

Title Authors Journal Year
Larger Yellow-Phase Japanese Eels Show Short-Range Homing in a Freshwater River Mitamura, H. Takagi, J. Itaya, Y. Watanabe, S. Kume, M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Horizontal Movements and Home Range of Black Sea Bream Acanthopagrus Schlegelii in the Natural Coast of Hiroshima Bay, Japan Tsuyuki, A. Umino, T. Fisheries Science 2024
Behavioral Study of Black Sea Bream Acanthopagrus Schlegelii by Acoustic Telemetry to Guide Countermeasures Against Feeding Damage to Cultivated Nori Neopyropia Yezoensis Off Kobe, Hyogo, Japan Takakura, R. Tanida, K. Inazaki, A. Mitsunaga, Y. Fisheries Science 2023
Tagging of Age-0 Flatfish With Acoustic Transmitters: Comparison of Internal Implantation Versus External Attachment Kume, M. Takagi, J. Dantsuji, Y. Ito, T. Yamashita, Y. Mitamura, H. Wada, T. . Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2023
First Descriptions of the Seasonal Habitat Use and Residency of Scalloped Hammerhead (Sphyrna Lewini) and Galapagos Sharks (Carcharhinus Galapagensis) at a Coastal Seamount Off Japan Jacoby, D. M. p. Watanabe, Y. Y. Packard, T. Healey, M. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Gallagher, A. J. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
The First Record of Spawning-Season Homing of Gin-Buna Crucian Carp Carassius Sp. To a Lakeside Biotope Connected to Lake Biwa Confirmed via Acoustic Telemetry and Egg Surveys Yoshida, M. A. Nishida, K. Mabuchi, K. Ichthyological Research 2022
The Effect of Brown Kelp Phenology on Abalone Locomotion and Spatial Distribution: Acoustic Telemetry and Spatially Explicit Individual-Based Model Approach Matsumoto, Y. Takami, H. Fisheries Science 2022
Environmental Influences on Late-Summer Individual Japanese Eel Diel Activity and Space Utilization Patterns in a Shallow Western Japan Brackish Lake Itakura, H. Miyake, Y. Wakiya, R. Kimura, S. Fisheries Science 2022
River to River: First Evidence of Eel Movement Between Distant Rivers via the Sea Kume, M. Nakayama, N. Iwasaki, Y. Hori, T. Watanabe, S. Terashima, Y. Medo, A. Arai, N. Yamashita, Y. Mitamura, H. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2021
Residence and Movement Patterns of the Marbled Flounder Pseudopleuronectes Yokohamae Around a Spawning Ground in Southern Suo Nada, Seto Inland Sea, Japan Yamamoto, S. Mitamura, H. Obitsu, N. Sato, M. Fisheries Science 2021
Sonic Tagging Reveals Age and Size-Specific Spatial Variation During Pacific Herring Spawning Migrations in Northern Japan Tomiyasu, M. Shirakawa, H. Iino, Y. Oshiyama, D. Ogawa, M. Kitagawa, T. Mitamura, H. Arai, N. Miyamoto, Y. Uchida, K. Minami, K. Miyashita, K. Fisheries Research 2021
Migration, Residency and Habitat Utilisation by Wild and Cultured Japanese Eels (Anguilla Japonica) in a Shallow Brackish Lagoon and Inflowing Rivers Using Acoustic Telemetry Noda, T. Wada, T. . Mitamura, H. Kume, M. Komaki, T. Fujita, T. Sato, T. . Narita, K. Yamada, M. Matsumoto, A. Hori, T. Takagi, J. Kutzer, A. Arai, N. Yamashita, Y. Journal Of Fish Biology 2021
Relationships Between Maturational Status and Migration Behavior of Homing Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus Keta in Inner Bays of the Sanriku Coast Nobata, S. Kitagawa, T. Houki, S. Ito, M. Aoki, Y. Sato, K. Hyodo, S. General And Comparative Endocrinology 2021
