

Title Authors Journal Year
Factors Influencing Migration of Short-Finned Eels (Anguilla Australis) Over 3 Years From a Wetland System, Lake Condah, South-East Australia, Downstream to the Sea Koster, W. M. Church, B. Crook, D. A. Dawson, D. R. Fanson, B. O'connor, J. Stuart, I. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Consequences of Juvenile Fish Movement and Seascape Connectivity: Does the Concept of Nursery Habitat Need a Rethink? Swadling, D. S. Knott, N. A. Taylor, M. D. Rees, M. J. Cadiou, G. Davis, A. R. Estuaries And Coasts 2024
Effects of Coastal Development on Sawfish Movements and the Need for Marine Animal Crossing Solutions Lear, K. O. Ebner, B. C. Fazeldean, T. Bateman, R. L. Morgan, D. L. Conservation Biology 2024
Interactions Between White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) and Artificial Reefs Along the East-Coast of Australia Becker, A. Butcher, P. A. Morris, S. Champion, C. Peddemors, V. M. Taylor, M. D. Fisheries Research 2024
Living With Hypoxia: Residence and Site Fidelity by Golden Perch (Macquaria Ambigua) in Habitats Affected by Methane Seeps and Chronic Hypoxia Crook, D. A. Nielsen, D. L. Brown, P. Petrie, R. T. Dunne, C. Mcphan, L. Rees, G. N. Freshwater Biology 2024
Conditional Alternative Movement Tactics in Male Crocodiles Barham, K. E. Baker, C. J. Franklin, C. E. Campbell, H. A. Frere, C. H. Irwin, T. R. Dwyer, R. G. Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology 2023
Using Stable-Isotope Analysis and Acoustic Telemetry Data to Infer Broad-Scale Migration Patterns of Port Jackson Sharks (Heterodontus Portusjacksoni) Bass, N. C. Hussey, N. E. Brown, C. Marine And Freshwater Research 2023
Suitability of Saltmarsh Creeks as Release Locations for Stocked Mulloway (Argyrosomus Japonicus) Becker, A. Fielder, D. S. Lowry, M. B. Taylor, M. D. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2023
Trophic Ecology Shapes Spatial Ecology of Two Sympatric Predators, the Great Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna Mokarran) and Bull Shark (Carcharhinus Leucas) Lubitz, N. Abrantes, K. Crook, K. Currey-randall, L. M. Chin, A. Sheaves, M. Fitzpatrick, R. Martins, A. P. b. Bierwagen, S. L. Miller, I. Barnett, A. Frontiers In Marine Science 2023
Understanding Movement and Habitat-Use to Guide Reintroductions and Habitat Rehabilitation for a Nonmigratory Freshwater Fish O'connor, J. Morrongiello, J. R. Ayres, R. Amtstaetter, F. Koster, W. M. Kitchingman, A. Cowell, T. Bowler, M. Hale, R. Restoration Ecology 2023
Recreational Fishery Discard Practices Influence Use of Tidal Estuary by a Large Marine Mesopredator Pini-fitzsimmons, J. Knott, N. A. Brown, C. Marine And Freshwater Research 2023
Fish Movements in Response to Environmental Flow Releases in Intermittent Rivers Carpenter-bundhoo, L. Butler, G. L. Bond, N. R. Thiem, J. D. Bunn, S. E. Kennard, M. J. Freshwater Biology 2023
Implications of Habitat Use and Movement of Stocked Juvenile Dusky Flathead (Platycephalus Fuscus) on Stock Enhancement Release Strategies Becker, A. Pederson, H. Lowry, M. B. Fielder, D. S. Taylor, M. D. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2023
Bull Shark (Carcharhinus Leucas) Occurrence Along Beaches of South-Eastern Australia: Understanding Where, When and Why Smoothey, A. F. Niella, Y. Brand, C. P. Peddemors, V. M. Butcher, P. A. Biology-Basel 2023
Environmental Effects on the Seasonal Distribution of an Estuarine Species Neoarius Graeffei in Northern New South Wales, Australia Stoot, L. J. Butler, G. L. Niella, Y. Doran, G. S. Thiem, J. D. Taylor, M. D. Baumgartner, L. J. Estuaries And Coasts 2023
Estuarine Movements in a Sparid Hybrid Complex Van der meulen, D. E. Walsh, C. T. Reinfelds, I. V. Payne, N. L. Ives, M. C. Roberts, D. G. Craig, J. R. Gray, C. A. Taylor, M. D. Marine And Freshwater Research 2023
Effects of Wetland Connectivity on Overwintering and Movement Behaviours of Australian Freshwater Turtles Van dyke, J. U. Mcphan, L. Howard, K. Hamilton, T. Ross, L. Watts, R. J. Austral Ecology 2023
Ontogenetic Changes in Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) Diet and Home Range in a Tropical Lagoon Vanderklift, M. A. Pillans, R. D. Rochester, W. A. Stubbs, J. L. Skrzypek, G. Tucker, A. D. Whiting, S. D. Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution 2023
Aversive Conditioning of Larger Estuarine Crocodiles (Crocodylus Porosus) and the Remote Deployment of Transmitters Booth, S. Taplin, L. Brien, M. Campbell, H. A. Christian, K. Herpetological Conservation And Biology 2023
Capture Response and Long-Term Fate of White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) After Release From Smart Drumlines Butcher, P. A. Lee, K. A. Brand, C. P. Gallen, C. Green, M. . Smoothey, A. F. Peddemors, V. M. Biology-Basel 2023
Influence of Shark Tourism on the Activity and Physiological Condition of a Non-Focal Pelagic Fish Clarke, T. M. Whitmarsh, S. K. Champion, C. Pederson, H. Meyer, L. Dennis, J. Dwyer, R. G. Huveneers, C. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Evaluation and Refinement of a Fish Movement Model for a Tropical Australian Stream Subject to Mine Contaminant Egress Crook, D. A. Wedd, D. Adair, B. J. Mooney, T. J. Harford, A. J. Humphrey, C. L. Morrongiello, J. R. King, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2023
Environmental Drivers of Yellowtail Kingfish, Seriola Lalandi, Activity Inferred Through a Continental Acoustic Tracking Network Clarke, T. M. Whitmarsh, S. K. Jaine, F. R. a. Taylor, M. D. Brodie, S. Payne, N. L. Butcher, P. A. Broadhurst, M. K. Davey, J. Huveneers, C. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2023
Long-Term Tracking Reveals a Dynamic Crocodylian Social System Baker, C. J. Frere, C. H. Franklin, C. E. Campbell, H. A. Irwin, T. R. Dwyer, R. G. Animal Behaviour 2023
Seasonal Variation in Space Use and Residency of the Southern Eagle Ray Myliobatis Tenuicaudatus in a Temperate Ecosystem Davey, J. Clarke, T. M. Niella, Y. Dennis, J. Huveneers, C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Marine Reserve Use by a Migratory Coastal Shark, Carcharias Taurus Dwyer, R. G. Rathbone, M. Foote, D. L. Bennett, M. B. Butcher, P. A. Otway, N. M. Louden, B. M. Jaine, F. R. a. Franklin, C. E. Kilpatrick, C. Biological Conservation 2023
Crabs Ride the Tide: Incoming Tides Promote Foraging of Giant Mud Crab (Scylla Serrata) Hewitt, D. E. Johnson, D. D. Suthers, I. M. Taylor, M. D. Movement Ecology 2023
Crabs Go With the Flow: Declining Conductivity and Cooler Temperatures Trigger Spawning Migrations for Female Giant Mud Crabs (Scylla Serrata) in Subtropical Estuaries Hewitt, D. E. Niella, Y. Johnson, D. D. Suthers, I. M. Taylor, M. D. Estuaries And Coasts 2022
Scientific Response to a Cluster of Shark Bites Barnett, A. Fitzpatrick, R. Bradley, M. Miller, I. Sheaves, M. Chin, A. Smith, B. . Diedrich, A. Yick, J. L. Lubitz, N. Crook, K. Mattone, C. Bennett, M. B. Wojtach, L. Abrantes, K. People And Nature 2022
Crocodile Social Environments Dictated by Male Philopatry Baker, C. J. Frere, C. H. Franklin, C. E. Campbell, H. A. Irwin, T. R. Dwyer, R. G. Behavioral Ecology 2022
Response of Turtle Hatchlings to Light Emitting Diodes at Sea Wilson, P. Pendoley, K. L. Whiting, S. D. Pattiaratchi, C. B. Meekan, M. G. Thums, M. Marine And Freshwater Research 2022
Smart Drumlines Ineffective in Catching White Sharks in the High Energy Capes Region of Western Australia: Acoustic Detections Confirm That Sharks Are Not Always Amenable to Capture Taylor, S. M. How, J. R. Travers, M. J. Newman, S. J. Mountford, S. Waltrick, D. Dowling, C. E. Denham, A. Gaughan, D. J. Biology-Basel 2022
Small-Scale Movement and Migration Cues of Australian Bass (Percalates Novemaculeata) in an Urbanised River Brown, C. Byrnes, E. E. Marine And Freshwater Research 2022
Spatial Dynamics and Fine-Scale Vertical Behaviour of Immature Eastern Australasian White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) Spaet, J. L. y. Butcher, P. A. Manica, A. Lam, C. H. Biology-Basel 2022
Fine-Scale Movement and Habitat Use of Juvenile, Subadult, and Adult Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) in a Foraging Ground at Ningaloo Reef, Australia Pillans, R. D. Whiting, S. D. Tucker, A. D. Vanderklift, M. A. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2022
Short-Term Response of Research Activities on White Shark Behaviour Niella, Y. Simes, B. Fox, A. . Wright, A. . Waller, M. Riley, M. Meyer, L. Drew, M. Pederson, H. Huveneers, C. Wildlife Research 2022
Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters Niella, Y. Smoothey, A. F. Taylor, M. D. Peddemors, V. M. Harcourt, R. G. Estuaries And Coasts 2022
