

Title Authors Journal Year
Horizontal and Vertical Movements of the Critically Endangered Rostroraja Alba in a Coastal Marine Protected Area Kraft, S. Winkler, A. C. Abecasis, D. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2024
Small Coastal Marine Protected Areas Offer Recurring, Seasonal Protection to the Common Stingray (Dasyatis Pastinaca) Kraft, S. Winkler, A. C. Abecasis, D. Ocean & Coastal Management 2023
Spawning-Related Fish Movement Synchrony of White Seabream Diplodus Sargus in a No-Take Zone Pedaccini, M. Sousa, I. Bentes, L. Debenito-abello, C. Lino, P. G. Moland, E. Goncalves, J. M. s. Costa, B. H. e. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Movements of Hatchery-Reared Dusky Groupers Released in a Northeast Atlantic Coastal Marine Protected Area Silva, A. F. Costa, B. H. e. Costa, J. L. Pereira, E. Marques, J. P. Castro, J. J. Lino, P. G. Candeias-mendes, A. Pousao-ferreira, P. Sousa, I. Bentes, L. Goncalves, J. M. s. De almeida, P. R. Quintella, B. R. Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering 2022
Among-Individual Variation in White Seabream (Diplodus Sargus) Spatial Behaviour and Protection in a Coastal No-Take Area De benito-abello, C. Bentes, L. Sousa, I. Pedaccini, M. Villegas-rios, D. Olsen, E. M. Goncalves, J. M. s. Costa, B. H. e. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2022
The Multi-Annual Residency of Juvenile Smooth Hammerhead Shark in an Oceanic Island Nursery Afonso, P. Gandra, M. Graca, G. Macena, B. C. l. Vandeperre, F. Fontes, J. Frontiers In Marine Science 2022
Fine-Scale Behaviour of the Lusitanian Toadfish Assessed in Situ With the Acceltag Pereira, T. J. Almeida, P. R. Quintella, B. R. Gronningsaeter, A. Costa, M. J. Marques, J. P. Costa, J. L. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Migration and Escapement of Silver Eel Males, Anguilla Anguilla, From a Southwestern European River Monteiro, R. M. Domingos, I. Almeida, P. R. Costa, J. L. Alexandre, C. M. Quintella, B. R. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2020
Intra- And Interspecific Associations in Two Predatory Reef Fishes at a Shallow Seamount Gandra, M. Afonso, P. Fontes, J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Preliminary Insights Into the Spatial Ecology and Movement Patterns of a Regionally Critically Endangered Skate (Rostroraja Alba) Associated With a Marine Protected Area Sousa, I. Baeyaert, J. Goncalves, J. M. s. Erzini, K. Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology 2019
Assessing the Effects of Internal and External Acoustic Tagging Methods on European Flounder Platichthys Flesus Neves, V. Silva, D. Martinho, F. Antunes, C. Ramos, S. Freitas, V. Fisheries Research 2018
Diel and Seasonal Changes in the Spatial Behaviour of a Soft-Sediment Fish (Solea Senegalensis) Inside a Marine Reserve Gandra, M. Erzini, K. Abecasis, D. Marine Environmental Research 2018
`Solo Datasets': Unexpected Behavioural Patterns Uncovered by Acoustic Monitoring of Single Individuals Baeyaert, J. Abecasis, D. Afonso, P. Graca, G. Erzini, K. Fontes, J. Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology 2018
Assessing the Size Adequacy of a Small No-Take Marine Protected Area (Mpa) for Mediterranean Moray and European Conger Pereira, T. J. Silva, A. F. De almeida, P. R. Belo, A. F. Costa, J. L. Castro, N. Quintella, B. R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017
Movements of Diplodus Sargus (Sparidae) Within a Portuguese Coastal Marine Protected Area: Are They Really Protected? Belo, A. F. Pereira, T. J. Quintella, B. R. Castro, N. Costa, J. L. De almeida, P. R. Marine Environmental Research 2016
Contrasting Movements and Residency of Two Serranids in a Small Macaronesian Mpa Afonso, P. Abecasis, D. Santos, R. S. Fontes, J. Fisheries Research 2016
Early Reserve Effects Linked to Small Home Ranges of a Commercial Fish, Diplodus Sargus, Sparidae Abecasis, D. Costa, B. H. e. Afonso, P. Goncalves, E. J. Erzini, K. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Changes in Movements of White Seabream (Diplodus Sargus) During the Reproductive Season Abecasis, D. Afonso, P. Erzini, K. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2015