Site Fidelity and Return Trips of Visually and Olfactorily Inhibited Black Rockfish (Sebastes Schlegelii) Individuals Tracked by Acoustic Telemetry Kuroda, M. Tatsu, Y. Ueda, Y. Shirakawa, H. Minami, K. Miyashita, K. Tomiyasu, M. Journal Of Marine Science And Technology-Taiwan 2021
Diel Vertical Movements and Feeding Behaviour of Blue Humphead Parrotfish Scarus Ovifrons in a Temperate Reef of Japan Gomi, K. Nakamura, Y. Kanda, M. Honda, K. Nakaoka, M. Honma, C. Adachi, M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2021
Ascending Speed and Nocturnal Activity of Adult Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus Masoubrevoort) During Upstream Migration Ohkuma, K. Abe, K. . Kagaya, M. Yamaya, K. Okukawa, M. Watanabe, M. A. Yamamoto, T. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Movement Tracing and Analysis of Benthic Sting Ray (Dasyatis Akajei) and Electric Ray (Narke Japonica) Toward Seabed Exploration Funano, S. I. Tanaka, N. Amaya, S. Hamano, A. Sasakura, T. Tanaka, Y. Sn Applied Sciences 2020
Dependency of Japanese Harbor Seals (Phoca Vitulina) on Salmon Set Nets at Cape Erimo, Hokkaido, Japan Masubuchi, T. Kobayashi, M. . Ohno, K. Ishikawa, A. Kuramoto, Y. Marine Mammal Science 2019
Post-Release Horizontal and Vertical Behavior and Philopatry of Deepwater Longtail Red Snapper Etelis Coruscans Around a Bank Okuyama, J. Shishidou, H. Hayashibara, T. Fisheries Science 2019
Post-Release Behaviors and Movements of Cultured and Wild Japanese Eels (Anguilla Japonica) in a Shallow Brackish Water Lagoon in Northeastern Japan Noda, T. Wada, T. . Iwasaki, T. Sato, T. . Narita, K. Matsumoto, I. Hori, T. Mitamura, H. Arai, N. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2019
Occurrence of a Temperate Coastal Flatfish, the Marbled Flounder Pseudopleuronectes Yokohamae, at High Water Temperatures in a Shallow Bay in Summer Detected by Acoustic Telemetry Mitamura, H. Arai, N. Hori, M. Uchida, K. Kajiyama, M. Ishii, M. Fisheries Science 2019
Effects of Water Temperature on White-Spotted Conger Conger Myriaster Activity Levels Determined by Accelerometer Transmitters Hori, T. Noda, T. Wada, T. . Iwasaki, T. Arai, N. Mitamura, H. Fisheries Science 2019
Tracking the Northern Pacific Sea Star Asterias Amurensis With Acoustic Transmitters in the Scallop Mariculture Field of Hokkaido, Japan Miyoshi, K. Kuwahara, Y. Miyashita, K. Fisheries Science 2018
Tracking Migration of Pacific Herring Clupea Pallasii in a Coastal Spawning Ground Using Acoustic Telemetry Tomiyasu, M. Shirakawa, H. Iino, Y. Miyashita, K. Fisheries Science 2018
Diel Variation in Home Range Size and Precise Returning Ability After Spawning Migration of Coral Reef Grouper Epinephelus Ongus: Implications for Effective Marine Protected Area Design Nanami, A. Mitamura, H. Sato, T. . Yamaguchi, T. Yamamoto, K. . Kawabe, R. Soyano, K. Arai, N. Kawabata, Y. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Site Fidelity, Diel and Seasonal Activities of Yellow-Phase Japanese Eels (Anguilla Japonica) in a Freshwater Habitat as Inferred From Acoustic Telemetry Itakura, H. Miyake, Y. Kitagawa, T. Kimura, S. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
First Documentation of Detailed Behaviors of Endangered Adult Sakhalin Taimen Parahucho Perryi in the Bekanbeushi River System, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan, Using Bio-Logging and Acoustic Telemetry Concurrently Honda, K. Takahashi, N. Yamamoto, K. . Kagiwada, H. Tsuda, Y. Mitani, Y. Miyashita, K. Ichthyological Research 2017
