

Title Authors Journal Year
Chinook Salmon Depth Distributions on the Continental Shelf Are Shaped by Interactions Between Location, Season, and Individual Condition Freshwater, C. Anderson, S. C. . Huff, D. D. Smith, J. M. Jackson, D. Hendriks, B. Hinch, S. G. Johnston, S. D. Trites, A. W. King, J. . Movement Ecology 2024
Life Outside the Fishbowl: Tracking an Introduced Population of Goldfish (Carassius Auratus) in an Embayment on the Laurentian Great Lakes Boston, C. M. Larocque, S. M. Tang, R. W. k. Brooks, J. L. Bowman, J. E. . Cooke, S. J. Midwood, J. D. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2024
Habitat-Dependent Metabolic Costs for a Wild Cold-Water Fish Hlina, B. L. Glassman, D. Ledee, E. J. i. Nowell, L. B. Claussen, J. E. Philipp, D. P. Marsden, J. E. Power, M. Cooke, S. J. Aquatic Sciences 2024
Effects of External Tags on Maternal Postpartum, Offspring Body Mass and Breeding Frequency in Gray Seals Halichoerus Grypus Justrabo, C. C. Den heyer, C. E. Bowen, W. D. Lidgard, D. C. Marine Mammal Science 2024
Acoustic Telemetry Tracking of Coho Salmon Smolts Released From a Community-Run Hatchery Into a Marine Inlet Reveals Low Early Ocean Survival Kanigan, A. M. Hinch, S. G. Lotto, A. G. Szlachta, K. Johnston, S. D. Lingard, S. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2024
A Novel Technological Approach to Recover Aquatic Research Equipment From Depth Smith, K. A. Bzonek, P. A. Brownscombe, J. W. Fisheries 2024
Migration Timing and Marine Space Use of an Anadromous Arctic Fish (Arctic Char, Salvelinus Alpinus) Revealed by Local Spatial Statistics and Network Analysis Smith, R. Hitkolok, E. Loewen, T. Dumond, A. Swanson, H. K. Movement Ecology 2024
Space Use and Residency Patterns of Largemouth Bass Relative to a Freshwater Protected Area Zolderdo, A. J. Brownscombe, J. W. Abrams, A. E. i. Suski, C. D. Cooke, S. J. Aquatic Sciences 2024
Determining Early Marine Survival and Predation by Endothermic Predators on Acoustically Tagged Atlantic Salmon English, G. Wilson, B. M. Lawrence, M. J. Black, M. Hawkes, J. P. Hardie, D. C. Daniels, J. Carr, J. W. Rycroft, C. Crossin, G. T. Whoriskey, F. G. Den heyer, C. E. Bordeleau, X. Mckindsey, C. W. Trudel, M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2024
The Spatial Extent of Walleye and Lake Sturgeon Spawning Migrations Below a Dam in the Lower Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior Kosziwka, K. Cooke, S. J. Smokorowski, K. E. Fischer, F. Dunlop, E. S. Rennie, M. D. Pratt, T. C. . Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2024
Thermal Habitat Fragmentation in Stratified Lakes Induces Resource Waves That Brook Charr Track Across Seasons Pepino, M. Magnan, P. Leroux, R. Bertolo, A. Oikos 2024
Multi-Year Evaluation of Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy) Spatial Ecology During Winter Drawdowns in a Regulated, Urban Waterway in Canada Bergman, J. N. Neigel, K. L. Landsman, S. J. Glassman, D. Larochelle, L. Bennett, J. R. Rennie, C. D. Vermaire, J. C. Cooke, S. J. Hydrobiologia 2023
Movement of American Lobsters Homarus Americanus and Rock Crabs Cancer Irroratus Around Mussel Farms in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada Lees, K. J. Lavoie, M. F. Macgregor, K. A. Simard, E. Drouin, A. Comeau, L. A. Mckindsey, C. W. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2023
Evaluating the Influence of Environmental and Biological Factors on Migration Behavior and Residence Duration of Wild Subyearling Chinook Salmon in a Fjord Estuary Using Miniature Acoustic Transmitters Lingard, S. A. Bass, A. L. Cook, K. V. Fortier, M. Price, G. G. Hinch, S. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2023
The Fate of Intracoelomic Acoustic Transmitters in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Post-Smolts and Wider Considerations for Causal Factors Driving Tag Retention and Mortality in Fishes Lawrence, M. J. Wilson, B. M. Reid, G. K. Hawthorn, C. English, G. Black, M. Leadbeater, S. Mckindsey, C. W. Trudel, M. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Lab and Field Evaluation of Tagging Methods for the Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Observe Sea Urchin Movement Behaviour at Ecologically Relevant Spatio-Temporal Scales Macgregor, K. A. Lavoie, M. F. Robinson, S. M. c. Simard, E. Mckindsey, C. W. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Spatial Ecology of Non-Native Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Lake Ontario With Implications for Management Piczak, M. L. Brooks, J. L. Boston, C. M. Doka, S. Portiss, R. Lapointe, N. W. r. Midwood, J. D. Cooke, S. J. Aquatic Sciences 2023
Knowledge of Spawning Phenology May Enhance Selective Barrier Passage for Wetland Fishes Piczak, M. L. Theysmeyer, T. Doka, S. Midwood, J. D. Cooke, S. J. Wetlands 2023
Towards Estimating Probability of Fish-Turbine Encounter: Using Drifters Equipped With Acoustic Tags to Verify the Efficacy of an Array of Acoustic Receivers Sanderson, B. Karsten, R. H. Hasselman, D. J. Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering 2023
Measuring Detection Efficiency of High-Residency Acoustic Signals for Estimating Probability of Fish-Turbine Encounter in a Fast-Flowing Tidal Passage Sanderson, B. Bangley, C. W. Mcgarry, L. P. Hasselman, D. J. Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering 2023
Seasonal Variation in Activity and Nearshore Habitat Use of Lake Trout in a Subarctic Lake Blanchfield, P. J. Mckee, G. Guzzo, M. M. Chapelsky, A. J. Cott, P. A. Movement Ecology 2023
Spatial Ecology of Translocated American Eel (Anguilla Rostrata) in a Large Freshwater Lake Stahl, A. Larocque, S. M. Gardner-costa, J. Mathers, A. Pratt, T. C. . Schlueter, S. Midwood, J. D. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. Midwood, J. D. Doka, S. Cooke, S. J. Hydrobiologia 2023
Seasonal Activity and Depth Distribution of Resident Yellow-Phase American Eels (Anguilla Rostrata) in a Large Fluvial Ecosystem Burliuk, C. M. m. Casselman, J. M. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Eulachon Migration Patterns in the Lower Fraser River Revealed Through Acoustic Telemetry Burns, C. W. Gibeau, P. Robichaud, D. Mcculloch, C. Novoa, J. Lockert, K. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2023
Diversity of Movement Patterns of Longnose Gar Tracked in Coastal Waters of Western Lake Ontario Croft-white, M. V. Larocque, S. M. Reddick, D. T. Smith, P. D. Cooke, S. J. Midwood, J. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2023
Novel Insights Gained From Tagging Walleye (Sander Vitreus) With Pop-Off Data Storage Tags and Acoustic Transmitters in Lake Ontario Elliott, C. W. Ridgway, M. S. Blanchfield, P. J. Tufts, B. L. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
High Degree of Individual Repeatability Found in the Annual Migrations of Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Eastern Lake Ontario Elliott, C. W. Ridgway, M. S. Brown, E. Tufts, B. L. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
Surface Material of Acoustic Transmitters Influences the Inflammatory Response of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) During Long-Term Implantation Heath, G. Semple, S. L. Rodriguez-ramos, T. Hardy, S. Harrison, P. M. Mulder, I. M. Power, M. Dixon, B. Veterinary Immunology And Immunopathology 2023
Behavior of Arctic Fourhorn Sculpin (Myoxocephalus Quadricornis) Beneath Winter Sea Ice Assessed With Passive Acoustic Telemetry in Tremblay Sound (Baffin Island, Canada) Hermann, N. T. Hammer, L. J. Hussey, N. E. Marcoux, M. Hedges, K. Furey, N. B. Polar Biology 2023
Year-Round Monitoring of Arctic Species of Sculpin to Identify Residency and Seasonality of Movement Behavior Hermann, N. T. Hammer, L. J. Hussey, N. E. Marcoux, M. Hedges, K. Walter, R. P. Furey, N. B. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2023
Edna and Acoustic Tag Monitoring Reveal Congruent Overwintering Distributions of Striped Bass in a Hydrologically Complex Estuarine Environment Harris, M. Brodeur, N. Leblanc, F. Douglas, S. G. Chamberland, P. Guyondet, T. Steeves, R. Gagne, N. Fishes 2022
Tracking the Early Stages of an Invasion With Biotelemetry: Behaviour of Round Goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) in Canada's Historic Rideau Canal Bergman, J. N. Raby, G. D. Neigel, K. L. Rennie, C. D. Balshine, S. Bennett, J. R. Fisk, A. T. Cooke, S. J. Biological Invasions 2022
Internal Seiches as Drivers of Fish Depth Use in Lakes Brooks, J. L. Midwood, J. D. Smith, A. N. h. Cooke, S. J. Flood, B. Boston, C. M. Semcesen, P. Doka, S. E. Wells, M. G. Limnology And Oceanography 2022
Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. Cooke, S. J. Ledee, E. J. i. Timusk, E. R. Smokorowski, K. E. River Research And Applications 2022
Informing Management of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Using Telemetry Data Whitlock, R. Schallert, R. J. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Castleton, M. Block, B. A. Frontiers In Marine Science 2022
Overwintering Ecology and Movement of Anadromous Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) in a Large, Ice-Covered River in the Canadian Arctic Smith, R. Hitkolok, E. Loewen, T. Dumond, A. Kristensen, K. Swanson, H. K. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Behavioural Responses of a Cold-Water Benthivore to Loss of Oxythermal Habitat Rodrigues, T. H. Chapelsky, A. J. Hrenchuk, L. E. Mushet, G. R. Chapman, L. J. Blanchfield, P. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Estimating Survival Probabilities of Cambridge Bay Arctic Char Using Acoustic Telemetry Data and Bayesian Multistate Capture-Recapture Models Munaweera, I. Harris, L. N. Moore, J. S. Tallman, R. F. Fisk, A. T. Gillis, D. M. Muthukumarana, S. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Alternative Migratory Strategies Related to Life History Differences in the Walleye (Sander Vitreus) Mckee, G. Hornsby, R. L. Fischer, F. Dunlop, E. S. Mackereth, R. Pratt, T. C. . Rennie, M. D. Movement Ecology 2022
