Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2618 Individual Variation in the Habitat Selection of Upstream Migrating Fish Near a Barrier Mawer, R. ; Bruneel, S. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Elings, J. ; Pickholtz, E. Y. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Schneider, M. ; Coeck, J. ; Goethals, P. . 2023 Movement Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 47.818499 10.225959 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Thymallus thymallus European grayling; Greyling; Grayling Salmonidae None 25 None None 367 Fish No
2618 Individual Variation in the Habitat Selection of Upstream Migrating Fish Near a Barrier Mawer, R. ; Bruneel, S. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Elings, J. ; Pickholtz, E. Y. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Schneider, M. ; Coeck, J. ; Goethals, P. . 2023 Movement Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 47.818499 10.225959 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Barbus barbus Barbel; European barbel Cyprinidae None 22 None None 498 Fish No
2495 Body Size Scaling of Space Use in Coastal Pike (Esox Lucius) in Brackish Lagoons of the Southern Baltic Sea Dhellemmes, F. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Rittweg, T. ; Alos, J. ; Moeller, P. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2023 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Germany Freshwater Marine 54.208089 13.358763 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ETN Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 210 480 1210 764 Fish No
2488 Linking Fine-Scale Behaviour to the Hydraulic Environment Shows Behavioural Responses in Riverine Fish Elings, J. ; Mawer, R. ; Bruneel, S. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Pickholtz, E. Y. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Coeck, J. ; Schneider, M. ; Goethals, P. . 2023 Movement Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 47.803286 10.255217 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Thymallus thymallus European grayling; Greyling; Grayling Salmonidae adult 25 304 508 367 Fish No
2488 Linking Fine-Scale Behaviour to the Hydraulic Environment Shows Behavioural Responses in Riverine Fish Elings, J. ; Mawer, R. ; Bruneel, S. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Pickholtz, E. Y. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Coeck, J. ; Schneider, M. ; Goethals, P. . 2023 Movement Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 47.803286 10.255217 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Barbus barbus Barbel; European barbel Cyprinidae None 22 330 619 498 Fish No
2464 Overestimating Management Progress-Modelled vs. Monitored Silver Eel Escapement in a North Sea Draining River Hoehne, L. ; Freese, M. ; Pohlmann, J. ; Diekmann, M. ; Fladung, E. ; Huisman, J. ; Hanel, R. ; Marohn, L. . 2023 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Germany Freshwater Marine 53.319863 7.334098 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ETN Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 304 None None None Fish No
2611 Rhythm of Relationships in a Social Fish Over the Course of a Full Year in the Wild Monk, C. T. ; Aslak, U. ; Brockmann, D. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2023 Movement Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994967 13.582316 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 36 None None 540 Fish No
2578 Synthesizing Historic and Current Evidence for Anadromy in a Northern Pike (Esox Lucius L.) Meta-Population Inhabiting Brackish Lagoons of the Southern Baltic Sea, With Implications for Management Roser, P. ; Dhellemmesa, F. ; Rittweg, T. ; Moellerc, S. ; Winkler, H. ; Lukyanova, O. ; Niessner, D. ; Schuett, J. ; Kuehn, C. ; Dennenmoser, S. ; Nolte, A. W. ; Radinger, J. ; Koemle, D. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2023 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Germany Freshwater Marine 54.407268 13.09524 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae None 305 None None None Fish No
2169 The Battle Between Harvest and Natural Selection Creates Small and Shy Fish Monk, C. T. ; Bekkevold, D. ; Klefoth, T. ; Pagel, T. ; Palmer, M. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2021 Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994942 13.58139 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 50 34 80 55 Fish No
1954 Behavioural and Fitness Effects of Translocation to a Novel Environment: Whole-Lake Experiments in Two Aquatic Top Predators Monk, C. T. ; Cheret, B. ; Czapla, P. ; Huehn, D. ; Klefoth, T. ; Eschbach, E. ; Hagemann, R. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2020 Journal Of Animal Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994942 13.58139 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 160 None None None Fish No
1954 Behavioural and Fitness Effects of Translocation to a Novel Environment: Whole-Lake Experiments in Two Aquatic Top Predators Monk, C. T. ; Cheret, B. ; Czapla, P. ; Huehn, D. ; Klefoth, T. ; Eschbach, E. ; Hagemann, R. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2020 Journal Of Animal Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994942 13.58139 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Silurus glanis European catfish; Catfish; Wels catfish Siluridae adult 33 None None None Fish No