Short Term Effects of Relative Tag Size and Surgical Implantation on Feeding Behaviour, Survival Rate, Plasma Lactate and Growth Rate in Juvenile to Adult Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Makiguchi, Y. Kojima, T. Fisheries Research 2017
Increase in Predation Risk and Trophic Level Induced by Nocturnal Visits of Piscivorous Fishes in a Temperate Seagrass Bed Shoji, J. Mitamura, H. Ichikawa, K. Kinoshita, H. Arai, N. Scientific Reports 2017
Spatial Movement of Black Sea Bream Acanthopagrus Schlegelii Around the Oyster Farming Area in Hiroshima Bay, Japan Tsuyuki, A. Umino, T. Fisheries Science 2017
Horizontal Movement and Emigration of Juvenile Spotted Halibut Verasper Variegatus Released in a Shallow Brackish Lagoon: Matsukawa-Ura, Northeastern Japan, Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Wada, T. . Kamiyama, K. Mitamura, H. Arai, N. Fisheries Science 2017
Movement Patterns and Residency of the Critically Endangered Horseshoe Crab Tachypleus Tridentatus in a Semi-Enclosed Bay Determined Using Acoustic Telemetry Wada, T. . Mitsushio, T. Inoue, S. Koike, H. . Kawabe, R. Plos One 2016
Tag Attachment Success Can Be Temperature Dependent: A Case Study of the Chub Mackerel Scomber Japonicus Yasuda, T. Nagano, N. Kitano, H. Ohga, H. Sakai, T. Ohshimo, S. Matsuyama, M. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Duration of Migration and Reproduction in Males Is Dependent on Energy Reserve in a Fish Forming Spawning Aggregations Kawabata, Y. Nanami, A. Yamamoto, K. . Sato, T. . Kuwahara, K. Koga, M. Kawaguchi, K. Yamaguchi, T. Ohta, I. Kawabe, R. Nishihara, G. N. Yagi, M. Soyano, K. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Movement Patterns of Adult Sakhalin Taimen, Parahucho Perryi, Between Stream Habitats of the Bekanbeushi River System, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan Honda, K. Kagiwada, H. Takahashi, N. Miyashita, K. Ichthyological Research 2014
Spawning Migration and Returning Behavior of White-Streaked Grouper Epinephelus Ongus Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Nanami, A. Kawabata, Y. Sato, T. . Yamaguchi, T. Kawabe, R. Soyano, K. Marine Biology 2014
Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Biwa Salmon Oncorhynchus Masou Subsp by Ultrasonic Telemetry in Lake Biwa, Japan Kamimura, H. Mitsunaga, Y. Fisheries Science 2014
Seasonal Stream Habitat of Adult Sakhalin Taimen, Parahucho Perryi, in the Bekanbeushi River System, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan Honda, K. Kagiwada, H. Takahashi, N. Miyashita, K. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2012
Feeding Events of Japanese Lates Lates Japonicus Detected by a High-Speed Video Camera and Three-Axis Micro-Acceleration Data-Logger Tanoue, H. Komatsu, T. Tsujino, T. Suzuki, I. Watanabe, M. . Goto, H. Miyazaki, N. Fisheries Science 2012
Short-Range Homing in a Site-Specific Fish: Search and Directed Movements Mitamura, H. Uchida, K. Miyamoto, Y. Kakihara, T. Miyagi, A. Kawabata, Y. Ichikawa, K. Arai, N. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2012
Migratory Patterns of Exotic Brown Trout Salmo Trutta in South-Western Hokkaido, Japan, on the Basis of Otolith Sr:ca Ratios and Acoustic Telemetry Honda, K. Arai, T. Kobayashi, S. Tsuda, Y. Miyashita, K. Journal Of Fish Biology 2012