Spatiotemporal Use of a Tributary by Lake Sturgeon Over a 10-Year Period Mcdonald, L. Haxton, T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Space Use of Juvenile and Subadult Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens) in the Detroit River Using Acoustic Telemetry: Incorporating Variable Detection Ranges in Vegetated Areas Matley, J. K. Klinard, N. V. Larocque, S. M. Weinz, A. A. Colborne, S. F. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Automated Coastal Ice Mapping With Sar Can Inform Winter Fish Ecology in the Laurentian Great Lakes Marcaccio, J. V. Costa, J. G. Brooks, J. L. Boston, C. M. Cooke, S. J. Midwood, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Remote Sensing 2022
Estimating Survival in a Remote Community-Based Fishery Using Acoustic Telemetry Lees, K. J. Macneil, M. A. Hedges, K. Hussey, N. E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Movement of American Lobster Homarus Americanus Associated With Offshore Mussel Mytilus Edulis Aquaculture Lavoie, M. F. Simard, E. Drouin, A. Archambault, P. Comeau, L. A. Mckindsey, C. W. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2022
Patterns in Spatial Use of Land-Locked Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) in a Large Lake Larocque, S. M. Lake, C. Johnson, T. B. Fisk, A. T. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2022
Effects of Life Stage on the Spatial Ecology of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) During Pelagic Freshwater Foraging Ivanova, S. V. Raby, G. D. Johnson, T. B. Larocque, S. M. Fisk, A. T. Fisheries Research 2022
Distinct Freshwater Migratory Pathways in Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) Coincide With Separate Patterns of Marine Spatial Habitat-Use Across a Large Coastal Landscape Hollins, J. P. w. Pettitt-wade, H. Gallagher, C. P. Lea, E. V. Loseto, L. L. Hussey, N. E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Informative Priors Assess Tradeoffs Between Mark-Recapture and Telemetry-Based Fish Movement in a Large River System Hansen, H. H. Kachman, S. D. Pegg, M. A. Charles, C. Watkinson, D. A. Enders, E. C. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Arctic Char Salvelinus Alpinus Movement Dynamics Relative to Ice Breakup in a High Arctic Embayment Hammer, L. J. Hussey, N. E. Marcoux, M. Pettitt-wade, H. Hedges, K. Tallman, R. F. Furey, N. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022
Arctic Char Enter the Marine Environment Before Annual Ice Breakup in the High Arctic Hammer, L. J. Hussey, N. E. Marcoux, M. Pettitt-wade, H. Hedges, K. Tallman, R. F. Furey, N. B. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Seasonal Residency, Activity Space, and Use of Deep-Water Channels by Greenland Sharks (Somniosus Microcephalus) in an Arctic Fjord System Edwards, J. E. Hedges, K. Hussey, N. E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Spatial Ecology of Bay of Quinte Walleye (Sander Vitreus): Annual Timing, Extent, and Patterns of Migrations in Eastern Lake Ontario Elliott, C. W. Ridgway, M. S. Brown, E. . Tufts, B. L. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2022
Seasonality Can Affect Ecological Interactions Between Fishes of Different Thermal Guilds Bloomfield, E. J. Guzzo, M. M. Middel, T. A. Ridgway, M. S. Mcmeans, B. C. Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution 2022
Multi-Year Acoustic Tracking Reveals Transient Movements, Recurring Hotspots, and Apparent Seasonality in the Coastal-Offshore Presence of Greenland Sharks (Somniosus Microcephalus) Edwards, J. E. Hedges, K. Kessel, S. T. Hussey, N. E. Frontiers In Marine Science 2022
Modeling the Probability of Overlap Between Marine Fish Distributions and Marine Renewable Energy Infrastructure Using Acoustic Telemetry Data Bangley, C. W. Hasselman, D. J. Mills flemming, J. E. Whoriskey, F. G. Culina, J. Enders, L. Bradford, R. G. Frontiers In Marine Science 2022
Exposure Risk of Fish Downstream of a Hydropower Facility to Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas Algera, D. A. Kamal, R. Ward, T. D. Pleizier, N. K. Brauner, C. J. Crossman, J. A. Leake, A. Zhu, D. Z. Power, M. Cooke, S. J. Water Resources Research 2022
High Prevalence of Basin Fidelity and Homing by Lake Trout (<i>salvelinus Namaycush</I>) in a Small Northern Lake Gallagher, C. P. Guzzo, M. M. Dick, T. A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Acoustic Telemetry Reveals the Complex Nature of Mixed-Stock Fishing in Canada's Largest Arctic Char Commercial Fishery Harris, L. N. Yurkowski, D. J. Malley, B. K. Jones, S. F. Else, B. G. t. Tallman, R. F. Fisk, A. T. Moore, J. S. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
Evidence for Three Morphotypes Among Anadromous Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) Sampled in the Marine Environment Burke, T. G. Pettitt-wade, H. Hollins, J. P. w. Gallagher, C. P. Lea, E. V. Loseto, L. L. Hussey, N. E. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Atlantic Sturgeon Presence in a Designated Marine Hydrokinetic Test Site Prior to Turbine Deployment: A Baseline Study Lilly, J. M. Dadswell, M. J. Mclean, M. F. Avery, T. S. Comolli, P. D. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2021
Performance of Acoustic Telemetry in Relation to Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Nearshore Freshwater Habitat Weinz, A. A. Matley, J. K. Klinard, N. V. Fisk, A. T. Colborne, S. F. Marine And Freshwater Research 2021
Speed of Sound Gradients Due to Summer Thermal Stratification Can Reduce the Detection Range of Acoustic Fish Tags: Results From a Field Study in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Wells, M. G. Li, J. . Flood, B. Kuai, Y. Brooks, J. L. Cooke, S. J. Semcesen, P. Midwood, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2021
Seasonal Variation of Behavior and Brain Size in a Freshwater Fish Versteeg, E. J. Fernandes, T. Guzzo, M. M. Laberge, F. Middel, T. A. Ridgway, M. S. Mcmeans, B. C. Ecology And Evolution 2021
Spatial Ecology of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Lake Winnipeg and Its Potential for Management Actions Watkinson, D. A. Charles, C. Enders, E. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Fate of Translocated American Eel (Anguilla Rostrata) in the Lower Ottawa River and Passage Behavior at a Multichannel Barrier Twardek, W. M. Stoot, L. J. Cooke, S. J. Lapointe, N. W. r. Browne, D. R. River Research And Applications 2021
Historical and Contemporary Movement and Survival Rates of Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Lake Winnipeg, Canada Turner, N. A. Charles, C. Watkinson, D. A. Enders, E. C. Klein, G. Rennie, M. D. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Chasing Northern Pike Under Ice: Long-Distance Movements Following Catch-and-Release Ice Angling Somers, C. M. Goncin, U. Hamilton, S. Chupik, M. Fisher, R. . North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Movement of Non-Native Rainbow Trout in an Estuary With Periodic Summer Hypoxia Roloson, S. D. Coffin, M. R. s. Knysh, K. M. Van den heuvel, M. R. Hydrobiologia 2021
Exposure Time of Wild, Juvenile Sockeye Salmon to Open-Net-Pen Atlantic Salmon Farms in British Columbia, Canada Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Johnston, S. D. Stevenson, C. F. Hinch, S. G. Hunt, B. P. v. Welch, D. W. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Implications of Tagging Effects for Interpreting the Performance of Sea Lamprey Traps in a Large River Nelson, J. . Rous, A. M. Mclean, A. R. Barber, J. M. Bravener, G. A. Holbrook, C. M. Mclaughlin, R. L. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Thermal Stratification and Fish Thermal Preference Explain Vertical Edna Distributions in Lakes Littlefair, J. E. Hrenchuk, L. E. Blanchfield, P. J. Rennie, M. D. Cristescu, M. E. Molecular Ecology 2021
Evaluating Dam Water Release Strategies for Migrating Adult Salmon Using Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling and Biotelemetry Li, P. Zhang, W. Burnett, N. J. Zhu, D. Z. Casselman, M. T. Hinch, S. G. Water Resources Research 2021
Application of Machine Learning to Identify Predators of Stocked Fish in Lake Ontario: Using Acoustic Telemetry Predation Tags to Inform Management Klinard, N. V. Matley, J. K. Ivanova, S. V. Larocque, S. M. Fisk, A. T. Johnson, T. B. Journal Of Fish Biology 2021
Strong Thermal Stratification Reduces Detection Efficiency and Range of Acoustic Telemetry in a Large Freshwater Lake Kuai, Y. Klinard, N. V. Fisk, A. T. Johnson, T. B. Halfyard, E. A. Webber, D. M. Smedbol, S. J. Wells, M. G. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Movement Ecology of a Potamodromous Top Predator in a Large Lake: Synchrony and Coexistence of Distinct Migratory Patterns Ivanova, S. V. Johnson, T. B. Fisk, A. T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2021
Spatiotemporal Interactions of Native and Introduced Salmonid Top Predators in a Large Lake: Implications for Species Restoration Ivanova, S. V. Larocque, S. M. Fisk, A. T. Johnson, T. B. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2021
Spatial Distribution of Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) Across Seasonal Thermal Cycles in a Large Lake Ivanova, S. V. Johnson, T. B. Metcalfe, B. Fisk, A. T. Freshwater Biology 2021
