Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2712 Movement Ecology Determines Isotopic Niche Width in the Undulate Skate Raja Undulata Daban, P. ; Hillinger, A. ; Mucientes, G. ; Blanco, A. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2024 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.210378 -8.905574 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Raja undulata Undulate ray; Undulate skate Rajidae juvenile; adult 98 None None 40 Sharks-Rays No
2744 First Insights Into the Spatial Behaviour of Octopus Vulgaris in the Wild Using Acoustic Telemetry Papadopoulo, K. ; Hillinger, A. ; Mucientes, G. ; Roura, A. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Irisarri, J. ; Gonzalez, A. F. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2024 Animal Biotelemetry Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214598 -8.902605 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ETN Octopus vulgaris Common octopus Octopodidae None 24 None None None Octopus No
2600 Drivers of the Spatial Behaviour of the Threatened Thornback Skate (Raja Clavata) Papadopoulo, K. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Mucientes, G. ; Hillinger, A. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2023 Aquatic Living Resources Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.21416 -8.902245 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Raja clavata Thornback ray; Thornback skate Rajidae juvenile 14 22 49 34 Sharks-Rays No
2599 Drivers of Behaviour and Spatial Ecology of the Small Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus Canicula) Papadopoulo, K. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Mucientes, G. ; Hillinger, A. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2023 Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214377 -8.902785 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Scyliorhinus canicula Dogfish; Small-spotted catshark; Small spotted catshark Scyliorhinidae adult 28 50 63 55 Sharks-Rays No
2597 Intense Scuba Diving Does Not Alter Activity Patterns of Predatory Reef Fish: Evidence From a Protected Tourism Hotspot Pereniguez, J. M. ; Alos, J. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Rojo, I. ; Calo, A. ; Hackradt, C. ; Hernandez-andreu, R. ; Mourre, B. ; Garcia-charton, J. A.. 2023 Journal Of Environmental Management Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 37.649878 -0.657982 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae adult 16 50 92 73 Fish ; No
2587 Burrow Emergence Rhythms of Deep-Water Mediterranean Norway Lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus) Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Aguzzi, J. ; Vigo, M. ; Bahamon, N. ; Masmitja, I. ; Chatzievangelou, D. ; Robinson, N. J. ; Jonasson, J. P. ; Sanchez-marquez, A. ; Navarro, J. ; Company, J. B.. 2023 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.03556 3.910431 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Nephrops norvegicus Norway lobster Nephropidae adult 25 31 50 40 Lobster No
2541 Activity-Rest Circadian Rhythm of the Pearly Razorfish in Its Natural Habitat, Before and During Its Mating Akaarir, M. ; Pujol, J. M. ; Suau, M. ; Rial, R. V. ; Nicolau, M. C. ; Gamundi, A. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Barcelo-serra, M. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Alos, J. . 2023 Biology-Basel Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.524351 2.689681 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae None 58 None None 17 Fish No
2615 Spatiotemporal Distribution and Sexual Segregation in the Critically Endangered Angelshark Squatina Squatina in Spain's Largest Marine Reserve Mead, L. R. ; Jimenez alvarado, D. ; Meyers, E. ; Barker, J. ; Sealey, M. ; Caro, M. B. ; Toledo, H. ; Pike, C. ; Gollock, M. J. ; Piper, A. T. ; Schofield, G. ; Herraiz, E. ; Jacoby, D. M. p.. 2023 Endangered Species Research Ecology Atlantic, Eastern Central Spain Marine 29.279964 -13.52027 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Squatina squatina Angelshark Squatinidae adult 104 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2250 Discard Survival of Coastal Elasmobranchs in a Small-Scale Fishery Using Acoustic Telemetry and Recapture Data Alonso-fernandez, A. ; Mucientes, G. ; Villegas-rios, D. . 2022 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214098 -8.90122 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Scyliorhinus canicula Dogfish; Small-spotted catshark; Small spotted catshark Scyliorhinidae adult 18 None None 55 Sharks-Rays No
