Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2048 Telemetry Reveals Migratory Drivers and Disparate Space Use Across Seasons and Age-Groups in American Horseshoe Crabs Bopp, J. J. ; Sclafani, M. ; Frisk, M. G. ; Mckown, K. A. ; Ziegler, C. M. ; Smith, D. R. ; Cerrato, R. M.. 2021 Ecosphere Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 40.781157 -72.744225 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae juvenile; adult 95 None None 17 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1002/ecs2.3811
1786 Effects of the Biomedical Bleeding Process on the Behavior of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus, in Its Natural Habitat Owings, M. ; Chabot, C. C. ; Watson, W. H.. 2019 Biological Bulletin Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 43.08919 -70.869307 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 28 None None 9 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1086/702917
1599 Assessing the Movements of American Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus Polyphemus) Around a Marine Protected Area in Cape Cod, Ma, Usa Martinez, S. E. d. ; Halliday, W. D. ; Malkoski, V. ; Juanes, F. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2018 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 41.64807 -69.985912 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 75 170 277 223 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.06.016
1352 Rhythms of Locomotion and Seasonal Changes in Activity Expressed by Horseshoe Crabs in Their Natural Habitat Watson, W. H. ; Johnson, S. K. ; Whitworth, C. D. ; Chabot, C. C.. 2016 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 43.098416 -70.860914 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 22 13 22 16 Horseshoe Crab No 10.3354/meps11556
598 High Resolution Tracking of Adult Horseshoe Crabs Limulus Polyphemus in a New Hampshire Estuary Using Fixed Array Ultrasonic Telemetry Watson, W. H. ; Chabot, C. C.. 2010 Current Zoology Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 43.091366 -70.864962 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 28 12 22 17 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1093/czoolo/56.5.599
569 Seasonal Movement of the American Horseshoe Crab Limulus Polyphemus in a Semi-Enclosed Bay on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (Usa) as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry James-pirri, M. J.. 2010 Current Zoology Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Marine 41.72869 -69.971413 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 55 None None 23 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1093/czoolo/56.5.575
590 Seasonal Movements of American Horseshoe Crabs Limulus Polyphemus in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire (Usa) Schaller, S. Y. ; Chabot, C. C. ; Watson, W. H.. 2010 Current Zoology Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 43.094442 -70.860986 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Fine-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 37 None None None Horseshoe Crab No 10.1093/czoolo/56.5.587
380 Seasonal Movement and Resource-Use Patterns of Resident Horseshoe Crab (Limulus Polyphemus) Populations in a Maine, Usa Estuary Moore, S. ; Perrin, S. . 2007 Estuaries And Coasts Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 44.568886 -68.259169 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 26 None None 16 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1007/bf02841392
259 Acoustic-Tracking and Radio-Tracking of Horseshoe Crabs to Assess Spawning Behavior and Subtidal Habitat Use in Delaware Bay Brousseau, L. J. ; Sclafani, M. ; Smith, D. R. ; Carter, D. B.. 2004 North American Journal Of Fisheries Management Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 39.074715 -75.396708 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae adult 24 None None None Horseshoe Crab No 10.1577/1548-8675(2004)24%3c1376:aarohc%3e2.0.co;2
219 The Impact of Biomedical Bleeding on Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus Movement Patterns on Cape Cod, Massachusetts Kurz, W. ; James-pirri, M. J.. 2002 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northwest USA Freshwater Marine 41.80949 -69.950542 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs; Horseshoe crab; Atlantic horseshoe crab; American horseshoe crab; American horsehoe crab Limulidae None 20 20 26 23 Horseshoe Crab No 10.1080/1023624021000019315