Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2338 Annual and Did Activity Cycles of a Northern Population of the Large Migratory Cyprinid Fish Asp (Leuciscus Aspius) Kargenberg, E. ; Sandlund, O. T. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Thalfeldt, M. ; Okland, F. ; Kaasik, A. ; Tambets, M. . 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Estonia Freshwater 58.413682 26.687129 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Leuciscus aspius Asp Leuciscidae adult 54 49 81 66 Fish No
2344 Three-Dimensional Migratory Behaviour of European Silver Eels (Anguilla Anguilla) Approaching a Hydropower Plant Kjaeras, H. ; Baktoft, H. ; Silva, A. T. ; Gjelland, K. O. ; Okland, F. ; Forseth, T. ; Szabo-meszaros, M. ; Calles, O. . 2022 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Sweden Freshwater 56.900944 12.525169 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 98 50 100 73 Fish No
2200 Contrasting Structural Complexity Differentiate Hunting Strategy in an Ambush Apex Predator Riha, M. ; Gjelland, K. O. ; Ded, V. ; Eloranta, A. P. ; Rabaneda-bueno, R. ; Baktoft, H. ; Vejrik, L. ; Vejrikova, I. ; Drastik, V. ; Smejkal, M. ; Holubova, M. ; Juza, T. ; Rosten, C. M. ; Sajdlova, Z. ; Okland, F. ; Peterka, J. . 2021 Scientific Reports Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Czech Republic Freshwater 50.65 13.966667 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 30 52 115 82 Fish No
2221 Heart Rate and Swimming Activity as Stress Indicators for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Svendsen, E. ; Fore, M. ; Okland, F. ; Grans, A. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Alfredsen, J. A. ; Uglem, I. ; Rosten, C. M. ; Frank, K. ; Erikson, U. ; Finstad, B. . 2021 Aquaculture Ecology None Norway Laboratory 58.905459 5.964645 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile; adult 4 None None 56 Fish No
2222 Migrating Silver Eels Return From the Sea to the River of Origin After a False Start Tambets, M. ; Kargenberg, E. ; Jarvalt, A. ; Okland, F. ; Kristensen, M. L. ; Koed, A. ; Bernotas, P. . 2021 Biology Letters Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Estonia Freshwater Marine 59.318545 28.141676 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 38 60 89 70 Fish No
2197 Compatibility in Acoustic Telemetry Reubens, J. T. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Meyer, C. G. ; Moore, A. ; Okland, F. ; Afonso, P. . 2021 Animal Biotelemetry Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1186/s40317-021-00253-z
2079 Heart Rate and Swimming Activity as Indicators of Post-Surgical Recovery Time of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Fore, M. ; Svendsen, E. ; Okland, F. ; Grans, A. ; Alfredsen, J. A. ; Finstad, B. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Uglem, I. . 2021 Animal Biotelemetry Tagging effects None Norway Laboratory 58.905519 5.964568 Small-Scale Neither NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile; adult 12 52 74 63 Fish No
1917 Migration Patterns of a Potamodromous Piscivore, Asp (Leuciscus Aspius), in a River-Lake System Kargenberg, E. ; Okland, F. ; Thalfeldt, M. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Sandlund, O. T. ; Tambets, M. . 2020 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Estonia Freshwater 58.410201 26.246429 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Leuciscus aspius Asp Leuciscidae adult 54 49 81 66 Fish No
1918 Behaviour and Mortality of Downstream Migrating Atlantic Salmon Smolts at a Small Power Station With Multiple Migration Routes Kargenberg, E. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Jarvekulg, R. ; Sandlund, O. T. ; Saadre, E. ; Okland, F. ; Thalfeldt, M. ; Tambets, M. . 2020 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Europe - Inland Waters Estonia Freshwater 59.402435 27.01438 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 38 None None None Fish No
1642 Effects of a Dispersal Barrier on Freshwater Migration of the Vimba Bream (Vimba Vimba) Tambets, M. ; Kargenberg, E. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Sandlund, O. T. ; Okland, F. ; Thalfeldt, M. . 2018 Boreal Environment Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Estonia Freshwater Marine 58.41079 24.654089 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Vimba vimba Vimba bream Cyprinidae adult 30 30 40 33 Fish No
1591 European Eel Anguilla Anguilla Compromise Speed for Safety in the Early Marine Spawning Migration Lennox, R. J. ; Okland, F. ; Mitamura, H. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Thorstad, E. B.. 2018 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 60.07221 6.549732 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae juvenile; adult 73 47 89 59 Fish No
1455 In Situ Measurement of Salinity During Seaward Migration of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Using Acoustic Transmitters With Data-Storage Capabilities and Conventional Acoustic Transmitters Mitamura, H. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Okland, F. . 2017 Animal Biotelemetry Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.74746 8.001003 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 20 26 32 29 Fish No
1367 Positioning of Aquatic Animals Based on Time-of-Arrival and Random Walk Models Using Yaps (Yet Another Positioning Solver) Baktoft, H. ; Gjelland, K. O. ; Okland, F. ; Thygesen, U. H.. 2017 Scientific Reports Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1038/s41598-017-14278-z