No Long-Term Effect of Intracoelomic Acoustic Transmitter Implantation on Survival, Growth, and Body Condition of a Long-Lived Stenotherm in the Wild Hubbard, J. A. g. Hickie, B. E. Bowman, J. Hrenchuk, L. E. Blanchfield, P. J. Rennie, M. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2021
Migratory Salmon Smolts Exhibit Consistent Interannual Depensatory Predator Swamping: Effects on Telemetry-Based Survival Estimates Furey, N. B. Martins, E. G. Hinch, S. G. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2021
Atlantic Salmon Movement Patterns and Habitat Use During Colonization of Novel Habitat Frechette, D. M. Dionne, M. Dodson, J. J. Bergeron, N. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2021
Quantifying the Effects of Post-Surgery Recovery Time on the Migration Dynamics and Survival Rates in the Wild of Acoustically Tagged Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Smolts Daniels, J. Brunsdon, E. B. Chaput, G. Dixon, H. J. Labadie, H. Carr, J. W. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Annual Survival Probabilities of Anadromous Arctic Char Remain High and Stable Despite Interannual Differences in Sea Ice Melt Date Caza-allard, I. Mazerolle, M. J. Harris, L. N. Malley, B. K. Tallman, R. F. Fisk, A. T. Moore, J. S. Arctic Science 2021
Individual Variation Influences Avoidance Behaviour of Invasive Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) and Native Buffalo (Ictiobus) to Stroboscopic and Acoustic Deterrents Bzonek, P. A. Kim, J. . Mandrak, N. E. Marine And Freshwater Research 2021
Atlantic Salmon Upstream Migration Delay in a Large Hydropower Reservoir Babin, A. B. Peake, S. J. Linnansaari, T. Curry, R. A. Ndong, M. Haralampides, K. Jones, R. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Depth and Temperature Preference of Anadromous Arctic Char Salvelinus Alpinus in the Kitikmeot Sea, a Shallow and Low-Salinity Area of the Canadian Arctic Harris, L. N. Yurkowski, D. J. Gilbert, M. J. h. Else, B. G. t. Duke, P. J. Ahmed, M. M. m. Tallman, R. F. Fisk, A. T. Moore, J. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Performance of a High-Frequency (180 Khz) Acoustic Array for Tracking Juvenile Pacific Salmon in the Coastal Ocean Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Winchell, P. M. Welch, D. W. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Exploring Epidermal Mucus Protease Activity as an Indicator of Stress in Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchusoxyrhinchus) Murphy, A. E. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Easy, R. H. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Linking Environmental Factors With Reflex Action Mortality Predictors, Physiological Stress, and Post-Release Movement Behaviour to Evaluate the Response of White Sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus Richardson, 1836) to Catch-and-Release Angling Mclean, M. F. Litvak, M. K. Stoddar, E. M. Cooke, S. J. Patterson, D. A. Hinch, S. G. Welch, D. W. Crossin, G. T. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2020
Use of Social Network Analysis to Examine Preferential Co-Occurrences in Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815 Lilly, J. M. Mclean, M. F. Dadswell, M. J. Wirgin, I. I. Comolli, P. D. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Survival and Migration Patterns of Naturally and Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolts in a Lake Ontario Tributary Using Acoustic Telemetry Larocque, S. M. Johnson, T. B. Fisk, A. T. Freshwater Biology 2020
Evaluation of a Deepwater Release Method for Hatchery-Reared Lake Sturgeon Lacho, C. D. Mcdougall, C. A. Nelson, P. A. . Legge, M. M. Gillespie, M. A. Michaluk, Y. Klassen, C. N. Macdonald, D. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Post-Stocking Movement and Survival of Hatchery-Reared Bloater (Coregonus Hoyi) Reintroduced to Lake Ontario Klinard, N. V. Matley, J. K. Halfyard, E. A. Connerton, M. J. Johnson, T. B. Fisk, A. T. Freshwater Biology 2020
Shipping Alters the Movement and Behavior of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus Saida), a Keystone Fish in Arctic Marine Ecosystems Ivanova, S. V. Kessel, S. T. Espinoza, M. Mclean, M. F. O'neill, C. V. Landry, J. J. Hussey, N. E. Williams, R. Vagle, S. Fisk, A. T. Ecological Applications 2020
A Comparison of Turbine Entrainment Rates and Seasonal Entrainment Vulnerability of Two Sympatric Char Species, Bull Trout and Lake Trout, in a Hydropower Reservoir Harrison, P. M. Ward, T. D. Algera, D. A. Culling, B. Euchner, T. Leake, A. Crossman, J. A. Cooke, S. J. Power, M. River Research And Applications 2020
Otolith Microchemistry and Acoustic Telemetry Reveal Anadromy in Non-Native Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) in Prince Edward Island, Canada Roloson, S. D. Landsman, S. J. Tana, R. Hicks, B. J. Carr, J. W. Whoriskey, F. G. Van den heuvel, M. R. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
Infectious Agents and Gene Expression Differ Between Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Smolt Age Classes but Do Not Predict Migration Survival Stevenson, C. F. Bass, A. L. Furey, N. B. Miller, K. M. Li, S. . Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Welch, D. W. Hinch, S. G. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
Anadromy and Marine Habitat Use of Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) From the Central Canadian Arctic Harris, L. N. Swanson, H. K. Gilbert, M. J. h. Malley, B. K. Fisk, A. T. Moore, J. S. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
An Unseen Synchrony or Recurrent Resource Pulse Opportunity? Linking Fisheries With Aeroecology Hansen, H. H. Pegg, M. A. Van den broeke, M. Watkinson, D. A. Enders, E. C. Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation 2020
The Effect of a Spatial Harvest Closure Area on the Abundance, Movement, and Demographics of an Intensively Fished Population of Dungeness Crabs (Cancer Magister) Along Roberts Bank, British Columbia, Canada Burns, C. W. Robichaud, D. Plate, E. Gerwing, T. G. Novoa, J. Bychkov, Y. Bocking, R. Estuaries And Coasts 2020
In Situ Experimental Evaluation of Tag Burden and Gill Biopsy Reveals Survival Impacts on Migrating Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Bass, A. L. Stevenson, C. F. Porter, A. D. Rechisky, E. L. Furey, N. B. Healy, S. J. Kanigan, A. M. Lotto, A. G. Welch, D. W. Hinch, S. G. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
A Framework to Estimate the Likelihood of Species Interactions and Behavioural Responses Using Animal-Borne Acoustic Telemetry Transceivers and Accelerometers Barkley, A. N. Broell, F. Pettitt-wade, H. Watanabe, Y. Y. Marcoux, M. Hussey, N. E. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2020
Migration of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolts in a Large Hydropower Reservoir Babin, A. B. Ndong, M. Haralampides, K. Peake, S. J. Jones, R. Curry, R. A. Linnansaari, T. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
Development of Active Numerating Side-Scan for a High-Density Overwintering Location for Endemic Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum) in the Saint John River, New Brunswick Andrews, S. N. O'sullivan, A. M. Helminen, J. Arluison, D. F. Samways, K. M. Linnansaari, T. Curry, R. A. Diversity-Basel 2020
Movements of Juvenile and Sub-Adult Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada Andrews, S. N. Linnansaari, T. Leblanc, N. M. Pavey, S. A. Curry, R. A. Endangered Species Research 2020
Winter Ecology of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) Near Its Northern Limit of Distribution in the Saint John River, New Brunswick Andrews, S. N. Linnansaari, T. Curry, R. A. Leblanc, N. M. Pavey, S. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Stranded Kokanee Salvaged From Turbine Intake Infrastructure Are at Low Risk for Reentrainment: A Telemetry Study in a Hydropower Facility Forebay Algera, D. A. Ward, T. D. Zemlak, R. Crossman, J. A. Harrison, P. M. Leake, A. Power, M. Cooke, S. J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Feasibility of Using Surgical Implantation Methods for Acoustically Tagging Alewife (Alosa Pseudoharengus) With V5 Acoustic Transmitters Tsitrin, E. Mclean, M. F. Gibson, A. J. f. Hardie, D. C. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Plos One 2020
Identification of Predation Events in Wild Fish Using Novel Acoustic Transmitters Weinz, A. A. Matley, J. K. Klinard, N. V. Fisk, A. T. Colborne, S. F. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Spatiotemporal Ecology of Juvenile Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy) and Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in Upper St. Lawrence River Nursery Bays During Their Inaugural Fall and Winter Walton-rabideau, S. E. Ledee, E. J. i. Leblanc, J. P. Szekeres, P. Midwood, J. D. Gallagher, A. J. Farrell, J. M. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2019
The Influence of Smolt Age on Freshwater and Early Marine Behavior and Survival of Migrating Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Stevenson, C. F. Hinch, S. G. Porter, A. D. Rechisky, E. L. Welch, D. W. Healy, S. J. Lotto, A. G. Furey, N. B. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2019
Quantifying Survival of Age-2 Chilko Lake Sockeye Salmon During the First 50 Days of Migration Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Clark, T. D. Furey, N. B. Gale, M. K. Hinch, S. G. Welch, D. W. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Diel Activity Patterns in Overwintering Labrador Anadromous Arctic Charr Mulder, I. M. Dempson, J. B. Fleming, I. A. Power, M. Hydrobiologia 2019
