

Title Authors Journal Year
Social Network Analysis as a Tool to Inform Anguillid Eel Conservation and Management Williamson, M. J. Jacoby, D. M. p. Basic, T. Walker, A. M. . Piper, A. T. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2024
Tracking Repeat Spawning Anadromous Fish Migrations Over Multiple Years in a Fragmented River Suggests Philopatry and Sex-Linked Variation in Space Use Davies, P. Britton, J. R. Andreou, D. Crundwell, C. Dodd, J. R. . Lepais, O. Nunn, A. D. Sabatino, S. Velterop, R. Bolland, J. D. Aquatic Sciences 2024
Emigration of Post-Spawned Twaite Shad Alosa Fallax, an Anadromous and Iteroparous Fish, in a Highly Fragmented River Yeldham, M. I. a. Britton, J. R. Crundwell, C. Davies, P. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Velterop, R. Bolland, J. D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Migration Patterns and Navigation Cues of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Migrating From 12 Rivers Through the Coastal Zones Around the Irish Sea Lilly, J. M. Honkanen, H. M. Rodger, J. R. Del villar, D. Boylan, P. Green, A. Pereiro, D. Wilkie, L. Kennedy, R. J. Barkley, A. . Rosell, R. Maoileidigh, N. O. O'neill, R. Waters, C. Cotter, D. Bailey, D. M. Roche, W. K. Mcgill, R. Barry, J. Beck, S. V. Henderson, J. Parke, D. Whoriskey, F. G. Shields, B. Ramsden, P. Walton, S. . Fletcher, M. Whelan, K. Bean, C. W. Elliott, S. Bowman, A. Adams, C. E. Journal Of Fish Biology 2023
Acoustic Telemetry Informs Conditional Capture Probability of an Anadromous Fish Jubb, W. M. Noble, R. A. a. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Lothian, A. J. Albright, A. J. Bubb, D. H. Lucas, M. C. Bolland, J. D. Fisheries Research 2023
Understanding the Impact of Barriers to Onward Migration; A Novel Approach Using Translocated Fish Jubb, W. M. Noble, R. A. a. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Lothian, A. J. Albright, A. J. Bubb, D. H. Lucas, M. C. Bolland, J. D. Journal Of Environmental Management 2023
Using Acoustic Tracking of an Anadromous Lamprey in a Heavily Fragmented River to Assess Current and Historic Passage Opportunities and Prioritise Remediation Jubb, W. M. Noble, R. A. a. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Bolland, J. D. River Research And Applications 2023
Individual Repeatability in the Timing of River Entry Indicates the Strong Influence of Photoperiod in the Spawning Migrations of Iteroparous Twaite Shad Alosa Fallax Yeldham, M. I. a. Britton, J. R. Crundwell, C. Davies, P. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Velterop, R. Bolland, J. D. Hydrobiologia 2023
Timing Is Everything; Operational Changes at a Pumping Station With a Gravity Sluice to Provide Safe Downstream Passage for Silver European Eels and Deliver Considerable Financial Savings Carter, L. J. Wright, R. M. Thomas, R. E. Reeds, J. D. Murphy, L. A. Collier, S. J. Evans, O. Baktoft, H. Bolland, J. D. Journal Of Environmental Management 2023
Survival of Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Smolts in Transitional Waters Artero, C. Gregory, S. D. Beaumont, W. A. Josset, Q. Jeannot, N. Cole, A. Lamireau, L. Reveillac, E. Lauridsen, R. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Tracking Anadromous Fish Over Successive Freshwater Migrations Reveals the Influence of Tagging Effect, Previous Success, and Abiotic Factors on Upstream Passage Over Barriers Davies, P. Britton, J. R. Castro-santos, T. Crundwell, C. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Velterop, R. Bolland, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2023
