Time coverage: 1969 to August, 2024, actively gathering: 2024
Article Id Title Authors Year Journal Type FAO Area Country Water Body Latitude Longitude Array Extent Tracking Type Array Resolution AT Network Species Common Name Family Name Life Stage Total Tagged Acoustic Tag Sensor Min Length (cm) Max Length (cm) Mean Length (cm) Search Group IUCN Status Great Lakes DOI
2648 Life Outside the Fishbowl: Tracking an Introduced Population of Goldfish (Carassius Auratus) in an Embayment on the Laurentian Great Lakes Boston, C. M. ; Larocque, S. M. ; Tang, R. W. k. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Bowman, J. E. . ; Cooke, S. J. ; Midwood, J. D.. 2024 Journal Of Great Lakes Research Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.283316 -79.858243 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Carassius auratus Nigorobuna; Goldfish Cyprinidae adult 19 300 340 320 Fish Ontario
2739 Validation of a New Acoustic Telemetry Transmitter for the Study of Predation Events in Small Fishes Shorgan, M. B. ; Reid, H. B. ; Ivanova, S. V. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Raby, G. D.. 2024 Journal Of Fish Biology Technology None None None None None None None 10.1111/jfb.15827
2729 The Spatial Extent of Walleye and Lake Sturgeon Spawning Migrations Below a Dam in the Lower Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior Kosziwka, K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Smokorowski, K. E. ; Fischer, F. ; Dunlop, E. S. ; Rennie, M. D. ; Pratt, T. C. .. 2024 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.241402 -88.681134 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon Acipenseridae juvenile; adult 20 1010 1405 1184 Fish ; Superior
2729 The Spatial Extent of Walleye and Lake Sturgeon Spawning Migrations Below a Dam in the Lower Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior Kosziwka, K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Smokorowski, K. E. ; Fischer, F. ; Dunlop, E. S. ; Rennie, M. D. ; Pratt, T. C. .. 2024 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.241402 -88.681134 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 139 389 792 610 Fish Superior
2716 Depredation Rates and Spatial Overlap Between Great Hammerheads and Tarpon in a Recreational Fishing Hot Spot Casselberry, G. A. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Dello russo, J. ; Filous, A. ; Holder, P. E. ; Morgan, C. ; Kneebone, J. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2024 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.677263 -81.262299 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon; Tarpon Megalopidae juvenile; adult 51 68 175 139 Fish ; No
2716 Depredation Rates and Spatial Overlap Between Great Hammerheads and Tarpon in a Recreational Fishing Hot Spot Casselberry, G. A. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Dello russo, J. ; Filous, A. ; Holder, P. E. ; Morgan, C. ; Kneebone, J. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2024 Marine And Coastal Fisheries Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.677263 -81.262299 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae adult 14 207 331 273 Sharks-Rays No
2695 Habitat-Dependent Metabolic Costs for a Wild Cold-Water Fish Hlina, B. L. ; Glassman, D. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Nowell, L. B. ; Claussen, J. E. ; Philipp, D. P. ; Marsden, J. E. ; Power, M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2024 Aquatic Sciences Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 45.81512 -74.770875 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus namaycush Lake trout; Lake charr; Arctic char Salmonidae adult 47 455 705 580 Fish No
2687 Electronic Tagging and Tracking Aquatic Animals to Understand a World Increasingly Shaped by a Changing Climate and Extreme Weather Events Lennox, R. J. ; Afonso, P. ; Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Dahlmo, L. S. ; Nilsen, C. I. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Souza, A. T. ; Jaric, I. ; Prchalova, M. ; Riha, M. ; Westrelin, S. ; Twardek, W. M. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Kraft, S. ; Smejkal, M. ; Baktoft, H. ; Brodin, T. ; Hellstrom, G. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Vollset, K. W. ; Adam, T. ; Sortland, L. K. ; Bertram, M. G. ; Crossa, M. ; Vogel, E. F. ; Gillies, N. ; Reubens, J. T.. 2024 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None None http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2023-0145
2686 A Comparative Study of the Alternative Life History of Iteroparous Salmonids Lennox, R. J. ; Nilsen, C. I. ; Dahlmo, L. S. ; Berhe, S. ; Barlaup, B. T. ; Normann, E. S. ; Landro, Y. ; Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Vollset, K. W.. 2024 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Norway Freshwater 60.658698 5.791269 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae adult 61 None None 516 Fish No
2686 A Comparative Study of the Alternative Life History of Iteroparous Salmonids Lennox, R. J. ; Nilsen, C. I. ; Dahlmo, L. S. ; Berhe, S. ; Barlaup, B. T. ; Normann, E. S. ; Landro, Y. ; Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Vollset, K. W.. 2024 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology Europe - Inland Waters Norway Freshwater 60.658698 5.791269 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 77 None None 785 Fish No
2652 Space Use and Residency Patterns of Largemouth Bass Relative to a Freshwater Protected Area Zolderdo, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Abrams, A. E. i. ; Suski, C. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2024 Aquatic Sciences Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.728977 -76.177343 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 50 130 475 302 Fish No
2516 Diversity of Movement Patterns of Longnose Gar Tracked in Coastal Waters of Western Lake Ontario Croft-white, M. V. ; Larocque, S. M. ; Reddick, D. T. ; Smith, P. D. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Midwood, J. D.. 2023 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.286 -79.848497 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Lepisosteus osseus Longnose gar Lepisosteidae adult 12 680 978 784 Fish Ontario
2630 Positioning Aquatic Animals With Acoustic Transmitters Lennox, R. J. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Alos, J. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Bertram, M. G. ; Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Brodin, T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Dahlmo, L. S. ; Dhellemmes, F. ; Gjelland, K. O. ; Hellstrom, G. ; Hershey, H. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Klefoth, T. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Monk, C. T. ; Nilsen, C. I. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Pickholtz, R. S. m. ; Prchalova, M. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Riha, M. ; Villegas-rios, D. ; Vollset, K. W. ; Westrelin, S. ; Baktoft, H. . 2023 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Technology None None None None None None None 10.1111/2041-210x.14191
2629 Globally Coordinated Acoustic Aquatic Animal Tracking Reveals Unexpected, Ecologically Important Movements Across Oceans, Lakes and Rivers Lennox, R. J. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Verhelst, P. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Soria, M. ; Reubens, J. T. ; Rechisky, E. L. ; Power, M. ; Murray, T. S. ; Mulder, I. M. ; Markham, J. L. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Lindley, S. T. ; Knott, N. A. ; Kessel, S. T. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Huveneers, C. ; Heidemeyer, M. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Friess, C. ; Filous, A. ; Fetterplace, L. C. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Daly, R. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Chavez, E. J. ; Blaison, A. ; Whoriskey, K. . 2023 Ecography Review paper None None None None None None None 10.1111/ecog.06801
2596 Spatial Ecology of Non-Native Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Lake Ontario With Implications for Management Midwood, J. D. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Boston, C. M. ; Doka, S. ; Portiss, R. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Piczak, M. L.. 2023 Aquatic Sciences Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.633525 -77.827598 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 102 340 854 636 Fish Ontario
2595 Knowledge of Spawning Phenology May Enhance Selective Barrier Passage for Wetland Fishes Piczak, M. L. ; Theysmeyer, T. ; Doka, S. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Wetlands Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.43109 -79.568185 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae None 118 None None None Fish Ontario
2595 Knowledge of Spawning Phenology May Enhance Selective Barrier Passage for Wetland Fishes Piczak, M. L. ; Theysmeyer, T. ; Doka, S. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Wetlands Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.43109 -79.568185 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 126 None None None Fish Ontario
2595 Knowledge of Spawning Phenology May Enhance Selective Barrier Passage for Wetland Fishes Piczak, M. L. ; Theysmeyer, T. ; Doka, S. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Wetlands Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.43109 -79.568185 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae None 80 None None None Fish Ontario
2591 Multi-Year Evaluation of Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy) Spatial Ecology During Winter Drawdowns in a Regulated, Urban Waterway in Canada Bergman, J. N. ; Neigel, K. L. ; Landsman, S. J. ; Glassman, D. ; Larochelle, L. ; Bennett, J. R. ; Rennie, C. D. ; Vermaire, J. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 45.302203 -75.698004 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox masquinongy Muskellunge; Muskellenge Esocidae juvenile; adult 23 27 114 71 Fish No
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae juvenile; adult 122 250 1003 678 Fish Ontario
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 59 340 854 640 Fish Ontario
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 111 156 535 409 Fish Ontario
