Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2012 Aggregative Capacity of Experimental Anchored Fish Aggregating Devices (Afads) in Northeastern Brazil Revealed Through Electronic Tagging Data Veras, L. Q. ; Capello, M. ; Forget, F. G. ; Tolotti, M. T. ; Veras, D. P. ; Dagorn, L. ; Hazin, F. H. v.. 2020 Ocean And Coastal Research Ecology Atlantic, Southwest Brazil Marine -8.154273 -34.578067 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish; Common dolphinfish; Mahi mahi Coryphaenidae adult 1 70 70 70 Fish No 10.1590/s2675-28242020068284
1354 Swimming Depth of Dolphinfish (Coryphaena Hippurus) Associated and Unassociated With Fish Aggregating Devices Whitney, N. M. ; Taquet, M. ; Brill, R. W. ; Girard, C. ; Schwieterman, G. D. ; Dagorn, L. ; Holland, K. N.. 2016 Fishery Bulletin Ecology Indian Ocean, Western Seychelles Marine -4.680535 55.547541 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish; Common dolphinfish; Mahi mahi Coryphaenidae adult 12 58 125 98 Fish No 10.7755/fb.114.4.5
1161 Horizontal and Vertical Movements of the Common Dolphinfish (Coryphaena Hippurus) in La Paz Bay, Mexico Hernandez-tlapale, C. ; Thomas ketchum, J. ; Marin-enriquez, E. ; Muhlia-melo, A. . 2015 Ciencias Marinas Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central Mexico Marine 24.316112 -110.533311 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish; Common dolphinfish; Mahi mahi Coryphaenidae juvenile 8 67 83 76 Fish No 10.7773/cm.v41i4.2560
357 Behavior of Yellowfin (Thunnus Albacares) and Bigeye (T-Obesus) Tuna in a Network of Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) Dagorn, L. ; Holland, K. N. ; Itano, D. G.. 2007 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central USA Marine 21.768644 -157.984045 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish; Common dolphinfish; Mahi mahi Coryphaenidae None 26 None None None Fish No 10.1007/s00227-006-0511-1
386 Behavior of Dolphinfish (Coryphaena Hippurus) Around Drifting Fads as Observed From Automated Acoustic Receivers Taquet, M. ; Dagorn, L. ; Gaertner, J. C. ; Girard, C. ; Aumeeruddy, R. ; Sancho, G. ; Itano, D. G.. 2007 Aquatic Living Resources Ecology Indian Ocean, Western France Marine -20.287617 55.334153 Large-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish; Common dolphinfish; Mahi mahi Coryphaenidae juvenile; adult 60 80 125 102 Fish No 10.1051/alr:2008008