Immediate Physiological and Behavioural Response From Catch-and-Release of Wild White Sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus Richardson, 1836) Mclean, M. F. Litvak, M. K. Cooke, S. J. Hanson, K. C. Patterson, D. A. Hinch, S. G. Crossin, G. T. Fisheries Research 2019
Assessing Acoustic Tagging Effects on Survival, Growth, and Swimming Ability of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Mccabe, M. M. Chiotti, J. A. Boase, J. C. Fisk, A. T. Pitcher, T. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2019
Movement Types of an Arctic Benthic Fish, Shorthorn Sculpin (Myoxocephalus Scorpius), During Open-Water Periods in Response to Biotic and Abiotic Factors Landry, J. J. Kessel, S. T. Mclean, M. F. Ivanova, S. V. Hussey, N. E. O'neill, C. V. Vagle, S. Dick, T. A. Fisk, A. T. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Long-Term Retention of Acoustic Telemetry Transmitters in Temperate Predators Revealed by Predation Tags Implanted in Wild Prey Fish Klinard, N. V. Matley, J. K. Fisk, A. T. Johnson, T. B. Journal Of Fish Biology 2019
The Influence of Dynamic Environmental Interactions on Detection Efficiency of Acoustic Transmitters in a Large, Deep, Freshwater Lake Klinard, N. V. Halfyard, E. A. Matley, J. K. Fisk, A. T. Johnson, T. B. Animal Biotelemetry 2019
Seasonal Depth and Temperature Use, and Diel Movements of Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) in a Subarctic Lake Gallagher, C. P. Guzzo, M. M. Dick, T. A. Arctic Science 2019
Acoustic Telemetry as a Potential Tool for Mixed-Stock Analysis of Fishery Harvest: A Feasibility Study Using Lake Erie Walleye Faust, M. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Brenden, T. O. Kraus, R. T. Hartman, T. J. Krueger, C. C. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Analysing Habitat Connectivity and Home Ranges of Bigmouth Buffalo and Channel Catfish Using a Large-Scale Acoustic Receiver Network Enders, E. C. Charles, C. Watkinson, D. A. Kovachik, C. Leroux, D. R. Hansen, H. H. Pegg, M. A. Sustainability 2019
Effects of Intracoelomic Transmitter Implantation on Metabolic Rate, Swimming Performance, Growth and Survival in Juveniles of Two Salmonids Darcy, A. P. Raby, G. D. Johnson, T. B. Pitcher, T. E. Fisk, A. T. Journal Of Fish Biology 2019
Extent of Predation Bias Present in Migration Survival and Timing of Atlantic Salmon Smolt (Salmo Salar) as Suggested by Novel Acoustic Tag Daniels, J. Sutton, S. Webber, D. M. Carr, J. W. Animal Biotelemetry 2019
Life at the Top: Lake Ecotype Influences the Foraging Pattern, Metabolic Costs and Life History of an Apex Fish Predator Cruz-font, L. Shuter, B. J. Blanchfield, P. J. Minns, C. K. Rennie, M. D. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2019
Characterizing Snow Crab (Chionoecetes Opilio) Movements in the Sydney Bight (Nova Scotia, Canada): A Collaborative Approach Using Multiscale Acoustic Telemetry Cote, D. Nicolas, J. M. Whoriskey, F. G. Cook, A. M. Broome, J. E. Regular, P. M. Baker, D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolt and Early Post-Smolt Migration and Survival Inferred From Multi-Year and Multi-Stock Acoustic Telemetry Studies in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Northwest Atlantic Chaput, G. Carr, J. W. Daniels, J. Tinker, S. Jonsen, I. D. Whoriskey, F. G. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2019
Interannual Variation in Spawning Success of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in the Saint John River, New Brunswick Andrews, S. N. Linnansaari, T. Leblanc, N. M. Pavey, S. A. Curry, R. A. River Research And Applications 2019
Tag Retention and Survival of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolts Surgically Implanted With Dummy Acoustic Transmitters During the Transition From Fresh to Salt Water Brunsdon, E. B. Daniels, J. Hanke, A. Carr, J. W. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2019
Spatial Ecology of Reintroduced Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Hamilton Harbour of Lake Ontario Brooks, J. L. Midwood, J. D. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Boston, C. M. Doka, S. E. Hoyle, J. A. Cooke, S. J. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2019
Estimating Natural Mortality of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Using Acoustic Telemetry Block, B. A. Whitlock, R. Schallert, R. J. Wilson, S. M. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Castleton, M. Boustany, A. Scientific Reports 2019
Distinct Diel and Seasonal Behaviours in Rainbow Trout Detected by Fine-Scale Acoustic Telemetry in a Lake Environment Watson, B. M. Biagi, C. A. Northrup, S. L. Ohata, M. L. a. Charles, C. Blanchfield, P. J. Johnston, S. V. Askey, P. J. Van poorten, B. T. Devlin, R. H. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Evaluation of Tag Retention, Healing, Growth, and Behavior in Age-0 Muskellunge Following Acoustic Transmitter Implantation Walton-rabideau, S. E. Newell, M. Jeanson, Amanda L. Ledee, E. J. i. Farrell, J. M. Cooke, S. J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2019
The Migration of Stocked, Trapped and Transported, and Wild Female American Silver Eels Through the Gulf of St. Lawrence Beguer-pon, M. Verreault, G. Stanley, D. Castonguay, M. Dodson, J. J. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis in a Large Tidal and Hydropower Regulated River Andrews, S. N. Wallace, B. Gautreau, M. Linnansaari, T. Curry, R. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2018
Transient Movements of a Deep-Water Flatfish in Coastal Waters: Implications of Inshore-Offshore Connectivity for Fisheries Management Barkley, A. N. Fisk, A. T. Hedges, K. Treble, M. A. Hussey, N. E. Journal Of Applied Ecology 2018
Consequences of Captive Breeding: Fitness Implications for Wild-Origin, Hatchery-Spawned Atlantic Salmon Kelts Upon Their Return to the Wild Bordeleau, X. Hatcher, B. G. Denny, S. Fast, M. D. Whoriskey, F. G. Patterson, D. A. Crossin, G. T. Biological Conservation 2018
Population-Specific Mortality in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) Released From a Purse Seine Fishery Cook, K. V. Hinch, S. G. Drenner, S. M. Halfyard, E. A. Raby, G. D. Cooke, S. J. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2018
Estimating Consumption Rate of Atlantic Salmon Smolts (Salmo Salar) by Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in the Miramichi River Estuary Using Acoustic Telemetry Daniels, J. Chaput, G. Carr, J. W. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Unexplained Variation in Movement by Walleye and Sauger After Catch-and-Release Angling Tournaments Eberts, R. L. Butt, J. C. Somers, C. M. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2018
Walleye Responses to Barotrauma Relief Treatments for Catch-and-Release Angling: Short-Term Changes to Condition and Behavior Eberts, R. L. Zak, M. A. Manzon, R. G. Somers, C. M. Journal Of Fish And Wildlife Management 2018
Understanding Summertime Thermal Refuge Use by Adult Atlantic Salmon Using Remote Sensing, River Temperature Monitoring, and Acoustic Telemetry Frechette, D. M. Dugdale, S. J. Dodson, J. J. Bergeron, N. E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Transcriptome Profiles Relate to Migration Fate in Hatchery Steelhead (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Smolts Healy, S. J. Hinch, S. G. Bass, A. L. Furey, N. B. Welch, D. W. Rechisky, E. L. Eliason, E. J. Lotto, A. G. Miller, K. M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Impact of Vessel Traffic on the Home Ranges and Movement of Shorthorn Sculpin (Myoxocephalus Scorpius) in the Nearshore Environment of the High Arctic Ivanova, S. V. Kessel, S. T. Landry, J. J. O'neill, C. V. Mclean, M. F. Espinoza, M. Vagle, S. Hussey, N. E. Fisk, A. T. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Divergent Migration Within Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens) Populations: Multiple Distinct Patterns Exist Across an Unrestricted Migration Corridor Kessel, S. T. Hondorp, D. W. Holbrook, C. M. Boase, J. C. Chiotti, J. A. Thomas, M. V. Wills, T. C. Roseman, E. F. Drouin, R. G. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2018
Habitat Use and Small-Scale Residence Patterns of Sympatric Sunfish Species in a Large Temperate River Klinard, N. V. Fisk, A. T. Kessel, S. T. Halfyard, E. A. Colborne, S. F. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Effects of Surgically Implanted Acoustic Tags on Body Condition, Growth, and Survival in a Small, Laterally Compressed Forage Fish Klinard, N. V. Halfyard, E. A. Fisk, A. T. Stewart, T. J. Johnson, T. B. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2018
Tracking Bowfin With Acoustic Telemetry: Insight Into the Ecology of a Living Fossil Midwood, J. D. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Hlevca, B. Portiss, R. Wells, M. G. Doka, S. E. Cooke, S. J. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
Intracoelomic Implantation of Transmitters in Longnose Gar Midwood, J. D. Reddick, D. T. Brooks, J. L. Boston, C. M. Doka, S. E. Cooke, S. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2018
Ontogenetic Changes in Movement Patterns and Activity Levels of American Lobsters (Homarus Americanus) in Anse-Bleue, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Morse, B. L. Comeau, M. Rochette, R. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2018
Winter Movement Activity Patterns of Anadromous Arctic Charr in Two Labrador Lakes Mulder, I. M. Morris, C. J. Dempson, J. B. Fleming, I. A. Power, M. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