Catchment-Wide Interactive Effects of Anthropogenic Structures and River Levels on Fish Spawning Migrations Jubb, W. M. Noble, R. A. a. Dodd, J. R. . Nunn, A. D. Schirrmacher, P. Lothian, A. J. Albright, A. J. Bubb, D. H. Lucas, M. C. Bolland, J. D. Anthropocene 2023
Modelling Fine Scale Route Choice of Upstream Migrating Fish as They Approach an Instream Structure Kerr, J. R. Tummers, J. S. Benson, T. Lucas, M. C. Kemp, P. S. Ecological Modelling 2023
Individual Movement Variation in Upstream-Migrating Sea Lamprey Petromyzon Marinus in a Highly Fragmented River Davies, P. Britton, J. R. Nunn, A. D. Dodd, J. R. . Bainger, C. Velterop, R. Bolland, J. D. Freshwater Biology 2022
Evidence of Long-Distance Coastal Sea Migration of Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar, Smolts From Northwest England (River Derwent) Green, A. Honkanen, H. M. Ramsden, P. Shields, B. Del villar-guerra, D. Fletcher, M. Walton, S. . Kennedy, R. J. Rosell, R. O'maoileidigh, N. Barry, J. Roche, W. K. Whoriskey, F. G. Klimley, A. P. Adams, C. E. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
Dual-Isotope Isoscapes for Predicting the Scale of Fish Movements in Lowland Rivers Winter, E. R. Hindes, A. M. Lane, S. Britton, J. R. Ecosphere 2021
Movements of Common Bream Abramis Brama in a Highly Connected, Lowland Wetland Reveal Sub-Populations With Diverse Migration Strategies Winter, E. R. Hindes, A. M. Lane, S. Britton, J. R. Freshwater Biology 2021
Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Strong Spatial Preferences and Mixing During Successive Spawning Periods in a Partially Migratory Common Bream Population Winter, E. R. Hindes, A. M. Lane, S. Britton, J. R. Aquatic Sciences 2021
Identifying Juvenile and Sub-Adult Movements to Inform Recovery Strategies for a High Value Fishery-European Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax) Stamp, T. Clarke, D. R. k. Plenty, S. Robbins, T. Stewart, J. E. West, E. Sheehan, E.v. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2021
Habitat Selection, Fine-Scale Spatial Partitioning and Sexual Segregation in Rajidae, Determined Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry Simpson, S. J. Humphries, N. E. Sims, D. W. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021
Downstream Passage of Silver European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) at a Pumping Station With a Gravity Sluice Baker, N. J. Wright, R. M. Cowx, I. G. Murphy, L. A. Bolland, J. D. Ecological Engineering 2021
Fine-Scale Oceanographic Drivers of Reef Manta Ray (Mobula Alfredi) Visitation Patterns at a Feeding Aggregation Site Harris, J. L. Hosegood, P. Robinson, E. Embling, C. B. Hilbourne, S. Stevens, G. M. w. Ecology And Evolution 2021
Detection Range and Efficiency of Acoustic Telemetry Receivers in a Connected Wetland System Winter, E. R. Hindes, A. M. Lane, S. Britton, J. R. Hydrobiologia 2021
Using `Trap and Transport' to Facilitate Seaward Migration of Landlocked European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) From Lakes and Reservoirs Piper, A. T. Rosewarne, P. J. Wright, R. M. Kemp, P. S. Fisheries Research 2020
Predicting the Factors Influencing the Inter- And Intraspecific Survival Rates of Riverine Fishes Implanted With Acoustic Transmitters Winter, E. R. Hindes, A. M. Lane, S. Britton, J. R. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Spatial Overlap, Proximity, and Interaction Between Lobsters Revealed Using Acoustic Telemetry Lees, K. J. Mill, A. C. Skerritt, D. J. Robertson, P. A. Fitzsimmons, C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Response of Seaward-Migrating European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) to an Infrasound Deterrent Piper, A. T. White, P. R. Wright, R. M. Leighton, T. G. Kemp, P. S. Ecological Engineering 2019
