
Title Authors Journal Year
Estimating Predation Rates of Stocked Juvenile Chinook Salmon Using Novel Acoustic Predation Transmitters Gravenhof, D. Wuellner, M. R. Renner, E. A. Fincel, M. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2024
Assessing Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) Occupancy and Detection Probability Within Lake Erie From Environmental Dna Bopp, J. J. Nathan, L. R. Robinson, J. D. . Kanefsky, J. Scribner, K. T. Herbst, S. J. Robinson, K. F. Management Of Biological Invasions 2024
Variability in Estuarine Habitat Use of a Threatened Species in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Coastal Restoration Brogdon, J. N. Baer, A. Constant, G. Glaspie, C. N. Miner, M. D. Georgiou, I. Y. Dance, M. A. Global Ecology And Conservation 2024
Quantifying Seasonal Variations in Space Use Within the Home Range of Burbot Robinson, T. J. Hafs, A. W. Fisher, S. J. Ueland, J. S. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2024
What Controls Home Range Relocations by Estuarine Fishes Downstream From Watersheds With Altered Freshwater Flow? Kendall, M. S. Siceloff, L. O'donnell, P. M. Jessen, B. Williams, B. L. Winship, A. J. Ellis, R. D. d. Hydrobiologia 2024
Artificial Structure Selection by Economically Important Reef Fishes at North Carolina Artificial Reefs Tharp, R. M. Hostetter, N. J. Paxton, A. B. Taylor, J. C. Buckel, J. A. Frontiers In Marine Science 2024
On the Survival and Habitat Use of Hatchery-Reared Cisco ( Coregonus Artedi ) in Lake Erie Kraus, R. T. Markham, J. Robinson, J. Macdougall, T. Faust, M. D. Schmitt, J. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Mckenna, J. E. Gorsky, D. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2024
Monitoring Post-Spawning Movement, Habitat Use, and Survival of Adult Anadromous Rainbow Smelt Using Acoustic Telemetry in a New Hampshire Estuary Pearson, C. F. Hammer, L. J. Eberhardt, A. L. Kenter, L. W. Berlinsky, D. L. Costello, W. J. Hermann, N. T. Caldwell, A. Burke, E. A. Walther, B. D. Furey, N. B. Journal Of Fish Biology 2024
Spatial Ecology and Thermal Preferences of Muskellunge Within a Midwest Impoundment Bieber, J. F. Suski, C. D. Aquaculture, Fish And Fisheries 2024
Depredation Rates and Spatial Overlap Between Great Hammerheads and Tarpon in a Recreational Fishing Hot Spot Casselberry, G. A. Skomal, G. B. Griffin, L. P. Brownscombe, J. W. Dello russo, J. Filous, A. Holder, P. E. Morgan, C. Kneebone, J. Adams, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2024
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Juvenile Gulf Sturgeon in the Pearl River, Louisiana, and Adjacent Estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico Baer, A. Constant, G. Kimmel, K. D. Dance, M. A. Brogdon, J. N. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2024
Estimating Internal Transmitter and External Tag Retention by Walleye in the Laurentian Great Lakes Over Multiple Years Colborne, S. F. Faust, M. D. Brenden, T. O. Hayden, T. A. Robinson, J. M. . Macdougall, T. Cook, H. A. Isermann, D. A. Dembkowski, D. J. Haffley, M. Vandergoot, C. S. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2024
Development of Optimal Methods for Collection, Transportation, Holding, Handling, and Tagging of Juvenile American Shad Deters, K. A. Mueller, R. P. Liss, S. A. Janak, J. M. Li, H. Martinez, J. J. Harnish, R. A. Lu, J. Deng, Z. D. Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries 2024
Survival Implications of Diversion Entrainment for Out-Migrating Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Kock, T. J. Evans, S. D. . Perry, R. W. Monk, P. A. Porter, M. S. Hansen, A. C. Pope, A. C. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2024
Spawning Run Estimates and Phenology for an Extremely Small Population of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Marshyhope Creek-Nanticoke River System, Chesapeake Bay Coleman, N. Fox, D. A. Horne, A. Hostetter, N. J. Madsen, J. A. O'brien, M. H. p. Park, I. A. Stence, C. Secor, D. H. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2024
Movements of Anadromous Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus Clarkii Clarkii) in Puget Sound, Washington, Usa Quinn, T. P. Arostegui, M. C. Ellings, C. S. Goetz, F. A. Losee, J. P. Smith, J. M. Zaniewski, S. R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2024
An Eulerian Perspective on Habitat Models of Striped Bass Occurrence in an Offshore Wind Development Area Rothermel, E. R. O'brien, M. H. p. Best, J. E. Fox, D. A. Gahagan, B. I. Higgs, A. L. Park, I. A. Wippelhauser, G. S. Secor, D. H. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2024
The Influence of Micro-Scale Thermal Habitat on the Movements of Juvenile White Sharks in Their Southern California Aggregation Sites Spurgeon, E. Thompson, M. Alexander, M. D. Anderson, J. M. Rex, P. T. Stirling, B. S. Abbott, K. Lowe, C. G. Frontiers In Marine Science 2024
Spatial Distribution and Movement of Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Stephens, S. Dance, M. A. Sluis, M. Z. Kline, R. J. Streich, M. K. Stunz, G. W. Adams, A. J. Wells, R. J. d. Rooker, J. R. Plos One 2024
Evaluation of Survival Estimates Generated From Tracking Downstream Migrating Juvenile Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon Marinus) With a Miniature Acoustic Telemetry Tag Haas, T. F. Brenden, T. O. Deng, Z. D. Wagner, C. M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2024
Spatiotemporal Patterns in Habitat Use of Natal and Non-Natal Adult Atlantic Sturgeon in Two Spawning Rivers White, S. Breece, M. W. Fox, D. A. Kazyak, D. C. Higgs, A. L. Park, I. A. Busch, C. Lubinski, B. Johnson, R. L. . Welsh, A. B. Animal Biotelemetry 2024
Habitat Selection by Lake Trout at Reefs Near Drummond Island, Lake Huron: An Evaluation of Physical Characteristics Used for Spawning Farha, S. A. Binder, T. R. Hayes, D. B. Bronte, C. R. Janssen, J. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2024
Drivers and Timing of Grass Carp Movement Within the Sandusky River, Ohio: Implications to Potential Spawning Barrier Response Strategy Bopp, J. J. Brenden, T. O. Faust, M. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Kraus, R. T. Roberts, J. J. Nathan, L. R. Biological Invasions 2023
Spatiotemporal Segregation by Migratory Phenotype Indicates Potential for Assortative Mating in Lake Sturgeon Buchinger, T. J. Hondorp, D. W. Krueger, C. C. Oecologia 2023
Intra-Specific Variation in Responses to Habitat Restoration: Could Artificial Reefs Increase Spatiotemporal Segregation Between Migratory Phenotypes of Lake Sturgeon? Buchinger, T. J. Hondorp, D. W. Krueger, C. C. Ecological Indicators 2023
Evaluation of Double Acoustic Tagging Techniques to Track American Shad Alosa Sapidissima Movements at Multiple Spatial Scales Bunch, A. J. Henne, J. P. Devries, D. R. Wright, R. A. Smith, D. L. Farmer, T. M. Fisheries Research 2023
Visitation Patterns of Two Ray Mesopredators at Shellfish Aquaculture Leases in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida Cahill, B. V. Degroot, B. C. Brewster, L. Lombardo, S. M. Bangley, C. W. Ogburn, M. B. Ajemian, M. J. Plos One 2023
Evaluation of Healing Progression at Surgical Incision Sites and the Use of Antiseptics for Enhancing Post-Operative Survival in Subyearling Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Cameron, A. S. Rub, A. M. w. Sandford, B. P. Plos One 2023
Receiver Mount Design, Transmitter Depth, and Wind Speed Affect Detection Probability of Acoustic Telemetry Transmitters in a Missouri River Tributary Carlson, T. L. Labrie, L. A. p. Wesner, J. S. Chipps, S. R. Coulter, A. A. Schall, B. J. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Detection Efficiency of an Autonomous Underwater Glider Carrying an Integrated Acoustic Receiver for Acoustically Tagged Pacific Herring Cypher, A. D. Statscewich, H. Campbell, R. Danielson, S. L. Eiler, J. H. Bishop, M. A. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2023
Searching for Oxygen: Dynamic Movement Responses of Juvenile Spot (Leiostomus Xanthurus) in an Intermittently Hypoxic Estuary Craig, J. K. Huebert, K. B. Rose, K. A. Rice, J. A. Brady, D. C. Estuaries And Coasts 2023
Assessing the Effects of Physical Barriers and Hypoxia on Red Drum Movement Patterns to Develop More Effective Management Strategies Baker, S. M. Reyier, E. A. Ahr, B. J. Cook, G. S. Fishes 2023
Seasonal Migration Cues Differ for Dual-Spawning Atlantic Sturgeon in the Great Pee Dee River Denison, C. D. Cottrell, A. Farmer, T. M. Fox, D. A. Hood, D. M. Post, W. C. Sorg, G. Waldrop, E. Peoples, B. K. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2023
Spawning Migrations of the Atlantic Goliath Grouper Along the Florida Atlantic Coast Ellis, R. D. Koenig, C. C. Locascio, J. V. Malinowski, C. R. Coleman, F. C. Fishes 2023
Predator Telemetry Informs Temporal and Spatial Overlap With Stocked Salmonids in Lake Huron Fielder, D. G. Hayden, T. A. Binder, T. R. Dorr, B. S. Currier, H. A. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Seasonal Spatial Ecology of Lake Trout in Lake Erie Funnell, T. R. Brenden, T. O. Kraus, R. T. Macdougall, T. Markham, J. Murray, C. Robinson, J. Vandergoot, C. S. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2023
Characterization of Acoustic Detection Efficiency Using an Unmanned Surface Vessel as a Mobile Receiver Platform Gaskell, E. M. Funnell, T. R. Holbrook, C. M. Hondorp, D. W. Tan, X. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Migration, Aggregation, and Philopatry of Two Nearshore Elasmobranch Species in the Southern California Bight Gong, A. Y. Nosal, A. P. Cartamil, D. P. Anderson, J. M. Bellquist, L. F. Ben-aderet, N. J. Blincow, K. M. Burns, E. S. Caldow, C. Freedman, R. M. Logan, R. K. Lowe, C. G. Semmens, B. X. Stirling, B. S. White, C. F. Hastings, P. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Seasonal Habitat Utilization Provides Evidence for Site Fidelity During Both Spawn and Non-Spawning Seasons in Lake Ontario Cisco Coregonus Artedi Gatch, A. J. Gorsky, D. Weidel, B. C. Biesinger, Z. F. Connerton, M. J. Davis, C. R. Lachance, H. O'malley, B. P. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
Individual Variation and Repeatability of Atlantic Tarpon Megalops Atlanticus Migrations in the Southern Us: Implications for Conservation and Management Griffin, L. P. Brownscombe, J. W. Adams, A. J. Wilson, J. K. Casselberry, G. A. Holder, P. E. Filous, A. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Cooke, S. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Marine Biology 2023
Survival, Healing, and Swim Performance of Juvenile Migratory Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon Marinus) Implanted With a New Acoustic Microtransmitter Designed for Small Eel-Like Fishes Haas, T. F. Castro-santos, T. Miehls, S. M. Deng, Z. D. Bruning, T. Wagner, C. M. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Are Smallmouth Bass More Mobile in Large Lakes Than Once Thought? Slagle, Z. J. Faust, M. D. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
Factors Affecting Powerhouse Passage of Spring Migrant Smolts at Federally Operated Hydroelectric Dams of the Snake and Columbia Rivers Harnish, R. A. Ham, K. Skalski, J. R. Townsend, R. L. Buchanan, R. A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2023