Does Behavioural Thermoregulation Underlie Seasonal Movements in Lake Erie Walleye? Raby, G. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Hayden, T. A. Faust, M. D. Kraus, R. T. Dettmers, J. M. Cooke, S. J. Zhao, Y. Fisk, A. T. Krueger, C. C. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Long-Term Implantation of Acoustic Transmitters Induces Chronic Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in Adult Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Semple, S. L. Mulder, I. M. Rodriguez-ramos, T. Power, M. Dixon, B. Veterinary Immunology And Immunopathology 2018
The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Atlantic Salmon Smolts' (Salmo Salar) Bioenergetic Requirements and Migration Through an Inland Sea Strople, L. C. Filgueira, R. Hatcher, B. G. Denny, S. Bordeleau, X. Whoriskey, F. G. Crossin, G. T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2018
Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. Midwood, J. D. Lapointe, N. W. r. Portiss, R. Wells, M. G. Doka, S. E. Cooke, S. J. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 2018
Fine-Scale Movement of Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus) During Aggregations in the Lower Saint John River Basin, New Brunswick, Canada Whitmore, M. M. Litvak, M. K. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Seasonal Distribution and Movement of Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus) in the Lower Saint John River Basin, New Brunswick, Canada Whitmore, M. M. Litvak, M. K. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Spatial Mismatch Between Sea Lamprey Behaviour and Trap Location Explains Low Success at Trapping for Control Rous, A. M. Mclean, A. R. R., Adrienne Barber, J. M. Bravener, G. A. Casto-santos, T. Holbrook, C. M. Imre, I. Pratt, T. C. Mclaughlin, R. L. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2017
The Fishing and Natural Mortality of Large, Piscivorous Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout in Kootenay Lake, British Columbia (2008-2013) Thorley, J. L. Andrusak, G. F. Peerj 2017
Factors Influencing the Spatial Ecology of Lake Sturgeon and Walleye Within an Impounded Reach of the Winnipeg River Struthers, D. P. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Enders, E. C. Smokorowski, K. E. Watkinson, D. A. Silva, A. T. Cvetkovic, M. Bibeau, E. Cooke, S. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2017
Identifying Temporal Bottlenecks for the Conservation of Large-Bodied Fishes: Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens) Show Highly Restricted Movement and Habitat Use Over-Winter Thayer, D. Ruppert, J. L. w. Watkinson, D. A. Clayton, T. Poesch, M. S. Global Ecology And Conservation 2017
Ocean Migration of Pop-Up Satellite Archival Tagged Atlantic Salmon From the Miramichi River in Canada Strom, J. F. Thorstad, E. B. Chafe, G. Sorbye, S. H. Righton, D. Rikardsen, A. H. Carr, J. W. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2017
Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Rous, A. M. Midwood, J. D. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Lapointe, N. W. r. Portiss, R. Sciscione, T. Wells, M. G. Doka, S. E. Cooke, S. J. Environmental Management 2017
Annual Movements of Acoustic-Tagged White Sturgeon in the Lower Reaches of the Fraser River and Its Tributaries Robichaud, D. English, K. K. Nelson, T. C. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2017
Genomics and Telemetry Suggest a Role for Migration Harshness in Determining Overwintering Habitat Choice, but Not Gene Flow, in Anadromous Arctic Char Moore, J. S. Harris, L. N. Le luyer, J. Sutherland, B. J. g. Rougemont, Q. Tallman, R. F. Fisk, A. T. Bernatchez, L. Molecular Ecology 2017
Movements of a Deep-Water Fish: Establishing Marine Fisheries Management Boundaries in Coastal Arctic Waters Hussey, N. E. Hedges, K. Barkley, A. N. Treble, M. A. Peklova, I. Webber, D. M. Ferguson, S. H. Yurkowski, D. J. Kessel, S. T. Bedard, J. M. Fisk, A. T. Ecological Applications 2017
First Documented Large-Scale Horizontal Movements of Individual Arctic Cod (Boreogadus Saida) Kessel, S. T. Hussey, N. E. Crawford, R. E. Yurkowski, D. J. Webber, D. M. Dick, T. A. Fisk, A. T. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2017
Movement and Habitat Use of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens, Rafinesque, 1817) in a Large Hydroelectric Reservoir (Nelson River, Canada) Hrenchuk, C. L. Mcdougall, C. A. Nelson, P. A. . Barth, C. C. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2017
Partial Diel Migration: A Facultative Migration Underpinned by Long-Term Inter-Individual Variation Harrison, P. M. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Martins, E. G. Patterson, D. A. Cooke, S. J. Power, M. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2017
Individual Isotopic Specializations Predict Subsequent Inter-Individual Variation in Movement in a Freshwater Fish Harrison, P. M. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Martins, E. G. Ward, T. D. Patterson, D. A. Cooke, S. J. Power, M. Ecology 2017
Behavioral Responses to Annual Temperature Variation Alter the Dominant Energy Pathway, Growth, and Condition of a Cold-Water Predator Guzzo, M. M. Blanchfield, P. J. Rennie, M. D. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2017
Atlantic Sturgeon Spatial and Temporal Distribution in Minas Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada, a Region of Future Tidal Energy Extraction Stokesbury, M. J. w. Logan-chesney, L. M. Mclean, M. F. Buhariwalla, C. F. Redden, A. M. Beardsall, J. W. Broome, J. E. Dadswell, M. J. Plos One 2016
Five-Year Evaluation of Habitat Remediation in Thunder Bay, Lake Huron: Comparison of Constructed Reef Characteristics That Attract Spawning Lake Trout Marsden, J. E. Binder, T. R. Johnson, J. He, J. X. Dingledine, N. Adams, J. . Johnson, N. S. Buchinger, T. J. Krueger, C. C. Fisheries Research 2016
Assessing the Potential Movement of Invasive Fishes Through the Welland Canal Kim, J. . Mandrak, N. E. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2016
Winter Presence and Temperature-Related Diel Vertical Migration of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in an Extreme High-Flow Passage in the Inner Bay of Fundy Keyser, F. M. Broome, J. E. Bradford, R. G. Sanderson, B. Redden, A. M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2016
Distinct Patterns of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus Saida) Presence and Absence in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment, Revealed Across Open-Water and Ice-Covered Periods Through Acoustic Telemetry Kessel, S. T. Hussey, N. E. Crawford, R. E. Yurkowski, D. J. O'neill, C. V. Fisk, A. T. Polar Biology 2016
Temporal Plasticity in Thermal-Habitat Selection of Burbot Lota Lota a Diel-Migrating Winter-Specialist Harrison, P. M. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Martins, E. G. Patterson, D. A. Cooke, S. J. Power, M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2016
Resource Partitioning Among Top-Level Piscivores in a Sub-Arctic Lake During Thermal Stratification Guzzo, M. M. Blanchfield, P. J. Chapelsky, A. J. Cott, P. A. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2016
Predator Swamping Reduces Predation Risk During Nocturnal Migration of Juvenile Salmon in a High-Mortality Landscape Furey, N. B. Hinch, S. G. Bass, A. L. Middleton, C. T. Minke-martin, V. Lotto, A. G. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2016
Preference for Nearshore and Estuarine Habitats in Anadromous Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) From the Canadian High Arctic (Victoria Island, Nunavut) Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Moore, J. S. Harris, L. N. Kessel, S. T. Bernatchez, L. Tallman, R. F. Fisk, A. T. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2016
Condition-Dependent Migratory Behaviour of Endangered Atlantic Salmon Smolts Moving Through an Inland Sea Crossin, G. T. Hatcher, B. G. Denny, S. Whoriskey, K. Orr, M. F. Penney, A. Whoriskey, F. G. Conservation Physiology 2016
Tracking Wild Sockeye Salmon Smolts to the Ocean Reveals Distinct Regions of Nocturnal Movement and High Mortality Clark, T. D. Furey, N. B. Rechisky, E. L. Gale, M. K. Jeffries, K. M. Porter, A. D. Casselman, M. T. Lotto, A. G. Patterson, D. A. Cooke, S. J. Farrell, A. P. Welch, D. W. Hinch, S. G. Ecological Applications 2016
Post-Tagging Behaviour and Habitat Use in Shortnose Sturgeon Measured With High-Frequency Accelerometer and Psats Broell, F. Taylor, A. D. Litvak, M. K. Bezanson, A. Taggart, C. T. Animal Biotelemetry 2016
Comparative Thermal Biology and Depth Distribution of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) and Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in an Urban Harbour of the Laurentian Great Lakes Peat, T. B. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Doka, S. E. Midwood, J. D. Lapointe, N. W. r. Hlevca, B. Wells, M. G. Portiss, R. Cooke, S. J. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 2016
Locomotor Activity Patterns of Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy) Assessed Using Tri-Axial Acceleration Sensing Acoustic Transmitters Landsman, S. J. Martins, E. G. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Suski, C. D. Arlinghaus, R. Cooke, S. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Residency and Movement Patterns of Arctic Charr Salvelinus Alpinus Relative to Major Estuaries Spares, A. D. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Dadswell, M. J. O'dor, R. K. Dick, T. A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2015
Mechanisms to Explain Purse Seine Bycatch Mortality of Coho Salmon Raby, G. D. Hinch, S. G. Patterson, D. A. Hills, J. A. Thompson, L. A. Cooke, S. J. Ecological Applications 2015