2250 Discard Survival of Coastal Elasmobranchs in a Small-Scale Fishery Using Acoustic Telemetry and Recapture Data Alonso-fernandez, A. ; Mucientes, G. ; Villegas-rios, D. . 2022 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214098 -8.90122 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Raja brachyura Blonde ray Rajidae adult 3 None None 40 Sharks-Rays No
2250 Discard Survival of Coastal Elasmobranchs in a Small-Scale Fishery Using Acoustic Telemetry and Recapture Data Alonso-fernandez, A. ; Mucientes, G. ; Villegas-rios, D. . 2022 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214098 -8.90122 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Raja clavata Thornback ray; Thornback skate Rajidae adult 14 None None 34 Sharks-Rays No
2250 Discard Survival of Coastal Elasmobranchs in a Small-Scale Fishery Using Acoustic Telemetry and Recapture Data Alonso-fernandez, A. ; Mucientes, G. ; Villegas-rios, D. . 2022 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214098 -8.90122 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Raja undulata Undulate ray; Undulate skate Rajidae adult 2 29 49 39 Sharks-Rays No
2233 Spatial Ecology of Norway Lobster Nephrops Norvegicus in Mediterranean Deep-Water Environments: Implications for Designing No-Take Marine Reserves Vigo, M. ; Navarro, J. ; Masmitja, I. ; Aguzzi, J. ; Antonio garcia, J. ; Rotllant, G. ; Bahamon, N. ; Company, J. B.. 2021 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.066229 3.553457 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Nephrops norvegicus Norway lobster Nephropidae None 33 3 5 4 Lobster No
2139 Drivers of Spatial Behaviour of the Endangered Undulate Skate, Raja Undulata Leeb, K. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Mucientes, G. ; Garci, M. ; Gilcoto, M. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2021 Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214518 -8.901664 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Raja undulata Undulate ray; Undulate skate Rajidae None 44 None None None Sharks-Rays No
2077 Atlantic Salmon Living on the Edge: Smolt Behaviour and Survival During Seaward Migration in River Minho Flavio, H. ; Caballero, P. ; Jepsen, N. ; Aarestrup, K. . 2021 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Mortality/survival Europe - Inland Waters Spain Freshwater 42.078125 -8.501235 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 152 13 19 16 Fish No
2050 Seasonal Influence on the Bathymetric Distribution of an Endangered Fish Within a Marine Protected Area Brazo, A. ; Marques, R. ; Zimmermann, M. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Hereu, B. ; Saragoni, G. ; Merciere, A. ; Crec'hriou, R. ; Mercader, M. ; Verdoit-jarraya, M. ; Cadene, F. ; Lenfant, P. . 2021 Scientific Reports Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.465991 3.164052 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Sciaenidae adult 20 32 56 44 Fish No
2032 High-Throughput Tracking of Social Networks in Marine Fish Populations Aspillaga, E. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Barcelo-serra, M. ; Alos, J. . 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.470079 2.721906 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae None 320 9 22 15 Fish No
2172 Short-Term Survival, Space Use and Diel Patterns of Coastal Fish Species Revealed From `Solo Datasets' Mucientes, G. ; Leeb, K. ; Straber, F. E. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2021 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214926 -8.90178 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale ETN NO Pollachius pollachius Pollack Gadidae juvenile 1 33 33 33 Fish No
2172 Short-Term Survival, Space Use and Diel Patterns of Coastal Fish Species Revealed From `Solo Datasets' Mucientes, G. ; Leeb, K. ; Straber, F. E. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2021 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214926 -8.90178 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale ETN NO Diplodus sargus White seabream Sparidae adult 1 28 28 28 Fish No
2172 Short-Term Survival, Space Use and Diel Patterns of Coastal Fish Species Revealed From `Solo Datasets' Mucientes, G. ; Leeb, K. ; Straber, F. E. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2021 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214926 -8.90178 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale ETN NO Mullus surmuletus Striped red mullet Mullidae adult 1 21 21 21 Fish No