Movement Ecology of Diploid and Triploid Grass Carp in a Large Reservoir and Upstream Tributaries Hessler, T. M. Chapman, D. C. Paukert, C. P. Jolley, J. C. Byrne, M. E. Plos One 2023
Spawning Locations, Movements, and Potential for Stock Mixing of Walleye in Green Bay, Lake Michigan Izzo, L. K. Dembkowski, D. J. Hayden, T. A. Binder, T. R. Vandergoot, C. S. Hogler, S. Donofrio, M. C. Zorn, T. Krueger, C. C. Isermann, D. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2023
A Pilot Study on Surgical Implantation and Efficacy of Acoustic Transmitters in Fifteen Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta), 2021-2022 Innis, C. J. Kennedy, A. Kneebone, J. Perez, S. Lory, L. Dicarlo, S. Brugnara, A. Luise, K. Edmunds, D. Sinnigen, C. Tims, M. B. Nahvi, N. Jones, E. . Joblon, M. Tuxbury, K. Burgess, E. Zhou, V. Fischer, N. Dodge, K. L. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Population and Sex-Specific Survival Estimates for Atlantic Sturgeon: Addressing Detection Probability and Tag Loss Kahn, J. E. Hager, C. H. Watterson, J. C. Mathies, N. H. Deacy, A. Hartman, K. J. Aquatic Biology 2023
Arrival and Departure Windows of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus) in Chesapeake Bay in Virginia Kahn, J. E. Hager, C. H. Breault, D. K. Watterson, J. C. Fishery Bulletin 2023
Connectivity Between White Shark Populations Off Central California, Usa and Guadalupe Island, Mexico Kanive, P. E. Rotella, J. J. Chapple, T. K. Anderson, S. D. Hoyos-padilla, E. M. Klimley, A. P. Galvan-magana, F. Andrzejaczek, S. Block, B. A. Jorgensen, S. J. Frontiers In Marine Science 2023
Habitat Selection of a Migratory Freshwater Fish in Response to Seasonal Hypoxia as Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Kraus, R. T. Cook, H. A. Faust, M. D. Schmitt, J. D. Rowe, M. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
Bonefish Do Not Respect International Borders: The Florida-Bahamas Connection Larkin, M. F. Kroetz, A. M. Boucek, R. E. Marine Biology 2023
Environmental Factors Influencing Detection Efficiency of an Acoustic Telemetry Array and Consequences for Data Interpretation Long, M. Jordaan, A. Castro-santos, T. Animal Biotelemetry 2023
Dams Facilitate Predation During Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Smolt Migration Mensinger, M. A. Hawkes, J. P. Goulette, G. S. Mortelliti, A. Blomberg, E. J. Zydlewski, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2023
Acoustic Telemetry Provides Insights for Improving Conservation and Management at a Spawning Aggregation Site of the Endangered Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus Striatus) Nemeth, R. S. Kadison, E. A. Jossart, J. Shivji, M. S. Wetherbee, B. M. Matley, J. K. Frontiers In Marine Science 2023
Movement and Behavioral States of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) in Response to a Behavioral Deterrent in a Navigational Lock Raboin, M. Plumb, J. M. Sholtis, M. D. Smith, D. L. Jackson, P. R. Rivera, J. M. Suski, C. D. Cupp, A. R. Movement Ecology 2023
Initial Insights on the Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan Reed, K. M. Izzo, L. K. Binder, T. R. Hayden, T. A. Dembkowski, D. J. Hansen, S. Caroffino, D. Vandergoot, C. S. Krueger, C. C. Isermann, D. A. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
Sharks Associated With a Large Sand Shoal Complex: Community Insights From Longline and Acoustic Telemetry Surveys Reyier, E. A. Ahr, B. J. Iafrate, J. D. Scheidt, D. M. Lowers, R. H. Watwood, S. L. Back, B. Plos One 2023
Residency and Fine-Scale Habitat Use of Juvenile Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus Itajara) in a Mangrove Nursery Rodemann, J. R. James, W. R. Rehage, J. S. Baktoft, H. Costa, S. V. Ellis, R. D. Gonzalez, L. Santos, R. O. Bulletin Of Marine Science 2023
Does Hatchery Rearing of Lake Trout Affect Their Reproductive Behavior in the Wild? Binder, T. R. Holbrook, C. M. Bronte, C. R. He, J. X. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2023
Effects of Rapid Thermal Cycling (Cold Shock) on Fish Health: Evidence From Controlled Laboratory Experiments, Behavior, and Telemetry Schoenfuss, H. L. Roos, J. D. Loes, T. G. Schmidt, B. E. Bartell, S. E. Water 2023
Estuarine-Coastal Connectivity and Partial Migration of Southern Flounder in the Gulf of Mexico Steffen, C. Stephens, S. Dance, M. A. Lippi, D. L. Jensen, C. C. Wells, R. J. d. Rooker, J. R. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2023
Movement of Paddlefish Once Past a Lock-and-Dam Structure on the Alabama River Thomas, B. D. Devries, D. R. Wright, R. A. Catalano, M. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2023
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Nassau Grouper Fish Spawning Aggregation Located on an Isolated Seamount in Puerto Rico Tuohy, E. Scharer-umpierre, M. Penrod, L. Appeldoorn, R. S. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2023
Spatial Ecology of the Giant Sea Bass, Stereolepis Gigas, in a Southern California Kelp Forest as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Blincow, K. M. Elstner, J. T. Ben-aderet, N. J. Bellquist, L. F. Nosal, A. P. Semmens, B. X. Peerj 2023
Home Range, Space Use, and Vertical Distribution of Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus Striatus) During Non-Spawning Times in Western Puerto Rico Tuohy, E. Scharer-umpierre, M. Penrod, L. Appeldoorn, R. S. Frontiers In Marine Science 2023
Assessment of Potential Impact of Magnetic Fields From a Subsea High-Voltage Dc Power Cable on Migrating Green Sturgeon, Acipenser Medirostris Wyman, M. T. Kavet, R. Battleson, R. D. Agosta, T. V. Chapman, E. D. Haverkamp, P. J. Pagel, M. D. Klimley, A. P. Marine Biology 2023
Catch-and-Release Angling Effects on Lake Sturgeon in Wisconsin, Usa Shaw, S. L. Lawson, Z. Gerbyshak, J. Nye, N. Donofrio, M. C. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2023
Tidal and Diel Effects on the Movement and Space Use of Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus Leucas) and Bonnetheads (Sphyrna Tiburo) in a Florida Estuary Dawdy, A. M. Peterson, C. T. Keller, B. A. Grubbs, R. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Evaluation of Factors Contributing to Postrelease Mortality of Greater Amberjack (Seriola Dumerili) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico With Depth and Acceleration Data From Acoustic Tags Boyle, K. S. Hightower, C. L. Powers, S. P. Fishery Bulletin 2022
A Subdermal Tagging Technique for Juvenile Sturgeon Using a New Self-Powered Acoustic Tag Liss, S. A. Li, H. Deng, Z. D. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
Multi-Year Assessment of Immature Bull Shark Carcharhinus Leucas Residency and Activity Spaces in an Expansive Estuarine Nursery Edwards, M. L. Mccallister, M. P. Brewster, L. Bangley, C. W. Curtis, T. H. Ogburn, M. B. Ajemian, M. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022
Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Permit (Trachinotus Falcatus) Habitat Residency in the Florida Keys, Usa Brownscombe, J. W. Griffin, L. P. Morley, D. Acosta, A. Boucek, R. E. Adams, A. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Application of Telemetry and Stable Isotope Analyses to Inform the Resource Ecology and Management of a Marine Fish Brownscombe, J. W. Shipley, O. N. Griffin, L. P. Morley, D. Acosta, A. Adams, A. J. Boucek, R. E. Danylchuk, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Power, M. Journal Of Applied Ecology 2022
Understanding Salmon Migration Dynamics in a Data-Limited Environment Buchanan, R. A. Whitlock, S. L. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
Local Diversity in Phenological Responses of Migratory Lake Sturgeon to Warm Winters Buchinger, T. J. Hondorp, D. W. Krueger, C. C. Oikos 2022
A Bayesian Multistate Approach to Evaluate Movements of an Invasive Freshwater Estuarine-Opportunist Bunch, A. J. Hershey, H. Reger, G. R. Hoogakker, F. J. Donovan, B. Farmer, T. M. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Seasonal Estuarine Movements of Green Crabs Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Zarrella-smith, K. A. Woodall, J. N. Ryan, A. Furey, N. B. Goldstein, J. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022
Hydrological and Lock Operation Conditions Associated With Paddlefish and Bigheaded Carp Dam Passage on a Large and Small Scale in the Upper Mississippi River (Pools 14-18) Turney, D. D. Fritts, A. K. Knights, B. C. Vallazza, J. M. Appel, D. S. Lamer, J. T. Peerj 2022
Identification of High-Occupancy Areas and Movement Dynamics of Age-0 Lake Sturgeon in the Lower Fox River, Wisconsin Tucker, S. . Houghton, C. J. Harris, B. S. Elliott, R. F. Donofrio, M. C. Forsythe, P. S. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2022
Movement Patterns of Juvenile Green Sturgeon (Acipenser Medirostris) in the San Francisco Bay Estuary Thomas, M. J. Rypel, A. L. Singer, G. P. Klimley, A. P. Pagel, M. D. Chapman, E. D. Fangue, N. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Combination of Acoustic Telemetry and Side-Scan Sonar Advances Suppression Efforts for Invasive Lake Trout in a Submontane Lake Siemiantkowski, M. J. Guy, C. S. Koel, T. M. Tronstad, L. M. Fredenberg, C. R. Rosenthal, L. R. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
The Sociality of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Sharks in an Estuarine Environment Roose, R. Oliver, M. J. Haulsee, D. E. Breece, M. W. Carlisle, A. B. Fox, D. A. Animal Behaviour 2022
Predation on Planted and Wild Bay Scallops (Argopecten Irradians Irradians) by Busyconine Whelks: Studies of Behavior Incorporating Acoustic Telemetry Sclafani, M. Bopp, J. J. Havelin, J. Humphrey, C. Hughes, S. W. t. Eddings, J. Tettelbach, S. T. Marine Biology 2022
Evaluation of Six Methods for External Attachment of Electronic Tags to Fish: Assessment of Tag Retention, Growth and Fish Welfare Runde, B. J. Buckel, J. A. Bacheler, N. M. Tharp, R. M. Rudershausen, P. J. Harms, C. A. Ben-horin, T. Journal Of Fish Biology 2022
Postrelease Survival and Migration Behavior of Adult Walleye Following Intracoelomic Transmitter Implantation Using Two Methods of Electro-Immobilization Reid, C. H. Faust, M. D. Raby, G. D. Brenden, T. O. Cooke, S. J. Vandergoot, C. S. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2022
Untangling Flow-Ecology Relationships: Effects of Seasonal Stage Variation on Common Snook Aggregation and Movement Rates in the Everglades Rehage, J. S. Boucek, R. E. Santos, R. O. Massie, J. A. Viadero, N. M. Rezek, R. J. Estuaries And Coasts 2022
Temporal and Spatial Relationships of Yellowfin Tuna to Deepwater Petroleum Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Price, M. E. Randall, M. T. Sulak, K. J. Edwards, R. E. Lamont, M. M. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2022
Long-Term Use of a Shark Breeding Ground: Three Decades of Mating Site Fidelity in the Nurse Shark, Ginglymostoma Cirratum Pratt, H. L. Pratt, T. C. . Knotek, R. J. Carrier, J. C. Whitney, N. M. Plos One 2022
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Targeted Supplemental Stocking Using a Multistate Capture-Recapture Model Oliver, D. C. Mann, R. D. Aymami, C. G. Avenetti, L. D. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
Detecting Acoustically Tagged Green Sturgeon in the Northeast Pacific Ocean Moser, M. L. Erickson, D. L. Corbett, S. C. Barth, J. A. Erofeev, A. Pierce, S. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Coastal Infrastructure Alters Behavior and Increases Predation Mortality of Threatened Puget Sound Steelhead Smolts Moore, M. E. Berejikian, B. A. Ecosphere 2022
