Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2079 Heart Rate and Swimming Activity as Indicators of Post-Surgical Recovery Time of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Fore, M. ; Svendsen, E. ; Okland, F. ; Grans, A. ; Alfredsen, J. A. ; Finstad, B. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Uglem, I. . 2021 Animal Biotelemetry Tagging effects None Norway Laboratory 58.905519 5.964568 Small-Scale Neither NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile; adult 12 52 74 63 Fish No
2221 Heart Rate and Swimming Activity as Stress Indicators for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Svendsen, E. ; Fore, M. ; Okland, F. ; Grans, A. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Alfredsen, J. A. ; Uglem, I. ; Rosten, C. M. ; Frank, K. ; Erikson, U. ; Finstad, B. . 2021 Aquaculture Ecology None Norway Laboratory 58.905459 5.964645 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile; adult 4 None None 56 Fish No
1547 Using Acoustic Telemetry to Monitor the Effects of Crowding and Delousing Procedures on Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Fore, M. ; Svendsen, E. ; Alfredsen, J. A. ; Uglem, I. ; Bloecher, N. ; Sveier, H. ; Sunde, L. M. ; Frank, K. . 2018 Aquaculture Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 64.6 11.27 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae None 21 None None 61 Fish No
1438 Pan-Holarctic Assessment of Post-Release Mortality of Angled Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Johansen, M. R. ; Kennedy, R. J. ; Richard, A. ; Svenning, M. A. ; Uglem, I. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Davis, C. R. ; Gargan, P. ; Hawkins, L. A. ; Havn, T. B.. 2017 Biological Conservation Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.01.022
1455 In Situ Measurement of Salinity During Seaward Migration of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Using Acoustic Transmitters With Data-Storage Capabilities and Conventional Acoustic Transmitters Mitamura, H. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Okland, F. . 2017 Animal Biotelemetry Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.74746 8.001003 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 20 26 32 29 Fish No
1412 Tracking Escaped Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua L.) Aggregated Around Norwegian Farms: Considerations for Management Strategies Hedger, R. D. ; Serra-llinares, R. M. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Nilsen, R. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Uglem, I. . 2017 Fisheries Management And Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 67.142457 14.322919 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile; adult 20 46 71 54 Fish ; No
1362 Rapid Dispersion of Escaped Meagre (Argyrosomus Regius) From a Coastal Mediterranean Fish Farm Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Izquierdo-gomez, D. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. . 2017 Aquaculture Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 37.551003 -1.102123 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Argyrosomus regius Meagre Sciaenidae juvenile 16 33 49 42 Fish No
1104 Aggregations of Bluefish Pomatomus Saltatrix (L.) at Mediterranean Coastal Fish Farms: Seasonal Presence, Daily Patterns and Influence of Farming Activity Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Izquierdo-gomez, D. ; Uglem, I. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. . 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.096493 -0.596762 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae adult 23 None None 50 Fish No
994 Effects of Salmon Lice Infection on the Behaviour of Sea Trout in the Marine Phase Finstad, B. ; Gjelland, K. O. ; Serra-llinares, R. M. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Nilsen, R. ; Uglem, I. ; Skilbrei, O. T. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2014 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 59.649999 5.879987 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile; adult 30 22 34 26 Fish No
925 Movements and Dispersal of Farmed Atlantic Salmon Following a Simulated-Escape Event Solem, O. ; Hedger, R. D. ; Urke, H. A. ; Kristensen, T. ; Okland, F. ; Ulvan, E. M. ; Uglem, I. . 2013 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.781339 8.327997 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile; adult 37 None None 54 Fish No
918 Post-Escape Dispersal of Juvenile Atlantic Cod Gadus Morhua From Norwegian Fish Farms and Their Potential for Recapture Serra-llinares, R. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Uglem, I. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Noble, C. . 2013 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 67.116594 14.283127 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile 24 None None 30 Fish ; No
938 Reduced Marine Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts Exposed to Aluminium and Moderate Acidification in Freshwater Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Kroglund, F. ; Einarsdottir, I. E. ; Kristensen, T. ; Diserud, O. H. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Mayer, I. ; Moore, A. ; Nilsen, R. ; Bjornsson, B. T. ; Okland, F. . 2013 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.720182 7.717072 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 135 9 28 25 Fish No