Fine-Scale Movements and Interactions of Platypuses, and the Impact of an Environmental Flushing Flow Hawke, T. Bino, G. Kingsford, R. T. Iervasi, D. Iervasi, K. Taylor, M. D. Freshwater Biology 2021
Intra-Specific Variation in Movement and Habitat Connectivity of a Mobile Predator Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry and Network Analyses Espinoza, M. Ledee, E. J. i. Smoothey, A. F. Heupel, M. R. Peddemors, V. M. Tobin, A. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Biology 2021
Quantifying Movement of Multiple Threatened Species to Inform Adaptive Management of Environmental Flows Espinoza, T. Burke, C. L. Carpenter-bundhoo, L. Marshall, S. M. Mcdougall, A. J. Roberts, D. T. Campbell, H. A. Kennard, M. J. Journal Of Environmental Management 2021
Long-Term Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Limited Movement of Fish in an Unregulated, Perennial River Carpenter-bundhoo, L. Butler, G. L. Bond, N. R. Bunn, S. E. Kennard, M. J. Marine And Freshwater Research 2021
Dispersal of Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola Lalandi) From a Coastal Embayment Following a Recreational Fisheries Enhancement Stocking Program: Attempts to Integrate Aquaculture and Habitat-Based Initiatives Becker, A. Lowry, M. B. Fielder, S. Taylor, M. D. Bulletin Of Marine Science 2021
Intraspecific Variation in Diel Patterns of Rocky Reef Use Suggests Temporal Partitioning in Port Jackson Sharks Bass, N. C. Day, J. Guttridge, T. L. Knott, N. A. Brown, C. Marine And Freshwater Research 2021
Mutualism Promotes Site Selection in a Large Marine Planktivore Armstrong, A. O. Armstrong, A. J. Bennett, M. B. Richardson, A. J. Townsend, K. A. Everett, J. D. Hays, G. C. Pederson, H. Dudgeon, C. L. Ecology And Evolution 2021
Residency and Movement Patterns of Adult Port Jackson Sharks (Heterodontus Portusjacksoni) at a Breeding Aggregation Site Bass, N. C. Day, J. Guttridge, T. L. Mourier, J. Knott, N. A. Pouca, C. V. Brown, C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2021
Acoustic Telemetry Around Western Australia's Oil and Gas Infrastructure Helps Detect the Presence of an Elusive and Endangered Migratory Giant Thomson, P. G. Pillans, R. D. Jaine, F. R. a. Harcourt, R. G. Taylor, M. D. Pattiaratchi, C. B. Mclean, D. L. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Influence of Discharge Regime on the Movement and Refuge Use of a Freshwater Fish in a Drying Temperate Region Storer, T. Bannister, J. Bennett, K. Byrnes, E. E. Crook, D. A. Morgan, D. L. Gleiss, A. C. Beatty, S. J. Ecohydrology 2021
Foraging Behaviour and Movements of an Ambush Predator Reveal Benthopelagic Coupling on Artificial Reefs Puckeridge, A. C. Becker, A. Taylor, M. D. Lowry, M. B. Mcleod, J. Schilling, H. T. Suthers, I. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021
Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring Reveals Site Fidelity, Reproductive Migrations, and Sex Specific Differences in Habitat Use and Migratory Timing in a Large Coastal Shark (Negaprion Acutidens) Pillans, R. D. Rochester, W. A. Babcock, R. C. Thomson, D. P. Haywood, M. D. e. Vanderklift, M. A. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Residency, Home Range and Tidal Habitat Use of Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) in Port Curtis, Australia Pillans, R. D. Fry, G. C. Haywood, M. D. e. Rochester, W. A. Limpus, C. J. Patterson, T. A. Babcock, R. C. Marine Biology 2021
Seasonal Use of a Macrotidal Estuary by the Endangered Dwarf Sawfish, Pristis Clavata Morgan, D. L. Lear, K. O. Dobinson, E. Gleiss, A. C. Fazeldean, T. Pillans, R. D. Beatty, S. J. Whitty, J. M. . Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2021
A Large-Scale Experiment Finds No Evidence That a Seismic Survey Impacts a Demersal Fish Fauna Meekan, M. G. Speed, C. W. Mccauley, R. D. Fisher, R. . Birt, M. J. Currey-randall, L. M. Semmens, J. M. Newman, S. J. Cure, K. Stowar, M. Vaughan, B. Parsons, M. J. g. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2021
Environmental Influences on Migration Patterns and Pathways of a Threatened Potamodromous Fish in a Regulated Lowland River Network Koster, W. M. Stuart, I. Tonkin, Z. Dawson, D. R. Fanson, B. Ecohydrology 2021
Long-Term Movements and Activity Patterns of Platypus on Regulated Rivers Hawke, T. Bino, G. Kingsford, R. T. Iervasi, D. Iervasi, K. Taylor, M. D. Scientific Reports 2021
Niche Partitioning Between River Shark Species Is Driven by Seasonal Fluctuations in Environmental Salinity Dwyer, R. G. Campbell, H. A. Cramp, R. L. Burke, C. L. Micheli-campbell, M. A. Pillans, R. D. Lyon, B. J. Franklin, C. E. Functional Ecology 2020
Home Range, Site Fidelity and Synchronous Migrations of Three Co-Occurring, Morphologically Distinct Estuarine Fish Species Tracey, S. R. Hartmann, K. Mcallister, J. D. Lyle, J. M. Science Of The Total Environment 2020
Environmental Conditions Are Poor Predictors of Immature White Shark Carcharodon Carcharias Occurrences on Coastal Beaches of Eastern Australia Spaet, J. L. y. Manica, A. Brand, C. P. Gallen, C. Butcher, P. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Sex-Based Differences in Movement and Space Use of the Blacktip Reef Shark, Carcharhinus Melanopterus Schlaff, A. M. Heupel, M. R. Udyawer, V. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Plos One 2020
Acoustic Tracking of a Large Predatory Marine Gastropod, Charonia Tritonis, on the Great Barrier Reef Schlaff, A. M. Menendez, P. Hall, M. Heupel, M. R. Armstrong, T. Motti, C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Seagrass Canopies and the Performance of Acoustic Telemetry: Implications for the Interpretation of Fish Movements Swadling, D. S. Knott, N. A. Rees, M. J. Pederson, H. Adams, K. R. Taylor, M. D. Davis, A. R. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Environmental Influences on Long-Term Movement Patterns of a Euryhaline Elasmobranch (Carcharhinus Leucas) Within a Subtropical Estuary Pillans, R. D. Fry, G. C. Steven, A. D. l. Patterson, T. A. Estuaries And Coasts 2020
Diurnal Activity Patterns and Habitat Use of Juvenile Pastinachus Ater in a Coral Reef Flat Environment Martins, A. P. b. Heupel, M. R. Bierwagen, S. L. Chin, A. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Plos One 2020
Habitat Use, Movement and Activity of Two Large-Bodied Native Riverine Fishes in a Regulated Lowland Weir Pool Koster, W. M. Dawson, D. R. Kitchingman, A. Moloney, P. D. Hale, R. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Examining the Movement of the Common Spider Conch Lambis Lambis in Shallow Water of a Northeastern Indian Ocean Atoll Using Passive Acoustic Tracking Konzewitsch, N. Evans, S. N. Journal Of Shellfish Research 2020
Fine-Scale Acoustic Telemetry in a Riverine Environment: Movement and Habitat Use of the Endangered Mary River Cod Maccullochella Mariensis Espinoza, T. Burke, C. L. Carpenter-bundhoo, L. Marshall, S. M. Roberts, D. T. Kennard, M. J. Endangered Species Research 2020
Individual and Population Benefits of Marine Reserves for Reef Sharks Dwyer, R. G. Krueck, N. C. Udyawer, V. Heupel, M. R. Chapman, D. D. Pratt, H. L. Garla, R. C. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Current Biology 2020
Comparing Distributions of White, Bull, and Tiger Sharks Near and Away From the Surf Break Using Three Tech-Based Methods Colefax, A. P. Butcher, P. A. Pagendam, D. E. Kelaher, B. P. Ocean & Coastal Management 2020
Effects of a Low-Head Weir on Multi-Scaled Movement and Behavior of Three Riverine Fish Species Carpenter-bundhoo, L. Butler, G. L. Bond, N. R. Bunn, S. E. Reinfelds, I. V. Kennard, M. J. Scientific Reports 2020
Movement Behaviours and Survival of Largetooth Sawfish, Pristis Pristis, Released From a Public Aquarium Buckley, K. A. Crook, D. A. Einoder, L. D. Pillans, R. D. Smith, L. D. g. Kyne, P. M. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2020
Estimating Marine Protected Area Network Benefits for Reef Sharks Martin, G. Espinoza, M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Journal Of Applied Ecology 2020
Long-Term Patterns of Abundance, Residency and Movements of Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus Leucas) in Sydney Harbour, Australia Smoothey, A. F. Lee, K. A. Peddemors, V. M. Scientific Reports 2019
Latitudinal and Seasonal Variation in Space Use by a Large, Predatory Reef Fish, Plectropomus Leopardus Scott, M. E. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Matley, J. K. Pratchett, M. S. Functional Ecology 2019
Angling Pressure Impedes a Three-Year Telemetry Study on Mulloway (Argyrosomus Japonicas) in a Western Victorian Estuary, Southern Australia Lieschke, J. Cogent Environmental Science 2019