Effects of Dam-Induced Delays on System-Wide Survival of Atlantic Salmon Smolts During High-Flow, High-Survival Years in the Penobscot River, Maine, Usa Molina-moctezuma, A. Stich, D. S. Zydlewski, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Mortality Estimates for Gray Triggerfish (Balistes Capriscus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Based on Acoustic Telemetry Mckinzie, M. K. Szedlmayer, S. T. Fishery Bulletin 2022
Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Angling Stress on Kelp Bass, an Important Game Fish in Southern California Mcgarigal, C. R. Lowe, C. G. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2022
Primed and Cued: Long-Term Acoustic Telemetry Links Interannual and Seasonal Variations in Freshwater Flows to the Spawning Migrations of Common Snook in the Florida Everglades Massie, J. A. Santos, R. O. Rezek, R. J. James, W. R. Viadero, N. M. Boucek, R. E. Blewett, D. A. Trotter, A. A. Stevens, P. W. Rehage, J. S. Movement Ecology 2022
Seasonal Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of Sub-Adult Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis in a Highly Managed and Tidally Influenced Pacific Coast Watershed Le doux-bloom, C. M. Lane, R. S. Christian, G. J. Masatani, C. A. Hemmert, J. E. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Movement Patterns and Residency of Bull Sharks, Carcharhinus Leucas, in a Marine Protected Area of the Gulf of California Lara, F. Hoyos-padilla, E. M. Klimley, A. P. Grau, M. Ketchum, J. T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Expanding Freshwater Biologger Studies to View Fish as Environmental Sensing Platforms Kraus, R. T. Bontrager, H. Vandergoot, C. S. Faust, M. D. Marine And Freshwater Research 2022
Estimating Walleye and Saugeye Gill-Net Encounter Probability in a Reservoir With Simple Morphometry Kinter, B. T. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
Overwinter Habitat Use of Young-of-the-Year White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) Off the Eastern United States James, R. C. Curtis, T. H. Galuardi, B. Metzger, G. Newton, A. L. Mccallister, M. P. Fischer, G. C. Ajemian, M. J. Fishery Bulletin 2022
Seasonal Movements and Spatial Overlap of Juvenile and Adult Lake Sturgeon in Lake Champlain Izzo, L. K. Zydlewski, G. B. Marsden, J. E. Parrish, D. L. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2022
Lake Sturgeon Movement After Trap and Transfer Around Two Dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan Isermann, D. A. Raabe, J. K. Easterly, E. G. Schulze, J. C. Porter, N. J. Dembkowski, D. J. Donofrio, M. C. Kramer, D. R. Elliott, R. F. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2022
Survival of a Threatened Salmon Is Linked to Spatial Variability in River Conditions Hause, C. L. Singer, G. P. Buchanan, R. A. Cocherell, D. E. Fangue, N. A. Rypel, A. L. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Factors Affecting Spatiotemporal Variation in Survival of Endangered Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Out-Migrating From the Sacramento River Hassrick, J. L. Ammann, A. J. Perry, R. W. John, S. N. Daniels, M. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
Urban Sharks: Residency Patterns of Marine Top Predators in Relation to a Coastal Metropolis Hammerschlag, N. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Rider, M. J. Roemer, R. P. Gallagher, A. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022
From Drought to Deluge: Spatiotemporal Variation in Migration Routing, Survival, Travel Time and Floodplain Use of an Endangered Migratory Fish Hance, D. J. Perry, R. W. Pope, A. C. Ammann, A. J. Hassrick, J. L. Hansen, G. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
There's No Place Like Home: High Site Fidelity and Small Home Range of Bonefish (Albula Vulpes) Inhabiting Fringing Reef Flats in Culebra, Puerto Rico Griffin, L. P. Brownscombe, J. W. Gagne, T. O. Haak, C. R. Cormier, R. Becker, S. L. Cooke, S. J. Finn, J. T. Danylchuk, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Assessing the Potential for Red Tide (Karenia Brevis) Algal Bloom Impacts on Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) Along the Southwestern Coast of Florida Griffin, L. P. Friess, C. Bakenhaster, M. D. Bassos-hull, K. Burnsed, S. L. w. Brownscombe, J. W. Cooke, S. J. Ellis, R. D. Gardiner, J. M. Locascio, J. V. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Poulakis, G. R. Wiley, T. R. Wilkinson, K. A. Wilson, J. K. Wooley, A. K. Adams, A. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Seasonal Variation in the Phenology of Atlantic Tarpon in the Florida Keys: Migration, Occupancy, Repeatability, and Management Implications Griffin, L. P. Brownscombe, J. W. Adams, A. J. Holder, P. E. Filous, A. Casselberry, G. A. Wilson, J. K. Boucek, R. E. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Acosta, A. Morley, D. Cooke, S. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022
Predator-Prey Landscapes of Large Sharks and Game Fishes in the Florida Keys Griffin, L. P. Casselberry, G. A. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Acosta, A. Adams, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Filous, A. Friess, C. Guttridge, T. L. Hammerschlag, N. Heim, V. Morley, D. Rider, M. J. Skomal, G. B. Smukall, M. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Brownscombe, J. W. Ecological Applications 2022
Evaluation of Post-Stocking Dispersal and Mortality of Juvenile Lake Trout Salvelinus Namaycush in Lake Ontario Using Acoustic Telemetry Gatch, A. J. Furgal, S. L. Gorsky, D. Marsden, J. E. Biesinger, Z. F. Lantry, B. F. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2022
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Estimating Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus, Behavioral Response to Mobile Camera and Sonar Sampling Gears Garner, S. B. Ahrens, R. N. m. Boswell, K. M. Campbell, M. D. Correa, D. Tarnecki, J. H. Patterson, W. F. Fisheries Research 2022
Detection Range of Two Acoustic Transmitters in Four Reservoir Habitat Types Using Passive Receivers Fincel, M. Goble, C. Gravenhof, D. Morey, H. Animal Biotelemetry 2022
Effects of Hurricane Michael on Gulf Sturgeon in the Apalachicola River System, Florida Dula, B. T. Kaeser, A. J. D'ercole, M. J. Jennings, C. A. Fox, A. G. . Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2022
Quantifying the Effects of Tides, River Flow, and Barriers on Movements of Chinook Salmon Smolts at Junctions in the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta Using Multistate Models Dodrill, M. J. Perry, R. W. Pope, A. C. Wang, X. . Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Intraspecific Variation in Migration Timing of Green Sturgeon in the Sacramento River System Colborne, S. F. Sheppard, L. W. O'donnell, D. R. Reuman, D. C. Walter, J. A. Singer, G. P. Kelly, J. T. Thomas, M. J. Rypel, A. L. Ecosphere 2022
Fine-Scale Behavior of Red Snapper (Lutjanus Campechanus) Around Bait: Approach Distances, Bait Plume Dynamics, and Effective Fishing Area Bacheler, N. M. Runde, B. J. Shertzer, K. W. Buckel, J. A. Rudershausen, P. J. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2022
Multi-Decadal High-Resolution Data Reveal the Cryptic Vertical Movement Patterns of a Large Marine Predator Along the Californian Coast Andrzejaczek, S. Chapple, T. K. Jorgensen, S. J. Anderson, S. D. Castleton, M. Kanive, P. E. White, T. D. Block, B. A. Frontiers In Marine Science 2022
High Resolution Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Swim Speeds and Inferred Field Metabolic Rates in Juvenile White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) Anderson, J. M. Spurgeon, E. Stirling, B. S. May, J. Rex, P. T. Hyla, B. Mccullough, S. Thompson, M. Lowe, C. G. Plos One 2022
Consistency of Mobile and Sedentary Movement Extremes Exhibited by an Invasive Fish, Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix Coulter, A. A. Prechtel, A. R. Goforth, R. R. Biological Invasions 2022
Sublethal Effects of Acoustic Dummy Tag Implantation and External Tags in Silver Carp Coulter, A. A. Coulter, D. P. Lark, E. Fritts, M. W. Davis, C. R. Glover, D. C. Goforth, R. R. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2022
A Decade-Long Connectivity Study of Permit (Trachinotus Falcatus) in Florida Supports a Spatial Management Approach Boucek, R. E. Ellis, R. D. Forauer, A. R. Adams, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2022
Fine-Scale Movement of Northern Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper and Gray Triggerfish Estimated With Three-Dimensional Acoustic Telemetry Bohaboy, E. C. Cass-calay, S. L. Patterson, W. F. Scientific Reports 2022
Quantifying Thermal Cues That Initiate Mass Emigrations in Juvenile White Sharks Spurgeon, E. Anderson, J. M. Liu, Y. Barajas, V. L. Lowe, C. G. Scientific Reports 2022
Red Drum and Spotted Seatrout Live-Release Tournament Mortality and Dispersal Nelson, T. R. Hightower, C. L. Powers, S. P. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2021
Large- And Small-Scale Movement and Distribution of Acoustically Tagged Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens) in Eastern Lake Erie Withers, J. L. Takade-heumacher, H. Davis, L. Neuenhoff, R. Albeke, S. E. Sweka, J. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Fine-Scale Vertical Habitat Use of White Sharks at an Emerging Aggregation Site and Implications for Public Safety Winton, M. V. Sulikowski, J. A. Skomal, G. B. Wildlife Research 2021
Post-Release Survival and Prolonged Sublethal Effects of Capture and Barotrauma on Deep-Dwelling Rockfishes (Genus Sebastes): Implications for Fish Management and Conservation Wegner, N. C. Portner, E. J. Nguyen, D. T. Bellquist, L. F. Nosal, A. P. Pribyl, A. L. Stierhoff, K. L. Fischer, P. Franke, K. Vetter, R. D. Hastings, P. A. Semmens, B. X. Hyde, J. R. Andrzejaczek, S. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2021
Timing and Hydrological Conditions Associated With Bigheaded Carp Movement Past Navigation Dams on the Upper Mississippi River Vallazza, J. M. Mosel, K. J. Reineke, D. M. Runstrom, A. L. Larson, J. H. Knights, B. C. Biological Invasions 2021
Can Identifying Discrete Behavioral Groups With Individual-Based Acoustic Telemetry Advance the Understanding of Fish Distribution Patterns? Taylor, R. B. Mather, M. E. Smith, J. M. Boles, K. M. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Acoustic Telemetry Detection Probability and Location Accuracy in a Freshwater Wetland Embayment Stott, N. D. Faust, M. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Miner, J. G. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Telemetry-Validated Nitrogen Stable Isotope Clocks Identify Ocean-to-Estuarine Habitat Shifts in Mobile Organisms Shipley, O. N. Newton, A. L. Frisk, M. G. Henkes, G. A. Labelle, J. S. Camhi, M. D. W. hyatt, M. Walters, H. Olin, J. A. Methods In Ecology And Evolution 2021
Three-Dimensional Movements and Habitat Selection of Young White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) Across a Temperate Continental Shelf Ecosystem Shaw, R. L. Curtis, T. H. Metzger, G. Mccallister, M. P. Newton, A. L. Fischer, G. C. Ajemian, M. J. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Diurnal Vertical Movements in Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata): Endogenous, Facultative, or Something Else? Secor, D. H. Bailey, H. Carroll, A. Lyubchich, V. O'brien, M. H. p. Wiernicki, C. J. Ecosphere 2021