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 13 423 703 591 Fish Ontario
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Catostomus commersonii White sucker Catostomidae None 10 403 562 477 Fish Ontario
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Amia calva Bowfin Amiidae adult 10 562 734 647 Fish Ontario
2538 Telemetry-Based Spatial-Temporal Fish Habitat Models for Fishes in an Urban Freshwater Harbour Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Doka, S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2023 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.629452 -79.380409 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Perca flavescens Yellow perch Percidae juvenile; adult 20 158 271 207 Fish Ontario
2473 Individual Variation and Repeatability of Atlantic Tarpon Megalops Atlanticus Migrations in the Southern Us: Implications for Conservation and Management Griffin, L. P. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Adams, A. J. ; Wilson, J. K. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Holder, P. E. ; Filous, A. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2023 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.962352 -80.729661 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG ACT FACT Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon; Tarpon Megalopidae juvenile; adult 200 None None 146 Fish ; No
2369 Automated Coastal Ice Mapping With Sar Can Inform Winter Fish Ecology in the Laurentian Great Lakes Marcaccio, J. V. ; Costa, J. G. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Boston, C. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Midwood, J. D.. 2022 Canadian Journal Of Remote Sensing Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.287519 -79.829227 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 10 None None None Fish Ontario
2369 Automated Coastal Ice Mapping With Sar Can Inform Winter Fish Ecology in the Laurentian Great Lakes Marcaccio, J. V. ; Costa, J. G. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Boston, C. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Midwood, J. D.. 2022 Canadian Journal Of Remote Sensing Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.287519 -79.829227 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 14 None None None Fish Ontario
2432 Enhancing Our Understanding of Fish Movement Ecology Through Interdisciplinary and Cross-Boundary Research Verhelst, P. ; Brys, R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Pauwels, I. S. ; Rohtla, M. ; Reubens, J. T.. 2022 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-022-09741-8
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 4 47 71 59 Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 7 21 46 35 Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth bass Centrarchidae adult 68 18 39 27 Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 3 28 32 30 Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Catostomus commersonii White sucker Catostomidae adult 6 31 52 42 Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish Ictaluridae adult 6 29 35 31 Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed sunfish; Pumpkineed sunfish Centrarchidae adult 1 None None None Fish Huron
2430 Interactions of a Temperate North American Fish Community With a Very Low Head Hydropower Facility in Ontario, Canada Tuononen, E. I. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Timusk, E. R. ; Smokorowski, K. E.. 2022 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.780804 -79.293895 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Ambloplites rupestris Rock bass Centrarchidae adult 43 15 22 18 Fish Huron
2423 Short-Term Space Use of Small-Bodied Fish in Coastal Flats Ecosystems in the Bahamas: An Acoustic Telemetry Study Using the Smallest Commercially Available Transmitters Szekeres, P. ; Agberien, A. V. ; Dick, M. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.887278 -76.189118 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae juvenile 2 11 11 15 Fish No
2423 Short-Term Space Use of Small-Bodied Fish in Coastal Flats Ecosystems in the Bahamas: An Acoustic Telemetry Study Using the Smallest Commercially Available Transmitters Szekeres, P. ; Agberien, A. V. ; Dick, M. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.887278 -76.189118 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae juvenile 22 13 25 19 Fish No
2423 Short-Term Space Use of Small-Bodied Fish in Coastal Flats Ecosystems in the Bahamas: An Acoustic Telemetry Study Using the Smallest Commercially Available Transmitters Szekeres, P. ; Agberien, A. V. ; Dick, M. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.887278 -76.189118 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Gerres cinereus Yellowfin mojarra Gerreidae juvenile 20 7 9 8 Fish No
2423 Short-Term Space Use of Small-Bodied Fish in Coastal Flats Ecosystems in the Bahamas: An Acoustic Telemetry Study Using the Smallest Commercially Available Transmitters Szekeres, P. ; Agberien, A. V. ; Dick, M. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.887278 -76.189118 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Strongylura notata Redfin needlefish Belonidae juvenile 21 18 36 27 Fish No
2408 Postrelease Survival and Migration Behavior of Adult Walleye Following Intracoelomic Transmitter Implantation Using Two Methods of Electro-Immobilization Reid, C. H. ; Faust, M. D. ; Raby, G. D. ; Brenden, T. O. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Vandergoot, C. S.. 2022 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Tagging effects America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 41.458428 -82.976183 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 123 None None 53 Fish Erie
2406 Physiological State Predicts Space Use of Sharks at a Tourism Provisioning Site Rangel, B. S. ; Moreira, R. G. ; Rider, M. J. ; Sulikowski, J. A. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Kaufman, L. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2022 Animal Behaviour Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 26.86 -79.04 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 33 None None 326 Sharks-Rays No
2372 Global Trends in Aquatic Animal Tracking With Acoustic Telemetry Matley, J. K. ; Klinard, N. V. ; Martins, A. P. b. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Aspillaga, E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Lowe, C. G. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Mitamura, H. ; Moore, J. S. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Stokesbury, M. J. w. ; Taylor, M. D. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Fisk, A. T.. 2022 Trends In Ecology & Evolution Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.tree.2021.09.001
2307 There's No Place Like Home: High Site Fidelity and Small Home Range of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) Inhabiting Fringing Reef Flats in Culebra, Puerto Rico Griffin, L. P. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Gagne, T. O. ; Haak, C. R. ; Cormier, R. ; Becker, S. L. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Finn, J. T. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.292001 -65.275339 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 43 40 63 52 Fish No
2306 Assessing the Potential for Red Tide (Karenia Brevis) Algal Bloom Impacts on Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) Along the Southwestern Coast of Florida Griffin, L. P. ; Friess, C. ; Bakenhaster, M. D. ; Bassos-hull, K. ; Burnsed, S. L. w. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Ellis, R. D. ; Gardiner, J. M. ; Locascio, J. V. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Poulakis, G. R. ; Wiley, T. R. ; Wilkinson, K. A. ; Wilson, J. K. ; Wooley, A. K. ; Adams, A. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 27.565848 -82.707212 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ITAG Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon; Tarpon Megalopidae adult 35 None None 149 Fish ; No
2305 Seasonal Variation in the Phenology of Atlantic Tarpon in the Florida Keys: Migration, Occupancy, Repeatability, and Management Implications Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Adams, A. J. ; Holder, P. E. ; Filous, A. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Wilson, J. K. ; Boucek, R. E. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Acosta, A. ; Morley, D. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2022 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.742229 -81.272374 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG ACT FACT Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon; Tarpon Megalopidae juvenile; adult 57 68 175 121 Fish ; No
2304 Predator-Prey Landscapes of Large Sharks and Game Fishes in the Florida Keys Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Filous, A. ; Friess, C. ; Guttridge, T. L. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Heim, V. ; Morley, D. ; Rider, M. J. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W.. 2022 Ecological Applications Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.742229 -81.272374 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon; Tarpon Megalopidae juvenile; adult 68 None None 134 Fish ; No
2304 Predator-Prey Landscapes of Large Sharks and Game Fishes in the Florida Keys Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Filous, A. ; Friess, C. ; Guttridge, T. L. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Heim, V. ; Morley, D. ; Rider, M. J. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W.. 2022 Ecological Applications Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.742229 -81.272374 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 31 None None 238 Sharks-Rays ; No
2304 Predator-Prey Landscapes of Large Sharks and Game Fishes in the Florida Keys Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Filous, A. ; Friess, C. ; Guttridge, T. L. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Heim, V. ; Morley, D. ; Rider, M. J. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W.. 2022 Ecological Applications Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.742229 -81.272374 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Trachinotus falcatus Permit Carangidae juvenile; adult 116 None None 68 Fish No
