Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2716 Depredation Rates and Spatial Overlap Between Great Hammerheads and Tarpon in a Recreational Fishing Hot Spot Casselberry, G. A. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Dello russo, J. ; Filous, A. ; Holder, P. E. ; Morgan, C. ; Kneebone, J. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2024 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.677263 -81.262299 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae adult 14 207 331 273 Sharks-Rays No http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mcf2.10277
2624 Trophic Ecology Shapes Spatial Ecology of Two Sympatric Predators, the Great Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna Mokarran) and Bull Shark (Carcharhinus Leucas) Lubitz, N. ; Abrantes, K. ; Crook, K. ; Currey-randall, L. M. ; Chin, A. ; Sheaves, M. ; Fitzpatrick, R. ; Martins, A. P. b. ; Bierwagen, S. L. ; Miller, I. ; Barnett, A. . 2023 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Pacific, Western Central Australia Marine -19.024882 147.059139 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae juvenile; adult 21 125 455 288 Sharks-Rays No 10.3389/fmars.2023.1274275
2304 Predator-Prey Landscapes of Large Sharks and Game Fishes in the Florida Keys Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Filous, A. ; Friess, C. ; Guttridge, T. L. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Heim, V. ; Morley, D. ; Rider, M. J. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W.. 2022 Ecological Applications Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.742229 -81.272374 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae juvenile; adult 42 None None 292 Sharks-Rays No 10.1002/eap.2584
2260 Using Movement Models and Systematic Conservation Planning to Inform Marine Protected Area Design for a Multi-Species Predator Community Burke, P. J. ; Fuentes, M. M. p. b. ; Heinrich, D. U. ; Huveneers, C. ; Gruber, S. H. ; Papastamatiou, Y. P. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Adams, V. M. ; Bond, M. E. ; Van zinnicq bergmann, M. P. m. ; Guttridge, T. L.. 2022 Biological Conservation Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 25.719546 -79.277117 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae adult 12 215 274 234 Sharks-Rays No 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109469
2258 Scientific Response to a Cluster of Shark Bites Miller, I. ; Sheaves, M. ; Chin, A. ; Smith, B. . ; Diedrich, A. ; Yick, J. L. ; Barnett, A. ; Fitzpatrick, R. ; Bradley, M. ; Lubitz, N. ; Crook, K. ; Mattone, C. ; Bennett, M. B. ; Wojtach, L. ; Abrantes, K. . 2022 People And Nature Ecology Pacific, Western Central Australia Marine -20.25 148.933335 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale IMOS Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae adult 2 270 293 281 Sharks-Rays No 10.1002/pan3.10337
2100 Large Sharks Exhibit Varying Behavioral Responses to Major Hurricanes Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Rider, M. J. ; Roemer, R. P. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.739849 -80.131873 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae juvenile; adult 7 163 293 228 Sharks-Rays No 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107373
2198 Space Use Patterns of Sharks in Relation to Boat Activity in an Urbanized Coastal Waterway Rider, M. J. ; Kirsebom, O. S. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Staaterman, E. ; Ault, J. S. ; Sasso, C. R. ; Jackson, T. L. ; Browder, J. A. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Marine Environmental Research Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.5722 -80.2321 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae juvenile 33 154 250 202 Sharks-Rays No 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105489