Close Proximity Detection Interference With Acoustic Telemetry: The Importance of Considering Tag Power Output in Low Ambient Noise Environments Kessel, S. T. Hussey, N. E. Webber, D. M. Gruber, S. H. Young, J. M. Smale, M. J. Fisk, A. T. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Effects of Acoustic Tag Implantation on Lake Sturgeon Acipenser Fulvescens: Lack of Evidence for Changes in Behavior Hondorp, D. W. Holbrook, C. M. Krueger, C. C. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Fine-Scale Pathways Used by Adult Sea Lampreys During Riverine Spawning Migrations Holbrook, C. M. Bergstedt, R. A. Adams, N. S. Hatton, T. W. Mclaughlin, R. L. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
Personality-Dependent Spatial Ecology Occurs Independently From Dispersal in Wild Burbot (Lota Lota) Harrison, P. M. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Martins, E. G. Patterson, D. A. Cooke, S. J. Power, M. Behavioral Ecology 2015
Effects of Predation on Telemetry-Based Survival Estimates: Insights From a Study on Endangered Atlantic Salmon Smolts Gibson, A. J. f. Halfyard, E. A. Bradford, R. G. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Redden, A. M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2015
Variability in Migration Routes Influences Early Marine Survival of Juvenile Salmon Smolts Furey, N. B. Vincent, S. P. Hinch, S. G. Welch, D. W. Plos One 2015
Diel Bank Migration of Burbot (Lota Lota) Cott, P. A. Guzzo, M. M. Chapelsky, A. J. Milne, S. W. Blanchfield, P. J. Hydrobiologia 2015
Large-Scale, Seasonal Habitat Use and Movements of Yellow American Eels in the St. Lawrence River Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Beguer-pon, M. Castonguay, M. Benchetrit, J. Hatin, D. Legault, M. Verreault, G. Mailhot, Y. Tremblay, V. Dodson, J. J. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2015
A Dynamic-Bioenergetics Model to Assess Depth Selection and Reproductive Growth by Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) Plumb, J. M. Blanchfield, P. J. Abrahams, M. V. Oecologia 2014
Temporal and Spatial Migration of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) Inside and Outside a Marine Protected Area and Evidence for the Role of Prior Experience in Homing Morris, C. J. Green, J. M. Snelgrove, P. V. r. Pennell, C. J. Ollerhead, L. M. n. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2014
Marine Survival Difference Between Wild and Hatchery-Reared Steelhead Trout Determined During Early Downstream Migration Melnychuk, M. C. Korman, J. Hausch, S. J. Welch, D. W. Mccubbing, D. J. f. Walters, C. J. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2014
Diversity of Behavioural Patterns Displayed by a Summer Feeding Aggregation of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Intertidal Region of Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Canada Mclean, M. F. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Dadswell, M. J. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Linking Movements of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817) in a Small Hydroelectric Reservoir to Abiotic Variables Mcdougall, C. A. Blanchfield, P. J. Anderson, W. G. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2014
Downstream Passage of Lake Sturgeon Through a Hydroelectric Generating Station: Route Determination, Survival, and Fine-Scale Movements Mcdougall, C. A. Anderson, W. G. Peake, S. J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2014
Behavioral Attributes of Turbine Entrainment Risk for Adult Resident Fish Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry and State-Space Modeling Martins, E. G. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Harrison, P. M. Mills flemming, J. E. Jonsen, I. D. Zhu, D. Z. Leake, A. Patterson, D. A. Power, M. Cooke, S. J. Animal Biotelemetry 2014
Examination of Fine-Scale Spatial-Temporal Overlap and Segregation Between Two Closely Related Congeners Gadus Morhua and Gadus Ogac in Coastal Newfoundland Knickle, D. C. Rose, G. A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2014
Immune Response Genes and Pathogen Presence Predict Migration Survival in Wild Salmon Smolts Jeffries, K. M. Hinch, S. G. Gale, M. K. Clark, T. D. Lotto, A. G. Casselman, M. T. Li, S. . Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Welch, D. W. Miller, K. M. Molecular Ecology 2014
Variable Thermal Experience and Diel Thermal Patterns of Homing Sockeye Salmon in Coastal Marine Waters Drenner, S. M. Hinch, S. G. Martins, E. G. Robichaud, D. Thompson, L. A. Patterson, D. A. Cooke, S. J. Thomson, R. E. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Probability of Detecting Marine Predator-Prey and Species Interactions Using Novel Hybrid Acoustic Transmitter-Receiver Tags Baker, L. L. Jonsen, I. D. Mills flemming, J. E. Lidgard, D. C. Bowen, W. D. Iverson, S. J. Webber, D. M. Plos One 2014
Large-Scale Migration Patterns of Silver American Eels From the St. Lawrence River to the Gulf of St. Lawrence Using Acoustic Telemetry Beguer-pon, M. Castonguay, M. Benchetrit, J. Hatin, D. Verreault, G. Mailhot, Y. Tremblay, V. Lefaivre, D. Legault, M. Stanley, D. Dodson, J. J. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2014
Season and Site Fidelity Determine Home Range of Dispersing and Resident Juvenile Greenland Cod Gadus Ogac in a Newfoundland Fjord Shapiera, M. Gregory, R. S. Morris, C. J. Pennell, C. J. Snelgrove, P. V. r. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Coastal Marine and in-River Migration Behaviour of Adult Sockeye Salmon en Route to Spawning Grounds Wilson, S. M. Hinch, S. G. Drenner, S. M. Martins, E. G. Furey, N. B. Patterson, D. A. Welch, D. W. Cooke, S. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
The Effect of Short-Duration Seawater Exposure and Acoustic Tag Implantation on the Swimming Performance and Physiology of Presmolt Juvenile Coho Salmon Morrison, P. R. Groot, E. P. Welch, D. W. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Meso-Scale Movement and Mortality Patterns of Juvenile Coho Salmon and Steelhead Trout Migrating Through a Coastal Fjord Melnychuk, M. C. Christensen, V. Walters, C. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
The Rapid Upstream Migration of Pre-Spawn Lake Sturgeon Following Trap-and-Transport Over a Hydroelectric Generating Station Mcdougall, C. A. Hrenchuk, C. L. Anderson, W. G. Peake, S. J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2013
Movement Patterns and Size-Class Influence Entrainment Susceptibility of Lake Sturgeon in a Small Hydroelectric Reservoir Mcdougall, C. A. Blanchfield, P. J. Peake, S. J. Anderson, W. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Forebay Use and Entrainment Rates of Resident Adult Fish in a Large Hydropower Reservoir Martins, E. G. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Harrison, P. M. Patterson, D. A. Power, M. Zhu, D. Z. Leake, A. Cooke, S. J. Aquatic Biology 2013
Migration of Atlantic Salmon Smolts and Post-Smolts in the Rivisre Saint-Jean, Qc North Shore From Riverine to Marine Ecosystems Lefevre, M. A. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Whoriskey, F. G. Dadswell, M. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Migratory Strategies of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Postsmolts and Implications for Marine Survival of Endangered Populations Lacroix, G. L. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2013
Correlates of Estuarine Survival of Atlantic Salmon Postsmolts From the Southern Upland, Nova Scotia, Canada Halfyard, E. A. Gibson, A. J. f. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Ruzzante, D. E. Whoriskey, F. G. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2013
Diel Vertical Migration Hypotheses Explain Size-Dependent Behaviour in a Freshwater Piscivore Gutowsky, L. F. g. Harrison, P. M. Martins, E. G. Leake, A. Patterson, D. A. Power, M. Cooke, S. J. Animal Behaviour 2013
Divergent Use of Spawning Habitat by Male Capelin (Mallotus Villosus) in a Warm and Cold Year Davoren, G. K. Behavioral Ecology 2013
Experimental Examination of Surgical Procedures for Implanting Sonic Transmitters in Juvenile Shortnose Sturgeon and Atlantic Sturgeon Crossman, J. A. Hammell, K. L. Litvak, M. K. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2013
Intracoelomic Acoustic Tagging of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon: Swimming Performance, Survival, and Postsurgical Wound Healing in Freshwater and During a Transition to Seawater Collins, A. L. Hinch, S. G. Welch, D. W. Cooke, S. J. Clark, T. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Consequences of Incidental Otter Trawl Capture on Survival and Physiological Condition of Threatened Atlantic Sturgeon Beardsall, J. W. Mclean, M. F. Cooke, S. J. Wilson, B. C. Dadswell, M. J. Redden, A. M. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Dispersal of Wild and Escapee Farmed Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) in Newfoundland Zimmermann, E. W. Purchase, C. F. Fleming, I. A. Brattey, J. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2013
Effects of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure on Early Ocean Survival and Fry-to-Smolt Growth of Juvenile Salmon Melnychuk, M. C. Walters, C. J. Christensen, V. Bothwell, M. L. Welch, D. W. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
Estuarine Survival and Migratory Behaviour of Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Smolts Halfyard, E. A. Gibson, A. J. f. Ruzzante, D. E. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Whoriskey, F. G. Journal Of Fish Biology 2012
Population-Specific Consequences of Fisheries-Related Stressors on Adult Sockeye Salmon Donaldson, M. R. Hinch, S. G. Raby, G. D. Patterson, D. A. Farrell, A. P. Cooke, S. J. Physiological And Biochemical Zoology 2012