2304 Predator-Prey Landscapes of Large Sharks and Game Fishes in the Florida Keys Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Filous, A. ; Friess, C. ; Guttridge, T. L. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Heim, V. ; Morley, D. ; Rider, M. J. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Brownscombe, J. W.. 2022 Ecological Applications Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.742229 -81.272374 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae juvenile; adult 42 None None 292 Sharks-Rays No
2280 Technoscience and the Modernization of Freshwater Fisheries Assessment and Management Cooke, S. J. ; Docker, M. F. ; Mandrak, N. E. ; Young, N. ; Heath, D. D. ; Jeffries, K. M. ; Howarth, A. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Livernois, J. ; Semeniuk, C. A. d. ; Venturelli, P. A. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Jaric, I. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Britton, J. R. ; Muir, A. M.. 2022 Environmental Technology & Innovation Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.eti.2022.102865
2270 Application of Telemetry and Stable Isotope Analyses to Inform the Resource Ecology and Management of a Marine Fish Brownscombe, J. W. ; Shipley, O. N. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Morley, D. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Boucek, R. E. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. . 2022 Journal Of Applied Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.752788 -81.231806 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Trachinotus falcatus Permit Carangidae juvenile; adult 150 45 97 68 Fish No
2269 Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Permit (Trachinotus Falcatus) Habitat Residency in the Florida Keys, Usa Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Morley, D. ; Acosta, A. ; Boucek, R. E. ; Adams, A. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 24.752788 -81.231806 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Trachinotus falcatus Permit Carangidae juvenile; adult 150 46 98 68 Fish No
2268 Applications of Telemetry to Fish Habitat Science and Management Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Midwood, J. D.. 2022 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1139/cjfas-2021-0101
2266 Internal Seiches as Drivers of Fish Depth Use in Lakes Brooks, J. L. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Smith, A. N. h. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Flood, B. ; Boston, C. M. ; Semcesen, P. ; Doka, S. E. ; Wells, M. G.. 2022 Limnology And Oceanography Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.283333 -79.816667 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 25 49 70 52 Fish Ontario
2249 Exposure Risk of Fish Downstream of a Hydropower Facility to Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas Algera, D. A. ; Kamal, R. ; Ward, T. D. ; Pleizier, N. K. ; Brauner, C. J. ; Crossman, J. A. ; Leake, A. ; Zhu, D. Z. ; Power, M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Water Resources Research Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.180881 -117.714202 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout; Steelhead trout; Redband trout; Rainbown trout Salmonidae adult 51 30 50 40 Fish No
2249 Exposure Risk of Fish Downstream of a Hydropower Facility to Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas Algera, D. A. ; Kamal, R. ; Ward, T. D. ; Pleizier, N. K. ; Brauner, C. J. ; Crossman, J. A. ; Leake, A. ; Zhu, D. Z. ; Power, M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Water Resources Research Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.180881 -117.714202 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Prosopium williamsoni Mountain whitefish Salmonidae adult 41 31 49 40 Fish No
2259 Tracking the Early Stages of an Invasion With Biotelemetry: Behaviour of Round Goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) in Canada's Historic Rideau Canal Bergman, J. N. ; Raby, G. D. ; Neigel, K. L. ; Rennie, C. D. ; Balshine, S. ; Bennett, J. R. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2022 Biological Invasions Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.879782 -75.984834 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Neogobius melanostomus Round goby Gobiidae adult 45 None None 7 Fish No
2051 Modeling Fish Habitat: Model Tuning, Fit Metrics, and Applications Brownscombe, J. W. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2021 Aquatic Sciences Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1007/s00027-021-00797-5
2237 Speed of Sound Gradients Due to Summer Thermal Stratification Can Reduce the Detection Range of Acoustic Fish Tags: Results From a Field Study in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Wells, M. G. ; Li, J. . ; Flood, B. ; Kuai, Y. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Semcesen, P. ; Midwood, J. D.. 2021 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Range testing America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.286173 -79.84858 Small-Scale None Ontario 10.1139/cjfas-2020-0078
2156 Using Untapped Telemetry Data to Explore the Winter Biology of Freshwater Fish Marsden, J. E. ; Blanchfield, P. J. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Fernandes, T. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Futia, M. H. ; Hlina, B. L. ; Ivanova, S. V. ; Johnson, T. B. ; Klinard, N. V. ; Krueger, C. C. ; Larocque, S. M. ; Matley, J. K. ; Mcmeans, B. C. ; O'connor, L. M. ; Raby, G. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2021 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-021-09634-2
2151 Movescapes and Eco-Evolutionary Movement Strategies in Marine Fish: Assessing a Connectivity Hotspot Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Friess, C. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Morley, D. ; Skomal, G. B. ; Bickford, J. W. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Rider, M. J. ; Smukall, M. J. ; Van zinnicq bergmann, M. P. m. ; Guttridge, T. L. ; Kroetz, A. M. ; Grubbs, R. D. ; Gervasi, C. L. ; Rehage, J. S. ; Poulakis, G. R. ; Bassos-hull, K. ; Gardiner, J. M. ; Casselberry, G. A. ; Young, J. M. ; Perkinson, M. ; Abercrombie, D. L. ; Addis, D. T. ; Block, B. A. ; Acosta, A. ; Adams, A. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Brownscombe, J. W.. 2021 Fish And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/faf.12589
2121 Social Network Analysis Reveals the Subtle Impacts of Tourist Provisioning on the Social Behavior of a Generalist Marine Apex Predator Jacoby, D. M. p. ; Fairbairn, B. S. ; Frazier, B. S. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Frontiers In Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 26.883942 -79.097496 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN FACT Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 48 144 383 263 Sharks-Rays No
2228 Fate of Translocated American Eel (Anguilla Rostrata) in the Lower Ottawa River and Passage Behavior at a Multichannel Barrier Twardek, W. M. ; Stoot, L. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Browne, D. R.. 2021 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 45.424905 -75.707033 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale Anguilla rostrata American eel Anguillidae juvenile 40 44 64 49 Fish No
2100 Large Sharks Exhibit Varying Behavioral Responses to Major Hurricanes Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Rider, M. J. ; Roemer, R. P. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.739849 -80.131873 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 9 150 380 265 Sharks-Rays No
2100 Large Sharks Exhibit Varying Behavioral Responses to Major Hurricanes Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Rider, M. J. ; Roemer, R. P. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.739849 -80.131873 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Ginglymostoma cirratum Nurse shark; Nuse shark Ginglymostomatidae juvenile 10 75 205 140 Sharks-Rays No
2100 Large Sharks Exhibit Varying Behavioral Responses to Major Hurricanes Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Rider, M. J. ; Roemer, R. P. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.739849 -80.131873 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Carcharhinidae juvenile; adult 3 191 245 216 Sharks-Rays ; No
2100 Large Sharks Exhibit Varying Behavioral Responses to Major Hurricanes Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Rider, M. J. ; Roemer, R. P. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. . 2021 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.739849 -80.131873 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead; Great hammerhead shark Sphyrnidae juvenile; adult 7 163 293 228 Sharks-Rays No
2073 The Effects of Nutritional State, Sex and Body Size on the Marine Migration Behaviour of Sea Trout Eldoy, S. H. ; Bordeleau, X. ; Lawrence, M. J. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Finstad, A. G. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Crossin, G. T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Ronning, L. ; Sjursen, A. D. ; Davidsen, J. G.. 2021 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 67.256548 15.086915 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae juvenile; adult 286 27 89 47 Fish No
1892 The Spawning Migrations of an Exploited Albulid in the Tropical Pacific: Implications for Conservation and Community-Based Management Filous, A. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Raveino, R. ; Friedlander, A. M. ; Clua, E. E. g. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2020 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Pacific, Eastern Central France Marine -17.413821 -145.491921 Small-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula glossodonta Bonefish Albulidae adult 43 43 69 56 Fish No
1863 Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Identify Cryptic Reproductive Habitats Using Diverse Information Sources Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Morley, D. ; Acosta, A. ; Hunt, J. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Adams, A. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2020 Oecologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.027335 -81.535751 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Trachinotus falcatus Permit Carangidae juvenile; adult 112 47 97 68 Fish No