Environmental Drivers of Abundance and Residency of a Large Migratory Shark, Carcharhinus Leucas, Inshore of a Dynamic Western Boundary Current Lee, K. A. Smoothey, A. F. Harcourt, R. G. Roughan, M. Butcher, P. A. Peddemors, V. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019
Acoustic Accelerometry Reveals Diel Activity Patterns in Premigratory Port Jackson Sharks Kadar, J. Ladds, M. Mourier, J. Day, J. Brown, C. Ecology And Evolution 2019
Acoustic and Conventional Tagging Support the Growth Patterns of Grey Nurse Sharks and Reveal Their Large-Scale Displacements in the West Coast of Australia Jakobs, S. Braccini, M. Marine Biology 2019
Interspecific Interactions, Movement Patterns and Habitat Use in a Diverse Coastal Shark Assemblage Heupel, M. R. Munroe, S. E. m. Ledee, E. J. i. Chin, A. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Biology 2019
High Predation of Marine Turtle Hatchlings Near a Coastal Jetty Wilson, P. Thums, M. Pattiaratchi, C. B. Whiting, S. D. Pendoley, K. L. Ferreira, L. C. Meekan, M. G. Biological Conservation 2019
Flow-Related Migration, Juvenile Dispersal and Gonad Development in Two Co-Occurring Mullet Species, Mugil Cephalus and Trachystoma Petardi, in a Regulated River System Harding, D. J. Roberts, D. T. Sternberg, D. Mullins, T. M. Kennard, M. J. Dwyer, R. G. Marine And Freshwater Research 2019
Fine-Scale Movements of Juvenile Blacktip Reef Sharks Carcharhinus Melanopterus in a Shallow Nearshore Nursery George, L. W. Martins, A. P. b. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019
Using Individual-Based Movement Information to Identify Spatial Conservation Priorities for Mobile Species Dwyer, R. G. Campbell, H. A. Pillans, R. D. Watts, M. E. Lyon, B. J. Guru, S. M. Dinh, M. N. Possingham, H. P. Franklin, C. E. Conservation Biology 2019
Seasonal Occurrence and Site Fidelity of Juvenile Bronze Whalers (Carcharhinus Brachyurus) in a Temperate Inverse Estuary Drew, M. Rogers, P. J. Lloyd, M. T. Huveneers, C. Marine Biology 2019
Does a Spatiotemporal Closure to Fishing Chrysophrys Auratus (Sparidae) Spawning Aggregations Also Protect Individuals During Migration? Crisafulli, B. M. Fairclough, D. V. Keay, I. S. Lewis, P. How, J. R. Ryan, K. L. Taylor, S. M. Wakefield, C. B. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Reservoir to River: Quantifying Fine-Scale Fish Movements After Translocation Carpenter-bundhoo, L. Butler, G. L. Espinoza, T. Bond, N. R. Bunn, S. E. Kennard, M. J. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2019
Identification of Essential Habitats: Including Chimaeras Into Current Shark Protected Areas Barnett, A. Mcallister, J. D. Semmens, J. M. Abrantes, K. Sheaves, M. Awruch, C. A. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2019
Ontogenetic Shifts in the Nesting Behaviour of Female Crocodiles Baker, C. J. Franklin, C. E. Campbell, H. A. Irwin, T. R. Dwyer, R. G. Oecologia 2019
Impacts of Fishing, River Flow and Connectivity Loss on the Conservation of a Migratory Fish Population Lin, H. S. Brown, C. J. Dwyer, R. G. Harding, D. J. Roberts, D. T. Fuller, R. A. Linke, S. Possingham, H. P. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2018
Evidence of Behavioural Thermoregulation by Dugongs at the High Latitude Limit to Their Range in Eastern Australia Zeh, D. R. Heupel, M. R. Hamann, M. Jones, R. A. Limpus, C. J. Marsh, H. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2018
Artificial Light Disrupts the Nearshore Dispersal of Neonate Flatback Turtles Natator Depressus Wilson, P. Thums, M. Pattiaratchi, C. B. Meekan, M. G. Pendoley, K. L. Fisher, R. . Whiting, S. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Spawning-Stock Characteristics and Migration of a Lake-Bound Population of the Endangered Macquarie Perch Macquaria Australasica Tonkin, Z. Lyon, J. P. Moloney, P. D. Balcombe, S. R. Hackett, G. Journal Of Fish Biology 2018
Applying Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Contaminant Exposure and Bioaccumulation Patterns in Mobile Fishes Taylor, M. D. Van der meulen, D. E. Brodie, S. Cadiou, G. Knott, N. A. Science Of The Total Environment 2018
Rainfall and Sea Surface Temperature: Key Drivers for Occurrence of Bull Shark, Carcharhinus Leucas, in Beach Areas Werry, J. M. Sumpton, W. Otway, N. M. Lee, S. Y. Haig, J. A. Mayer, D. G. Global Ecology And Conservation 2018
Investigating the Functional Role of an Artificial Reef Within an Estuarine Seascape: A Case Study of Yellowfin Bream (Acanthopagrus Australis) Taylor, M. D. Becker, A. Lowry, M. B. Estuaries And Coasts 2018
Combining Otolith Chemistry and Telemetry to Assess Diadromous Migration in Pinkeye Mullet, Trachystoma Petardi (Actinopterygii, Mugiliformes) Miles, N. G. Butler, G. L. Diamond, S. L. Bishop, D. P. Van der meulen, D. E. Reinfelds, I. V. Walsh, C. T. Hydrobiologia 2018
Predicting the Influence of Streamflow on Migration and Spawning of a Threatened Diadromous Fish, the Australian Grayling Prototroctes Maraena Koster, W. M. Crook, D. A. Dawson, D. R. Gaskill, S. Morrongiello, J. R. Environmental Management 2018
Telemetry Reveals Spatial Separation of Co-Occurring Reef Sharks Heupel, M. R. Ledee, E. J. i. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Spatial Conservation of Large Mobile Elasmobranchs Requires an Understanding of Spatio-Temporal Seascape Utilization Henderson, C. J. Stevens, T. Gilby, B. L. Lee, S. Y. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2018
Variation in Occupancy and Habitat Use of Mobula Alfredi at a Major Aggregation Site Couturier, L. I. e. Newman, P. Jaine, F. R. a. Bennett, M. B. Venables, W. N. Cagua, E. F. Townsend, K. A. Weeks, S. J. Richardson, A. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Quantifying Fish Behaviour and Commercial Catch Rates in Relation to a Marine Seismic Survey Bruce, B. D. Bradford, R. W. Foster, S. Lee, K. A. Lansdell, M. Cooper, S. Przeslawski, R. Marine Environmental Research 2018
Dusky Sharks (Carcharhinus Obscurus) Undertake Large-Scale Migrations Between Tropical and Temperate Ecosystems Braccini, M. De lestang, S. Mcauley, R. B. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Use of Implanted Acoustic Tags to Assess Platypus Movement Behaviour Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Bino, G. Kingsford, R. T. Grant, T. Taylor, M. D. Vogelnest, L. Scientific Reports 2018
Connectivity, Migration and Recruitment in a Catadromous Fish Bice, C. M. Zampatti, B. P. Morrongiello, J. R. Marine And Freshwater Research 2018
Entrapment of an Estuarine Fish Associated With a Coastal Surge Barrier Can Increase the Risk of Mass Mortalities Beatty, S. J. Tweedley, J. R. Cottingham, A. Ryan, T. Williams, J. . Lynch, K. Morgan, D. L. Ecological Engineering 2018
Acoustic Monitoring Reveals the Broad-Scale Movements of Commercially Important Sharks Braccini, M. Rensing, K. Langlois, T. Mcauley, R. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017
The Influence of Freshwater Flows on Two Estuarine Resident Fish Species Show Differential Sensitivity to the Impacts of Drought, Flood and Climate Change Williams, J. . Hindell, J. S. Jenkins, G. P. Tracey, S. R. Hartmann, K. Swearer, S. E. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2017
Temporal and Spatial Activity-Associated Energy Partitioning in Free-Swimming Sea Snakes Udyawer, V. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Clark, T. D. Functional Ecology 2017
Feels Like Home: Homing of Mature Large-Bodied Fish Following Translocation From a Power-Station Canal Taylor, M. D. Payne, N. L. Becker, A. Lowry, M. B. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2017
Habitat Use of a Critically Endangered Elasmobranch, the Largetooth Sawfish Pristis Pristis, in an Intermittently Flowing Riverine Nursery Whitty, J. M. . Keleher, J. J. Ebner, B. C. Gleiss, A. C. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Morgan, D. L. Endangered Species Research 2017
Finding Their Way in the World: Using Acoustic Telemetry to Evaluate Relative Movement Patterns of Hatchery-Reared Fish in the Period Following Release Taylor, M. D. Laffan, S. D. Fairfax, A. V. Payne, N. L. Fisheries Research 2017
Using an Acoustic Telemetry Array to Assess Fish Volumetric Space Use: A Case Study on Impoundments, Hypoxia and an Air-Breathing Species (Neoceratodus Forsteri) Roberts, D. T. Udyawer, V. Franklin, C. E. Dwyer, R. G. Campbell, H. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Observations of Marine Wildlife Tourism Effects on a Non-Focal Species Rizzari, J. R. Semmens, J. M. Fox, A. . Huveneers, C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2017