Seasonal Movements of Atlantic Rock Crab (Cancer Irroratus Say) Transplanted Into a Mussel Aquaculture Site Comeau, L. A. Sonier, R. Hanson, J. M. Aquaculture Research 2012
Habitat Use of Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) Following Species Introduction Wall, A. J. Blanchfield, P. J. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2012
Residency Time, Migration Route and Survival of Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Smolts in a Canadian Fjord Dempson, J. B. Robertson, M. J. Pennell, C. J. Furey, G. Bloom, M. Shears, M. Ollerhead, L. M. n. Clarke, K. D. Hinks, R. Robertson, G. J. Journal Of Fish Biology 2011
Fishway Passage and Post-Passage Mortality of Up-River Migrating Sockeye Salmon in the Seton River, British Columbia Roscoe, D. W. Hinch, S. G. Cooke, S. J. Patterson, D. A. River Research And Applications 2011
Home Range Size and Seasonal Movement of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon in a Large River in the Hudson Bay Drainage Basin Barth, C. C. Anderson, W. G. Henderson, L. M. Peake, S. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
River and Estuary Movements of Yellow-Stage American Eels Anguilla Rostrata, Using a Hydrophone Array Hedger, R. D. Dodson, J. J. Hatin, D. Caron, F. Fournier, D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2010
Stability of Swimming Performance and Activity Hierarchies Among Wild Largemouth Bass at Multiple Temporal Scales: Evidence for Context-Dependent Shuffling Between Seasons Hanson, K. C. Hasler, C. T. Donaldson, M. R. Cooke, S. J. Canadian Journal Of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 2010
Spatial and Temporal Movements of White Sucker: Implications for Use as a Sentinel Species Doherty, C. A. Curry, R. A. Munkittrick, K. R. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
An Investigation Into the Poor Survival of an Endangered Coho Salmon Population Chittenden, C. M. Melnychuk, M. C. Welch, D. W. Mckinley, R. S. Plos One 2010
Recent Salmon Declines: A Result of Lost Feeding Opportunities Due to Bad Timing? Chittenden, C. M. Jensen, J. L. a. Ewart, D. Anderson, S. Balfry, S. Downey, E. Eaves, A. Saksida, S. Smith, B. J. Vincent, S. P. Welch, D. W. Mckinley, R. S. Plos One 2010
Detection of Natural Barriers to Movement of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens) Within the Namakan River, Ontario Welsh, A. B. Mcleod, D. T. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 2010
Seasonal Carryover Effects Following the Administration of Cortisol to a Wild Teleost Fish O'connor, C. M. Gilmour, K. M. Arlinghaus, R. Hasler, C. T. Philipp, D. P. Cooke, S. J. Physiological And Biochemical Zoology 2010
Behaviour and Thermal Experience of Adult Sockeye Salmon Migrating Through Stratified Lakes Near Spawning Grounds: The Roles of Reproductive and Energetic States Roscoe, D. W. Hinch, S. G. Cooke, S. J. Patterson, D. A. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2010
Spatio-Temporal Migration Patterns of Pacific Salmon Smolts in Rivers and Coastal Marine Waters Melnychuk, M. C. Welch, D. W. Walters, C. J. Plos One 2010
Seasonal Pattern of Depth Selection in Smallmouth Bass Suski, C. D. Ridgway, M. S. Journal Of Zoology 2009
Experimental Measurement of Hydrosystem-Induced Delayed Mortality in Juvenile Snake River Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Using a Large-Scale Acoustic Array Rechisky, E. L. Welch, D. W. Porter, A. D. Jacobs, M. C. Ladouceur, A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2009
Behavioural Transition During the Estuarine Migration of Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Smolt Martin, F. Hedger, R. D. Dodson, J. J. Fernandes, L. Hatin, D. Caron, F. Whoriskey, F. G. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2009
Migration and Swimming Depth of Atlantic Salmon Kelts Salmo Salar in Coastal Zone and Marine Habitats Hedger, R. D. Hatin, D. Dodson, J. J. Martin, F. Fournier, D. Caron, F. Whoriskey, F. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Prespawning, Spawning, and Postspawning Behavior of Striped Bass in the Miramichi River Douglas, S. G. Chaput, G. Hayward, J. Sheasgreen, J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2009
Summer Habitat Use of Arctic Char (Salvelinus Alpinus) in a Small Arctic Lake, Monitored by Acoustic Telemetry Dick, T. A. Gallagher, C. P. Yang, A. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2009
Maximum Tag to Body Size Ratios for an Endangered Coho Salmon (O-Kisutch) Stock Based on Physiology and Performance Chittenden, C. M. Butterworth, K. G. Cubitt, K. F. Jacobs, M. C. Ladouceur, A. Welch, D. W. Mckinley, R. S. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2009
The Use of Acoustic Tags to Determine the Timing and Location of the Juvenile Coho Salmon Migration Out of the Strait of Georgia, Canada Chittenden, C. M. Beamish, R. J. Neville, C. M. Sweeting, R. M. Mckinley, R. S. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2009
Physiological Profiles of Sockeye Salmon in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean and the Effects of Exogenous GNRH and Testosterone on Rates of Homeward Migration Crossin, G. T. Hinch, S. G. Welch, D. W. Cooke, S. J. Patterson, D. A. Hills, J. A. Zohar, Y. Klenke, U. Jacobs, M. C. Pon, L. B. Winchell, P. M. Farrell, A. P. Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology 2009
Long-Term Effects of Surgically Implanted Telemetry Tags on the Nutritional Physiology and Condition of Wild Freshwater Fish Caputo, M. O'connor, C. M. Hasler, C. T. Hanson, K. C. Cooke, S. J. Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms 2009
Survival and Behaviour of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Released From an Experimental Aquaculture Operation Blanchfield, P. J. Tate, L. S. Podemski, C. L. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2009
Seasonal Habitat Selection by Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) in a Small Canadian Shield Lake: Constraints Imposed by Winter Conditions Blanchfield, P. J. Tate, L. S. Plumb, J. M. Acolas, M. L. Beaty, K. G. Aquatic Ecology 2009
Freshwater and Marine Migration and Survival of Endangered Cultus Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Smolts Using Post, a Large-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Array Welch, D. W. Melnychuk, M. C. Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Jacobs, M. C. Ladouceur, A. Mckinley, R. S. Jackson, G. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2009
Methods for Estimating Detection Efficiency and Tracking Acoustic Tags With Mobile Transect Surveys Melnychuk, M. C. Christensen, V. Journal Of Fish Biology 2009
Survival and Behaviour of Migrating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Kelts in River, Estuarine, and Coastal Habitat Hubley, P. B. Amiro, P. G. Gibson, A. J. f. Lacroix, G. L. Redden, A. M. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2008
Exposure to High Temperature Influences the Behaviour, Physiology, and Survival of Sockeye Salmon During Spawning Migration Crossin, G. T. Hinch, S. G. Cooke, S. J. Welch, D. W. Patterson, D. A. Jones, S. R. m. Lotto, A. G. Leggatt, R. A. Mathes, M. T. Shrimpton, J. M. Der kraak, G. Farrell, A. P. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 2008
Stock Structure and Seasonal Distribution Patterns of American Lobster, Homarus Americanus, Inferred Through Movement Analyses Bowlby, H. D. Hanson, J. M. Hutchings, J. A. Fisheries Research 2008
Riverine, Estuarine and Marine Migratory Behaviour and Physiology of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus Kisutch (Walbaum) Smolts Descending the Campbell River, Bc, Canada Chittenden, C. M. Sura, S. Butterworth, K. G. Cubitt, K. F. Manel-la, N. P. Balfry, S. Okland, F. Mckinley, R. S. Journal Of Fish Biology 2008
Intersexual Variation in the Seasonal Behaviour and Depth Distribution of a Freshwater Temperate Fish, the Largemouth Bass Hanson, K. C. Hasler, C. T. Cooke, S. J. Suski, C. D. Philipp, D. P. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 2008
Effects of Lunar Cycles on the Activity Patterns and Depth Use of a Temperate Sport Fish, the Largemouth Bass, Micropterus Salmoides Hanson, K. C. Arrosa, S. Hasler, C. T. Suski, C. D. Philipp, D. P. Niezgoda, G. H. Cooke, S. J. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2008
Growth, Survival, and Tag Retention of Steelhead Trout (O-Mykiss) Surgically Implanted With Dummy Acoustic Tags Welch, D. W. Batten, S. D. Ward, B. R. Hydrobiologia 2007
Do Cod Form Spawning Leks? Evidence From a Newfoundland Spawning Ground Windle, M. J. s. Rose, G. A. Marine Biology 2007
Yellow-Stage American Eel Movements Determined by Microtagging and Acoustic Telemetry in the St Jean River Watershed, Gaspe, Quebec, Canada Thibault, I. Dodson, J. J. Caron, F. Journal Of Fish Biology 2007
Riverine and Early Ocean Migration and Mortality Patterns of Juvenile Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) From the Cheakamus River, British Columbia Melnychuk, M. C. Welch, D. W. Walters, C. J. Christensen, V. Hydrobiologia 2007
Frequency, Composition and Stability of Associations Among Individual Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) at Diel, Daily and Seasonal Scales Hasler, C. T. Hanson, K. C. Cooke, S. J. Tinline, R. Suski, C. D. Niezgoda, G. H. Phelan, F. J. s. Philipps, D. P. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2007
Assessment of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) Behaviour and Activity at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales Utilizing a Whole-Lake Telemetry Array Hanson, K. C. Cooke, S. J. Suski, C. D. Niezgoda, G. H. Phelan, F. J. s. Tinline, R. Philipp, D. P. Hydrobiologia 2007