1838 Stranded Kokanee Salvaged From Turbine Intake Infrastructure Are at Low Risk for Reentrainment: A Telemetry Study in a Hydropower Facility Forebay Algera, D. A. ; Ward, T. D. ; Zemlak, R. ; Crossman, J. A. ; Harrison, P. M. ; Leake, A. ; Power, M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2020 North American Journal Of Fisheries Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 56.018889 -122.199807 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 108 11 25 18 Fish No
1948 Linking Environmental Factors With Reflex Action Mortality Predictors, Physiological Stress, and Post-Release Movement Behaviour to Evaluate the Response of White Sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus Richardson, 1836) to Catch-and-Release Angling Mclean, M. F. ; Litvak, M. K. ; Stoddar, E. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Welch, D. W. ; Crossin, G. T.. 2020 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.167806 -122.930532 Large-Scale Mobile; Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser transmontanus White sturgeon Acipenseridae juvenile; adult 60 150 269 195 Fish ; No
1907 A Comparison of Turbine Entrainment Rates and Seasonal Entrainment Vulnerability of Two Sympatric Char Species, Bull Trout and Lake Trout, in a Hydropower Reservoir Harrison, P. M. ; Ward, T. D. ; Algera, D. A. ; Culling, B. ; Euchner, T. ; Leake, A. ; Crossman, J. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. . 2020 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 56.084937 -122.948975 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus confluentus Bull trout Salmonidae adult 99 37 88 62 Fish No
1907 A Comparison of Turbine Entrainment Rates and Seasonal Entrainment Vulnerability of Two Sympatric Char Species, Bull Trout and Lake Trout, in a Hydropower Reservoir Harrison, P. M. ; Ward, T. D. ; Algera, D. A. ; Culling, B. ; Euchner, T. ; Leake, A. ; Crossman, J. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. . 2020 River Research And Applications Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 56.084937 -122.948975 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus namaycush Lake trout; Lake charr; Arctic char Salmonidae adult 39 59 99 79 Fish No
1901 Revealing Migration and Reproductive Habitat of Invasive Fish Under an Active Population Suppression Program Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Romine, J. G. ; Heredia, N. A. ; Bigelow, P. E. ; Parsley, M. J. ; Sandstrom, P. T. ; Suski, C. D. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Gresswell, R. E.. 2020 Conservation Science And Practice Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.4605 -110.3333 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus namaycush Lake trout; Lake charr; Arctic char Salmonidae adult 344 40 87 57 Fish No
1864 Seasonal Occupancy and Connectivity Amongst Nearshore Flats and Reef Habitats by Permit Trachinotus Falcatus: Considerations for Fisheries Management Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Morley, D. ; Acosta, A. ; Hunt, J. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Crossin, G. T. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Boucek, R. E. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2020 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 25.027335 -81.535751 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN ITAG FACT Trachinotus falcatus Permit Carangidae None 101 None None None Fish No
1688 A Practical Method to Account for Variation in Detection Range in Acoustic Telemetry Arrays to Accurately Quantify the Spatial Ecology of Aquatic Animals Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Chapman, J. M. ; Morley, D. ; Acosta, A. ; Crossin, G. T. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Adams, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2019 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1111/2041-210x.13322
1686 Spatial Ecology of Reintroduced Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Hamilton Harbour of Lake Ontario Brooks, J. L. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Boston, C. M. ; Doka, S. E. ; Hoyle, J. A. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2019 Journal Of Great Lakes Research Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.30048 -79.80591 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 25 43 70 51 Fish Ontario
2454 Biotelemetry Informing Management: Case Studies Exploring Successful Integration of Biotelemetry Data Into Fisheries and Habitat Management Brooks, J. L. ; Chapman, J. M. ; Barkley, A. N. ; Kessel, S. T. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Hedges, K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Gruber, S. H. ; Nguyen, V. M.. 2019 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0530
1824 Current and Emerging Statistical Techniques for Aquatic Telemetry Data: A Guide to Analysing Spatially Discrete Animal Detections Whoriskey, K. ; Martins, E. G. ; Auger-methe, M. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. ; Mills flemming, J. E.. 2019 Methods In Ecology And Evolution Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/2041-210x.13188
1821 Evaluation of Tag Retention, Healing, Growth, and Behavior in Age-0 Muskellunge Following Acoustic Transmitter Implantation Walton-rabideau, S. E. ; Newell, M. ; Jeanson, Amanda L. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Farrell, J. M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2019 North American Journal Of Fisheries Management Tagging effects None Canada Laboratory 44.266562 -78.374541 Small-Scale Neither NO Esox masquinongy Muskellunge; Muskellenge Esocidae juvenile 96 18 23 20 Fish Ontario
1679 Cortisol Predicts Migration Timing and Success in Both Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Kelts Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Flavio, H. ; Kristensen, M. L. ; Walton-rabideau, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Willmore, W. G. ; Koed, A. ; Aarestrup, K. . 2019 Scientific Reports Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Denmark Freshwater Marine 56.84417 9.109315 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmonidae adult 66 55 95 81 Fish No
1679 Cortisol Predicts Migration Timing and Success in Both Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Kelts Birnie-gauvin, K. ; Flavio, H. ; Kristensen, M. L. ; Walton-rabideau, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Willmore, W. G. ; Koed, A. ; Aarestrup, K. . 2019 Scientific Reports Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Denmark Freshwater Marine 56.84417 9.109315 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salmo trutta Brown trout; Sea trout; Sea-run brown trout Salmonidae adult 72 51 79 64 Fish No
1781 Collaboration and Engagement Produce More Actionable Science: Quantitatively Analyzing Uptake of Fish Tracking Studies Nguyen, V. M. ; Young, N. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2019 Ecological Applications Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1002/eap.1943
1771 Immediate Physiological and Behavioural Response From Catch-and-Release of Wild White Sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus Richardson, 1836) Mclean, M. F. ; Litvak, M. K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Crossin, G. T.. 2019 Fisheries Research Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.206429 -121.783991 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale OTN Acipenser transmontanus White sturgeon Acipenseridae adult 7 156 257 195 Fish ; No
1759 Optimizing Marine Spatial Plans With Animal Tracking Data Lennox, R. J. ; Engler-palma, C. ; Kowarski, K. ; Filous, A. ; Whitlock, R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Auger-methe, M. . 2019 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0495
1738 Telemetry Reveals Limited Exchange of Walleye Between Lake Erie and Lake Huron: Movement of Two Populations Through the Huron-Erie Corridor Hayden, T. A. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Fielder, D. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2019 Journal Of Great Lakes Research Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 43.070769 -82.358697 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 492 41 78 56 Fish Huron
1734 Animal-Borne Telemetry: An Integral Component of the Ocean Observing Toolkit Harcourt, R. G. ; Sequeira, A. M. m. ; Zhang, X. ; Roquet, F. ; Komatsu, K. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Mcmahon, C. R. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Meekan, M. G. ; Carroll, G. ; Brodie, S. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Hindell, M. A. ; Jonsen, I. D. ; Costa, D. P. ; Block, B. A. ; Muelbert, M. ; Woodward, B. ; Weise, M. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Biuw, M. ; Boehme, L. ; Bograd, S. J. ; Cazau, D. ; Charrassin, J. B. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Cowley, P. D. ; De bruyn, P. J. n. ; Du dot, T. J. ; Duarte, C. M. ; Eguiluz, V. M. ; Ferreira, L. C. ; Fernandez-gracia, J. ; Goetz, K. ; Goto, Y. ; Guinet, C. ; Hammill, M. ; Hays, G. C. ; Hazen, E. L. ; Huckstadt, L. A. ; Huveneers, C. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Jaaman, S. A. ; Kittiwattanawong, K. ; Kovacs, K. M. ; Lydersen, C. ; Moltmann, T. ; Naruoka, M. ; Phillips, L. ; Picard, B. ; Queiroz, N. ; Reverdin, G. ; Sato, K. ; Sims, D. W. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Thums, M. ; Treasure, A. M. ; Trites, A. W. ; Williamss, G. D. ; Yonehara, Y. ; Fedak, M. A.. 2019 Frontiers In Marine Science Review paper None None None None None None No 10.3389/fmars.2019.00326
1710 Effects of Sound Exposure From a Seismic Airgun on Heart Rate, Acceleration and Depth Use in Free-Swimming Atlantic Cod and Saithe Davidsen, J. G. ; Dong, H. ; Linne, M. ; Andersson, M. H. ; Piper, A. T. ; Prystay, T. S. ; Hvam, E. B. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Sjursen, A. D. ; Ronning, L. ; Netland, T. C. ; Hawkins, A. D.. 2019 Conservation Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 63.149456 8.138432 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Gadus morhua Atlantic cod; Atlantic od Gadidae juvenile; adult 20 38 73 55 Fish ; No