704 Post-Escape Dispersion of Farmed Seabream (Sparus Aurata L.) and Recaptures by Local Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Bayle-sempere, J. T. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. . 2012 Fisheries Research Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.096495 -0.596759 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sparus aurata Snapper; Seabream; Gilthead seabream; Australasian snapper; Silver seabream; Gilt-head sea bream; Sea bream Sparidae None 38 None None 27 Fish No
778 Stocking Location and Predation by Marine Fishes Affect Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2012 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.745615 8.011316 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile; adult 11 45 109 66 Fish ; No
778 Stocking Location and Predation by Marine Fishes Affect Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2012 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.745615 8.011316 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pollachius virens Saithe; Wild saithe Gadidae adult 2 56 95 75 Fish No
778 Stocking Location and Predation by Marine Fishes Affect Survival of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. ; Bjorn, P. A.. 2012 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.745615 8.011316 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 99 18 30 23 Fish No
757 Movements of Lumpsucker Females in a Northern Norwegian Fjord During the Spawning Season Mitamura, H. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Okland, F. ; Naesje, T. F. ; Dempster, T. ; Arai, N. . 2012 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 70.146726 22.26914 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyclopterus lumpus Lumpsucker; Lumpfish Cyclopteridae adult 20 35 50 43 Fish No
685 Low Survival of Hatchery-Released Atlantic Salmon Smolts During Initial River and Fjord Migration Thorstad, E. B. ; Uglem, I. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Okland, F. ; Finstad, B. . 2011 Boreal Environment Research Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.629482 8.10208 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae juvenile 20 22 33 28 Fish No
643 Behaviour of Atlantic Cod, a Marine Fish Predator, During Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolt Migration Hedger, R. D. ; Uglem, I. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Finstad, B. ; Chittenden, C. M. ; Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Jensen, A. J. ; Nilsen, R. ; Okland, F. . 2011 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 62.711329 8.105192 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 38 30 109 59 Fish No
530 Movements of Grey Mullet Liza Aurata and Chelon Labrosus Associated With Coastal Fish Farms in the Western Mediterranean Sea Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Bayle-sempere, J. T. ; Nilsen, R. . 2010 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.099683 -0.610751 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Chelon auratus Golden grey mullet Mugilidae adult 14 40 64 47 Fish No
530 Movements of Grey Mullet Liza Aurata and Chelon Labrosus Associated With Coastal Fish Farms in the Western Mediterranean Sea Arechavala-lopez, P. ; Uglem, I. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. ; Fernandez-jover, D. ; Bayle-sempere, J. T. ; Nilsen, R. . 2010 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Mediterranean And Black Sea Spain Marine 38.099683 -0.610751 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Chelon labrosus Thicklip grey mullet Mugilidae adult 8 54 74 60 Fish No
597 Spatiotemporal Distribution of Coastal and Oceanic Atlantic Cod Gadus Morhua Sub-Groups After Escape From a Farm Uglem, I. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Mitamura, H. ; Nilsen, R. . 2010 Aquaculture Environment Interactions Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 69.368093 19.082067 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae adult 45 None None 69 Fish ; No
459 Spatiotemporal Distribution of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua L.) With Intact and Blocked Olfactory Sense During the Spawning Season in a Norwegian Fjord With Intensive Salmon Farming Bjorn, P. A. ; Uglem, I. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Saether, B. S. ; Nilsen, R. . 2009 Aquaculture Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 70.15986 22.278099 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae adult 60 59 84 71 Fish ; No
524 High Connectivity of Salmon Farms Revealed by Aggregation, Residence and Repeated Movements of Wild Fish Among Farms Uglem, I. ; Dempster, T. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Sanchez-jerez, P. ; Okland, F. . 2009 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 70.167874 22.275428 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Pollachius virens Saithe; Wild saithe Gadidae adult 24 42 60 51 Fish No
444 Movements and Spatiotemporal Distribution of Escaped Farmed and Local Wild Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua L.) Uglem, I. ; Bjorn, P. A. ; Dale, T. ; Kerwath, S. E. ; Okland, F. ; Nilsen, R. ; Aas, K. ; Fleming, I. A. ; Mckinley, R. S.. 2008 Aquaculture Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 69.366662 19.333301 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile; adult 79 30 73 51 Fish ; No