Behaviour and Physiology of Sockeye Salmon Homing Through Coastal Waters to a Natal River Crossin, G. T. Hinch, S. G. Cooke, S. J. Welch, D. W. Batten, S. D. Patterson, D. A. Van der kraak, G. Shrimpton, J. M. Farrell, A. P. Marine Biology 2007
Resident and Dispersal Behavior Among Individuals Within a Population of American Lobster Homarus Americanus Bowlby, H. D. Hanson, J. M. Hutchings, J. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007
Behavioural Responses of the Dungeness Crab, Cancer Magister, During Feeding and Digestion in Hypoxic Conditions Bernatis, J. L. Gerstenberger, S. L. Mcgaw, I. J. Marine Biology 2007
Within-Population Heterogeneity of Habitat Use by Lake Trout Salvelinus Namaycush Morbey, Y. E. Addison, P. Shuter, B. J. Vascotto, K. Journal Of Fish Biology 2006
Temporal and Spatial Habitats of Anadromous Brook Charr in the Laval River and Its Estuary Curry, R. A. Van de sande, J. Whoriskey, F. G. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2006
Survival and Behaviour of Post-Smolt Atlantic Salmon in Coastal Habitat With Extreme Tides Lacroix, G. L. Knox, D. Stokesbury, M. J. w. Journal Of Fish Biology 2005
Habitat Use of Juvenile White Sturgeon in the Kootenai River, Idaho and British Columbia Young, W. T. Scarnecchia, D. L. Hydrobiologia 2005
Movement and Environmental Preferences of Greenland Sharks (Somniosus Microcephalus) Electronically Tagged in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada Stokesbury, M. J. w. Harvey-clark, C. Gallant, J. Block, B. A. Myers, R. A. Marine Biology 2005
Effects of Implanted Dummy Acoustic Transmitters on Juvenile Atlantic Salmon Lacroix, G. L. Knox, D. Mccurdy, P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2004
Habitat Use and Early Winter Movements by Juvenile Atlantic Cod in a Coastal Area of Newfoundland Cote, D. Moulton, S. Frampton, P. C. b. Scruton, D. A. Mckinley, R. S. Journal Of Fish Biology 2004
Ultrasonic Tracking of Greenland Sharks, Somniosus Microcephalus Under Arctic Ice Skomal, G. B. Benz, G. W. Marine Biology 2004
Migration of Atlantic Salmon Postsmolts in Relation to Habitat Use in a Coastal System Lacroix, G. L. Mccurdy, P. Knox, D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2004
Microhabitat Use of Juvenile Atlantic Cod in a Coastal Area of Newfoundland Determined by 2d Telemetry Cote, D. Ollerhead, L. M. n. Scruton, D. A. Mckinley, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003
Activity Patterns of Juvenile Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) in Buckley Cove, Newfoundland Cote, D. Ollerhead, L. M. n. Gregory, R. S. Scruton, D. A. Mckinley, R. S. Hydrobiologia 2002
Spatial and Temporal Movements of a Riverine Brook Trout Population Curry, R. A. Sparks, D. Van de sande, J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2002
Integration of Acoustic Telemetry and Gis to Identify Potential Spawning Areas for Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) Flavelle, L. S. Ridgway, M. S. Middel, T. A. Mckinley, R. S. Hydrobiologia 2002
Taking the Bait: In Situ Voluntary Ingestion of Acoustic Transmitters by Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) Winger, P. D. Mccallum, B. R. Walsh, S. J. Brown, J. A. Hydrobiologia 2002
Automated Monitoring of a Large-Scale Cod (Gadus Morhua) Migration in the Open Sea Comeau, L. A. Campana, S. E. Castonguay, M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2002
Tagging of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) With Intragastric Transmitters: Effects of Forced Insertion and Voluntary Ingestion on Retention, Food Consumption and Survival Winger, P. D. Walsh, S. J. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2001
Behavior of Adult Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) in British Columbia Coastal Waters Determined From Ultrasonic Telemetry Candy, J. R. Quinn, T. P. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 1999
Movement and Habitat Use by Lake Whitefish During Spawning in a Boreal Lake: Integrating Acoustic Telemetry and Geographic Information Systems Anras, M. L. b. Cooley, P. M. Bodaly, R. A. Anras, L. Fudge, R. J. p. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1999
Habitat Preferences and Residence Time for the Freshwater to Ocean Transition Stage in Arctic Charr Anras, M. L. b. Gyselman, E. C. Jorgenson, J. K. Kristofferson, A. H. Anras, L. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 1999
Use of an Acoustic Beam Actograph to Assess the Effects of External Tagging Procedure on Lake Whitefish Swimming Activity Anras, M. L. b. Bodaly, R. A. Mcnicol, R. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1998
Movements of Non-Maturing Cultured Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) in a Canadian River Carr, J. W. Lacroix, G. L. Anderson, J. M. Dilworth, T. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 1997
Migratory Behaviour of Post-Smolt Atlantic Salmon During Initial Stages of Seaward Migration Lacroix, G. L. Mccurdy, P. Journal Of Fish Biology 1996
Home Ranges of Female Cunner, Tautogolabrus-Adspersus (Labridae), as Determined by Ultrasonic Telemetry Bradbury, C. Green, J. M. Brucelockhart, M. Canadian Journal Of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 1995
Movements of Transplanted Lingcod, Ophiodon-Elongatus, Determined by Ultrasonic Telemetry Yamanaka, K. L. Richards, L. J. Fishery Bulletin 1993
The Post-Spawning Movement and Diel Activity of Rainbow-Trout, Salmo-Gairdneri, as Determined by Ultrasonic Tracking in Batchawana Bay, Lake-Superior, Ontario Kelso, J. R. m. Kwain, W. H. Canadian Field-Naturalist 1984
Behavior of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo-Salar) During Suspended Migration in an Estuary, Sheet Harbor, Nova-Scotia, Observed Visually and by Ultrasonic Tracking Brawn, V. M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 1982
Progress of Migrating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo-Salar) Along an Estuary, Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Stasko, A. B. Journal Of Fish Biology 1975
Swimming Depth of Adult American Eels (Anguilla-Rostrata) in a Saltwater Bay as Determined by Ultrasonic Tracking Stasko, A. B. Rommel, S. A. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1974
Influence of a Thermal Effluent on Movement of Brown Bullhead (Ictalurus-Nebulosus) as Determined by Ultrasonic Tracking Kelso, J. R. m. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1974
Migratory Movements of Adult Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus-Nerka) in Coastal British-Columbia as Revealed by Ultrasonic Tracking Madison, D. M. Horrall, R. M. Hasler, A. D. Stasko, A. B. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1972


Scientific Name Common Name
Acipenser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon, Shortnose strugeon.
Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon.
Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon, Gulf sturgeon.
Acipenser transmontanus White sturgeon.
Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife.
Ambloplites rupestris Rock bass.
Ameiurus nebulosus Brown bullhead.
Amia calva Bowfin.
Anguilla rostrata American eel.
Aplodinotus grunniens Freshwater drum.
Boreogadus saida Arctic cod.
Cancer irroratus Rock crab.
Cancer plebejus Atlantic rock crab.
Carassius auratus Nigorobuna, Goldfish.
Catostomus commersonii White sucker.
Chionoecetes opilio Snow crab.
Coregonus clupeaformis Lake whitefish.
Coregonus hoyi Bloater.
Cyprinus carpio Common carp, Carp.
Esox lucius Northern pike, Pike, European pike.
Esox masquinongy Muskellunge, Muskellenge.
Gadus macrocephalus Greenland cod, Pacific cod.
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod, Atlantic od.
Halichoerus grypus Grey seal.
Homarus americanus American lobster.
Homarus gammarus European lobster, American lobster.
Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish.
Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo.
Lepisosteus osseus Longnose gar.
Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed sunfish, Pumpkineed sunfish.
Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill sunfish.
Lota lota Burbot.
Mallotus villosus Capelin.
Metacarcinus magister Dungeness crab.
Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth bass.
Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass.
Morone saxatilis Striped bass, Sttriped bass.
Moxostoma macrolepidotum Shorthead redhorse.
Myoxocephalus quadricornis Arctic fourhorn sculpin.
Myoxocephalus scorpius Shorthorn sculpin.
Myoxocephalus spp Arctic sculpin.
Neogobius melanostomus Round goby.
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon.
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout, Redband trout, Rainbown trout.
Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon, Kokanee.
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon.
Ophiodon elongatus Lingcod.
Perca flavescens Yellow perch.
Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey.
Prosopium williamsoni Mountain whitefish.
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Greenland halibut.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
Salvelinus alpinus Arctic char, Arctic charr.
Salvelinus confluentus Bull trout.
Salvelinus fontinalis Brook trout, Brook char, Brook charr.
Salvelinus namaycush Lake trout, Lake charr, Arctic char.
Sander canadensis Sauger.
Sander vitreus Saugeye, Walleye.
Somniosus microcephalus Greenland shark.
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Green sea urchins.
Tautogolabrus adspersus Cunner.
Thaleichthys pacificus Eulachon.
Thunnus thynnus Bluefin tuna, Atlantic bluefin tuna.