Seasonal Distribution of Adult Crucian Carp Nigorobuna Carassius Auratus Grandoculis and Gengoroubuna Carassius Cuvieri in Lake Biwa, Japan Kunimune, Y. Mitsunaga, Y. Komeyama, K. Matsuda, M. Kobayashi, T. Takagi, T. Yamane, T. Fisheries Science 2011
Anti-Predatory Performance in Hatchery-Reared Red Tilefish (Branchiostegus Japonicus) and Behavioral Characteristics of Two Predators: Acoustic Telemetry, Video Observation and Predation Trials Yokota, T. Machida, M. Takeuchi, H. Masuma, S. Masuda, R. Arai, N. Aquaculture 2011
Effect of Shelter Acclimation on the Post-Release Movement and Putative Predation Mortality of Hatchery-Reared Black-Spot Tuskfish Choerodon Schoenleinii, Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Kawabata, Y. Asami, K. Kobayashi, M. . Sato, T. . Okuzawa, K. Yamada, H. Yoseda, K. Arai, N. Fisheries Science 2011
Riverine Environmental Characteristics and Seasonal Habitat Use by Adult Sakhalin Taimen Hucho Perryi Honda, K. Kagiwada, H. Tojo, N. Miyashita, K. Journal Of Fish Biology 2010
Effects of a Tropical Cyclone on the Distribution of Hatchery-Reared Black-Spot Tuskfish Choerodon Schoenleinii Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Kawabata, Y. Okuyama, J. Asami, K. Okuzawa, K. Yoseda, K. Arai, N. Journal Of Fish Biology 2010
Preliminary Study on Homing, Site Fidelity, and Diel Movement of Black Rockfish Sebastes Inermis Measured by Acoustic Telemetry Mitamura, H. Uchida, K. Miyamoto, Y. Arai, N. Kakihara, T. Yokota, T. Okuyama, J. Kawabata, Y. Yasuda, T. Fisheries Science 2009
Analysis of Fish Movement Using a Genetic Algorithm: Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Fish Near a Set-Net Komeyama, K. Suzuki, K. Takagi, T. Mitsunaga, Y. Yamane, T. Hiraishi, T. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
The Post-Release Process of Establishing Stable Home Ranges and Diel Movement Patterns of Hatchery-Reared Black-Spot Tuskfish Choerodon Schoenleinii Kawabata, Y. Okuyama, J. Asami, K. Yoseda, K. Arai, N. Journal Of Fish Biology 2008
Individual Consistency Between Diel Activity During Rearing and Behavior After Release in Red Tilefish Branchiostegus Japonicus Revealed by Laboratory Observation and Acoustic Telemetry Yokota, T. Masuda, R. Takeuchi, H. Tsuzaki, T. Arai, N. Fisheries Science 2007
Hatchery-Reared Fish Have Less Consistent Behavioral Pattern Compared to Wild Individuals, Exemplified by Red Tilefish Studied Using Video Observation and Acoustic Telemetry Tracking Yokota, T. Masuda, R. Arai, N. Mitamura, H. Mitsunaga, Y. Takeuchi, H. Tsuzaki, T. Hydrobiologia 2007
Post-Release Movement and Diel Activity Patterns of Hatchery-Reared and Wild Black-Spot Tuskfish Choerodon Schoenleinii Determined by Ultrasonic Telemetry Kawabata, Y. Okuyama, J. Mitamura, H. Asami, K. Yoseda, K. Arai, N. Fisheries Science 2007
Comparison of Two Methods of Attaching Telemetry Transmitters to the Mekong Giant Catfish, Pangasianodon Gigas Mitamura, H. Mitsunaga, Y. Arai, N. Viputhanumas, T. Zoological Science 2006
Directed Movements and Diel Burrow Fidelity Patterns of Red Tilefish Branchiostegus Japonicus Determined Using Ultrasonic Telemetry Mitamura, H. Arai, N. Mitsunaga, A. Yokota, T. Takeuchi, H. Tsuzaki, T. Itani, M. Fisheries Science 2005
Multidimensional Tracking of Giant Pacific Octopuses in Northern Japan Reveals Unexpected Foraging Behaviour Rigby, P. R. Sakurai, Y. Marine Technology Society Journal 2005