1710 Effects of Sound Exposure From a Seismic Airgun on Heart Rate, Acceleration and Depth Use in Free-Swimming Atlantic Cod and Saithe Davidsen, J. G. ; Dong, H. ; Linne, M. ; Andersson, M. H. ; Piper, A. T. ; Prystay, T. S. ; Hvam, E. B. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Sjursen, A. D. ; Ronning, L. ; Netland, T. C. ; Hawkins, A. D.. 2019 Conservation Physiology Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Marine 63.149456 8.138432 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Pollachius virens Saithe; Wild saithe Gadidae juvenile; adult 11 35 71 43 Fish No
1690 Conducting and Interpreting Fish Telemetry Studies: Considerations for Researchers and Resource Managers Brownscombe, J. W. ; Ledee, E. J. i. ; Raby, G. D. ; Struthers, D. P. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Nguyen, V. M. ; Young, N. ; Stokesbury, M. J. w. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Brenden, T. O. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Whoriskey, K. ; Mills flemming, J. E. ; Kessel, S. T. ; Krueger, C. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2019 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-019-09560-4
1689 Environmental Drivers of Habitat Use by a Marine Fish on a Heterogeneous and Dynamic Reef Flat Brownscombe, J. W. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Gagne, T. O. ; Haak, C. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Finn, J. T. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2019 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.296922 -65.251299 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae juvenile; adult 29 41 63 53 Fish No
1687 Bridging the Knowledge-Action Gap: A Case of Research Rapidly Impacting Recreational Fisheries Policy Brownscombe, J. W. ; Adams, A. J. ; Young, N. ; Griffin, L. P. ; Holder, P. E. ; Hunt, J. ; Acosta, A. ; Morley, D. ; Boucek, R. E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2019 Marine Policy Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.021
1591 European Eel Anguilla Anguilla Compromise Speed for Safety in the Early Marine Spawning Migration Lennox, R. J. ; Okland, F. ; Mitamura, H. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Thorstad, E. B.. 2018 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Ecology Atlantic, Northeast Norway Freshwater Marine 60.07221 6.549732 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Anguilla anguilla European eel; Silver eel; European eels; European silver eel Anguillidae juvenile; adult 73 47 89 59 Fish No
1534 Population-Specific Mortality in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) Released From a Purse Seine Fishery Cook, K. V. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Drenner, S. M. ; Halfyard, E. A. ; Raby, G. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Ices Journal Of Marine Science Mortality/survival Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 48.29282 -123.971622 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon Salmonidae adult 80 None None None Fish No
1556 Keeping Up With the Silver King: Using Cooperative Acoustic Telemetry Networks to Quantify the Movements of Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) in the Coastal Waters of the Southeastern United States Griffin, L. P. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Adams, A. J. ; Boucek, R. E. ; Finn, J. T. ; Heithaus, M. R. ; Rehage, J. S. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2018 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 29.221938 -80.907541 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale ITAG ACT FACT Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon; Tarpon Megalopidae None 48 None None 134 Fish ; No
1560 Spawning Site Fidelity and Apparent Annual Survival of Walleye (Sander Vitreus) Differ Between a Lake Huron and Lake Erie Tributary Hayden, T. A. ; Binder, T. R. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Fielder, D. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2018 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 41.562874 -83.635826 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 492 49 62 56 Fish Erie
1585 Acoustic Telemetry Observation Systems: Challenges Encountered and Overcome in the Laurentian Great Lakes Krueger, C. C. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Binder, T. R. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Hayden, T. A. ; Hondorp, D. W. ; Nate, N. ; Paige, K. ; Riley, S. C. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None Great lakes (review) 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0406
1598 Temperature Regimes, Growth, and Food Consumption for Female and Male Adult Walleye in Lake Huron and Lake Erie: A Bioenergetics Analysis Madenjian, C. P. ; Hayden, T. A. ; Peat, T. B. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Fielder, D. G. ; Gorman, A. M. ; Pothoven, S. A. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Zhao, Y. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2018 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.222823 -83.118775 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 492 None None 58 Fish Huron
1603 Tracking Bowfin With Acoustic Telemetry: Insight Into the Ecology of a Living Fossil Midwood, J. D. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Hlevca, B. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.633137 -79.366638 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Amia calva Bowfin Amiidae juvenile; adult 10 56 72 63 Fish Ontario
1604 Intracoelomic Implantation of Transmitters in Longnose Gar Midwood, J. D. ; Reddick, D. T. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Boston, C. M. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Tagging effects America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.287941 -79.837279 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lepisosteus osseus Longnose gar Lepisosteidae adult 15 67 97 80 Fish Ontario
1627 Does Behavioural Thermoregulation Underlie Seasonal Movements in Lake Erie Walleye? Raby, G. D. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Hayden, T. A. ; Faust, M. D. ; Kraus, R. T. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Zhao, Y. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2018 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 41.703601 -82.660796 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 758 42 78 56 Fish Erie
1639 Fine-Scale Movement and Activity Patterns of Caribbean Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus Perezi) in the Bahamas Shipley, O. N. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; O'shea, O. R. ; Brooks, E. J.. 2018 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.827509 -76.353844 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark; Carribean reef shark; Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinidae adult 14 139 217 167 Sharks-Rays ; No
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 71 None None None Fish Ontario
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Ameiurus nebulosus Brown bullhead Ictaluridae adult 14 None None None Fish Ontario
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 47 None None None Fish Ontario
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 66 None None None Fish Ontario
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 11 None None None Fish Ontario
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Catostomus commersonii White sucker Catostomidae adult 10 None None None Fish Ontario
1651 Assessing Occupancy of Freshwater Fishes in Urban Boat Slips of Toronto Harbour Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2018 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.642636 -79.367932 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Perca flavescens Yellow perch Percidae adult 10 None None None Fish Ontario
1506 Do Intracoelomic Telemetry Transmitters Alter the Post-Release Behaviour of Migratory Fish? Wilson, A. D. m. ; Hayden, T. A. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Kraus, R. T. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2017 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Tagging effects America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater Marine 43.616304 -83.847167 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 492 None None 57 Fish Huron
1439 Envisioning the Future of Aquatic Animal Tracking: Technology, Science, and Application Lennox, R. J. ; Aarestrup, K. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Cowley, P. D. ; Deng, Z. D. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Holland, K. N. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Kessel, S. T. ; Kocik, J. F. ; Lucas, M. C. ; Mills flemming, J. E. ; Nguyen, V. M. ; Stokesbury, M. J. w. ; Vagle, S. ; Vanderzwaag, D. L. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Young, N. . 2017 Bioscience Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1093/biosci/bix098
1438 Pan-Holarctic Assessment of Post-Release Mortality of Angled Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Johansen, M. R. ; Kennedy, R. J. ; Richard, A. ; Svenning, M. A. ; Uglem, I. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Davis, C. R. ; Gargan, P. ; Hawkins, L. A. ; Havn, T. B.. 2017 Biological Conservation Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.01.022
1481 Estimating Incision Healing Rate for Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters From Recaptured Fish Schoonyan, A. ; Kraus, R. T. ; Faust, M. D. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Cook, H. A. ; Hayden, T. A. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2017 Animal Biotelemetry Tagging effects America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 43.384432 -83.976522 Small-Scale Neither GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 276 None None 58 Fish Huron
1480 Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Rous, A. M. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Sciscione, T. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.624211 -79.350591 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 17 55 97 81 Fish Ontario
1480 Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Rous, A. M. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Sciscione, T. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.624211 -79.350591 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Cyprinus carpio Common carp; Carp Cyprinidae adult 18 47 74 65 Fish Ontario