Habitat Effects on Home Range and Schooling Behaviour in a Herbivorous Fish (Kyphosus Bigibbus) Revealed by Acoustic Tracking Pillans, R. D. Babcock, R. C. Thomson, D. P. Haywood, M. D. e. Downie, R. A. Vanderklift, M. A. Rochester, W. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Biological and Environmental Effects on Activity Space of a Common Reef Shark on an Inshore Reef Schlaff, A. M. Heupel, M. R. Udyawer, V. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017
Do They Stay or Do They Go? Acoustic Monitoring of Whale Sharks at Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia Norman, B. M. Whitty, J. M. . Beatty, S. J. Reynolds, S. D. Morgan, D. L. Journal Of Fish Biology 2017
Does Detection Range Matter for Inferring Social Networks in a Benthic Shark Using Acoustic Telemetry? Mourier, J. Bass, N. C. Guttridge, T. L. Day, J. Brown, C. Royal Society Open Science 2017
Habitat Use and Site Fidelity of Neonate and Juvenile Green Sawfish Pristis Zijsron in a Nursery Area in Western Australia Morgan, D. L. Ebner, B. C. Allen, M. G. Gleiss, A. C. Beatty, S. J. Whitty, J. M. . Endangered Species Research 2017
Identifying Critical Habitat for Freshwater Turtles: Integrating Long-Term Monitoring Tools to Enhance Conservation and Management Micheli-campbell, M. A. Connell, M. J. Dwyer, R. G. Franklin, C. E. Fry, B. Kennard, M. J. Tao, J. Campbell, H. A. Biodiversity And Conservation 2017
Broad-Scale Coastal Movements of White Sharks Off Western Australia Described by Passive Acoustic Telemetry Data Mcauley, R. B. Bruce, B. D. Keay, I. S. Mountford, S. Pinnell, T. Whoriskey, F. G. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Measuring Niche Overlap Between Co-Occurring Plectropomus Spp. Using Acoustic Telemetry and Stable Isotopes Matley, J. K. Heupel, M. R. Fisk, A. T. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Tobin, A. J. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Residency and Movement Patterns of Yellowfin Bream (Acanthopagrus Australis) Released at Natural and Artificial Reef Sites Lowry, M. B. Becker, A. Folpp, H. Mcleod, J. Taylor, M. D. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
The Ocean Has Depth: Two- Versus Three-Dimensional Space Use Estimators in a Demersal Reef Fish Lee, K. A. Huveneers, C. Duong, T. Harcourt, R. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017
Distribution, Seasonal Movements and Habitat Utilisation of an Endangered Shark, Glyphis Glyphis, From Northern Australia Lyon, B. J. Dwyer, R. G. Pillans, R. D. Campbell, H. A. Franklin, C. E. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017
Migration Patterns and Estuarine Aggregations of a Catadromous Fish, Australian Bass (Percalates Novemaculeata) in a Regulated River System Harding, D. J. Dwyer, R. G. Mullins, T. M. Kennard, M. J. Pillans, R. D. Roberts, D. T. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Shelter Use by Large Reef Fishes: Long-Term Occupancy and the Impacts of Disturbance Khan, J. A. Goatley, C. H. r. Brandl, S. J. Tebbett, S. B. Bellwood, D. R. Coral Reefs 2017
Influence of Streamflow on Spawning-Related Movements of Golden Perch Macquaria Ambigua in South-Eastern Australia Koster, W. M. Dawson, D. R. Liu, C. Moloney, P. D. Crook, D. A. Thomson, J. R. Journal Of Fish Biology 2017
Multispecies Presence and Connectivity Around a Designed Artificial Reef Keller, K. Smith, J. A. . Lowry, M. B. Taylor, M. D. Suthers, I. M. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Insights Into Movement Behaviour of Snapper (Chrysophrys Auratus, Sparidae) From a Large Acoustic Array Fowler, A. J. Huveneers, C. Lloyd, M. T. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Complex Movement Patterns of Greenback Flounder (Rhombosolea Tapirina) in the Murray River Estuary and Coorong, Australia Earl, J. Fowler, A. J. Ye, Q. Dittmann, S. Journal Of Sea Research 2017
Use of Otolith Chemistry and Acoustic Telemetry to Elucidate Migratory Contingents in Barramundi Lates Calcarifer Crook, D. A. Buckle, D. J. Allsop, Q. Baldwin, W. Saunders, T. M. Kyne, P. M. Woodhead, J. D. Maas, R. Roberts, B. Douglas, M. M. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
First Evidence of Spawning Migration by Goldfish (Carassius Auratus); Implications for Control of a Globally Invasive Species Beatty, S. J. Allen, M. G. Whitty, J. M. . Lymbery, A. J. Keleher, J. J. Tweedley, J. R. Ebner, B. C. Morgan, D. L. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2017
Long-Term Migration Patterns and Bisexual Philopatry in a Benthic Shark Species Bass, N. C. Mourier, J. Knott, N. A. Day, J. Guttridge, T. L. Brown, C. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Active Acoustic Tracking Suggests That Soft Sediment Fishes Can Show Site Attachment: A Preliminary Assessment of the Movement Patterns of the Blue-Spotted Flathead (Platycephalus Caeruleopunctatus) Fetterplace, L. C. Davis, A. R. Neilson, J. M. Taylor, M. D. Knott, N. A. Animal Biotelemetry 2016
Environmental Flow Releases Trigger Spawning Migrations by Australian Grayling Prototroctes Maraena, a Threatened, Diadromous Fish Amtstaetter, F. O'connor, J. Pickworth, A. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2016
Integrating Social Network Analysis and Fine-Scale Positioning to Characterize the Associations of a Benthic Shark Armansin, N. C. Lee, K. A. Huveneers, C. Harcourt, R. G. Animal Behaviour 2016
Movements in the Harlequin Fish (Othos Dentex), a Large Predatory Serranid From Southern Australia: Implications for Detection and Protection Bryars, S. Rogers, P. J. New Zealand Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research 2016
Population Organisation in Reef Sharks: New Variations in Coastal Habitat Use by Mobile Marine Predators Chin, A. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Tobin, A. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Evidence of Partial Migration in a Large Coastal Predator: Opportunistic Foraging and Reproduction as Key Drivers? Espinoza, M. Heupel, M. R. Tobin, A. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Plos One 2016
Herbivore Abundance, Site Fidelity and Grazing Rates on Temperate Reefs Inside and Outside Marine Reserves Ferguson, A. M. Harvey, E. S. Knott, N. A. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2016
Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry to Infer Mortality Events in Adult Herbivorous Coral Reef Fishes Khan, J. A. Welsh, J. Q. Bellwood, D. R. Coral Reefs 2016
Movement Patterns of Two Carangid Species in Inshore Habitats Characterised Using Network Analysis Ledee, E. J. i. Heupel, M. R. Tobin, A. J. Mapleston, A. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Contrasting Patterns of Vertical and Horizontal Space Use of Two Exploited and Sympatric Coral Reef Fish Matley, J. K. Tobin, A. J. Ledee, E. J. i. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Biology 2016
Variation in Blacktip Shark Movement Patterns in a Tropical Coastal Bay Munroe, S. E. m. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2016
Reef Shark Movements Relative to a Coastal Marine Protected Area Speed, C. W. Meekan, M. G. Field, I. C. Mcmahon, C. R. Harcourt, R. G. Stevens, J. D. Babcock, R. C. Pillans, R. D. Bradshaw, C. J. a. Regional Studies In Marine Science 2016
Markov Models and Network Analysis Reveal Sex-Specific Differences in the Space-Use of a Coastal Apex Predator Stehfest, K. M. Patterson, T. A. Barnett, A. Semmens, J. M. Oikos 2015
The Use of Acoustic Accelerometer Tags to Determine Seasonal Changes in Activity and Catchability of a Recreationally Caught Marine Teleost Stehfest, K. M. Lyle, J. M. Semmens, J. M. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2015
Rain-Driven Changes in Fish Dynamics: A Switch From Spatial to Temporal Segregation Payne, N. L. Van der meulen, D. E. Suthers, I. M. Gray, C. A. Walsh, C. T. Taylor, M. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Regional Variation in Anthropogenic Threats to Indian Ocean Whale Sharks Campbell, H. A. Dwyer, R. G. Wilson, H. Irwin, T. R. Franklin, C. E. Animal Conservation 2015
Nearshore Movement Ecology of a Medium-Bodied Shark, the Creek Whaler Carcharhinus Fitzroyensis Munroe, S. E. m. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Moloney, J. Heupel, M. R. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
In Murky Waters: Crittercam on Juvenile Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus Leucas) Meynecke, J. O. Abernathy, K. Marshall, G. J. Marine Technology Society Journal 2015