Can Small Mpas Protect Local Populations of a Coastal Flatfish, Solea Senegalensis? Abecasis, D. Afonso, P. Erzini, K. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2014
Permanent Aggregations of a Pelagic Predator at Shallow Seamounts Fontes, J. Schmiing, M. Afonso, P. Marine Biology 2014
Vertical Migrations of a Deep-Sea Fish and Its Prey Afonso, P. Mcginty, N. Graca, G. Fontes, J. Inacio, M. Totland, A. Menezes, G. Plos One 2014
A Sedentary Fish on the Move: Effects of Displacement on Long-Snouted Seahorse (Hippocampus Guttulatus Cuvier) Movement and Habitat Use Caldwell, I. R. Vincent, A. C. j. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Small Mpas Do Not Protect Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis) Abecasis, D. Afonso, P. O'dor, R. K. Erzini, K. Fisheries Research 2013
Residency, Movements and Habitat Use of Adult White Seabream (Diplodus Sargus) Between Natural and Artificial Reefs Abecasis, D. Bentes, L. Lino, P. G. Santos, M. N. Erzini, K. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2013
First Observations on Seamount Habitat Use of Blackspot Seabream (Pagellus Bogaraveo) Using Acoustic Telemetry Afonso, P. Graca, G. Berke, G. Fontes, J. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2012
Advances in Tagging Syngnathids, With the Effects of Dummy Tags on Behaviour of Hippocampus Guttulatus Caldwell, I. R. Correia, M. Palma, J. Vincent, A. C. j. Journal Of Fish Biology 2011
Small Marine Reserves Can Offer Long Term Protection to an Endangered Fish Afonso, P. Fontes, J. Santos, R. S. Biological Conservation 2011
Multi-Scale Patterns of Habitat Use in a Highly Mobile Reef Fish, the White Trevally Pseudocaranx Dentex, and Their Implications for Marine Reserve Design Afonso, P. Fontes, J. Holland, K. N. Santos, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Home Range, Residency and Movements of Diplodus Sargus and Diplodus Vulgaris in a Coastal Lagoon: Connectivity Between Nursery and Adult Habitats Abecasis, D. Bentes, L. Erzini, K. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2009
Activity and Movement Patterns of the Lusitanian Toadfish Inferred From Pressure-Sensitive Data-Loggers in the Mira Estuary (Portugal) Campos, M. C. Costa, J. L. Quintella, B. R. Costa, M. J. Almeida, P. R. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
Social Status Determines Behaviour and Habitat Usage in a Temperate Parrotfish: Implications for Marine Reserve Design Afonso, P. Fontes, J. Holland, K. N. Santos, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2008
Site Fidelity and Movements of Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus Aurata) in a Coastal Lagoon (Ria Formosa, Portugal) Abecasis, D. Erzini, K. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2008
Estuarine Movement Patterns of Adult Thin-Lipped Grey Mullet, Liza Ramada (Risso) (Pisces, Mugilidae), Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Almeida, P. R. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 1996


Scientific Name Common Name
Anguilla anguilla European eel, Silver eel, European eels, European silver eel.
Chelon ramada Thin-lipped grey mullet, Grey mullet.
Conger conger European conger, Conger eel.
Dasyatis pastinaca Common stingray.
Diplodus sargus White seabream.
Diplodus vulgaris Two-banded seabream, Common two-banded seabream.
Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper.
Galeorhinus galeus School shark, Soupfin shark.
Halobatrachus didactylus Lusitanian toadfish, Lusitanian toadfsh.
Hippocampus guttulatus Long-snouted seahorse.
Muraena helena Mediterranean moray.
Pagellus bogaraveo Blackspot seabream.
Platichthys flesus European flounder.
Pseudocaranx dentex White trevally, Silver trevally.
Rostroraja alba White skate, Bottlenose skate.
Sarpa salpa Salema.
Sepia officinalis Common cuttlefish.
Seriola dumerili Greater amberjack.
Seriola rivoliana Almaco jack.
Serranus atricauda Blacktail comber.
Solea senegalensis Senegalese sole.
Sparisoma cretense Parrotfish.
Sparus aurata Snapper, Seabream, Gilthead seabream, Australasian snapper, Silver seabream, Gilt-head sea bream, Sea bream.
Sphyraena viridensis Yellowmouth barracuda.
Sphyrna zygaena Smooth hammerhead shark, Smooth hammerhead.
