Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2641 Individual Residency Behaviours and Seasonal Long-Distance Movements in Acoustically Tagged Caribbean Reef Sharks in the Cayman Islands Kohler, J. ; Gore, M. ; Ormond, R. F. g. ; Johnson, B. . ; Austin, T. J.. 2023 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Cayman Islands Marine 19.366827 -81.23045 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 39 76 196 149 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.1371/journal.pone.0293884
2260 Using Movement Models and Systematic Conservation Planning to Inform Marine Protected Area Design for a Multi-Species Predator Community Burke, P. J. ; Fuentes, M. M. p. b. ; Heinrich, D. U. ; Huveneers, C. ; Gruber, S. H. ; Papastamatiou, Y. P. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Adams, V. M. ; Bond, M. E. ; Van zinnicq bergmann, M. P. m. ; Guttridge, T. L.. 2022 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 25.719546 -79.277117 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae adult 9 105 172 136 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109469
2090 Spatial Connectivity and Drivers of Shark Habitat Use Within a Large Marine Protected Area in the Caribbean, the Bahamas Shark Sanctuary Gallagher, A. J. ; Shipley, O. N. ; Van zinnicq bergmann, M. P. m. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Dahlgren, C. P. ; Frisk, M. G. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Kattan, S. ; Papastamatiou, Y. P. ; Shea, B. D. ; Kessel, S. T. ; Duarte, C. M.. 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 25.051833 -77.241814 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 23 110 220 170 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.3389/fmars.2020.608848
1875 Network Analysis Reveals Multispecies Spatial Associations in the Shark Community of a Caribbean Marine Protected Area Casselberry, G. A. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Finn, J. T. ; Deangelis, B. M. ; Jordaan, A. ; Pollock, C. G. ; Lundgren, I. ; Hillis-starr, Z. ; Skomal, G. B.. 2020 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 17.791378 -64.623237 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 18 65 144 104 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.3354/meps13158
1884 Individual and Population Benefits of Marine Reserves for Reef Sharks Dwyer, R. G. ; Krueck, N. C. ; Udyawer, V. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Chapman, D. D. ; Pratt, H. L. ; Garla, R. C. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A.. 2020 Current Biology Ecology Indian Ocean, Eastern Australia Marine -21.468911 114.222127 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae None 58 None None None Sharks-Rays ; No 10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.005
1639 Fine-Scale Movement and Activity Patterns of Caribbean Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus Perezi) in the Bahamas Shipley, O. N. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; O'shea, O. R. ; Brooks, E. J.. 2018 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.827509 -76.353844 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae adult 14 139 217 167 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.1007/s10641-017-0656-4
1333 Comparative Use of a Caribbean Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem and Association With Fish Spawning Aggregations by Three Species of Shark Pickard, A. E. ; Vaudo, J. J. ; Wetherbee, B. M. ; Nemeth, R. S. ; Blondeau, J. B. ; Kadison, E. A. ; Shivji, M. S.. 2016 Plos One Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.191485 -64.975135 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 6 132 157 145 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.1371/journal.pone.0151221
654 Effects of Tourism-Related Provisioning on the Trophic Signatures and Movement Patterns of an Apex Predator, the Caribbean Reef Shark Maljkovic, A. ; Cote, I. M.. 2011 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.998439 -77.539158 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 21 90 280 185 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.11.019
281 Marine Reserve Design and Evaluation Using Automated Acoustic Telemetry: A Case-Study Involving Coral Reef-Associated Sharks in the Mesoamerican Caribbean Chapman, D. D. ; Pikitch, E. K. ; Babcock, F. ; Shivji, M. S.. 2005 Marine Technology Society Journal Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Belize Marine 16.772406 -87.756426 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 5 117 215 166 Sharks-Rays ; No 10.4031/002533205787521640