Examining the Functional Role of Current Area Closures Used for the Conservation of an Overexploited and Highly Mobile Fishery Species Mcallister, J. D. Barnett, A. Lyle, J. M. Semmens, J. M. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2015
Depth and Space Use of Leopard Coralgrouper Plectropomus Leopardus Using Passive Acoustic Tracking Matley, J. K. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Born to Be Free? Assessing the Viability of Releasing Captive-Bred Wobbegongs to Restock Depleted Populations Lee, K. A. Huveneers, C. Peddemors, V. M. Boomer, A. Harcourt, R. G. Frontiers In Marine Science 2015
Effects of Environmental Variables on the Movement and Space Use of Coastal Sea Snakes Over Multiple Temporal Scales Udyawer, V. Read, M. A. Hamann, M. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2015
Size Isn't Everything: Movements, Home Range, and Habitat Preferences of Eastern Blue Gropers (Achoerodus Viridis) Demonstrate the Efficacy of a Small Marine Reserve Lee, K. A. Huveneers, C. Macdonald, T. Harcourt, R. G. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2015
Movements and Space Use of Giant Trevally in Coral Reef Habitats and the Importance of Environmental Drivers Ledee, E. J. i. Heupel, M. R. Tobin, A. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Conservation Challenges of Sharks With Continental Scale Migrations Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Espinoza, M. Smoothey, A. F. Tobin, A. J. Peddemors, V. M. Frontiers In Marine Science 2015
Long-Term Movement Patterns of a Coral Reef Predator Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Coral Reefs 2015
Movement, Distribution and Marine Reserve Use by an Endangered Migratory Giant Hanson, J. O. Salisbury, S. W. Campbell, H. A. Dwyer, R. G. Jardine, T. D. Franklin, C. E. Austral Ecology 2015
Movements, Home Range and Site Fidelity of Snapper (Chrysophrys Auratus) Within a Temperate Marine Protected Area Harasti, D. Lee, K. A. Gallen, C. Hughes, J. M. Stewart, J. Plos One 2015
Fine-Scale Movements, Site Fidelity and Habitat Use of an Estuarine Dependent Sparid Gannon, R. Payne, N. L. Suthers, I. M. Gray, C. A. Van der meulen, D. E. Taylor, M. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Contrasting Movements and Connectivity of Reef-Associated Sharks Using Acoustic Telemetry: Implications for Management Espinoza, M. Ledee, E. J. i. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Tobin, A. J. Heupel, M. R. Ecological Applications 2015
Diel Patterns in Three-Dimensional Use of Space by Sea Snakes Udyawer, V. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Why Pair? Evidence of Aggregative Mating in a Socially Monogamous Marine Fish (Siganus Doliatus, Siganidae) Fox, R. J. Bellwood, D. R. Jennions, M. D. Royal Society Open Science 2015
Movement Patterns of Silvertip Sharks (Carcharhinus Albimarginatus) on Coral Reefs Espinoza, M. Heupel, M. R. Tobin, A. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Coral Reefs 2015
Residency Patterns and Movements of Grey Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus Amblyrhynchos) in Semi-Isolated Coral Reef Habitats Espinoza, M. Heupel, M. R. Tobin, A. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Biology 2015
Restricted Movements and Mangrove Dependency of the Nervous Shark Carcharhinus Cautus in Nearshore Coastal Waters Escalle, L. Speed, C. W. Meekan, M. G. White, W. T. Babcock, R. C. Pillans, R. D. Huveneers, C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2015
Integrating Acoustic Telemetry Into Mark-Recapture Models to Improve the Precision of Apparent Survival and Abundance Estimates Dudgeon, C. L. Pollock, K. H. Braccini, M. Semmens, J. M. Barnett, A. Oecologia 2015
Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of Juvenile Mangrove Whiprays (Himantura Granulata) Davy, L. E. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Marine And Freshwater Research 2015
Can Marine Reserves Conserve Vulnerable Sharks in the Deep Sea? A Case Study of Centrophorus Zeehaani (Centrophoridae), Examined With Acoustic Telemetry Daley, R. K. Williams, A. . Green, M. . Barker, B. Brodie, P. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies In Oceanography 2015
Assessing Fine-Scale Diel Movement Patterns of an Exploited Coral Reef Fish Currey-randall, L. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Williams, A. J. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Assessing Environmental Correlates of Fish Movement on a Coral Reef Currey-randall, L. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Williams, A. J. Coral Reefs 2015
Out in the Wash: Spatial Ecology of a Temperate Marine Shallow Rocky-Reef Species Derived Using Acoustic Telemetry Stocks, J. R. Gray, C. A. Taylor, M. D. Marine And Freshwater Research 2015
Habitat and Space Use of an Abundant Nearshore Shark, Rhizoprionodon Taylori Munroe, S. E. m. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Marine And Freshwater Research 2014
Spatial Ecology of Shark-Like Batoids in a Large Coastal Embayment White, J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Tobin, A. J. Heupel, M. R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2014
Herbivorous Fishes, Ecosystem Function and Mobile Links on Coral Reefs Welsh, J. Q. Bellwood, D. R. Coral Reefs 2014
Behavioural Flexibility Allows an Invasive Vertebrate to Survive in a Semi-Arid Environment Webb, J. K. Letnic, M. Jessop, T. S. Dempster, T. Biology Letters 2014
Density of Reef Sharks Estimated by Applying an Agent-Based Model to Video Surveys Vanderklift, M. A. Boschetti, F. Roubertie, C. Pillans, R. D. Haywood, M. D. e. Babcock, R. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Habitat Requirements and Spawning Strategy of an Estuarine-Dependent Fish, Percalates Colonorum Van der meulen, D. E. Walsh, C. T. Taylor, M. D. Gray, C. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2014
Shock, Stress or Signal ? Implications of Freshwater Flows for a Top-Level Estuarine Predator Taylor, M. D. Van der meulen, D. E. Ives, M. C. Walsh, C. T. Reinfelds, I. V. Gray, C. A. Plos One 2014
Testing the Effects of Near-Shore Environmental Variables on Acoustic Detections: Implications on Telemetry Array Design and Data Interpretation Stocks, J. R. Gray, C. A. Taylor, M. D. Marine Technology Society Journal 2014
The Effect of Targeted Stocking on Behaviour and Space Utilization of a Released Finfish Pursche, A. R. Suthers, I. M. Taylor, M. D. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2014
Evaluation of a Novel External Tag-Mount for Acoustic Tracking of Small Fish Pursche, A. R. Walsh, C. T. Taylor, M. D. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2014
Multi Year Observations Reveal Variability in Residence of a Tropical Demersal Fish, Lethrinus Nebulosus: Implications for Spatial Management Pillans, R. D. Bearham, D. Boomer, A. Downie, R. A. Patterson, T. A. Thomson, D. P. Babcock, R. C. Plos One 2014
Artificial Water Points Facilitate the Spread of an Invasive Vertebrate in Arid Australia Letnic, M. Webb, J. K. Jessop, T. S. Florance, D. Dempster, T. Journal Of Applied Ecology 2014
Timing, Frequency and Environmental Conditions Associated With Mainstem-Tributary Movement by a Lowland River Fish, Golden Perch (Macquaria Ambigua) Koster, W. M. Dawson, D. R. O'mahony, D. J. Moloney, P. D. Crook, D. A. Plos One 2014
Importance of Environmental and Biological Drivers in the Presence and Space Use of a Reef-Associated Shark Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Herbivores in a Small World: Network Theory Highlights Vulnerability in the Function of Herbivory on Coral Reefs Fox, R. J. Bellwood, D. R. Functional Ecology 2014
Sedentary or Mobile? Variability in Space and Depth Use of an Exploited Coral Reef Fish Currey-randall, L. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Williams, A. J. Marine Biology 2014
Environmental Cues and Extended Estuarine Residence in Seaward Migrating Eels (Anguilla Australis) Crook, D. A. Macdonald, J. I. Morrongiello, J. R. Belcher, C. A. Lovett, D. Walker, A. . Nicol, S. J. Freshwater Biology 2014
Restricted Movements of Juvenile Rays in the Lagoon of Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia - Evidence for the Existence of a Nursery Cerutti-pereyra, F. Thums, M. Austin, C. M. Bradshaw, C. J. a. Stevens, J. D. Babcock, R. C. Pillans, R. D. Meekan, M. G. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2014
Movement, Habitat Utilization and Behaviour of Coral Trout Plectropomus Leopardus During and After the Reproductive Period on the Southern Great Barrier Reef Bunt, C. M. Kingsford, M. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Variable Response of Coastal Sharks to Severe Tropical Storms: Environmental Cues and Changes in Space Use Udyawer, V. Chin, A. Knip, D. M. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