Evidence for Homing Behavior in the American Lobster Homarus Americanus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) (Decapoda: Astacidea: Nephropidae) Scopel, D. A. Watson, W. H. Journal Of Crustacean Biology 2021
Discard Mortality of Red Snapper Released With Descender Devices in the Us South Atlantic Runde, B. J. Bacheler, N. M. Shertzer, K. W. Rudershausen, P. J. Sauls, B. Buckel, J. A. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2021
Movement Patterns of Juvenile Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) in Brewers Bay, St. Thomas, Us Virgin Islands Romero, M. D. d. Matley, J. K. Luo, J. G. Ault, J. S. Pittman, S. J. Nemeth, R. S. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
The Effects of Water Temperature, Acoustic Tag Type, Size at Tagging, and Surgeon Experience on Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Tag Retention and Growth Robinson, R. R. Notch, J. J. Mchuron, A. S. Logston, R. Pham, T. Ammann, A. J. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Multi-Year Movements of Adult and Subadult Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus Leucas): Philopatry, Connectivity, and Environmental Influences Rider, M. J. Mcdonnell, L. H. Hammerschlag, N. Aquatic Ecology 2021
Space Use Patterns of Sharks in Relation to Boat Activity in an Urbanized Coastal Waterway Rider, M. J. Kirsebom, O. S. Gallagher, A. J. Staaterman, E. Ault, J. S. Sasso, C. R. Jackson, T. L. Browder, J. A. Hammerschlag, N. Marine Environmental Research 2021
Habitat Use and Activity Patterns of Female Deacon Rockfish (Sebastes Diaconus) at Seasonal Scales and in Response to Episodic Hypoxia Rasmuson, L. K. Blume, M. T. o. Rankin, P. S. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2021
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Survival, Travel Time, and Floodplain Use Relative to Riverine Channels in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Pope, A. C. Perry, R. W. Harvey, B. N. Hance, D. J. Hansel, H. C. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2021
Influence of Thermal Stratification and Storms on Acoustic Telemetry Detection Efficiency: A Year-Long Test in the Us Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight O'brien, M. H. p. Secor, D. H. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Triennial Migration and Philopatry in the Critically Endangered Soupfin Shark Galeorhinus Galeus Nosal, A. P. Cartamil, D. P. Ammann, A. J. Bellquist, L. F. Ben-aderet, N. J. Blincow, K. M. Burns, E. S. Chapman, E. D. Freedman, R. M. Klimley, A. P. Logan, R. K. Lowe, C. G. Semmens, B. X. White, C. F. Hastings, P. A. Journal Of Applied Ecology 2021
Movement, Survival, and Delays of Atlantic Salmon Smolts in the Piscataquis River, Maine, Usa Molina-moctezuma, A. Peterson, E. Zydlewski, J. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2021
Nonlinear Survival of Imperiled Fish Informs Managed Flows in a Highly Modified River Michel, C. J. Notch, J. J. Cordoleani, F. Ammann, A. J. Danner, E. M. Ecosphere 2021
The Consequences of Dam Passage for Downstream-Migrating American Eel in the Penobscot River, Maine Mensinger, M. A. Blomberg, E. J. Zydlewski, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2021
Acoustic Tag Retention and Tagging Mortality of Juvenile Cisco Coregonus Artedi Mckenna, J. E. Sethi, S. A. Scholten, G. M. Kraus, J. Chalupnicki, M. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Habitat Selection and 3d Space Use Partitioning of Resident Juvenile Hawksbill Sea Turtles in a Small Caribbean Bay Matley, J. K. Johansen, L. K. Klinard, N. V. Eanes, S. T. Jobsis, P. D. Marine Biology 2021
Experimental Passage of Adult Male Gulf Sturgeon Around Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam on the Apalachicola River, Florida Marbury, J. A. Fox, A. G. . Kaeser, A. J. Peterson, D. L. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2021
Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Identify Spawning River and Spawning Migration Patterns of American Shad in the Albemarle Sound, North Carolina Mack, K. White, H. Rohde, F. C. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Movements and Macrohabitat Use of Alligator Gar in Relation to a Low Head Lock and Dam System Lochmann, S. Brinkman, E. L. Hann, D. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
From 95 to 59 Millimetres: A New Active Acoustic Tag Size Guideline for Salmon Liss, S. A. Znotinas, K. R. Blackburn, S. E. Fischer, E. S. Hughes, J. S. Harnish, R. A. Li, H. Deng, Z. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2021
Movements of Marine and Estuarine Turtles During Hurricane Michael Lamont, M. M. Johnson, D. Catizone, D. J. Scientific Reports 2021
Under Pressure: Comparing in Situ and Boat Tagging Methods Using Time-to-Event Analyses Keller, J. A. Morley, D. Herbig, J. L. Barbera, P. Feeley, M. W. Acosta, A. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Measuring and Understanding Receiver Efficiency in Your Acoustic Telemetry Array Kendall, M. S. Williams, B. L. Ellis, R. D. Flaherty-walia, K. E. Collins, A. B. Roberson, K. W. Fisheries Research 2021
Measuring Mutual Movements, Mixing, and Mingling Among Multiple Mangrove Bays by an Important Estuarine Sea Bream (Archosargus Rhomboidalis) Kendall, M. S. Siceloff, L. Monaco, M. E. Ruffo, A. Winship, A. J. Holloway, N. H. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2021
Green Morays (Gymnothorax Funebris) Have Sedentary Ways in Mangrove Bays, but Also Ontogenetic Forays to Reef Enclaves Kendall, M. S. Siceloff, L. Ruffo, A. Winship, A. J. Monaco, M. E. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2021
Calculating Adult Sex Ratios From Observed Breeding Sex Ratios for Wide-Ranging, Intermittently Breeding Species Kahn, J. E. Watterson, J. C. Hager, C. H. Mathies, N. H. Hartman, K. J. Ecosphere 2021
Multi-Run Migratory Behavior of Adult Male Lake Sturgeon in a Short River Izzo, L. K. Parrish, D. L. Zydlewski, G. B. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Tracking Oxy-Thermal Habitat Compression Encountered by Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Through Acoustic Telemetry Itakura, H. O'brien, M. H. p. Secor, D. H. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2021
Winter Habitat Selection and Efficacy of Telemetry to Aid Grass Carp Removal Efforts in a Large Reservoir Hessler, T. M. Chapman, D. C. Paukert, C. P. Jolley, J. C. Byrne, M. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Seasonal Movements of Muskellunge in the St. Clair-Detroit River System: Implications for Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries Management Hessenauer, J. M. Harris, C. Marklevitz, S. Faust, M. D. Thorn, M. W. Utrup, B. Hondorp, D. W. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Home Range Characteristics and Diel Patterns in Space Use of Mutton Snapper, Lutjanus Analis, in St. Thomas, Us Virgin Islands Heidmann, S. L. Jossart, J. Kimble, M. Nemeth, R. S. Animal Biotelemetry 2021
Large Sharks Exhibit Varying Behavioral Responses to Major Hurricanes Gutowsky, L. F. g. Rider, M. J. Roemer, R. P. Gallagher, A. J. Heithaus, M. R. Cooke, S. J. Hammerschlag, N. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2021
Tributary Use and Large-Scale Movements of Grass Carp in Lake Erie Harris, C. Brenden, T. O. Vandergoot, C. S. Faust, M. D. Herbst, S. J. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Movement and Space Use of Grass Carp in the Sandusky River, Ohio: Implications for Lake Erie Eradication Efforts Harris, C. Brenden, T. O. Vandergoot, C. S. Faust, M. D. Herbst, S. J. Buszkiewicz, J. T. Nathan, L. R. Fischer, J. L. Krueger, C. C. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Broad-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Long-Distance Movements and Large Home Ranges for Invasive Lionfish on Atlantic Coral Reefs Green, S. J. Matley, J. K. Smith, D. E. Castillo, B. Akins, J. L. Nemeth, R. S. Pollock, C. G. Reale-munroe, K. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021
Large-Scale Space Use of Large Juvenile and Adult Smalltooth Sawfish Pristis Pectinata: Implications for Management Graham, J. B. Kroetz, A. M. Poulakis, G. R. Scharer, R. M. Carlson, J. K. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Morley, D. Reyier, E. A. Grubbs, R. D. Endangered Species Research 2021
The Timing of Anadromous Bull Trout Migrations in Estuarine and Marine Waters of Puget Sound, Washington Goetz, F. A. Beamer, E. Connor, E. J. Jeanes, E. Kinsel, C. Chamberlin, J. W. Morello, C. Quinn, T. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2021
Evidence of Successful River Spawning by Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) in the Lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario Gatch, A. J. Gorsky, D. Biesinger, Z. F. Bruestle, E. Lee, K. Karboski, C. Bartron, M. L. Wagner, T. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Structural Differences Alter Residency and Depth Activity of Red Snapper (Lutjanus Campechanus) at Two Artificial Reefs Froehlich, C. Y. m. Garcia, A. Cintra-buenrostro, C. E. Hicks, D. W. Kline, R. J. Fisheries Research 2021
Lock Operations Influence Upstream Passages of Invasive and Native Fishes at a Mississippi River High-Head Dam Fritts, A. K. Knights, B. C. Stanton, J. C. Milde, A. S. Vallazza, J. M. Brey, M. K. Tripp, S. J. Devine, T. E. Sleeper, W. Lamer, J. T. Mosel, K. J. Biological Invasions 2021
Spatio-Temporal Variability in White Shark (Carcharodon Carcharias) Movement Ecology During Residency and Migration Phases in the Western North Atlantic Franks, B. R. Tyminski, J. P. Hussey, N. E. Braun, C. D. Newton, A. L. Thorrold, S. R. Fischer, G. C. Mcbride, B. Hueter, R. E. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Recruitment and Survival of Juvenile Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi) in the Apalachicola River in Florida Fox, A. G. . Hancock, N. Q. Marbury, J. A. Kaeser, A. J. Peterson, D. L. Fishery Bulletin 2021
First Observation of Movement Rates and Repeated Migration in a Western Atlantic Torpedo (Tetronarce Occidentalis) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Dunton, K. J. Sparta, K. Frisk, M. G. Martinez, C. M. Shipley, O. N. Northeastern Naturalist 2021
Variable Migration Patterns of Whitespotted Eagle Rays Aetobatus Narinari Along Florida's Coastlines Degroot, B. C. Bassos-hull, K. Wilkinson, K. A. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Poulakis, G. R. Ajemian, M. J. Marine Biology 2021
Telemetry Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide as a Behavioral Deterrent for Invasive Carps Cupp, A. R. Lopez, A. K. Smerud, J. R. Tix, J. A. Rivera, J. M. Swyers, N. M. Brey, M. K. Woodley, C. M. Smith, D. L. Gaikowski, M. P. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens) Annual Adult Survival Estimated From Acoustic Telemetry Colborne, S. F. Hayden, T. A. Holbrook, C. M. Hondorp, D. W. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2021
Aggregation Site Fidelity and Movement Patterns of the Protected Marine Predator Giant Sea Bass (Stereolepis Gigas) Clevenstine, A. J. Lowe, C. G. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2021