Spatial and Temporal Behavioural Patterns of the European Eel Anguilla Anguilla in a Lacustrine Environment Basic, T. Aislabie, L. Ives, M. J. Fronkova, L. Piper, A. T. Walker, A. M. . Aquatic Sciences 2019
Direct and Indirect Impacts of Pumping Station Operation on Downstream Migration of Critically Endangered European Eel Bolland, J. D. Murphy, L. A. Stanford, R. J. Angelopoulos, N. V. Baker, N. J. Wright, R. M. Reeds, J. D. Cowx, I. G. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2019
Factors Influencing Individual Movements and Behaviours of Invasive European Barbel Barbus Barbus in a Regulated River Roberts, C. G. Hindes, A. M. Britton, J. R. Hydrobiologia 2019
The Impact of an Archimedes Screw Hydropower Turbine on Fish Migration in a Lowland River Piper, A. T. Rosewarne, P. J. Wright, R. M. Kemp, P. S. Ecological Engineering 2018
The Effects of a Small Hydropower Scheme on the Migratory Behaviour of Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Smolts Moore, A. Privitera, L. Ives, M. J. Uzyczak, J. Beaumont, W. R. c. Journal Of Fish Biology 2018
Movement Patterns of a Commercially Important, Free-Ranging Marine Invertebrate in the Vicinity of a Bait Source Lees, K. J. Mill, A. C. Skerritt, D. J. Robertson, P. A. Fitzsimmons, C. Animal Biotelemetry 2018
Upstream Passage of Adult Sea Trout (Salmo Trutta) at a Low-Head Weir With an Archimedean Screw Hydropower Turbine and Co-Located Fish Pass Dodd, J. R. . Bolland, J. D. Hateley, J. Cowx, I. G. Walton, S. E. . Cattaneo, M. E. g. v. Noble, R. A. a. Marine And Freshwater Research 2018
Movement Patterns of Seaward Migrating European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) at a Complex of Riverine Barriers: Implications for Conservation Piper, A. T. Svendsen, J. C. Wright, R. M. Kemp, P. S. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2017
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Larinier Super Active Baffle Fish Pass for European River Lamprey Lampetra Fluviatilis Before and After Modification With Wall-Mounted Studded Tiles Tummers, J. S. Winter, E. R. Silva, S. O'brien, P. Jang, M. H. Lucas, M. C. Ecological Engineering 2016
Response of Seaward-Migrating European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) to Manipulated Flow Fields Piper, A. T. Manes, C. Siniscalchi, F. Marion, A. Wright, R. M. Kemp, P. S. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2015
Fine-Scale Movement, Activity Patterns and Home-Ranges of European Lobster Homarus Gammarus Skerritt, D. J. Robertson, P. A. Mill, A. C. Polunin, N. V. c. Fitzsimmons, C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Effects of Surgically Implanted Tags and Translocation on the Movements of Common Bream Abramis Brama (L.) Gardner, C. J. . Deeming, D. C. Wellby, I. Soulsbury, C. D. Eady, P. E. Fisheries Research 2015
Long-Term Decline of Barbel Barbus Barbus in the Original Course of the Lower River Lee (England), With Particular Reference to the Survival of Tagged Fish During a Water Pollution Incident Zieba, G. Stakenas, S. Ives, M. J. Godard, M. J. Seymour, J. E. Carter, M. G. Copp, G. H. Fundamental And Applied Limnology 2014
Impact of Tide Gates on the Migration of Juvenile Sea Trout, Salmo Trutta Wright, G. V. Wright, R. M. Kemp, P. S. Ecological Engineering 2014
The Home Range and Behaviour of Yellow-Stage European Eel Anguilla Anguilla in an Estuarine Environment Walker, A. M. . Godard, M. J. Davison, P. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2014
Movements and Behaviour of European Common Cuttlefish Sepia Officinalis in English Channel Inshore Waters: First Results From Acoustic Telemetry Bloor, I. S. m. Wearmouth, V. J. Cotterell, S. P. Mchugh, M. J. Humphries, N. E. Jackson, E. L. Attrill, M. J. Sims, D. W. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2013