1480 Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Rous, A. M. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Sciscione, T. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.624211 -79.350591 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 18 30 53 47 Fish Ontario
1480 Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Rous, A. M. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Portiss, R. ; Sciscione, T. ; Wells, M. G. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Management Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.624211 -79.350591 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Perca flavescens Yellow perch Percidae adult 9 21 27 22 Fish Ontario
1464 To Share or Not to Share in the Emerging Era of Big Data: Perspectives From Fish Telemetry Researchers on Data Sharing Nguyen, V. M. ; Brooks, J. L. ; Young, N. ; Lennox, R. J. ; Haddaway, N. ; Whoriskey, F. G. ; Harcourt, R. G. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0261
1411 Partial Diel Migration: A Facultative Migration Underpinned by Long-Term Inter-Individual Variation Harrison, P. M. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Martins, E. G. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. . 2017 Journal Of Animal Ecology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.133333 -118.45 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lota lota Burbot Lotidae adult 75 44 72 55 Fish No
1409 Individual Isotopic Specializations Predict Subsequent Inter-Individual Variation in Movement in a Freshwater Fish Harrison, P. M. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Martins, E. G. ; Ward, T. D. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. . 2017 Ecology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.133333 -118.45 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lota lota Burbot Lotidae adult 75 44 72 55 Fish No
1407 Diel Habitat Use Patterns of a Marine Apex Predator (Tiger Shark, Galeocerdo Cuvier) at a High Use Area Exposed to Dive Tourism Cooke, S. J. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Gallagher, A. J. ; Matich, P. . 2017 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 27.065742 -79.138415 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae juvenile; adult 42 144 383 321 Sharks-Rays No
1387 Acoustic Telemetry and Fisheries Management Crossin, G. T. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. ; Nguyen, V. M. ; Raby, G. D. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Ecological Applications Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1002/eap.1533
1378 Spatiotemporal Drivers of Energy Expenditure in a Coastal Marine Fish Brownscombe, J. W. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2017 Oecologia Ecology Atlantic, Western Central USA Marine 18.2966 -65.25 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae juvenile; adult 10 32 53 42 Fish No
1377 Use of Fish Telemetry in Rehabilitation Planning, Management, and Monitoring in Areas of Concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes Brooks, J. L. ; Boston, C. M. ; Doka, S. ; Gorsky, D. ; Gustavson, K. ; Hondorp, D. W. ; Isermann, D. A. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Pratt, T. C. . ; Rous, A. M. ; Withers, J. L. ; Krueger, C. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Management Review paper None None None None None None Great lakes (review) 10.1007/s00267-017-0937-x
1491 Factors Influencing the Spatial Ecology of Lake Sturgeon and Walleye Within an Impounded Reach of the Winnipeg River Struthers, D. P. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Enders, E. C. ; Smokorowski, K. E. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Silva, A. T. ; Cvetkovic, M. ; Bibeau, E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.123596 -96.032663 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon Acipenseridae None 40 None None None Fish ; No
1491 Factors Influencing the Spatial Ecology of Lake Sturgeon and Walleye Within an Impounded Reach of the Winnipeg River Struthers, D. P. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Enders, E. C. ; Smokorowski, K. E. ; Watkinson, D. A. ; Silva, A. T. ; Cvetkovic, M. ; Bibeau, E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2017 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.123596 -96.032663 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae None 40 None None None Fish No
1289 Probability of Acoustic Transmitter Detections by Receiver Lines in Lake Huron: Results of Multi-Year Field Tests and Simulations Hayden, T. A. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Binder, T. R. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Krueger, C. C.. 2016 Animal Biotelemetry Range testing America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.089849 -83.571886 Small-Scale None Huron 10.1186/s40317-016-0112-9
1347 Pressure Sensor Calibrations of Acoustic Telemetry Transmitters Veilleux, M. A. n. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Webber, D. M. ; Binder, T. R. ; Blanchfield, P. J. ; Cruz-font, L. ; Wells, M. G. ; Larsen, M. H. ; Doka, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2016 Animal Biotelemetry Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1186/s40317-015-0093-0
1332 Comparative Thermal Biology and Depth Distribution of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) and Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in an Urban Harbour of the Laurentian Great Lakes Peat, T. B. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Doka, S. E. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Hlevca, B. ; Wells, M. G. ; Portiss, R. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2016 Canadian Journal Of Zoology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.627298 -79.353883 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox lucius Northern pike; Pike; European pike Esocidae adult 74 32 100 72 Fish Ontario
1332 Comparative Thermal Biology and Depth Distribution of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) and Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in an Urban Harbour of the Laurentian Great Lakes Peat, T. B. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Doka, S. E. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Lapointe, N. W. r. ; Hlevca, B. ; Wells, M. G. ; Portiss, R. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2016 Canadian Journal Of Zoology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 43.627298 -79.353883 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 83 27 53 41 Fish Ontario
1285 Temporal Plasticity in Thermal-Habitat Selection of Burbot Lota Lota a Diel-Migrating Winter-Specialist Patterson, D. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. ; Harrison, P. M. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Martins, E. G.. 2016 Journal Of Fish Biology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.109244 -118.507707 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lota lota Burbot Lotidae adult 75 45 64 51 Fish No
1263 Tracking Wild Sockeye Salmon Smolts to the Ocean Reveals Distinct Regions of Nocturnal Movement and High Mortality Clark, T. D. ; Furey, N. B. ; Rechisky, E. L. ; Gale, M. K. ; Jeffries, K. M. ; Porter, A. D. ; Casselman, M. T. ; Lotto, A. G. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Farrell, A. P. ; Welch, D. W. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2016 Ecological Applications Mortality/survival Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.778387 -124.770591 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN POST Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 1859 None None 12 Fish No
1203 Mechanisms to Explain Purse Seine Bycatch Mortality of Coho Salmon Raby, G. D. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Hills, J. A. ; Thompson, L. A. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2015 Ecological Applications Mortality/survival Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 48.220792 -123.531 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon Salmonidae adult 50 None None None Fish No
1195 Defining Adult Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) Movement Corridors Around Grand Bahama in the Bahamian Archipelago Murchie, K. J. ; Shultz, A. D. ; Stein, J. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Lewis, J. P. . ; Franklin, J. ; Vincent, G. ; Brooks, E. J. ; Claussen, J. E. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 26.649796 -78.317 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 30 45 67 54 Fish No
1179 Locomotor Activity Patterns of Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy) Assessed Using Tri-Axial Acceleration Sensing Acoustic Transmitters Landsman, S. J. ; Martins, E. G. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Suski, C. D. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2015 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 45.28946 -75.697966 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Esox masquinongy Muskellunge; Muskellenge Esocidae juvenile; adult 13 53 109 89 Fish No
2449 Seasonal Thermal Ecology of Adult Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Lake Huron and Lake Erie Peat, T. B. ; Hayden, T. A. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Fielder, D. G. ; Madenjian, C. P. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Krueger, C. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2015 Journal Of Thermal Biology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.072414 -83.39024 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 399 45 78 57 Fish Huron
1159 Personality-Dependent Spatial Ecology Occurs Independently From Dispersal in Wild Burbot (Lota Lota) Harrison, P. M. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Martins, E. G. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Power, M. . 2015 Behavioral Ecology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.133333 -118.45 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lota lota Burbot Lotidae adult 75 44 74 59 Fish No