Movements of Egg-Bearing American Lobsters Homarus Americanus During Late Stage Brooding and Hatching Carloni, J. T. Goldstein, J. S. Watson, W. H. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Quantify Potential Contaminant Exposure of Vermilion Rockfish (Sebastes Miniatus), Hornyhead Turbot (Pleuronichthys Verticalis), and White Croaker (Genyonemus Lineatus) at Wastewater Outfalls in Southern California Burns, E. S. Wolfe, B. W. Armstrong, J. . Tang, D. . Sakamoto, K. Lowe, C. G. Marine Environmental Research 2021
Outmigration Survival of a Threatened Steelhead Population Through a Tidal Estuary Buchanan, R. A. Buttermore, E. Israel, J. A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2021
Telemetry Reveals Migratory Drivers and Disparate Space Use Across Seasons and Age-Groups in American Horseshoe Crabs Bopp, J. J. Sclafani, M. Frisk, M. G. Mckown, K. A. Ziegler, C. M. Smith, D. R. Cerrato, R. M. Ecosphere 2021
Designing Cost-Effective Artificial Reefs: Fine-Scale Movement and Habitat Use of Red Snapper Around a Nearshore Artificial Reef Complex Banks, K. G. Curtis, J. M. Williams, J. A. . Wetz, J. J. Stunz, G. W. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2021
Environmental Associations of Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera Bonasus) Seasonal Presence Along the Us Atlantic Coast Bangley, C. W. Edwards, M. L. Mueller, C. Fisher, R. A. Aguilar, R. Heggie, K. Richie, K. Ahr, B. J. Ogburn, M. B. Ecosphere 2021
Environmental Conditions, Diel Period, and Fish Size Influence the Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Red Snapper Bacheler, N. M. Shertzer, K. W. Runde, B. J. Rudershausen, P. J. Buckel, J. A. Scientific Reports 2021
Non-Random Co-Occurrence of Juvenile White Sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias) at Seasonal Aggregation Sites in Southern California Anderson, J. M. Clevenstine, A. J. Stirling, B. S. Burns, E. S. Meese, E. N. White, C. F. Logan, R. K. O'sullivan, J. B. Rex, P. T. May, J. Lyons, K. Winkler, C. Garcia-rodriguez, E. Sosa-nishizaki, O. Lowe, C. G. Frontiers In Marine Science 2021
Evaluating Movements of Opakapaka (Pristipomoides Filamentosus) Relative to a Restricted Fishing Area by Using Acoustic Telemetry and a Depth-Constrained Estimator of Linear Home Ranges Scherrer, S. R. Weng, K. C. Fishery Bulletin 2020
Seasonal Presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sharks at Cape Hatteras, a Large Continental Shelf Constriction to Coastal Migration Rulifson, R. A. Bangley, C. W. Cudney, J. L. Dell'apa, A. Dunton, K. J. Frisk, M. G. Loeffler, M. S. Balazik, M. T. Hager, C. H. Savoy, T. Brundage, H. M. Post, W. C. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Movement Patterns of Red Snapper Lutjanus Campechanus Based on Acoustic Telemetry Around Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Everett, A. G. Szedlmayer, S. T. Gallaway, B. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Coupling Acoustic Tracking With Conventional Tag Returns to Estimate Mortality for a Coastal Flatfish With High Rates of Emigration Scheffel, T. K. Hightower, J. E. Buckel, J. A. Krause, J. R. Scharf, F. S. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
Post-Tournament Dispersal of Smallmouth Bass in Western Lake Erie Slagle, Z. J. Faust, M. D. Keretz, K. R. Dufour, M. R. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2020
Pushing the Envelope: Micro-Transmitter Effects on Small Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Rub, A. M. w. Sandford, B. P. Butzerin, J. M. Cameron, A. S. Plos One 2020
Evidence of a `Dinner Bell' Effect From Acoustic Transmitters in Adult Chinook Salmon Rub, A. M. w. Sandford, B. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Comparative Migration Ecology of Striped Bass and Atlantic Sturgeon in the Us Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight Flyway Rothermel, E. R. Balazik, M. T. Best, J. E. Breece, M. W. Fox, D. A. Gahagan, B. I. Haulsee, D. E. Higgs, A. L. O'brien, M. H. p. Oliver, M. J. Park, I. A. Secor, D. H. Plos One 2020
Individual Consumer Movement Mediates Food Web Coupling Across a Coastal Ecosystem Rezek, R. J. Massie, J. A. Nelson, J. A. . Santos, R. O. Viadero, N. M. Boucek, R. E. Rehage, J. S. Ecosphere 2020
Residency and Dispersal of Three Sportfish Species From a Coastal Marine Reserve: Insights From a Regional-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Network Reyier, E. A. Scheidt, D. M. Stolen, E. D. Lowers, R. H. Holloway-adkins, K. G. Ahr, B. J. Global Ecology And Conservation 2020
Razorback Sucker Movement Strategies Across a River-Reservoir Habitat Complex Pennock, C. A. Mckinstry, M. C. Gido, K. B. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2020
Multiyear Social Stability and Social Information Use in Reef Sharks With Diel Fission-Fusion Dynamics Papastamatiou, Y. P. Bodey, T. W. Caselle, J. E. Bradley, D. Freeman, R. Friedlander, A. M. Jacoby, D. M. p. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2020
Inferring Residency and Movement Patterns of Horse-Eye Jack Caranx Latus in Relation to a Caribbean Marine Protected Area Acoustic Telemetry Array Novak, A. J. Becker, S. L. Finn, J. T. Danylchuk, A. J. Pollock, C. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Jordaan, A. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Scale of Biotelemetry Data Influences Ecological Interpretations of Space and Habitat Use in Yellowtail Snapper Novak, A. J. Becker, S. L. Finn, J. T. Pollock, C. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Jordaan, A. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Targeting Aggregations of Telemetered Lake Trout to Increase Gillnetting Suppression Efficacy Williams, J. R. . Guy, C. S. Koel, T. M. Bigelow, P. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Outmigration Survival of Wild Chinook Salmon Smolts Through the Sacramento River During Historic Drought and High Water Conditions Notch, J. J. Mchuron, A. S. Michel, C. J. Cordoleani, F. Johnson, M. W. Henderson, M. J. Ammann, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Estimates of Red Drum Mortality via Acoustic Telemetry Nelson, T. R. Powers, S. P. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Striped Mullet Migration Patterns in the Indian River Lagoon: A Network Analysis Approach to Spatial Fisheries Management Myers, O. M. Reyier, E. A. Ahr, B. J. Cook, G. S. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
American Lobster,homarus Americanus, Reproduction and Recruitment in a New England Estuary Moore, E. M. Langley, T. G. Goldstein, J. S. Watson, W. H. Estuaries And Coasts 2020
Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Green Sturgeon (Acipenser Medirostris) and White Sturgeon (A. Transmontanus) in the San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento River, California Miller, E. A. Singer, G. P. Peterson, M. L. Chapman, E. D. Johnston, M. E. Thomas, M. J. Battleson, R. D. Gingras, M. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Limitations of Active Removal to Manage Predatory Fish Populations Michel, C. J. Smith, J. M. Lehman, B. M. Demetras, N. J. Huff, D. D. Brandes, P. L. Israel, J. A. Quinn, T. P. Hayes, S. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Active Acoustic Telemetry Tracking and Tri-Axial Accelerometers Reveal Fine-Scale Movement Strategies of a Non-Obligate Ram Ventilator Meese, E. N. Lowe, C. G. Movement Ecology 2020
Environmental Effects on Daytime Sheltering Behaviors of California Horn Sharks (Heterodontus Francisci) Meese, E. N. Lowe, C. G. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Saws and the City: Smalltooth Sawfish Pristis Pectinata Encounters, Recovery Potential, and Research Priorities in Urbanized Coastal Waters Off Miami, Florida, Usa Mcdonnell, L. H. Jackson, T. L. Burgess, G. H. Phenix, L. Gallagher, A. J. Albertson, H. Hammerschlag, N. Browder, J. A. Endangered Species Research 2020
Seasonal Habitat-Use Differences Among Lake Erie's Walleye Stocks Matley, J. K. Faust, M. D. Raby, G. D. Zhao, Y. Robinson, J. Macdougall, T. Hayden, T. A. Fisk, A. T. Vandergoot, C. S. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2020
Environmental Drivers of Diving Behavior and Space-Use of Juvenile Endangered Caribbean Hawksbill Sea Turtles Identified Using Acoustic Telemetry Matley, J. K. Jossart, J. Johansen, L. K. Jobsis, P. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Long-Term Monitoring Provides Insight Into Estuarine Top Predator (Carcharhinus Leucas) Resilience Following an Extreme Weather Event Matich, P. Strickland, B. A. Heithaus, M. R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Going Downriver: Patterns and Cues in Hurricane-Driven Movements of Common Snook in a Subtropical Coastal River Massie, J. A. Strickland, B. A. Santos, R. O. Hernandez, J. Viadero, N. M. Boucek, R. E. Willoughby, H. Heithaus, M. R. Rehage, J. S. Estuaries And Coasts 2020
Detecting Commonality in Multidimensional Fish Movement Histories Using Sequence Analysis Lowe, M. R. Holbrook, C. M. Hondorp, D. W. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
After the Nursery: Regional and Broad-Scale Movements of Sharks Tagged in the Caribbean Legare, B. Deangelis, B. M. Skomal, G. B. Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective 2020
Movements of Juvenile Bull Sharks in Response to a Major Hurricane Within a Tropical Estuarine Nursery Area Strickland, B. A. Massie, J. A. Viadero, N. M. Santos, R. O. Gastrich, K. R. Paz, V. O'donnell, P. M. Kroetz, A. M. Ho, D. T. Rehage, J. S. Heithaus, M. R. Estuaries And Coasts 2020
Stress Response and Postrelease Mortality of Blacktip Sharks (Carcharhinus Limbatus) Captured in Shore-Based and Charter-Boat-Based Recreational Fisheries Weber, D. N. Frazier, B. S. Whitney, N. M. Gelsleichter, J. Sancho, G. Fishery Bulletin 2020
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Estimate Weakfish Survival Rates Along the Us East Coast Krause, J. R. Hightower, J. E. Buckel, J. A. Turnure, J. T. Grothues, T. M. Manderson, J. P. Rosendale, J. E. Pessutti, J. P. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Green Sturgeon Habitat Suitability Varies in Response to Drought Related Flow Regimes Klimley, A. P. Mcdonald, R. D. Thomas, M. J. Chapman, E. D. Hearn, A. R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Grouper Tales: Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Evaluate Grouper Movements at Western Dry Rocks in the Florida Keys Keller, J. A. Herbig, J. L. Morley, D. Wile, A. Barbera, P. Acosta, A. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Effective Anesthetic Dosage and Recovery From Specialized Surgical Methods in Shortnose Gar King, S. M. Stein, J. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Rapid Migration and High Survival of Adult Pacific Lampreys in Reservoirs Keefer, M. L. Noyes, C. J. Clabough, T. S. Joosten, D. C. Caudill, C. C. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Historic Drought Influences Outmigration Dynamics of Juvenile Fall and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Singer, G. P. Chapman, E. D. Ammann, A. J. Klimley, A. P. Rypel, A. L. Fangue, N. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Environmental Correlates of Fine-Scale Juvenile Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Habitat Use and Movement Patterns in an Intermittent Estuary During Drought Huber, E. R. Carlson, S. M. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Movements, Habitat Use, and Entrainment of Stocked Juvenile Lake Sturgeon in a Hydroelectric Reservoir System Hegna, J. Scribner, K. T. Baker, E. A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2020
