, D. M. ; Carlisle, A. B. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Dale, J. J. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Block, B. A.. 2019 Animal Biotelemetry Mortality/survival Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.400839 71.850837 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark; Grey shark; Grey reef sharks; Gray reef shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 47 75 140 107 Sharks-Rays No
1696 Estimating Space Use of Mobile Fishes in a Large Marine Protected Area With Methodological Considerations in Acoustic Array Design Carlisle, A. B. ; Tickler, D. M. ; Dale, J. J. ; Ferretti, F. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Castleton, M. ; Block, B. A.. 2019 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.770032 71.583658 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark Carcharhinidae None 93 None None 118 Sharks-Rays No
1696 Estimating Space Use of Mobile Fishes in a Large Marine Protected Area With Methodological Considerations in Acoustic Array Design Carlisle, A. B. ; Tickler, D. M. ; Dale, J. J. ; Ferretti, F. ; Curnick, D. J. ; Chapple, T. K. ; Schallert, R. J. ; Castleton, M. ; Block, B. A.. 2019 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Indian Ocean, Western United Kingdom Marine -5.770032 71.583658 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark; Grey shark; Grey reef sharks; Gray reef shark Carcharhinidae None 87 None None 111 Sharks-Rays No
1418 Comparing Acoustic Tag Attachments Designed for Mobile Tracking of Hatchling Sea Turtles Hoover, A. L. ; Shillinger, G. L. ; Swiggs, J. ; Bailey, H. . 2017 Frontiers In Marine Science Tagging effects None United Kingdom Laboratory 19.380238 -81.416611 Small-Scale Neither NO Chelonia mydas Green turtle; Loggerhead sea turtle; Green sea turtle Cheloniidae juvenile 12 6 7 7 Turtle No
887 Residency and Behavioural Rhythmicity of Ballan Wrasse (Labrus Bergylta) and Rays (Raja Spp.) Captured in Portelet Bay, Jersey: Implications for Marine Protected Area Design Morel, G. M. ; Shrives, J. ; Bossy, S. F. ; Meyer, C. G.. 2013 Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom Ecology Atlantic, Northeast United Kingdom Marine 49.168762 -2.178214 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse Labridae juvenile; adult 6 29 40 34 Fish No
887 Residency and Behavioural Rhythmicity of Ballan Wrasse (Labrus Bergylta) and Rays (Raja Spp.) Captured in Portelet Bay, Jersey: Implications for Marine Protected Area Design Morel, G. M. ; Shrives, J. ; Bossy, S. F. ; Meyer, C. G.. 2013 Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom Ecology Atlantic, Northeast United Kingdom Marine 49.168762 -2.178214 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Raja microocellata Smalleyed ray Rajidae juvenile 3 54 71 62 Sharks-Rays No
887 Residency and Behavioural Rhythmicity of Ballan Wrasse (Labrus Bergylta) and Rays (Raja Spp.) Captured in Portelet Bay, Jersey: Implications for Marine Protected Area Design Morel, G. M. ; Shrives, J. ; Bossy, S. F. ; Meyer, C. G.. 2013 Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom Ecology Atlantic, Northeast United Kingdom Marine 49.168762 -2.178214 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Raja brachyura Blonde ray Rajidae juvenile 1 48 48 48 Sharks-Rays No
830 Supplemental Feeding for Ecotourism Reverses Diel Activity and Alters Movement Patterns and Spatial Distribution of the Southern Stingray, Dasyatis Americana Corcoran, M. J. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Shivji, M. S. ; Potenski, M. D. ; Chapman, D. D. ; Harvey, G. M.. 2013 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central United Kingdom Marine 19.367278 -81.30941 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Hypanus americanus Southern stingray; Southern ray Dasyatidae adult 13 58 124 85 Sharks-Rays No
534 Life in (And Out Of) the Lagoon: Fine-Scale Movements of Green Turtles Tracked Using Time-Depth Recorders Blumenthal, J. M. ; Austin, T. J. ; Bothwell, J. B. ; Broderick, A. C. ; Ebanks-petrie, G. ; Olynik, J. R. ; Orr, M. F. ; Solomon, J. L. ; Witt, M. J. ; Godley, B. J.. 2010 Aquatic Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central United Kingdom Marine 19.265631 -81.356108 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Chelonia mydas Green turtle; Loggerhead sea turtle; Green sea turtle Cheloniidae juvenile 66 32 80 55 Turtle No
462 Diving Behavior and Movements of Juvenile Hawksbill Turtles Eretmochelys Imbricata on a Caribbean Coral Reef Blumenthal, J. M. ; Austin, T. J. ; Bothwell, J. B. ; Broderick, A. C. ; Ebanks-petrie, G. ; Olynik, J. R. ; Orr, M. F. ; Solomon, J. L. ; Witt, M. J. ; Godley, B. J.. 2009 Coral Reefs Ecology Atlantic, Western Central United Kingdom Marine 19.68865 -80.070737 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtles; Hawksbill turtle; Hawksbill sea turtle Cheloniidae juvenile 21 26 58 37 Turtle No
159 In Situ Comparison of Activity in Two Deep-Sea Scavenging Fishes Occupying Different Depth Zones Collins, M. A. ; Priede, I. G. ; Bagley, P. M.. 1999 Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences Ecology Atlantic, Northeast United Kingdom Marine 48.833333 -16.500001 Large-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Coryphaenoides armatus Grenadier Macrouridae None 4 None None None Fish No
126 Acoustic Tracking of the Dispersal of Organic Matter by Scavenging Fishes in the Deep-Sea Collins, M. A. ; Priede, I. G. ; Addison, S. ; Smith, A. N. h. ; Bagley, P. M.. 1998 Hydrobiologia Ecology Atlantic, Northeast United Kingdom Marine 48.833333 -16.500001 Large-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Coryphaenoides armatus Grenadier Macrouridae None 19 None None None Fish No
59 Photographic and Acoustic Tracking Observations of the Behavior of the Grenadier Coryphaenoides-(Nematonurus)-Armatus, the Eel Synaphobranchus-Bathybius, and Other Abyssal Demersal Fish in the North-Atlantic Ocean Armstrong, J. D. ; Bagley, P. M. ; Priede, I. G.. 1992 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast United Kingdom Marine 48.833333 -16.5 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Coryphaenoides armatus Grenadier Macrouridae None 23 None None 68 Fish No