2172 Short-Term Survival, Space Use and Diel Patterns of Coastal Fish Species Revealed From `Solo Datasets' Mucientes, G. ; Leeb, K. ; Straber, F. E. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Alonso-fernandez, A. . 2021 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.214926 -8.90178 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale ETN NO Symphodus melops Corkwing wrasse Labridae adult 1 25 25 25 Fish No
2186 Accelerometry of Seabream in a Sea -Cage: Is Acceleration a Good Proxy for Activity? Palstra, A. P. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Xue, Y. ; Roque, A. . 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology None Spain Laboratory 39.54406 2.380746 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sparus aurata Snapper; Seabream; Gilthead seabream; Australasian snapper; Silver seabream; Gilt-head sea bream; Sea bream Sparidae None 30 None None 18 Fish No
1957 Acoustic Telemetry: A Tool to Monitor Fish Swimming Behavior in Sea Munoz, L. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Palmer, M. ; Saraiva, J. L. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. . 2020 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.539634 2.369142 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Sparus aurata Snapper; Seabream; Gilthead seabream; Australasian snapper; Silver seabream; Gilt-head sea bream; Sea bream Sparidae juvenile 10 None None 20 Fish No
1361 Repeatability of Circadian Behavioural Variation Revealed in Free-Ranging Marine Fish Alos, J. ; Martorell-barcelo, M. ; Campos-candela, A. . 2017 Royal Society Open Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.439041 2.73028 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae None 21 None None None Fish No
1366 Thermal Stratification Drives Movement of a Coastal Apex Predator Aspillaga, E. ; Bartumeus, F. ; Starr, R. M. ; Lopez-sanz, A. ; Linares, C. ; Diaz, D. ; Garrabou, J. ; Zabala, M. ; Hereu, B. . 2017 Scientific Reports Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.045971 3.225266 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Dentex dentex Common dentex Sparidae adult 12 42 65 56 Fish No
1362 Rapid Dispersion of Escaped Meagre (Argyrosomus Regius) From a Coastal Mediterranean Fish Farm Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Izquierdo-gomez, D. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. . 2017 Aquaculture Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 37.551003 -1.102123 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Argyrosomus regius Meagre Sciaenidae juvenile 16 33 49 42 Fish No
1244 Ordinary and Extraordinary Movement Behaviour of Small Resident Fish Within a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area Aspillaga, E. ; Bartumeus, F. ; Linares, C. ; Starr, R. M. ; Lopez-sanz, A. ; Diaz, D. ; Zabala, M. ; Hereu, B. . 2016 Plos One Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.044751 3.224378 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Diplodus sargus White seabream Sparidae adult 41 21 35 28 Fish No
1240 Fast and Behavior-Selective Exploitation of a Marine Fish Targeted by Anglers Alos, J. ; Palmer, M. ; Rossello, R. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2016 Scientific Reports Mortality/survival Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.44081 2.736924 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae adult 22 14 22 17 Fish No
1205 Pilot Acoustic Tracking Study on Adult Spiny Lobsters (Palinurus Mauritanicus) and Spider Crabs (Maja Squinado) Within an Artificial Reef Rotllant, G. ; Aguzzi, J. ; Sarria, D. ; Gisbert, E. ; Sbragaglia, V. ; Del rio, J. ; Simeo, C. G. ; Manuel, A. ; Molino, E. ; Costa, C. ; Sarda, F. . 2015 Hydrobiologia Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 41.200826 1.73207 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Maja squinado Spider crab Majidae juvenile 3 None None 15 Crab No
1205 Pilot Acoustic Tracking Study on Adult Spiny Lobsters (Palinurus Mauritanicus) and Spider Crabs (Maja Squinado) Within an Artificial Reef Rotllant, G. ; Aguzzi, J. ; Sarria, D. ; Gisbert, E. ; Sbragaglia, V. ; Del rio, J. ; Simeo, C. G. ; Manuel, A. ; Molino, E. ; Costa, C. ; Sarda, F. . 2015 Hydrobiologia Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 41.200826 1.73207 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Palinurus mauritanicus Spiny lobster Palinuridae juvenile 3 None None 7 Lobster No