Discard Mortality of Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata) in a Deepwater Recreational Fishery Off New Jersey: Role of Swim Bladder Venting in Reducing Mortality Zemeckis, D. R. Kneebone, J. Capizzano, C. W. Bochenek, E. A. Hoffman, W. S. Grothues, T. M. Mandelman, J. W. Jensen, O. P. Fishery Bulletin 2020
Adult Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescensrafinesque, 1817) Occurrence in the Muskegon River System, a Lake Michigan Drowned River Mouth, Usa Harris, B. S. Ruetz, C. R. Ellens, T. J. Weinke, A. D. Biddanda, B. A. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2020
Revealing Migration and Reproductive Habitat of Invasive Fish Under an Active Population Suppression Program Gutowsky, L. F. g. Romine, J. G. Heredia, N. A. Bigelow, P. E. Parsley, M. J. Sandstrom, P. T. Suski, C. D. Danylchuk, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Gresswell, R. E. Conservation Science And Practice 2020
Space Use and Relative Habitat Selection for Immature Green Turtles Within a Caribbean Marine Protected Area Griffin, L. P. Smith, B. J. Cherkiss, M. S. Crowder, A. G. Pollock, C. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Danylchuk, A. J. Hart, K. M. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Surgical Implantation of Acoustic Tags in American Shad to Resolve Riverine and Marine Restoration Challenges Gahagan, B. I. Bailey, M. M. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Evidence of Spawning by Lake Trout Salvelinus Namaycush on Substrates at the Base of Large Boulders in Northern Lake Huron Farha, S. A. Binder, T. R. Bronte, C. R. Hayes, D. B. Janssen, J. Marsden, J. E. Riley, S. C. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2020
Characterization of Acoustic Detection Efficiency Using a Gliding Robotic Fish as a Mobile Receiver Platform Ennasr, O. Holbrook, C. M. Hondorp, D. W. Krueger, C. C. Coleman, D. Solanki, P. Thon, J. Tan, X. Animal Biotelemetry 2020
Detection of a Mature Atlantic Sturgeon in the Patuxent River, Maryland, Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry Edwards, M. L. Balazik, M. T. Bangley, C. W. Aguilar, R. Ogburn, M. B. Northeastern Naturalist 2020
Seasonal Movements and Tributary-Specific Fidelity of Blue Sucker Cycleptus Elongatus in a Southern Plains Riverscape Dyer, J. J. Brewer, S. K. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Fine-Scale Movement and Habitat Use of Whitespotted Eagle Rays Aetobatus Narinari in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Usa Degroot, B. C. Roskar, G. Brewster, L. Ajemian, M. J. Endangered Species Research 2020
Movement, Home Range, and Depredation of Invasive Lionfish Revealed by Fine-Scale Acoustic Telemetry in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Dahl, K. A. Patterson, W. F. Marine Biology 2020
Effect of Release Timing on Apparent Survival of Juvenile Fall Run Chinook Salmon From Coleman National Fish Hatchery Zeug, S. C. Null, R. E. Brodsky, A. Johnston, M. E. Ammann, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Seasonal Occurrence, Relative Abundance, and Migratory Movements of Juvenile Sandbar Sharks,carcharhinus Plumbeus, in Winyah Bay, South Carolina Collatos, C. Abel, D. C. Martin, K. L. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Network Analysis Reveals Multispecies Spatial Associations in the Shark Community of a Caribbean Marine Protected Area Casselberry, G. A. Danylchuk, A. J. Finn, J. T. Deangelis, B. M. Jordaan, A. Pollock, C. G. Lundgren, I. Hillis-starr, Z. Skomal, G. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020
Evidence of Artificial Habitat Use by a Recovering Marine Predator in Southern California Burns, E. S. Clevenstine, A. J. Logan, R. K. Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Relating Survival of Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Through the San Joaquin Delta to River Flow Buchanan, R. A. Skalski, J. R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Seasonal Occupancy and Connectivity Amongst Nearshore Flats and Reef Habitats by Permit Trachinotus Falcatus: Considerations for Fisheries Management Brownscombe, J. W. Griffin, L. P. Morley, D. Acosta, A. Hunt, J. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Crossin, G. T. Iverson, S. J. Boucek, R. E. Adams, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Journal Of Fish Biology 2020
Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Identify Cryptic Reproductive Habitats Using Diverse Information Sources Brownscombe, J. W. Griffin, L. P. Morley, D. Acosta, A. Hunt, J. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Adams, A. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Cooke, S. J. Oecologia 2020
Does Broodstock Source Affect Post-Release Survival of Steelhead? Implications of Replacing a Non-Native Hatchery Stock for Recovery Brodsky, A. Zeug, S. C. Nelson, J. . Hannon, J. Anders, P. J. Cavallo, B. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Application of Three-Dimensional Acoustic Telemetry to Assess the Effects of Rapid Recompression on Reef Fish Discard Mortality Bohaboy, E. C. Guttridge, T. L. Hammerschlag, N. Van zinnicq bergmann, M. P. m. Patterson, W. F. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2020
Estimating the Discard Mortality of Atlantic Cod in the Southern Gulf of Maine Commercial Lobster Fishery Sweezey, B. B. Capizzano, C. W. Langan, J. A. Benoit, H. P. Hutchins, E. W. Mandelman, J. W. Koh, W. Y. Dean, M. J. Anderson, B. N. Sulikowski, J. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Identifying Important Juvenile Dusky Shark Habitat in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Using Acoustic Telemetry and Spatial Modeling Bangley, C. W. Curtis, T. H. Secor, D. H. Latour, R. J. Ogburn, M. B. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2020
Factors Affecting Detection Probability and Range of Transmitters and Receivers Designed for the Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System Ammann, A. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Migration and Residency of Sandbar, Atlantic Sharpnose, Bull, and Nurse Sharks in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Altobelli, A. N. Szedlmayer, S. T. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Muskellunge Spatial Ecology in the St. Louis River Estuary and Southwestern Lake Superior Schaeffer, E. M. Pinkerton, J. J. Venturelli, P. A. Miller, L. M. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2020
Low River Survival of Juvenile Steelhead in the Sacramento River Watershed Sandstrom, P. T. Ammann, A. J. Michel, C. J. Singer, G. P. Chapman, E. D. Macfarlane, R. B. Lindley, S. T. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2020
Assigning Fates in Telemetry Studies Using Hidden Markov Models: An Application to Deepwater Groupers Released With Descender Devices Runde, B. J. Michelot, T. Bacheler, N. M. Shertzer, K. W. Buckel, J. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2020
Differential Migration in Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Secor, D. H. O'brien, M. H. p. Gahagan, B. I. Watterson, J. C. Fox, D. A. Plos One 2020
Multiple Spawning Run Contingents and Population Consequences in Migratory Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis Secor, D. H. O'brien, M. H. p. Gahagan, B. I. Fox, D. A. Higgs, A. L. Best, J. E. Plos One 2020
Movements of Juvenile Winter Flounder in a Southern Maine Estuary Hammer, L. J. Furey, N. B. Koh, W. Y. Sulikowski, J. A. Northeastern Naturalist 2020
Sequence Analysis and Acoustic Tracking of Individual Lake Sturgeon Identify Multiple Patterns of River-Lake Habitat Use Colborne, S. F. Hondorp, D. W. Holbrook, C. M. Lowe, M. R. Boase, J. C. Chiotti, J. A. Wills, T. C. Roseman, E. F. Krueger, C. C. Ecosphere 2019
Migration Diversity, Spawning Behavior, and Habitat Utilization of Winter Flounder Ziegler, C. M. Zacharias, J. P. Frisk, M. G. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Flatfish Utilize Sediment Blanket to Facilitate Thermoregulation Ziegler, C. M. Frisk, M. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019
Identifying the Distribution of Atlantic Cod Spawning Using Multiple Fixed and Glider-Mounted Acoustic Technologies Zemeckis, D. R. Dean, M. J. Deangelis, A. I. Van parijs, S. M. Hoffman, W. S. Baumgartner, M. F. Hatch, L. T. Cadrin, S. X. Mcguire, C. H. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2019
Estimating Site-Specific Spawning Parameters for a Spawning Aggregation: An Example With Spotted Seatrout Zarada, K. Burnsed, S. L. w. Bickford, J. W. Ducharme-barth, N. Ahrens, R. N. m. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019
Integrating Acoustic Telemetry Into a Mark-Recapture Model to Improve Catchability Parameters and Abundance Estimates of Lake Sturgeon in Eastern Lake Erie Withers, J. L. Einhouse, D. Clancy, M. Davis, L. Neuenhoff, R. Sweka, J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2019
Identifying Environmental Cues for Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon Spawning Migrations in the Savannah River Vine, J. R. Holbrook, S. C. Post, W. C. Peoples, B. K. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2019
Individual Habitat Use and Behavior of Acoustically-Tagged Juvenile Green Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Thomas, M. J. Peterson, M. L. Chapman, E. D. Fangue, N. A. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2019
Reach Specific Use of Spawning Habitat by Adult Green Sturgeon (Acipenser Medirostris) Under Different Operation Schedules at Red Bluff Diversion Dam Steel, A. E. Thomas, M. J. Klimley, A. P. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2019
Acoustic Tag Retention Rate Varies Between Juvenile Green and Hawksbill Sea Turtles Smith, B. J. Selby, T. H. Cherkiss, M. S. Crowder, A. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Pollock, C. G. Hart, K. M. Animal Biotelemetry 2019
Behavioral Response of Juvenile Chinook Salmon to Surgical Implantation of Micro-Acoustic Transmitters Singer, G. P. Hansen, M. J. . Ho, K. V. Lee, K. W. Cocherell, D. E. Peter klimley, A. Rypel, A. L. Fangue, N. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2019
Juvenile Hawksbill Residency and Habitat Use Within a Caribbean Marine Protected Area Selby, T. H. Hart, K. M. Smith, B. J. Pollock, C. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Oli, M. K. Endangered Species Research 2019
Ocean Destratification and Fish Evacuation Caused by a Mid-Atlantic Tropical Storm Secor, D. H. Zhang, F. O'brien, M. H. p. Li, M. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2019
Using Ultrasonic Telemetry to Evaluate Paddlefish Spawning Behavior in Harry S. Truman Reservoir, Missouri Schwinghamer, C. W. Tripp, S. J. Phelps, Q. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2019
Seasonal Movement Patterns of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in Their Nonnative Range Sabal, M. C. Michel, C. J. Smith, J. M. Hampton, A. Hayes, S. A. Estuaries And Coasts 2019
Evaluation of Fish Passage at a Nature-Like Rock Ramp Fishway on a Large Coastal River Raabe, J. K. Hightower, J. E. Ellis, T. A. Facendola, J. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2019