998 Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Large-Scale Migration Patterns of Walleye in Lake Huron Hayden, T. A. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Fielder, D. G. ; Vandergoot, C. S. ; Bergstedt, R. A. ; Dettmers, J. M. ; Krueger, C. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2014 Plos One Ecology America, North - Inland Waters USA Freshwater 44.142664 -83.262185 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale GLATOS Sander vitreus Saugeye; Walleye Percidae adult 199 45 74 54 Fish Huron
989 Applying Network Methods to Acoustic Telemetry Data: Modeling the Movements of Tropical Marine Fishes Finn, J. T. ; Brownscombe, J. W. ; Haak, C. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Cormier, R. ; Gagne, T. O. ; Danylchuk, A. J.. 2014 Ecological Modelling Methodology/analysis None None None None None None None 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.12.014
974 Tracking Fitness in Marine Vertebrates: Current Knowledge and Opportunities for Future Research Crossin, G. T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Goldbogen, J. A. ; Phillips, R. A.. 2014 Marine Ecology Progress Series Review paper None None None None None None No 10.3354/meps10691
984 Making Connections in Aquatic Ecosystems With Acoustic Telemetry Monitoring Suski, C. D. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Donaldson, M. R. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2014 Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1890/130283
985 Variable Thermal Experience and Diel Thermal Patterns of Homing Sockeye Salmon in Coastal Marine Waters Drenner, S. M. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Martins, E. G. ; Robichaud, D. ; Thompson, L. A. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Thomson, R. E.. 2014 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.356849 -123.872427 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 2 None None None Fish No
1094 Coastal Marine and in-River Migration Behaviour of Adult Sockeye Salmon en Route to Spawning Grounds Wilson, S. M. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Drenner, S. M. ; Martins, E. G. ; Furey, N. B. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Welch, D. W. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2014 Marine Ecology Progress Series Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.156699 -122.954044 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 59 51 70 60 Fish No
1032 Behavioral Attributes of Turbine Entrainment Risk for Adult Resident Fish Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry and State-Space Modeling Martins, E. G. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Harrison, P. M. ; Mills flemming, J. E. ; Jonsen, I. D. ; Zhu, D. Z. ; Leake, A. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Power, M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2014 Animal Biotelemetry Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.128832 -118.466019 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Salvelinus confluentus Bull trout Salmonidae adult 85 53 84 65 Fish No
1045 Infectious Disease, Shifting Climates, and Opportunistic Predators: Cumulative Factors Potentially Impacting Wild Salmon Declines Cooke, S. J. ; Hipfner, J. M. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Miller, K. M. ; Teffer, A. ; Tucker, S. . ; Li, S. . ; Schulze, A. D. ; Trudel, M. ; Juanes, F. ; Tabata, A. ; Kaukinen, K. H. ; Ginther, N. G. ; Ming, T. J.. 2014 Evolutionary Applications Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/eva.12164
1015 A Review of Detection Range Testing in Aquatic Passive Acoustic Telemetry Studies Kessel, S. T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Heupel, M. R. ; Hussey, N. E. ; Simpfendorfer, C. A. ; Vagle, S. ; Fisk, A. T.. 2014 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-013-9328-4
878 Forebay Use and Entrainment Rates of Resident Adult Fish in a Large Hydropower Reservoir Martins, E. G. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Harrison, P. M. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Power, M. ; Zhu, D. Z. ; Leake, A. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2013 Aquatic Biology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.079004 -118.566333 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Lota lota Burbot Lotidae adult 75 42 97 56 Fish No
878 Forebay Use and Entrainment Rates of Resident Adult Fish in a Large Hydropower Reservoir Martins, E. G. ; Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Harrison, P. M. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Power, M. ; Zhu, D. Z. ; Leake, A. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2013 Aquatic Biology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.079004 -118.566333 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus confluentus Bull trout Salmonidae adult 187 35 88 59 Fish No
946 Does Uv Disinfection Compromise Sutures? An Evaluation of Tissue Response and Suture Retention in Salmon Surgically Implanted With Transmitters Walker, R. W. ; Brown, R. S. ; Deters, K. A. ; Eppard, M. B. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2013 Fisheries Research Tagging effects None USA Laboratory 46.345052 -119.279203 Small-Scale Neither NO Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon Salmonidae juvenile 80 10 12 11 Fish No
890 Movement Patterns of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) in Tidal Creeks and Coastal Waters of Eleuthera, the Bahamas Murchie, K. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2013 Fisheries Research Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.799747 -76.279554 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 47 40 57 49 Fish No
855 Diel Vertical Migration Hypotheses Explain Size-Dependent Behaviour in a Freshwater Piscivore Gutowsky, L. F. g. ; Harrison, P. M. ; Martins, E. G. ; Leake, A. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Power, M. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2013 Animal Behaviour Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 52.119514 -118.442305 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Salvelinus confluentus Bull trout Salmonidae juvenile; adult 187 35 88 59 Fish No
829 Tracking Animals in Freshwater With Electronic Tags : Past , Present and Future Cooke, S. J. ; Midwood, J. D. ; Thiem, J. D. ; Klimley, A. P. ; Lucas, M. C. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Eiler, J. H. ; Holbrook, C. M. ; Ebner, B. C.. 2013 Animal Biotelemetry Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1186/2050-3385-1-5
828 Intracoelomic Acoustic Tagging of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon: Swimming Performance, Survival, and Postsurgical Wound Healing in Freshwater and During a Transition to Seawater Collins, A. L. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Welch, D. W. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Clark, T. D.. 2013 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Tagging effects None Canada Laboratory 49.260495 -123.248449 Small-Scale Neither NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae juvenile 255 10 20 15 Fish No
801 Consequences of Incidental Otter Trawl Capture on Survival and Physiological Condition of Threatened Atlantic Sturgeon Beardsall, J. W. ; Mclean, M. F. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Wilson, B. C. ; Dadswell, M. J. ; Redden, A. M. ; Stokesbury, M. J. w.. 2013 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society Mortality/survival Atlantic, Northwest Canada Marine 45.274219 -64.311765 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale OTN Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon; Gulf sturgeon Acipenseridae juvenile; adult 34 None None 118 Fish ; No
765 Linking Ciguatera Poisoning to Spatial Ecology of Fish: A Novel Approach to Examining the Distribution of Biotoxin Levels in the Great Barracuda by Combining Non-Lethal Blood Sampling and Biotelemetry O'toole, A. C. ; Bottein, M. Y. d. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Ramsdell, J. S. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2012 Science Of The Total Environment Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.837943 -76.346115 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae adult 20 60 120 89 Fish No
728 A Synthesis of Tagging Studies Examining the Behaviour and Survival of Anadromous Salmonids in Marine Environments Drenner, S. M. ; Clark, T. D. ; Whitney, C. K. ; Martins, E. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2012 Plos One Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1371/journal.pone.0031311
727 Population-Specific Consequences of Fisheries-Related Stressors on Adult Sockeye Salmon Donaldson, M. R. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Raby, G. D. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Farrell, A. P. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2012 Physiological And Biochemical Zoology Mortality/survival America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 49.297244 -121.861023 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 116 None None 60 Fish No
690 Surgical Implantation Techniques for Electronic Tags in Fish Wagner, G. N. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Brown, R. S. ; Deters, K. A.. 2011 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-010-9191-5
674 Fishway Passage and Post-Passage Mortality of Up-River Migrating Sockeye Salmon in the Seton River, British Columbia Roscoe, D. W. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Patterson, D. A.. 2011 River Research And Applications Mortality/survival America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.710891 -122.264106 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 88 None None 59 Fish No
666 Spatial Ecology and Residency Patterns of Adult Great Barracuda (Sphyraena Barracuda) in Coastal Waters of the Bahamas O'toole, A. C. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P. ; Brooks, E. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2011 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.838077 -76.34097 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae adult 42 60 125 88 Fish No
662 Thermal Biology of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) in Bahamian Coastal Waters and Tidal Creeks: An Integrated Laboratory and Field Study Murchie, K. J. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2011 Journal Of Thermal Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.797747 -76.27875 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 47 None None 49 Fish No