1103 Migration Speed, Routes, and Mortality Rates of Anadromous Brown Trout Salmo Trutta During Outward Migration Through a Complex Coastal Habitat Aldven, D. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Okland, F. ; Rivinoja, P. ; Hojesjo, J. . 2015 Marine Ecology Progress Series Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Sweden Freshwater Marine 57.138913 12.25406 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile; adult 120 None None 26 Fish No
833 Quantifying the Degree of Protection Afforded by a No-Take Marine Reserve on an Exploited Shark Da silva, C. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Attwood, C. G. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Okland, F. ; Wilke, C. G. ; Naesje, T. F.. 2013 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -33.057889 17.981672 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Mustelus mustelus Smoothhound shark; Smoothound shark Triakidae juvenile; adult 24 81 147 110 Sharks-Rays No
938 Reduced Marine Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Exposed to Aluminium and Moderate Acidification in Freshwater Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Kroglund, F. ; Einarsdottir, I. E. ; Kristensen, T. ; Diserud, O. H. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Mayer, I. ; Moore, A. ; Nilsen, R. ; Bjornsson, B. T. ; Okland, F. . 2013 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.720182 7.717072 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 135 9 28 25 Fish No
937 The Use of Electronic Tags in Fish Research - An Overview of Fish Telemetry Methods Thorstad, E. B. ; Rikardsen, A. H. ; Alp, A. ; Okland, F. . 2013 Turkish Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None No 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_5_13
925 Movements and Dispersal of Farmed Atlantic Salmon Following a Simulated-Escape Event Solem, O. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Urke, H. A. ; Kristensen, T. ; Okland, F. ; Ulvan, E. M. ; Uglem, I. . 2013 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.781339 8.327997 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile; adult 37 None None 54 Fish No
834 Can Sea Trout Salmo Trutta Compromise Successful Eradication of Gyrodactylus Salaris by Hiding From CFT Legumin (Rotenone) Treatments? Davidsen, J. G. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Baktoft, H. ; Aune, S. ; Okland, F. ; Rikardsen, A. H.. 2013 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 65.874725 13.154639 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile 36 30 89 42 Fish No
766 Loss of European Silver Eel Passing a Hydropower Station Pedersen, M. I. ; Jepsen, N. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Koed, A. ; Pedersen, S. ; Okland, F. . 2012 Journal Of Applied Ichthyology Mortality/survival Europe - Inland Waters Denmark Freshwater 56.46219 10.063167 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 45 56 86 66 Fish No
778 Stocking Location and Predation by Marine Fishes Affect Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2012 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.745615 8.011316 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile; adult 11 45 109 66 Fish ; No
778 Stocking Location and Predation by Marine Fishes Affect Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2012 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.745615 8.011316 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pollachius virens Saithe; Wild saithe Gadidae adult 2 56 95 75 Fish No
778 Stocking Location and Predation by Marine Fishes Affect Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2012 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.745615 8.011316 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 99 18 30 23 Fish No
757 Movements of Lumpsucker Females in a Northern Norwegian Fjord During the Spawning Season Mitamura, H. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Okland, F. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Dempster, T. ; Arai, N. . 2012 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 70.146726 22.26914 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyclopterus lumpus Lumpsucker; Lumpfish Cyclopteridae adult 20 35 50 43 Fish No
655 Does River of Origin Influence the Early Marine Migratory Performance of Salmo Salar? Manel-la, N. P. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Okland, F. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Davidsen, J. G. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Mckinley, R. S. ; Finstad, B. . 2011 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 60.111929 6.044872 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 159 None None 24 Fish No
607 First Assessment of Estuarine Space Use and Home Range of Juvenile White Steenbras, Lithognathus Lithognathus Bennett, R. H. ; Childs, A. R. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. . 2011 African Zoology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.457486 27.069648 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Lithognathus lithognathus White steenbras Sparidae juvenile 10 15 18 17 Fish No
623 Early Marine Migration of European Silver Eel Anguilla Anguilla in Northern Norway Davidsen, J. G. ; Finstad, B. ; Okland, F. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Mo, T. A. ; Rikardsen, A. H.. 2011 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 70.086329 23.070501 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae juvenile 32 37 76 62 Fish No
643 Behaviour of Atlantic Cod, a Marine Fish Predator, During Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolt Migration Hedger, R. D. ; Uglem, I. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Jensen, A. J. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. . 2011 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.711329 8.105192 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 38 30 109 59 Fish No