Acoustic Telemetry and Benthic Habitat Mapping Inform the Spatial Ecology of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Hudson River, New York, Usa Pendleton, R. M. Standley, C. R. Higgs, A. L. Kenney, G. H. Sullivan, P. J. Sethi, S. A. Harris, B. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2019
Effects of the Biomedical Bleeding Process on the Behavior of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus, in Its Natural Habitat Owings, M. Chabot, C. C. Watson, W. H. Biological Bulletin 2019
Implantation of a New Micro Acoustic Tag in Juvenile Pacific Lamprey and American Eel Mueller, R. P. Liss, S. A. Deng, Z. D. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2019
Use of a Hydrodynamic Model to Examine Behavioral Response of Broadnose Sevengill Sharks (Notorynchus Cepedianus) to Estuarine Tidal Flow Mcinturf, A. G. Steel, A. E. Buckhorn, M. L. Sandstrom, P. T. Slager, C. J. Fangue, N. A. Klimley, A. P. Caillaud, D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2019
Vulnerability of Sea Turtles and Fishes in Response to Two Catastrophic Caribbean Hurricanes, Irma and Maria Matley, J. K. Eanes, S. T. Nemeth, R. S. Jobsis, P. D. Scientific Reports 2019
Automated Monitoring of Fine-Scale Movements of the Endangered Smalltooth Sawfish (Pristis Pectinata) May, R. K. Tolley, G. Scharer, R. M. Dye, B. Jose, F. Poulakis, G. R. Fishery Bulletin 2019
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Expand Sonar Escapement Indices of Chinook Salmon to in-River Abundance Estimates Maxwell, S. L. Buck, G. B. Faulkner, A. V. Fisheries Research 2019
Blacktip Shark Carcharhinus Limbatus Presence at Fishing Piers in South Carolina: Association and Environmental Drivers Martin, K. L. Abel, D. C. Crane, D. P. Hammerschlag, N. Burge, E. J. Journal Of Fish Biology 2019
Assessing Red Drum Spawning Aggregations and Abundance in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Approach Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Tringali, M. D. Shea, C. P. Burnsed, S. L. w. Bickford, J. W. Murphy, M. Porch, C. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2019
Restoration of Naturally Reproducing and Resident Riverine Lake Sturgeon Populations Through Capture and Transfer Koenigs, R. P. Bruch, R. M. Reiter, D. Pyatskowit, J. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2019
Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon in the Newyork Wind Energy Area: Implications of Future Development in an Offshore Wind Energy Site Ingram, E. C. Cerrato, R. M. Dunton, K. J. Frisk, M. G. Scientific Reports 2019
Space Use and Inferred Spawning Activity of Three Exploited Gamefish Species on a Large Artificial Reef Logan, R. K. Lowe, C. G. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2019
Examining Movement Patterns of Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus Chrysurus, in the Dry Tortugas, Florida Herbig, J. L. Keller, J. A. Morley, D. Walter, K. Barbera, P. Acosta, A. Bulletin Of Marine Science 2019
Estimating Spatial-Temporal Differences in Chinook Salmon Outmigration Survival With Habitat- And Predation-Related Covariates Henderson, M. J. Iglesias, I. S. Michel, C. J. Ammann, A. J. Huff, D. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Evaluation of Optimal Surgical Techniques for Intracoelomic Transmitter Implantation in Age-0 Lake Sturgeon Hegna, J. Scribner, K. T. Baker, E. A. Fisheries Research 2019
The Importance of Newly-Opened Tidal Inlets as Spawning Corridors for Adult 1 Red Drum (Sciaenops Ocellatus) Hall, Q. A. Curtis, J. M. Williams, J. A. . Stunz, G. W. Fisheries Research 2019
Telemetry Reveals Limited Exchange of Walleye Between Lake Erie and Lake Huron: Movement of Two Populations Through the Huron-Erie Corridor Hayden, T. A. Vandergoot, C. S. Fielder, D. G. Cooke, S. J. Dettmers, J. M. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2019
Movements, Connectivity, and Space Use of Immature Green Turtles Within Coastal Habitats of the Culebra Archipelago, Puerto Rico: Implications for Conservation Griffin, L. P. Finn, J. T. Diez, C. Danylchuk, A. J. Endangered Species Research 2019
Utilizing Accelerometer Telemetry Tags to Compare Red Snapper (Lutjanus Campechanus [Poey, 1860]) Behavior on Artificial and Natural Reefs Getz, E. T. Kline, R. J. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2019
Evaluation of a Field Protocol for Internally-Tagging Fish Predators Using Difficult-to-Tag Ictalurid Catfish as Examples Gerber, K. M. Mather, M. E. Smith, J. M. Peterson, Z. J. Fisheries Research 2019
Multiple Metrics Provide Context for the Distribution of a Highly Mobile Fish Predator, the Blue Catfish Gerber, K. M. Mather, M. E. Smith, J. M. Peterson, Z. J. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2019
Daily Movement Patterns of Red Snapper (Lutjanus Campechanus) on a Large Artificial Reef Froehlich, C. Y. m. Garcia, A. Kline, R. J. Fisheries Research 2019
First Observations of Long-Distance Migration in a Large Skate Species, the Winter Skate: Implications for Population Connectivity, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Management Frisk, M. G. Shipley, O. N. Martinez, C. M. Mckown, K. A. Zacharias, J. P. Dunton, K. J. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2019
Coupling Telemetry and Stable Isotope Techniques to Unravel Movement: Snook Habitat Use Across Variable Nutrient Environments Eggenberger, C. W. Santos, R. O. Frankovich, T. A. James, W. R. Madden, C. J. Nelson, J. A. . Rehage, J. S. Fisheries Research 2019
Spatiotemporal Occurrence of Green Sturgeon at Dredging and Placement Sites in the San Francisco Estuary Chapman, E. D. Miller, E. A. Singer, G. P. Hearn, A. R. Thomas, M. J. Brostoff, W. N. Lacivita, P. E. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2019
Assessing Risks From Harbor Dredging to the Northernmost Population of Diamondback Terrapins Using Acoustic Telemetry Castro-santos, T. Bolus, M. Danylchuk, A. J. Estuaries And Coasts 2019
Fishery-Scale Discard Mortality Rate Estimate for Haddock in the Gulf of Maine Recreational Fishery Capizzano, C. W. Zemeckis, D. R. Hoffman, W. S. Benoit, H. P. Jones, E. . Dean, M. J. Ribblett, N. Sulikowski, J. A. Mandelman, J. W. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2019
Tag Retention and Survival of Juvenile Bighead Carp Implanted With a Dummy Acoustic Tag at Three Temperatures Byrd, C. G. Chapman, D. C. Pherigo, E. K. Jolley, J. C. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2019
The Residency, Movement Patterns and Habitat Association of Several Demersal Fish Species to the Orange County Sanitation District Wastewater Plod' for Outfall Burns, E. S. Armstrong, J. . Tang, D. . Sakamoto, K. Lowe, C. G. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2019
Home Range and Spawning Migration Patterns of Queen Triggerfish Balistes Vetula in St. Croix, Us Virgin Islands Bryan, D. R. Feeley, M. W. Nemeth, R. S. Pollock, C. G. Ault, J. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019
Environmental Drivers of Habitat Use by a Marine Fish on a Heterogeneous and Dynamic Reef Flat Brownscombe, J. W. Griffin, L. P. Gagne, T. O. Haak, C. R. Cooke, S. J. Finn, J. T. Danylchuk, A. J. Marine Biology 2019
Contrasting River Migrations of Common Snook Between Two Florida Rivers Using Acoustic Telemetry Boucek, R. E. Trotter, A. A. Blewett, D. A. Ritch, J. L. Santos, R. O. Stevens, P. W. Massie, J. A. Rehage, J. S. Fisheries Research 2019
Coarse- And Fine-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Elucidates Movement Patterns and Temporal Variability in Individual Territories for a Key Coastal Mesopredator Becker, S. L. Finn, J. T. Novak, A. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Pollock, C. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Lundgren, I. Jordaan, A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2019
Sex-Based Differences in Spawning Behavior Account for Male-Biased Harvest in Lake Erie Walleye (Sander Vitreus) Bade, A. P. Binder, T. R. Faust, M. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Hartman, T. J. Kraus, R. T. Krueger, C. C. Ludsin, S. A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2019
Tropical Storms Influence the Movement Behavior of a Demersal Oceanic Fish Species Bacheler, N. M. Shertzer, K. W. Cheshire, R. T. Macmahan, J. H. Scientific Reports 2019
Fine-Scale Movement Patterns and Behavioral States of Gray Triggerfish Balistes Capriscus Determined From Acoustic Telemetry and Hidden Markov Models Bacheler, N. M. Michelot, T. Cheshire, R. T. Shertzer, K. W. Fisheries Research 2019
Occupancy Patterns of Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi, Associated With Ship Island, Mississippi Vick, P. E. Peterson, M. S. Slack, W. T. Grammer, P. O. Journal Of Coastal Research 2018
Seascape Connectivity of Gulf Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi Population Units Across the Northern Gulf of Mexico Vick, P. E. Peterson, M. S. Slack, W. T. Endangered Species Research 2018
Linking Habitat Use and Trophic Ecology of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion Nebulosus) on a Restored Oyster Reef in a Subtropical Estuary Tinhan, T. C. Mohan, J. A. Dumesnil, M. Deangelis, B. M. Wells, R. J. d. Estuaries And Coasts 2018
Variation in Dna Methylation Is Associated With Migratory Phenotypes of Lake Sturgeon Acipenser Fulvescens in the St. Clair River, Mi, Usa Whitaker, J. M. Welsh, A. B. Hondorp, D. W. Boase, J. C. Merovich, G. T. Welsh, S. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2018
Descender Devices Are Promising Tools for Increasing Survival in Deepwater Groupers Runde, B. J. Buckel, J. A. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2018
Seascape Connectivity and the Influence of Predation Risk on the Movement of Fishes Inhabiting a Back-Reef Ecosystem Rooker, J. R. Dance, M. A. Wells, R. J. d. Quigg, A. Hill, R. L. Appeldoorn, R. S. Ferreira, B. P. Boswell, K. M. Sanchez, P. J. Moulton, D. L. Kitchens, L. L. Rooker, G. J. Aschenbrenner, A. Ecosphere 2018
Depth- And Range-Dependent Variation in the Performance of Aquatic Telemetry Systems: Understanding and Predicting the Susceptibility of Acoustic Tag-Receiver Pairs to Close Proximity Detection Interference Scherrer, S. R. Rideout, B. P. Giorli, G. Nosal, E. M. Weng, K. C. Peerj 2018
Evidence of Repeated Long-Distance Movements by Lake Charr Salvelinus Namaycush in Lake Huron Riley, S. C. Binder, T. R. Tucker, T. R. Krueger, C. C. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2018
Range Estimates and Habitat Use of Invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix): Evidence of Sedentary and Mobile Individuals Prechtel, A. R. Coulter, A. A. Etchison, L. Jackson, P. R. Goforth, R. R. Hydrobiologia 2018
Partial Migration of the Nurse Shark, Ginglymostoma Cirratum (Bonnaterre), From the Dry Tortugas Islands Pratt, H. L. Pratt, T. C. . Morley, D. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Collins, A. B. Carrier, J. C. Hart, K. M. Whitney, N. M. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2018
Use of Non-Island, Shallow Nearshore Beach Environments by Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi) Within the Mississippi Sound, Usa Peterson, M. S. Slack, W. T. Grammer, P. O. Havrylkoff, J. M. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2018
Activity Seascapes Highlight Central Place Foraging Strategies in Marine Predators That Never Stop Swimming Papastamatiou, Y. P. Watanabe, Y. Y. Demsar, U. Leos-barajas, V. Bradley, D. Langrock, R. Weng, K. C. Lowe, C. G. Friedlander, A. M. Caselle, J. E. Movement Ecology 2018