1721 Behaviour, Escapement and Mortality of Female European Silver Eels Within a Regulated Lowland River Draining Into the Baltic Sea Frankowski, J. ; Dorow, M. ; Juenger, J. ; Reckordt, M. ; Schulz, S. ; Ubl, C. ; Winkler, H. . 2019 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northeast Germany Freshwater Marine 54.095074 12.145408 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 151 60 101 74 Fish No
1613 Fine-Scale Movement Ecology of a Freshwater Top Predator, Eurasian Perch (Perca Fluviatilis), in Response to the Abiotic Environment Over the Course of a Year Doering-arjes, P. ; Linzmaier, S. ; Nakayama, S. ; Briege, J. ; Klefoth, T. ; Pieterek, T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2018 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.992178 13.579549 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Perca fluviatilis European perch; Eurasian perch Percidae adult 20 32 43 35 Fish No
1607 Eurasian Perch, Perca Fluviatilis, Spatial Behaviour Determines Vulnerability Independent of Angler Skill in a Whole-Lake Reality Mining Experiment Monk, C. T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2018 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.99225 13.579515 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Perca fluviatilis European perch; Eurasian perch Percidae adult 50 33 None 37 Fish No
1456 Encountering a Bait Is Necessary but Insufficient to Explain Individual Variability in Vulnerability to Angling in Two Freshwater Benthivorous Fish in the Wild Monk, C. T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2017 Plos One Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.99225 13.579583 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 115 40 72 56 Fish No
1456 Encountering a Bait Is Necessary but Insufficient to Explain Individual Variability in Vulnerability to Angling in Two Freshwater Benthivorous Fish in the Wild Monk, C. T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2017 Plos One Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.99225 13.579583 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Tinca tinca Tench Tincidae adult 36 37 52 44 Fish No
1463 Fast-Slow Life History Is Correlated With Individual Differences in Movements and Prey Selection in an Aquatic Predator in the Wild Nakayama, S. ; Rapp, T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2017 Journal Of Animal Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994444 13.581389 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Perca fluviatilis European perch; Eurasian perch Percidae juvenile; adult 20 None None 35 Fish No
1340 Downstream Migration of the European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) in the Elbe River, Germany: Movement Patterns and the Potential Impact of Environmental Factors Stein, F. ; Doering-arjes, P. ; Fladung, E. ; Braemick, U. ; Bendall, B. ; Schroeder, B. . 2016 River Research And Applications Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.400903 12.479362 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 399 None None 75 Fish No
1329 Between- And Within-Individual Variation in Activity Increases With Water Temperature in Wild Perch Nakayama, S. ; Laskowski, K. L. ; Klefoth, T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2016 Behavioral Ecology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994444 13.581389 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Perca fluviatilis European perch; Eurasian perch Percidae adult 20 None None 35 Fish No
1312 Behaviour in a Standardized Assay, but Not Metabolic or Growth Rate, Predicts Behavioural Variation in an Adult Aquatic Top Predator Esox Lucius in the Wild Laskowski, K. L. ; Monk, C. T. ; Polverino, G. ; Alos, J. ; Nakayama, S. ; Staaks, G. ; Mehner, T. ; Arlinghaus, R. . 2016 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.994772 13.581281 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 6 47 56 51 Fish No
1031 Escapement Success of Silver Eels From a German River System Is Low Compared to Management-Based Estimates Marohn, L. ; Prigge, E. ; Hanel, R. . 2014 Freshwater Biology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 54.284502 10.26039 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 36 70 97 84 Fish No
773 European Silver Eel Migration and Fisheries-Induced Mortality in the Havel River System (Germany) Simon, J. ; Berends, K. ; Doerner, H. ; Jepsen, N. ; Fladung, E. . 2012 River Research And Applications Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 52.457326 12.763221 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 99 59 92 76 Fish No
203 A Preliminary Telemetry Study of the Migration of Silver European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla L.) in the River Mosel, Germany Behrmann-godel, J. ; Eckmann, R. . 2003 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 49.70227 6.569423 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae adult 9 70 100 85 Fish No
67 Movements of Ultrasonically Tagged Brown Trout (Salmo-Trutta L) in Lake Constance Schulz, U. ; Berg, R. . 1992 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Germany Freshwater 47.636338 9.389245 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae adult 13 42 67 54 Fish No