Interactive Drivers of Activity in a Free-Ranging Estuarine Predator Taylor, M. D. Mcphan, L. Van der meulen, D. E. Gray, C. A. Payne, N. L. Plos One 2013
The Race for Space: Using Acoustic Telemetry to Understand Density-Dependent Emigration and Habitat Selection in a Released Predatory Fish Taylor, M. D. Fairfax, A. V. Suthers, I. M. Reviews In Fisheries Science 2013
Magnitude, Frequency and Duration of Instream Flows to Stimulate and Facilitate Catadromous Fish Migrations: Australian Bass (Macquaria Novemaculeata Perciformes, Percichthyidae) Reinfelds, I. V. Walsh, C. T. Van der meulen, D. E. Growns, I. O. Gray, C. A. River Research And Applications 2013
Post-Release Monitoring of Site and Group Fidelity in Acoustically Tagged Stocked Fish Pursche, A. R. Suthers, I. M. Taylor, M. D. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2013
Rain Reverses Diel Activity Rhythms in an Estuarine Teleost Payne, N. L. Van der meulen, D. E. Gannon, R. Semmens, J. M. Suthers, I. M. Gray, C. A. Taylor, M. D. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2013
Integrating Telemetry With a Predictive Model to Assess Habitat Preferences and Juvenile Survival in an Endangered Freshwater Turtle Micheli-campbell, M. A. Campbell, H. A. Connell, M. J. Dwyer, R. G. Franklin, C. E. Freshwater Biology 2013
Downstream Spawning Migration by the Amphidromous Australian Grayling (Prototroctes Maraena) in a Coastal River in South-Eastern Australia Koster, W. M. Dawson, D. R. Crook, D. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2013
Overlap of Home Ranges of Resident and Introduced Southern Rock Lobster After Translocation Green, B. S. Pederson, H. Gardner, C. . Reviews In Fisheries Science 2013
A Herbivore Knows Its Patch: Luderick, Girella Tricuspidata, Exhibit Strong Site Fidelity on Shallow Subtidal Reefs in a Temperate Marine Park Ferguson, A. M. Harvey, E. S. Taylor, M. D. Knott, N. A. Plos One 2013
Seasonality and Site Fidelity of the Zebra Shark, Stegostoma Fasciatum, in Southeast Queensland, Australia Dudgeon, C. L. Lanyon, J. M. Semmens, J. M. Animal Behaviour 2013
Physical Damage, Behaviour and Post-Release Mortality of Argyrosomus Japonicus After Barotrauma and Treatment Butcher, P. A. Broadhurst, M. K. Cullis, B. R. Raidal, S. R. African Journal Of Marine Science 2013
The Effects of Shark Cage-Diving Operations on the Behaviour and Movements of White Sharks, Carcharodon Carcharias, at the Neptune Islands, South Australia Bruce, B. D. Bradford, R. W. Marine Biology 2013
Environmental Influences on the Spatial Ecology and Spawning Behaviour of an Estuarine-Resident Fish, Macquaria Colonorum Walsh, C. T. Reinfelds, I. V. Ives, M. C. Gray, C. A. West, R. J. Van der meulen, D. E. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2013
Diel and Seasonal Variation in the Use of a Nearshore Sandflat by a Ray Community in a Near Pristine System Vaudo, J. J. Heithaus, M. R. Marine And Freshwater Research 2012
Natural or Artificial? Habitat-Use by the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus Leucas Werry, J. M. Lee, S. Y. Lemckert, C. J. Otway, N. M. Plos One 2012
How Far Do Schools of Roving Herbivores Rove? A Case Study Using Scarus Rivulatus Welsh, J. Q. Bellwood, D. R. Coral Reefs 2012
Spatial Ecology of the Steephead Parrotfish (Chlorurus Microrhinos): An Evaluation Using Acoustic Telemetry Welsh, J. Q. Bellwood, D. R. Coral Reefs 2012
Seasonal Residency and Movement Patterns of Two Co-Occurring Catadromous Percichthyids Within a South-Eastern Australian River Walsh, C. T. Reinfelds, I. V. Gray, C. A. West, R. J. Van der meulen, D. E. Craig, J. R. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2012
Regional Endothermy in a Coral Reef Fish? Welsh, J. Q. Bellwood, D. R. Plos One 2012
Trophic Ecology of Reef Sharks Determined Using Stable Isotopes and Telemetry Speed, C. W. Meekan, M. G. Field, I. C. Mcmahon, C. R. Abrantes, K. Bradshaw, C. J. a. Coral Reefs 2012
Performance of Remote Acoustic Receivers Within a Coral Reef Habitat: Implications for Array Design Welsh, J. Q. Fox, R. J. Webber, D. M. Bellwood, D. R. Coral Reefs 2012
Evaluating Marine Protected Areas for the Conservation of Tropical Coastal Sharks Knip, D. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Biological Conservation 2012
Habitat Use and Spatial Segregation of Adult Spottail Sharks Carcharhinus Sorrah in Tropical Nearshore Waters Knip, D. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2012
Acoustic Tracking: Issues Affecting Design, Analysis and Interpretation of Data From Movement Studies How, J. R. De lestang, S. Marine And Freshwater Research 2012
Departure Behaviour of Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) From Southern Western Australia Temperate Waters in Relation to the Leeuwin Current Fujioka, K. Hobday, A. J. Kawabe, R. Miyashita, K. Takao, Y. Sakai, O. Itoh, T. Fisheries Oceanography 2012
Short- And Long-Term Movement Patterns in the Freshwater Whipray (Himantura Dalyensis) Determined by the Signal Processing of Passive Acoustic Telemetry Data Campbell, H. A. Hewitt, M. Watts, M. E. Peverell, S. Franklin, C. E. Marine And Freshwater Research 2012
Small Home Range in Southern Australia's Largest Resident Reef Fish, the Western Blue Groper (Achoerodus Gouldii): Implications for Adequacy of No-Take Marine Protected Areas Bryars, S. Rogers, P. J. Huveneers, C. Payne, N. L. Smith, I. P. Mcdonald, B. Marine And Freshwater Research 2012
Residency and Spatial Use by Reef Sharks of an Isolated Seamount and Its Implications for Conservation Barnett, A. Abrantes, K. Seymour, J. E. Fitzpatrick, R. Plos One 2012
Movement Patterns of the Draughtboard Shark Cephaloscyllium Laticeps (Scyliorhinidae) Determined by Passive Tracking and Conventional Tagging Awruch, C. A. Frusher, S. D. Stevens, J. D. Barnett, A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2012
Mortality Rates for Two Shark Species Occupying a Shared Coastal Environment Knip, D. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Fisheries Research 2012
To Roam or to Home: Site Fidelity in a Tropical Coastal Shark Knip, D. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Biology 2012
Breeding Durations as Estimators of Adult Sex Ratios and Population Size Payne, N. L. Gillanders, B. M. Semmens, J. M. Oecologia 2011
Accelerometry Estimates Field Metabolic Rate in Giant Australian Cuttlefish Sepia Apama During Breeding Payne, N. L. Gillanders, B. M. Seymour, R. S. Webber, D. M. Snelling, E. P. Semmens, J. M. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2011
Distribution and Movement of a Stocked Freshwater Fish: Implications of a Variable Habitat Volume for Stocking Programs Smith, J. A. . Baumgartner, L. J. Suthers, I. M. Taylor, M. D. Marine And Freshwater Research 2011
Wet-Season Effects on the Distribution of Juvenile Pigeye Sharks, Carcharhinus Amboinensis, in Tropical Nearshore Waters Knip, D. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Tobin, A. J. Moloney, J. Marine And Freshwater Research 2011
Spatial and Temporal Movement Patterns of a Multi-Species Coastal Reef Shark Aggregation Speed, C. W. Meekan, M. G. Field, I. C. Mcmahon, C. R. Stevens, J. D. Mcgregor, F. Huveneers, C. Berger, Y. Bradshaw, C. J. a. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011
Ontogenetic Shifts in Movement and Habitat Use of Juvenile Pigeye Sharks Carcharhinus Amboinensis in a Tropical Nearshore Region Knip, D. M. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Tobin, A. J. Moloney, J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011
Quantifying Movement Patterns for Shark Conservation at Remote Coral Atolls in the Indian Ocean Field, I. C. Meekan, M. G. Speed, C. W. White, W. T. Bradshaw, C. J. a. Coral Reefs 2011
Unconstrained by the Clock? Plasticity of Diel Activity Rhythm in a Tropical Reef Fish, Siganus Lineatus Fox, R. J. Bellwood, D. R. Functional Ecology 2011
Nautilus at Risk - Estimating Population Size and Demography of Nautilus Pompilius Dunstan, A. J. Bradshaw, C. J. a. Marshall, N. J. Plos One 2011
Vertical Distribution and Migration Patterns of Nautilus Pompilius Dunstan, A. J. Ward, P. D. Marshall, N. J. Plos One 2011
Site Fidelity and Sex-Specific Migration in a Mobile Apex Predator: Implications for Conservation and Ecosystem Dynamics Barnett, A. Abrantes, K. Stevens, J. D. Semmens, J. M. Animal Behaviour 2011
Monitoring Acoustically Tagged King Prawns Penaeus (Melicertus) Plebejus in an Estuarine Lagoon Taylor, M. D. Ko, A. Marine Biology 2011