1104 Aggregations of Bluefish Pomatomus Saltatrix (L.) at Mediterranean Coastal Fish Farms: Seasonal Presence, Daily Patterns and Influence of Farming Activity Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Izquierdo-gomez, D. ; Uglem, I. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. . 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.096493 -0.596762 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae adult 23 None None 50 Fish No
945 Home Range and Diel Behavior of the Ballan Wrasse, Labrus Bergylta, Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Villegas-rios, D. ; Alos, J. ; March, D. ; Palmer, M. ; Mucientes, G. ; Saborido-rey, F. . 2013 Journal Of Sea Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.21461 -8.900165 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse Labridae juvenile; adult 25 20 50 33 Fish No
896 The Mediterranean Benthic Herbivores Show Diverse Responses to Extreme Storm Disturbances Pages, J. F. ; Gera, A. ; Romero, J. ; Farina, S. ; Garcia-rubies, A. ; Hereu, B. ; Alcoverro, T. . 2013 Plos One Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.04983 3.221354 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sarpa salpa Salema Sparidae None 20 None None None Fish No
895 Evaluating a Key Herbivorous Fish as a Mobile Link: A Brownian Bridge Approach Pages, J. F. ; Bartumeus, F. ; Hereu, B. ; Lopez-sanz, A. ; Romero, J. ; Alcoverro, T. . 2013 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 42.04983 3.221354 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sarpa salpa Salema Sparidae None 20 None None None Fish No
700 Experimental Acoustic Telemetry Experiment Reveals Strong Site Fidelity During the Sexual Resting Period of Wild Brown Meagre, Sciaena Umbra Alos, J. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. . 2012 Journal Of Applied Ichthyology Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.47254 2.535374 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Sciaenidae adult 4 29 35 32 Fish No
701 Diel Behaviour and Habitat Utilisation by the Pearly Razorfish During the Spawning Season Alos, J. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K.. 2012 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.437702 2.745292 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Xyrichtys novacula Pearly razorfish Labridae adult 12 15 20 17 Fish No
760 Impact of a Telemetry-Transmitter Implant on Daily Behavioral Rhythms and Physiological Stress Indicators in Gilthead Seabream (Sparus Aurata) Montoya, A. ; Lopez-olmeda, J. F. ; Lopez-capel, A. ; Sanchez-vazquez, F. J. ; Perez-ruzafa, A. . 2012 Marine Environmental Research Tagging effects None Spain Laboratory 37.589912 -1.015406 Small-Scale Neither NO Sparus aurata Snapper; Seabream; Gilthead seabream; Australasian snapper; Silver seabream; Gilt-head sea bream; Sea bream Sparidae None 9 None None None Fish No
713 Movement Patterns of the European Squid Loligo Vulgaris During the Inshore Spawning Season Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; Alos, J. ; Palmer, M. ; March, D. ; O'dor, R. K.. 2012 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.518015 2.678186 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Loligo vulgaris European squid Loliginidae adult 26 17 33 23 Squid No
704 Post-Escape Dispersion of Farmed Seabream (Sparus Aurata L.) and Recaptures by Local Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Bayle-sempere, J. T. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. . 2012 Fisheries Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.096495 -0.596759 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sparus aurata Snapper; Seabream; Gilthead seabream; Australasian snapper; Silver seabream; Gilt-head sea bream; Sea bream Sparidae None 38 None None 27 Fish No
702 Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Movement of Adult Two-Banded Sea Bream Diplodus Vulgaris (Saint-Hilaire, 1817) Alos, J. ; Cabanellas-reboredo, M. ; March, D. . 2012 Fisheries Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.47254 2.535374 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Diplodus vulgaris Two-banded seabream; Common two-banded seabream Sparidae adult 10 24 27 25 Fish No
656 Short-Term Residence and Movement Patterns of the Annular Seabream Diplodus Annularis in a Temperate Marine Reserve March, D. ; Alos, J. ; Grau, A. ; Palmer, M. . 2011 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.474675 2.706752 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Diplodus annularis Annular seabream Sparidae adult 20 14 16 15 Fish No