Escapement, Route Choice, Barrier Passage and Entrainment of Seaward Migrating European Eel, Anguilla Anguilla, Within a Highly Regulated Lowland River Piper, A. T. Wright, R. M. Walker, A. M. . Kemp, P. S. Ecological Engineering 2013
Seasonal Movements With Shifts in Lateral and Longitudinal Habitat Use by Common Bream, Abramis Brama, in a Heavily Modified Lowland River Gardner, C. J. . Deeming, D. C. Eady, P. E. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2013
Tagging Effects on Three Non-Native Fish Species in England (Lepomis Gibbosus, Pseudorasbora Parva, Sander Lucioperca) and of Native Salmo Trutta Stakenas, S. Copp, G. H. Scott, D. M. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2009
Temperature-Sensing Telemetry - Possibilities for Assessing the Feeding Ecology of Marine Mammals and Their Potential Impacts on Returning Salmonid Populations Bendall, B. Moore, A. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
Vertical Movements of North Sea Cod Hobson, V. J. Righton, D. Metcalfe, J. D. Hays, G. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007
A Non-Invasive Method to Assess the Impact of Electronic Tag Insertion on Stress Levels in Fishes Lower, N. Moore, A. Scott, A. P. Ellis, T. A. James, J. D. Russell, I. C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2005
The Post-Spawning Movements of Migratory Brown Trout Salmo Trutta L. Bendall, B. Moore, A. Quayle, V. Journal Of Fish Biology 2005
The Combined Use of Acoustic Tracking and Echosounding to Investigate the Movement and Distribution of Common Bream (Abramis Brama) in the River Trent, England Lyon, J. P. Lucas, M. C. Hydrobiologia 2002
Movements of Yellow- And Silver-Phase European Eels (Anguilla Anguilla L.) Tracked in the Western North Sea Mccleave, J. D. Arnold, G. P. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 1999
The Migratory Behaviour of Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Smelts in the River Test and Southampton Water, Southern England Moore, A. Ives, S. Mead, T. A. Talks, L. Hydrobiologia 1998
Movements of Cod (Gadus-Morhua L) in Relation to the Tidal Streams in the Southern North-Sea Arnold, G. P. Walker, M. G. Emerson, L. S. Holford, B. H. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 1994
The Effects of Intraperitoneally Implanted Dummy Acoustic Transmitters on the Behavior and Physiology of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo-Salar L Moore, A. Russell, I. C. Potter, E. C. e. Journal Of Fish Biology 1990
Physical Effects of an Acoustic Tag on Swimming Performance of Plaice and Cod Arnold, G. P. Holford, B. H. Journal Du Conseil 1978


Scientific Name Common Name
Abramis brama Common bream.
Alosa fallax Twaite shad, Twiate shad.
Anguilla anguilla European eel, Silver eel, European eels, European silver eel.
Barbus barbus Barbel, European barbel.
Cyprinus carpio Common carp, Carp.
Dicentrarchus labrax Seabass, European bass, European seabass, European sea bass.
Esox lucius Northern pike, Pike, European pike.
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod, Atlantic od.
Homarus gammarus European lobster, American lobster.
Lampetra fluviatilis European river lamprey, River lamprey.
Mobula alfredi Reef manta ray.
Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey.
Pleuronectes platessa Plaice.
Raja brachyura Blonde ray.
Raja clavata Thornback ray, Thornback skate.
Raja microocellata Smalleyed ray.
Raja montagui Spotted ray.
Rutilus rutilus Roach, Rutilus roach.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
Sander lucioperca Pikeperch, Zander.
Sepia officinalis Common cuttlefish.