A Multi-Faceted Approach for Quantifying the Estuarine-Nearshore Transition in the Life Cycle of the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus Leucas Werry, J. M. Lee, S. Y. Otway, N. M. Hu, Y. Sumpton, W. Marine And Freshwater Research 2011
Environmental and Ecological Factors Influencing Dive Behaviour in the Freshwater Snake Acrochordus Arafurae: A Field-Based Telemetric Study Pratt, K. L. Campbell, H. A. Watts, M. E. Franklin, C. E. Marine And Freshwater Research 2010
Age-Dependent Distribution of Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) on the Continental Shelf Off Southwest Australia Determined by Acoustic Monitoring Honda, K. Hobday, A. J. Kawabe, R. Tojo, N. Fujioka, K. Takao, Y. Miyashita, K. Fisheries Oceanography 2010
Large-Scale Movement and Reef Fidelity of Grey Reef Sharks Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Fitzpatrick, R. Plos One 2010
Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Distribution of Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna Thunnus Maccoyii: Implication for Precise Estimation of Recruitment Abundance Indices Fujioka, K. Kawabe, R. Hobday, A. J. Takao, Y. Miyashita, K. Sakai, O. Itoh, T. Fisheries Science 2010
Interannual Variation in Summer Habitat Utilization by Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) in Southern Western Australia Fujioka, K. Hobday, A. J. Kawabe, R. Miyashita, K. Honda, K. Itoh, T. Takao, Y. Fisheries Oceanography 2010
Catadromous Migrations by Female Tupong (Pseudaphritis Urvillii) in Coastal Streams in Victoria, Australia Crook, D. A. Koster, W. M. Macdonald, J. I. Nicol, S. J. Belcher, C. A. Dawson, D. R. O'mahony, D. J. Lovett, D. Walker, A. . Bannam, L. Marine And Freshwater Research 2010
Interpreting Diel Activity Patterns From Acoustic Telemetry: The Need for Controls Payne, N. L. Gillanders, B. M. Webber, D. M. Semmens, J. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010
Estuarine Crocodiles Ride Surface Currents to Facilitate Long-Distance Travel Campbell, H. A. Watts, M. E. Sullivan, S. Read, M. A. Choukroun, S. Irwin, S. R. Franklin, C. E. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2010
Non-Lethal Method to Obtain Stomach Samples From a Large Marine Predator and the Use of Dna Analysis to Improve Dietary Information Barnett, A. Redd, K. S. Frusher, S. D. Stevens, J. D. Semmens, J. M. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2010
Fine-Scale Movements of the Broadnose Sevengill Shark and Its Main Prey, the Gummy Shark Barnett, A. Abrantes, K. Stevens, J. D. Bruce, B. D. Semmens, J. M. Plos One 2010
Spatial and Temporal Use of Spawning Aggregation Sites by the Tropical Sciaenid Protonibea Diacanthus Semmens, J. M. Buxton, C. D. Forbes, E. Phelan, M. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010
The Influence of Tidal Cycles and Freshwater Inflow on the Distribution and Movement of an Estuarine Resident Fish Acanthopagrus Butcheri Sakabe, R. Lyle, J. M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2010
Retention of Intra-Peritoneal Transmitters and Post-Operative Recovery of Four Australian Native Fish Species Butler, G. L. Mackay, B. Rowland, S. J. Pease, B. C. Marine And Freshwater Research 2009
Ontogenetic Depth Partitioning by Juvenile Freshwater Sawfish (Pristis Microdon: Pristidae) in a Riverine Environment Whitty, J. M. . Morgan, D. L. Peverell, S. Thorburn, D. C. Beatty, S. J. Marine And Freshwater Research 2009
Habitat-Mediated Use of Space by Juvenile and Mating Adult Port Jackson Sharks, Heterodontus Portusjacksoni, in Eastern Australia Powter, D. M. Gladstone, W. Pacific Science 2009
Quantifying Movement of the Tropical Australian Cubozoan Chironex Fleckeri Using Acoustic Telemetry Gordon, M. R. Seymour, J. E. Hydrobiologia 2009
Reproductive Periodicity, Localised Movements and Behavioural Segregation of Pregnant Carcharias Taurus at Wolf Rock, Southeast Queensland, Australia Bansemer, C. S. Bennett, M. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Movements of the Western Rock Lobster (Panulirus Cygnus) Within Shallow Coastal Waters Using Acoustic Telemetry Macarthur, L. D. Babcock, R. C. Hyndes, G. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2008
Nocturnally Active Western Rock Lobsters Panulirus Cygnus Forage Close to Shallow Coastal Reefs Macarthur, L. D. Hyndes, G. A. Babcock, R. C. Vanderklift, M. A. Aquatic Biology 2008
Habitat Utilisation and Movement of Black Bream Acanthopagrus Butcheri (Sparidae) in an Australian Estuary Hindell, J. S. Jenkins, G. P. Womersley, B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2008
Determining Patterns of Use by Black Bream Acanthopagrus Butcheri (Munro, 1949) of Re-Established Habitat in a South-Eastern Australian Estuary Hindell, J. S. Journal Of Fish Biology 2007
Influence of Upwelling on Movement of Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) in the Great Australian Bight Willis, J. Hobday, A. J. Marine And Freshwater Research 2007
Use of Acoustic Telemetry for Spatial Management of Southern Calamary Sepioteuthis Australis, a Highly Mobile Inshore Squid Species Pecl, G. T. Tracey, S. R. Semmens, J. M. Jackson, G. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006
Experimental Reseeding of Juvenile Spiny Lobsters (Jasus Edwardsii): Comparing Survival and Movement of Wild and Naive Lobsters at Multiple Sites Mills, D. J. Gardner, C. J. . Johnson, C. R. Aquaculture 2006
Validation of a Randomization Procedure to Assess Animal Habitat Preferences: Microhabitat Use of Tiger Sharks in a Seagrass Ecosystem Heithaus, M. R. Hamilton, I. M. Wirsing, A. J. Dill, L. M. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2006
Observation of Localised Movements and Residence Times of the Wobbegong Shark Orectolobus Halei at Fish Rock, Nsw, Australia Huveneers, C. Harcourt, R. G. Otway, N. M. Cybium 2006
Key Habitat and Home Range of Mulloway Argyrosomus Japonicus in a South-East Australian Estuary: Finding the Estuarine Niche to Optimise Stocking Taylor, M. D. Laffan, S. D. Fielder, D. S. Suthers, I. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006
Tracking Arrow Squid Movements With an Automated Acoustic Telemetry System Stark, K. E. Jackson, G. D. Lyle, J. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2005
The Secret Life of the Giant Australian Cuttlefish Sepia Apama (Cephalopoda): Behaviour and Energetics in Nature Revealed Through Radio Acoustic Positioning and Telemetry (Rapt) Aitken, J. P. O'dor, R. K. Jackson, G. D. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2005
Habitat Use and Foraging Behavior of Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo Cavier) in a Seagrass Ecosystem Heithaus, M. R. Dill, L. M. Marshall, G. J. Buhleier, B. M. Marine Biology 2002
Tidal Current Orientation of Plectropomus Leopardus (Serranidae) Zeller, D. C. Coral Reefs 2002
Vertical and Horizontal Movements of Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) in the Great Australian Bight Observed With Ultrasonic Telemetry Davis, T. L. o. Stanley, C. A. Fishery Bulletin 2002
Patterns of Movement and Habitat Use by Leafy Seadragons Tracked Ultrasonically Connolly, R. M. Melville, A. J. Preston, K. M. Journal Of Fish Biology 2002
Employing Crittercam to Study Habitat Use and Behavior of Large Sharks Heithaus, M. R. Marshall, G. J. Buhleier, B. M. Dill, L. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001
Post-Release Behaviour of Black Marlin, Makaira Indica, Caught Off the Great Barrier Reef With Sportfishing Gear Pepperell, J. G. Davis, T. L. o. Marine Biology 1999
Observations on the Short-Term Movements and Behaviour of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon Typus) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia Gunn, J. S. Stevens, J. D. Davis, T. L. o. Norman, B. M. Marine Biology 1999
Ultrasonic Telemetry: Its Application to Coral Reef Fisheries Research Zeller, D. C. Fishery Bulletin 1999
Home Range, Activity and Distribution Patterns of a Temperate Rocky-Reef Fish, Cheilodactylus Fuscus Lowry, M. B. Suthers, I. M. Marine Biology 1998
Marine Reserves: Patterns of Adult Movement of the Coral Trout (Plectropomus Leopardus (Serranidae)) Zeller, D. C. Russ, G. R. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 1998
Spawning Aggregations: Patterns of Movement of the Coral Trout Plectropomus Leopardus (Serranidae) as Determined by Ultrasonic Telemetry Zeller, D. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 1998
Home Range and Activity Patterns of the Coral Trout Plectropomus Leopardus (Serranidae) Zeller, D. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 1997


Scientific Name Common Name
Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream.