671 Movements of Three Large Coastal Predatory Fishes in the Northeast Atlantic: A Preliminary Telemetry Study Pita, P. ; Freire, J. . 2011 Scientia Marina Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 43.37571 -8.450419 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Dicentrarchus labrax Seabass; European bass; European seabass; European sea bass Moronidae juvenile; adult 3 30 43 36 Fish No
671 Movements of Three Large Coastal Predatory Fishes in the Northeast Atlantic: A Preliminary Telemetry Study Pita, P. ; Freire, J. . 2011 Scientia Marina Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 43.37571 -8.450419 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Conger conger European conger; Conger eel Congridae juvenile 3 100 150 133 Fish No
671 Movements of Three Large Coastal Predatory Fishes in the Northeast Atlantic: A Preliminary Telemetry Study Pita, P. ; Freire, J. . 2011 Scientia Marina Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 43.37571 -8.450419 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse Labridae juvenile 4 20 25 22 Fish No
601 Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Serranus Cabrilla Habitat Use in the Nw Mediterranean Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Alos, J. ; March, D. ; Palmer, M. ; Grau, A. ; Morales-nin, B. . 2011 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.44362 2.719313 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Serranus cabrilla Comber Serranidae adult 15 12 17 15 Fish No
530 Movements of Grey Mullet Liza Aurata and Chelon Labrosus Associated With Coastal Fish Farms in the Western Mediterranean Sea Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Bayle-sempere, J. T. ; Nilsen, R. . 2010 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.099683 -0.610751 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Chelon auratus Golden grey mullet Mugilidae adult 14 40 64 47 Fish No
530 Movements of Grey Mullet Liza Aurata and Chelon Labrosus Associated With Coastal Fish Farms in the Western Mediterranean Sea Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Bayle-sempere, J. T. ; Nilsen, R. . 2010 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.099683 -0.610751 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Chelon labrosus Thicklip grey mullet Mugilidae adult 8 54 74 60 Fish No
573 Short-Term Residence, Home Range Size and Diel Patterns of the Painted Comber Serranus Scriba in a Temperate Marine Reserve March, D. ; Palmer, M. ; Alos, J. ; Grau, A. ; Cardona, F. . 2010 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 39.462377 2.715465 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Serranus scriba Painted comber Serranidae adult 15 16 21 18 Fish No
353 Preliminary Telemetry Data on the Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of European Catfish (Silurus Glanis) in a Reservoir of the River Ebro, Spain Carol, J. ; Zamora, L. ; Garcia-berthou, E. . 2007 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Spain Freshwater 41.232355 0.536332 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Fine-scale NO Silurus glanis European catfish; Catfish; Wels catfish Siluridae adult 5 103 143 121 Fish No
213 Migratory Patterns of Female Spider Crabs Maja Squinado Detected Using Electronic Tags and Telemetry Gonzalez-gurriaran, E. ; Freire, J. ; Bernardez, C. . 2002 Journal Of Crustacean Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.479816 -8.93217 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Maja squinado Spider crab Majidae adult 22 None None None Crab No
233 Quantifying the Activity and Movement of Perch in a Temperate Lake by Integrating Acoustic Telemetry and a Geographic Information System Zamora, L. ; Moreno-amich, R. . 2002 Hydrobiologia Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Spain Freshwater 42.131713 2.75807 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Fine-scale NO Perca fluviatilis European perch; Eurasian perch Percidae adult 7 24 26 25 Fish No
83 Movement Patterns and Habitat Utilization in the Spider Crab Maja-Squinado (Herbst) (Decapoda, Majidae) Measured by Ultrasonic Telemetry Gonzalez-gurriaran, E. ; Freire, J. . 1994 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Spain Marine 42.482644 -8.925465 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Maja squinado Spider crab Majidae juvenile; adult 17 9 17 13 Crab No