685 Low Survival of Hatchery-Released Atlantic Salmon Smolts During Initial River and Fjord Migration Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Okland, F. ; Finstad, B. . 2011 Boreal Environment Research Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.629482 8.10208 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 20 22 33 28 Fish No
563 Residency and Migratory Behaviour by Adult Pomatomus Saltatrix in a South African Coastal Embayment Hedger, R. D. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Attwood, C. G. ; Okland, F. ; Wilke, C. G. ; Kerwath, S. E.. 2010 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.097807 18.018653 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae adult 36 35 49 42 Fish No
528 Survival and Progression Rates of Large European Silver Eel Anguilla Anguilla in Late Freshwater and Early Marine Phases Aarestrup, K. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Koed, A. ; Svendsen, J. C. ; Jepsen, N. ; Pedersen, M. I. ; Okland, F. . 2010 Aquatic Biology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Denmark Freshwater Marine 56.478362 10.218245 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 50 56 84 63 Fish No
521 Long-Term Effects of Two Sizes of Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters on a Predatory Marine Fish (Pomatomus Saltatrix) Thorstad, E. B. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Attwood, C. G. ; Okland, F. ; Wilke, C. G. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Naesje, T. F.. 2009 Marine And Freshwater Research Tagging effects None South Africa Laboratory -33.907962 18.417613 Small-Scale Neither NO Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae juvenile; adult 26 26 35 29 Fish No
495 Vertical Movements of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Relative to Measures of Salinity and Water Temperature During the First Phase of the Marine Migration Manel-la, N. P. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Davidsen, J. G. ; Okland, F. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Mckinley, R. S. ; Finstad, B. . 2009 Fisheries Management And Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 60.469356 7.070338 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 8 27 39 31 Fish No
492 Crossing Invisible Boundaries: The Effectiveness of the Langebaan Lagoon Marine Protected Area as a Harvest Refuge for a Migratory Fish Species in South Africa Kerwath, S. E. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Okland, F. ; Wilke, C. G. ; Attwood, C. G.. 2009 Conservation Biology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -33.119599 18.031322 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Rhabdosargus globiceps White stumpnose Sparidae adult 30 24 37 28 Fish No
524 High Connectivity of Salmon Farms Revealed by Aggregation, Residence and Repeated Movements of Wild Fish Among Farms Uglem, I. ; Dempster, T. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. ; Okland, F. . 2009 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 70.167874 22.275428 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pollachius virens Saithe; Wild saithe Gadidae adult 24 42 60 51 Fish No
478 Migratory Behaviour and Survival Rates of Wild Northern Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Post-Smolts: Effects of Environmental Factors Davidsen, J. G. ; Rikardsen, A. H. ; Halttunen, E. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Letcher, B. H. ; Skardhamar, J. ; Naesje, T. F.. 2009 Journal Of Fish Biology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 70.083544 23.061693 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 120 13 17 15 Fish No
407 Do Environmental Factors Influence the Movement of Estuarine Fish? A Case Study Using Acoustic Telemetry Childs, A. R. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Booth, A. J. ; Potts, W. M. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. . 2008 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.491155 27.218314 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomadasys commersonnii Spotted grunter Haemulidae juvenile; adult 40 26 69 48 Fish No
444 Movements and Spatiotemporal Distribution of Escaped Farmed and Local Wild Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua L.) Uglem, I. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Dale, T. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Okland, F. ; Nilsen, R. ; Aas, K. ; Fleming, I. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2008 Aquaculture Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 69.366662 19.333301 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile; adult 79 30 73 51 Fish ; No
414 Changes in Swimming Depths of Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Post-Smolts Relative to Light Intensity Davidsen, J. G. ; Manel-la, N. P. ; Okland, F. ; Diserud, O. H. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Finstad, B. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Mckinley, R. S. ; Rikardsen, A. H.. 2008 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 60.466667 7.066667 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 8 27 39 31 Fish No
412 Estuarine Habitat Use by Juvenile Dusky Kob Argyrosomus Japonicus (Sciaenidae), With Implications for Management Cowley, P. D. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Childs, A. R. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Naesje, T. F.. 2008 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.491155 27.218314 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob; Mulloway; Japanese meagre Sciaenidae juvenile 29 30 40 35 Fish No