Acanthopagrus butcheri Black bream, Sparid.
Acanthopagrus spp Bream.
Acanthurus dussumieri Eyestripe surgeonfish.
Achoerodus gouldii Western blue groper.
Achoerodus viridis Blue groper, Eastern blue groper.
Acrochordus arafurae Arafura filesnake.
Amniataba percoides Barred grunter.
Anguilla australis Shortfin eel, Shortfinned eel, Short-finned eel.
Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob, Mulloway, Japanese meagre.
Bathytoshia brevicaudata Smooth stingray, Smooth stringray.
Bidyanus bidyanus Silver perch.
Callorhinchus milii Elephantfish.
Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally.
Carassius auratus Nigorobuna, Goldfish.
Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark.
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark, Grey shark, Grey reef sharks, Gray reef shark.
Carcharhinus amboinensis Pigeye shark.
Carcharhinus brachyurus Bronze whaler.
Carcharhinus cautus Nervous shark.
Carcharhinus coatesi Whitecheek shark.
Carcharhinus fitzroyensis Creek whaler.
Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark.
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark, Blacktip sharks, Blacktip, Oceanic blacktip.
Carcharhinus melanopterus Blacktip reef shark, Blacktip shark.
Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark, Duskey shark.
Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark, Carribean reef shark, Caribbean reef sharks.
Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark.
Carcharhinus sorrah Spottail shark, Spittail shark, Spot-tail shark.
Carcharhinus tilstoni Australian blacktip shark, Blacktip shark.
Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark, Sand tiger shark, Spotted ragged-tooth shark, Ragged-tooth shark.
Carcharodon carcharias White shark.
Centrophorus zeehaani Southern dogfish.
Cephaloscyllium laticeps Draughtboard shark, Swellshark.
Charonia tritonis Giant triton snail.
Cheilodactylus fuscus Red morwong.
Chelonia mydas Green turtle, Loggerhead sea turtle, Green sea turtle.
Chironex fleckeri Australian cuboszoan.
Chlorurus microrhinos Steephead parrotfish.
Crocodylus porosus Estuarine crocodile, Crocodile, Estuarine crocodiles.
Dugong dugon Dugong.
Elseya albagula White-throated snapping turtle.
Elusor macrurus Mary river turtle.
Emydura macquarii Murray river turtle.
Furgaleus macki Whiskery shark.
Gadopsis marmoratus River blackfish.
Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark.
Galeorhinus galeus School shark, Soupfin shark.
Ginglymostoma cirratum Nurse shark, Nuse shark.
Girella elevata Rock blackfish.
Girella tricuspidata Luderick.
Glaucostegus typus Shovelnose ray, Common shovelnose ray, Giant shovelnose ray.
Glyphis glyphis Speartooth shark.
Gnathanodon speciosus Golden trevally.
Hemigaleus australiensis Australian weasel shark.
Hephaestus fuliginosus Black bream.
Heterodontus portusjacksoni Port jackson shark.
Himantura uarnak Reticulate whipray.
Hydrophis elegans Elegant sea snake.
Istiompax indica Black marlin.
Jasus edwardsii Spiny lobster, Spiny rock lobster, Southern rock lobster.
Kyphosus bigibbus Brown chub.
Kyphosus vaigiensis Brassy chubs, Brassy chub.
Lambis lambis Common spider conch.
Lapemis curtus Spine-bellied sea snake.
Lates calcarifer Barramundi.
Leiopotherapon unicolor Spangled perch.
Lethrinus miniatus Redthroat emperor.
Lethrinus nebulosus Spangled emperor.
Lutjanus carponotatus Spanish flag snapper.
Lutjanus sebae Red emperor.
Maccullochella ikei Eastern freshwater cod, Clarence river cod.
Maccullochella mariensis Mary river cod.
Maccullochella peelii Murray cod.
Macquaria ambigua Golden perch.
Macquaria australasica Macquarie perch.
Macquaria colonorum Estuary perch.
Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass.
Melicertus plebejus King prawn.
Mobula alfredi Reef manta ray.
Mugil cephalus Sea mullet, Striped mullet, Flathead grey mullet.
Mustelus antarcticus Gummy shark.
Myliobatis tenuicaudatus Southern eagle ray.
Naso unicornis Bluespine unicornfish.
Natator depressa Flatback turtle.
Nautilus pompilius Chambered cephalopod.
Negaprion acutidens Lemon shark, Sicklefin lemon shark.
Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark.
Neoarius graeffei Blue salmon catfish.
Neoceratodus forsteri Australian lungfish.
Neosilurus ater Black catfish.
Notorynchus cepedianus Broadnose sevengill shark, Sevengill sharks, Sevengill shark.
Nototodarus gouldi Arrow squid.
Orectolobus halei Wobbegong shark.
Orectolobus maculatus Wobbegong shark.
Ornithorhynchus anatinus Platypus.
Othos dentex Harlequin fish.
Panulirus cygnus Rock lobster.
Pastinachus ater Cowtail stingray, Broad cowtail ray.
Pateobatis fai Pink whipray.
Percalates novemaculeatus Australian bass.
Phycodurus eques Leafy seadragon.
Platycephalus bassensis Sand flathead.
Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus Blue-spotted flathead, Bluespotted flathead.
Platycephalus fuscus Dusky flathead.
Platycephalus richardsoni Tiger flathead.
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides Harlequin sweetlips.
Plectorhinchus gibbosus Harry hotlips.
Plectorhinchus lineatus Yellow-banded sweetlips.
Plectropomus laevis Blacksaddled coralgrouper.
Plectropomus leopardus Coral trout, Leopard coralgrouper.
Plectropomus maculatus Bar-cheek coralgrouper.
Pristis clavata Dwarf sawfish.
Pristis microdon Largetooth sawfish.
Pristis pristis Largetooth sawfish.
Pristis zijsron Green sawfish.
Protonibea diacanthus Blackspotted croaker.
Prototroctes maraena Australian grayling.
Pseudaphritis urvillii Tupong, Congolli.
Pseudocaranx dentex White trevally, Silver trevally.
Rhabdosargus sarba Tarwhine.
Rhincodon typus Whale shark.
Rhinella marina Cane toad.
Rhizoprionodon taylori Australian sharpnose shark.
Rhombosolea tapirina Greenback flounder.
Rhynchobatus spp Guitarfish.
Salmo trutta Brown trout, Sea trout, Sea-run brown trout.
Scarus schlegeli Yellowband parrotfish.
Scleropages jardinii Saratoga.
Scylla serrata Giant mud crab.
Sepia apama Australian cuttlefish, Giant australian cuttlefish.
Sepioteuthis australis Southern calamari.
Seriola lalandi Yellowtail kingfish.
Siganus corallinus Blue-spotted spinefoot.
Siganus doliatus Barred spinefoot, Rabbitfish.
Siganus lineatus Golden-lined rabbitfish.
Siganus rivulatus Surf parrotfish, Rivulated rabbitfish.
Siganus vulpinus Foxface rabbitfish.
Sillago ciliata Sand whiting.
Sparus aurata Snapper, Seabream, Gilthead seabream, Australasian snapper, Silver seabream, Gilt-head sea bream, Sea bream.
Sphyrna lewini Hammerhead shark, Scalloped hammerhead shark, Scalloped hammerhead sharks, Scalloped hammerhead.
Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead, Great hammerhead shark.
Stegostoma fasciatum Zebra shark.
Syncomistes butleri Sharp-nose grunter.
Tandanus bostocki Freshwater cobbler.
Tandanus tandanus Eel-tailed catfish, Australian freshwater catfish, Freshawter catfish.
Thunnus maccoyii Southern bluefin tuna, Bluefin tuna.
Trachystoma petardi Freshwater mullet, Pinkeye mullet.
Triaenodon obesus Whitetip reef shark, Whitetip shark, Whiettip reef shark.
Trygonorrhina fasciata Eastern fiddler ray.
Urogymnus asperrimus Porcupine ray, Porcupine rays.
Urogymnus dalyensis Freshwater whiprays.
Urogymnus granulatus Mangrove whipray.