Role of Olfaction and Vision in Homing Behaviour of Black Rockfish Sebastes Inermis Mitamura, H. Arai, N. Sakamoto, W. Mitsunaga, Y. Tanaka, H. Mukai, Y. Nakamura, K. Sasaki, M. Yoneda, Y. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2005
A Preliminary Study of the Movements of Yellow and Silver Eels, Anguilla Japonica, in the Estuary of the Fukui River, Japan, as Revealed by Acoustic Tracking Aoyama, J. Sasai, S. Miller, M. J. Shinoda, A. Nakamura, A. Kawazu, K. Tsukamoto, K. Hydrobiologia 2002
Lacustrine Sockeye Salmon Return Straight to Their Natal Area From Open Water Using Both Visual and Olfactory Cues Ueda, H. Kaeriyama, M. Mukasa, K. Urano, A. Kudo, H. Shoji, T. Tokumitsu, Y. Yamauchi, K. Kurihara, K. Chemical Senses 1998
Settlement Characteristics and Habitats Use of Lake Biwa Catfish Silurus Biwaensis Measured by Ultrasonic Telemetry Takai, N. Sakamoto, W. Maehata, M. Arai, N. Kitagawa, T. Mitsunaga, Y. Fisheries Science 1997
Effect of Modified Magnetic Field on the Ocean Migration of Maturing Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus Keta Yano, A. Ogura, M. Sato, A. Sakaki, Y. Shimizu, Y. Baba, N. Nagasawa, K. Marine Biology 1997
Observations on the Effect of Visual and Olfactory Ablation on the Swimming Behavior of Migrating Adult Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus-Keta Yano, K. Tanaka, S. Japanese Journal Of Ichthyology 1992
Diurnal Swimming Patters of Loggerhead Turtles During Their Breeding Period as Observed by Ultrasonic Telemetry Yano, K. Tanaka, S. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 1991


Scientific Name Common Name
Acanthopagrus schlegelii Black sea bream.
Anguilla japonica Japanese eel.
Asterias amurensis Northern pacific sea star.
Branchiostegus japonicus Red tilefish.
Carassius auratus Nigorobuna, Goldfish.
Carassius cuvieri Gengoroubuna.
Carassius langsdorfii Ginbuna crucian carp.
Carcharhinus galapagensis Galapagos shark.
Caretta caretta Loggerhead turtle.
Choerodon schoenleinii Black-spot tuskfish, Blackspot tuskfish.
Clupea pallasii Pacific herring.
Conger myriaster White spotted conger, Conger eel, Conger.
Cyprinus carpio Common carp, Carp.
Enteroctopus dofleini Giant pacific octopus.
Epinephelus ongus White-streaked grouper.
Etelis coruscans Deepwater longtail red snapper, Longtail red snapper.
Haliotis discus Ezo abalone.
Lates japonicus Japanese late.
Narke japonica Japanese sleeper ray.
Oncorhynchus keta Chum salmon.
Oncorhynchus masou Biwa salmon, Masu salmon.
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout, Redband trout, Rainbown trout.
Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon, Kokanee.
Pangasianodon gigas Mekong giant catfish.
Parahucho perryi Sakhalin taimen.
Phoca vitulina Harbor seal, Japanese harbor seal.
Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae Marbled flounder, Marbled founder.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
Scarus ovifrons Humphead parrotfish.
Scomber japonicus Chub mackerel.
Sebastes cheni Black rockfish.
Sebastes inermis Black rockfish, Rockfish.
Sebastes schlegelii Black rockfish, Korean rockfish.
Silurus biwaensis Lake biwa catfish.
Sphyrna lewini Hammerhead shark, Scalloped hammerhead shark, Scalloped hammerhead sharks, Scalloped hammerhead.
Tachypleus tridentatus Horseshoe crab.
Verasper variegatus Spotted halibut.