409 Riverine, Estuarine and Marine Migratory Behaviour and Physiology of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus Kisutch (Walbaum) Smolts Descending the Campbell River, Bc, Canada Chittenden, C. M. ; Sura, S. ; Butterworth, K. G. ; Cubitt, K. F. ; Manel-la, N. P. ; Balfry, S. ; Okland, F. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2008 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 50.047251 -125.259919 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon Salmonidae juvenile 80 12 16 14 Fish No
408 Estuarine Use by Spotted Grunter Pomadasys Commersonnii in a South African Estuary, as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Childs, A. R. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Booth, A. J. ; Potts, W. M. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. . 2008 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.491155 27.218314 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomadasys commersonnii Spotted grunter Haemulidae juvenile; adult 20 36 69 47 Fish No
406 Home Range of an Estuarine-Dependent Fish Species Pomadasys Commersonnii in a South African Estuary Childs, A. R. ; Booth, A. J. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Potts, W. M. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. . 2008 Fisheries Management And Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Freshwater Marine -33.491155 27.218314 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomadasys commersonnii Spotted grunter Haemulidae juvenile; adult 40 26 69 48 Fish No
348 First Tracking of White Stumpnose Rhabdosargus Globiceps (Sparidae) in a South African Marine Protected Area Attwood, C. G. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Okland, F. ; Thorstad, E. B.. 2007 African Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Southeast South Africa Marine -33.142882 18.064173 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Rhabdosargus globiceps White stumpnose Sparidae adult 18 25 33 29 Fish No
388 Fjord Migration and Survival of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon and Wild Brown Trout Post-Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Finstad, B. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Plantalech, N. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2007 Hydrobiologia Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.722073 7.716736 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 114 13 24 19 Fish No
388 Fjord Migration and Survival of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon and Wild Brown Trout Post-Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Finstad, B. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Plantalech, N. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2007 Hydrobiologia Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.722073 7.716736 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile 34 14 24 19 Fish No
286 Migration of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon and Wild Anadromous Brown Trout Post-Smolts in a Norwegian Fjord System Finstad, B. ; Okland, F. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2005 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.682363 7.324298 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 25 18 49 29 Fish No
286 Migration of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon and Wild Anadromous Brown Trout Post-Smolts in a Norwegian Fjord System Finstad, B. ; Okland, F. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2005 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.682363 7.324298 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile 15 16 24 19 Fish No
275 Migration Speeds and Orientation of Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Post-Smolts in a Norwegian Fjord System Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Finstad, B. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2004 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.723396 8.07939 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 5 22 30 26 Fish No
275 Migration Speeds and Orientation of Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Post-Smolts in a Norwegian Fjord System Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Finstad, B. ; Sivertsgard, R. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2004 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.723396 8.07939 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile 4 18 24 20 Fish No
251 Return Migration of Adult Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar in Relation to Water Diverted Through a Power Station Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Johnsen, B. O. ; Naesje, T. F.. 2003 Fisheries Management And Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 59.553687 6.463834 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 72 55 118 86 Fish No
221 A Wireless Communication System for Determining Site Fidelity of Juvenile Dusky Groupers Epinephelus Marginatus (Lowe, 1834) Using Coded Acoustic Transmitters Lembo, G. ; Spedicato, M. T. ; Okland, F. ; Carbonara, P. ; Fleming, I. A. ; Mckinley, R. S. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Sisak, M. ; Ragonese, S. . 2002 Hydrobiologia Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Italy Marine 38.706002 13.154029 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae juvenile 7 20 40 30 Fish ; No
181 A System for Automatic Recording of Fish Tagged With Coded Acoustic Transmitters Thorstad, E. B. ; Okland, F. ; Rowsell, D. F. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2000 Fisheries Management And Ecology Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1046/j.1365-2400.2000.007004281.x