619 Advancing the Surgical Implantation of Electronic Tags in Fish: A Gap Analysis and Research Agenda Based on a Review of Trends in Intracoelomic Tagging Effects Studies Cooke, S. J. ; Woodley, C. M. ; Eppard, M. B. ; Brown, R. S. ; Nielsen, J. L.. 2011 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-010-9193-3
618 Ocean Tracking Network Canada: A Network Approach to Addressing Critical Issues in Fisheries and Resource Management With Implications for Ocean Governance Cooke, S. J. ; Iverson, S. J. ; Stokesbury, M. J. w. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Fisk, A. T. ; Vanderzwaag, D. L. ; Apostle, R. ; Whoriskey, F. G.. 2011 Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1080/03632415.2011.633464
622 Aggregations and Offshore Movements as Indicators of Spawning Activity of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) in the Bahamas Cooke, S. J. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Shultz, A. D. ; Haak, C. R. ; Brooks, E. J. ; Oronti, A. ; Koppelman, J. B. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2011 Marine Biology Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.835863 -76.346564 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae adult 68 44 60 50 Fish No
609 An Introduction to the Practical and Ethical Perspectives on the Need to Advance and Standardize the Intracoelomic Surgical Implantation of Electronic Tags in Fish Brown, R. S. ; Eppard, M. B. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Nielsen, J. L. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2011 Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1007/s11160-010-9183-5
579 Seasonal Carryover Effects Following the Administration of Cortisol to a Wild Teleost Fish O'connor, C. M. ; Gilmour, K. M. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Philipp, D. P. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2010 Physiological And Biochemical Zoology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.52849 -76.381914 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 25 None None None Fish No
588 Behaviour and Thermal Experience of Adult Sockeye Salmon Migrating Through Stratified Lakes Near Spawning Grounds: The Roles of Reproductive and Energetic States Cooke, S. J. ; Roscoe, D. W. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Patterson, D. A.. 2010 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 50.695549 -122.316312 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 87 None None None Fish No
580 Locomotory Activity and Depth Distribution of Adult Great Barracuda (Sphyraena Barracuda) in Bahamian Coastal Habitats Determined Using Acceleration and Pressure Biotelemetry Transmitters O'toole, A. C. ; Murchie, K. J. ; Pullen, C. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Suski, C. D. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2010 Marine And Freshwater Research Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.835822 -76.328044 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae adult 13 62 120 84 Fish No
578 Spatial Ecology of Juvenile Lemon Sharks (Negaprion Brevirostris) in Tidal Creeks and Coastal Waters of Eleuthera, the Bahamas Murchie, K. J. ; Schwager, E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2010 Environmental Biology Of Fishes Ecology Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.801104 -76.279221 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark Carcharhinidae juvenile 11 54 95 76 Sharks-Rays ; No
560 Stability of Swimming Performance and Activity Hierarchies Among Wild Largemouth Bass at Multiple Temporal Scales: Evidence for Context-Dependent Shuffling Between Seasons Hanson, K. C. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Donaldson, M. R. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2010 Canadian Journal Of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.52831 -76.381438 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 30 None None 39 Fish No
468 Long-Term Effects of Surgically Implanted Telemetry Tags on the Nutritional Physiology and Condition of Wild Freshwater Fish Caputo, M. ; O'connor, C. M. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2009 Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms Tagging effects America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 48.717399 -92.112625 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 68 None None None Fish No
475 Physiological Profiles of Sockeye Salmon in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean and the Effects of Exogenous GNRH and Testosterone on Rates of Homeward Migration Crossin, G. T. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Welch, D. W. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Hills, J. A. ; Zohar, Y. ; Klenke, U. ; Jacobs, M. C. ; Pon, L. B. ; Winchell, P. M. ; Farrell, A. P.. 2009 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Marine 48.246985 -123.92117 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 196 None None None Fish No
418 Enhancing Catch-and-Release Science With Biotelemetry Donaldson, M. R. ; Arlinghaus, R. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2008 Fish And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2007.00265.x
421 Intersexual Variation in the Seasonal Behaviour and Depth Distribution of a Freshwater Temperate Fish, the Largemouth Bass Hanson, K. C. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2008 Canadian Journal Of Zoology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.529051 -76.383498 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 20 None None None Fish No
420 Effects of Lunar Cycles on the Activity Patterns and Depth Use of a Temperate Sport Fish, the Largemouth Bass, Micropterus Salmoides Hanson, K. C. ; Arrosa, S. ; Hasler, C. T. ; Suski, C. D. ; Philipp, D. P. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Cooke, S. J.. 2008 Fisheries Management And Ecology Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.529051 -76.383498 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae adult 22 None None 40 Fish No
411 Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Fish Migrations by Linking Telemetry With Physiology, Behavior, Genomics and Experimental Biology: An Interdisciplinary Case Study on Adult Fraser River Sockeys Salmon Cooke, S. J. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Farrell, A. P. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Miller-saunders, K. ; Welch, D. W. ; Donaldson, M. R. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Crossin, G. T. ; Mathes, M. T. ; Lotto, A. G. ; Hruska, K. A. ; Olsson, I. C. ; Wagner, G. N. ; Thomson, R. E. ; Hourston, R. ; English, K. K. ; Larsson, S. ; Shrimpton, J. M. ; Der kraak, G. . 2008 Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1577/1548-8446-33.7.321
413 Exposure to High Temperature Influences the Behaviour, Physiology, and Survival of Sockeye Salmon During Spawning Migration Crossin, G. T. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Welch, D. W. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Jones, S. R. m. ; Lotto, A. G. ; Leggatt, R. A. ; Mathes, M. T. ; Shrimpton, J. M. ; Der kraak, G. ; Farrell, A. P.. 2008 Canadian Journal Of Zoology Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.307206 -121.917602 Large-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 100 None None None Fish No
368 Frequency, Composition and Stability of Associations Among Individual Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) at Diel, Daily and Seasonal Scales Hasler, C. T. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Tinline, R. ; Suski, C. D. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Phelan, F. J. s. ; Philipps, D. P.. 2007 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.528377 -76.381989 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 20 None None None Fish No
356 Behaviour and Physiology of Sockeye Salmon Homing Through Coastal Waters to a Natal River Crossin, G. T. ; Hinch, S. G. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Welch, D. W. ; Batten, S. D. ; Patterson, D. A. ; Van der kraak, G. ; Shrimpton, J. M. ; Farrell, A. P.. 2007 Marine Biology Ecology Pacific, Northeast Canada Freshwater Marine 49.169164 -123.281122 Small-Scale Stationary Broad-scale NO Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon; Kokanee Salmonidae adult 178 None None None Fish No
359 Post-Release Mortality of Bonefish, Albula Vulpes, Exposed to Different Handling Practices During Catch-and-Release Angling in Eleuthera, the Bahamas Danylchuk, A. J. ; Danylchuk, S. E. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Goldberg, T. L. ; Koppelman, J. B. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2007 Fisheries Management And Ecology Mortality/survival Atlantic, Western Central Bahamas Marine 24.811593 -76.304376 Small-Scale Mobile Broad-scale NO Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae None 12 None None 47 Fish No
367 Assessment of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) Behaviour and Activity at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales Utilizing a Whole-Lake Telemetry Array Hanson, K. C. ; Cooke, S. J. ; Suski, C. D. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Phelan, F. J. s. ; Tinline, R. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2007 Hydrobiologia Ecology America, North - Inland Waters Canada Freshwater 44.528377 -76.381989 Small-Scale Stationary Fine-scale NO Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Centrarchidae None 20 None None None Fish No
283 Use of Cdma Acoustic Telemetry to Document 3-D Positions of Fish: Relevance to the Design and Monitoring of Aquatic Protected Areas Cooke, S. J. ; Niezgoda, G. H. ; Hanson, K. C. ; Suski, C. D. ; Phelan, F. J. s. ; Tinline, R. ; Philipp, D. P.. 2005 Marine Technology Society Journal Technology None None None None None None None 10.4031/002533205787521659
262 Activity and Energetics of Free-Swimming Fish: Insights From Electromyogram Telemetry Cooke, S. J. ; Thorstad, E. B. ; Hinch, S. G.. 2004 Fish And Fisheries Review paper None None None None None None No 10.1111/j.1467-2960.2004.00136.x