Migratory Connectivity and Philopatry of Cownose Rays Rhinoptera Bonasus Along the Atlantic Coast, Usa Ogburn, M. B. Bangley, C. W. Aguilar, R. Fisher, R. A. Curran, M. C. Webb, S. F. Hines, A. H. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Potential for Use of Accelerometers to Monitor Green Sturgeon Acipenser Medirostris (Ayres, 1854) Behavior After Handling Moser, M. L. Corbett, S. C. Burke, B. J. Langness, O. P. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2018
Assessing the Movements of American Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus Polyphemus) Around a Marine Protected Area in Cape Cod, Ma, Usa Martinez, S. E. d. Halliday, W. D. Malkoski, V. Juanes, F. Danylchuk, A. J. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2018
Temperature Regimes, Growth, and Food Consumption for Female and Male Adult Walleye in Lake Huron and Lake Erie: A Bioenergetics Analysis Madenjian, C. P. Hayden, T. A. Peat, T. B. Vandergoot, C. S. Fielder, D. G. Gorman, A. M. Pothoven, S. A. Dettmers, J. M. Cooke, S. J. Zhao, Y. Krueger, C. C. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Residency and Inter-Reef Connectivity of Three Gamefishes Between Natural Reefs and a Large Mitigation Artificial Reef Logan, R. K. Lowe, C. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Evaluation of Four Surgical Implantation Techniques for Age-0 White Sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus Richardson, 1836) With a New Acoustic Transmitter Liss, S. A. Ashton, N. K. Brown, R. S. Walker, R. W. Bates, P. Klassen, C. N. Backhouse, S. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2018
Three-Dimensional Migration Behavior of Juvenile Salmonids in Reservoirs and Near Dams Li, X. . Deng, Z. D. Fu, T. Brown, R. S. Martinez, J. J. Mcmichael, G. A. Trumbo, B. A. Ahmann, M. L. Renholds, J. F. Skalski, J. R. Townsend, R. L. Scientific Reports 2018
Habitat Geography Around Hawaii's Oceanic Islands Influences Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo Cuvier) Spatial Behaviour and Shark Bite Risk at Ocean Recreation Sites Meyer, C. G. Anderson, J. M. Coffey, D. M. Hutchinson, M. R. Royer, M. A. Holland, K. N. Scientific Reports 2018
Diel Movements of the Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus Limbatus) in a Caribbean Nursery Legare, B. Skomal, G. B. Deangelis, B. M. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2018
An Assessment of Juvenile Sand Tiger (Carcharias Taurus) Activity Patterns in a Seasonal Nursery Using Accelerometer Transmitters Kneebone, J. Winton, M. V. Danylchuk, A. J. Chisholm, J. Skomal, G. B. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2018
Monitoring the Behavior of Freely Moving Lobsters With Accelerometers Jury, S. H. Langley, T. G. Gutzler, B. C. Goldstein, J. S. Watson, W. H. Bulletin Of Marine Science 2018
Evidence of Sound Production by Spawning Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) in Lakes Huron and Champlain Johnson, N. S. Higgs, D. Binder, T. R. Marsden, J. E. Buchinger, T. J. Brege, L. Bruning, T. Farha, S. A. Krueger, C. C. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Biotelemetry Based Estimates of Greater Amberjack (Seriola Dumerili) Post-Release Mortality in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Jackson, L. S. Drymon, J. M. Nelson, T. R. Powers, S. P. Fisheries Research 2018
Seasonal Movements of Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum) in the Altamaha River, Georgia Ingram, E. C. Peterson, D. L. River Research And Applications 2018
Identification of Potential Wintering Habitat for Threatened Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus in Saco Bay, Maine, Usa Hylton, S. N. Weissman, A. M. Wippelhauser, G. S. Sulikowski, J. A. Endangered Species Research 2018
Assessing Residency Time and Habitat Use of Juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish Using Acoustic Monitoring in a Nursery Habitat Hollensead, L. D. Grubbs, R. D. Carlson, J. K. Bethea, D. M. Endangered Species Research 2018
Spawning Site Fidelity and Apparent Annual Survival of Walleye (Sander Vitreus) Differ Between a Lake Huron and Lake Erie Tributary Hayden, T. A. Binder, T. R. Holbrook, C. M. Vandergoot, C. S. Fielder, D. G. Cooke, S. J. Dettmers, J. M. Krueger, C. C. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
Spatial Ecology of Carcharias Taurus in the Northwestern Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Haulsee, D. E. Breece, M. W. Brown, L. M. Wetherbee, B. M. Fox, D. A. Oliver, M. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Keeping Up With the Silver King: Using Cooperative Acoustic Telemetry Networks to Quantify the Movements of Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) in the Coastal Waters of the Southeastern United States Griffin, L. P. Brownscombe, J. W. Adams, A. J. Boucek, R. E. Finn, J. T. Heithaus, M. R. Rehage, J. S. Cooke, S. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Fisheries Research 2018
Quantification of Emigration and Habitat Use Inform Stocking Rates of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens, Rafinesque, 1817) in the Cumberland River, Tennessee, Usa Ganus, J. E. Mullen, D. M. Miller, B. T. Cobb, V. A. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2018
Occurrence of Atlantic Sturgeon in the St. Marys River, Georgia Fox, A. G. . Wirgin, I. I. Peterson, D. L. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2018
Spawning Migration Migration Movements of Mutton Snapper in Tortugas, Florida: Spatial Dynamics Within a Marine Reserve Network Feeley, M. W. Morley, D. Acosta, A. Barbera, P. Hunt, J. Switzer, T. Burton, M. Fisheries Research 2018
Movement Patterns of Juvenile Sablefish Within a Nursery Area in Southeast Alaska Ehresmann, R. K. Beaudreau, A. H. Green, K. M. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2018
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Survival When Exposed to Simulated Dam Passage After Being Implanted With a New Microacoustic Transmitter Geist, D. R. Liss, S. A. Harnish, R. A. Deters, K. A. Brown, R. S. Deng, Z. D. Martinez, J. J. Mueller, R. P. Stephenson, J. R. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2018
Telemetry and Genetic Data Characterize Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser Fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817) Breeding Ecology and Spawning Site Fidelity in Green Bay Rivers of Lake Michigan Donofrio, M. C. Scribner, K. T. Baker, E. A. Kanefsky, J. Tsehaye, I. Elliott, R. F. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2018
Multistate Models of Bigheaded Carps in the Illinois River Reveal Spatial Dynamics of Invasive Species Coulter, A. A. Brey, M. K. Lubejko, M. V. Kallis, J. L. Coulter, D. P. Glover, D. C. Whitledge, G. W. Garvey, J. E. Biological Invasions 2018
Distinct Responses of Sympatric Migrant and Resident Atlantic Cod Phenotypes to Substrate and Temperature at a Remote Gulf of Maine Seamount Conroy, C. W. Calvert, J. Sherwood, G. D. Grabowski, J. H. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2018
Detection Efficiency of Acoustic Biotelemetry Sensors on Wave Gliders Cimino, M. A. Cassen, M. Merrified, S. Terrill, E. Animal Biotelemetry 2018
Movement and Survival of Wild Chinook Salmon Smolts From Butte Creek During Their Out-Migration to the Ocean: Comparison of a Dry Year Versus a Wet Year Cordoleani, F. Notch, J. J. Mchuron, A. S. Ammann, A. J. Michel, C. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2018
Survival of Juvenile Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Through the San Joaquin River Delta, California, 2010-2015 Buchanan, R. A. Brandes, P. L. Skalski, J. R. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2018
Environmental Drivers of Adult Atlantic Sturgeon Movement and Residency in the Delaware Bay Breece, M. W. Fox, D. A. Oliver, M. J. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2018
Juvenile and Adult Striped Bass Mortality and Distribution in an Unrecovered Coastal Population Bradley, C. E. Rice, J. A. Aday, D. D. Hightower, J. E. Rock, J. Lincoln, K. J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2018
Migration Patterns of Post-Spawning Pacific Herring in a Subarctic Sound Bishop, M. A. Eiler, J. H. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies In Oceanography 2018
Fine-Scale Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Unexpected Lake Trout, Salvelinus Namaycush, Spawning Habitats in Northern Lake Huron, North America Binder, T. R. Farha, S. A. Thompson, H. T. Holbrook, C. M. Bergstedt, R. A. Riley, S. C. Bronte, C. R. He, J. X. Krueger, C. C. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2018
Mobile Marine Predators: An Understudied Source of Nutrients to Coral Reefs in an Unfished Atoll Williams, J. J. . Papastamatiou, Y. P. Caselle, J. E. Bradley, D. Jacoby, D. M. p. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2018
Behavior of Gray Triggerfish Balistes Capriscus Around Baited Fish Traps Determined From Fine-Scale Acoustic Tracking Bacheler, N. M. Shertzer, K. W. Buckel, J. A. Rudershausen, P. J. Runde, B. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018
Moving Forward in a Reverse Estuary: Habitat Use and Movement Patterns of Black Drum (Pogonias Cromis) Under Distinct Hydrological Regimes Ajemian, M. J. Mendenhall, K. S. Pollack, J. B. Wetz, M. S. Stunz, G. W. Estuaries And Coasts 2018
Evaluating Pacific Cod Migratory Behavior and Site Fidelity in a Fjord Environment Using Acoustic Telemetry Lewandoski, S. A. Bishop, M. A. Mckinzie, M. K. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2018
Residency and Long-Distance Movements of Sevengill Sharks (Notorhynchus Cepedianus) Tagged in San Francisco Bay Ketchum, J. T. Slager, C. J. Buckhorn, M. L. Nosal, A. P. Peter klimley, A. Animal Biotelemetry 2017
Retention and Effects of Miniature Transmitters in Juvenile American Eels Mueller, R. P. Janak, J. M. Liss, S. A. Brown, R. S. Deng, Z. D. Harnish, R. A. Fisheries Research 2017
Determining Conservation Potential of an Opportunistically Defined Mpa Boundary Using Fish Telemetry Kendall, M. S. Siceloff, L. Winship, A. J. Monaco, M. E. Biological Conservation 2017
Targeted Catch-and-Release of Prohibited Sharks: Sand Tigers in Coastal Delaware Waters Kilfoil, J. P. Wetherbee, B. M. Carlson, J. K. Fox, D. A. Fisheries 2017
Interpreting Vertical Movement Behavior With Holistic Examination of Depth Distribution: A Novel Method Reveals Cryptic Diel Activity Patterns of Chinook Salmon in the Salish Sea Arostegui, M. C. Essington, T. E. Quinn, T. P. Animal Biotelemetry 2017
Spatially Clustered Movement Patterns and Segregation of Subadult Chinook Salmon Within the Salish Sea Arostegui, M. C. Smith, J. M. Kagley, A. N. Spilsbury-pucci, D. Fresh, K. L. Quinn, T. P. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2017
How Low Can You Go? Determining a Size Threshold for Implantation of a New Acoustic Transmitter in Age-0 White Sturgeon Ashton, N. K. Liss, S. A. Walker, R. W. Brown, R. S. Klassen, C. N. Backhouse, S. Bates, P. Townsend, R. L. Northwest Science 2017
Movement Patterns and Spatial Segregation of Two Populations of Lake Trout Salvelinus Namaycush in Lake Huron Binder, T. R. Marsden, J. E. Riley, S. C. Johnson, J. E. Johnson, N. S. He, J. X. Ebener, M. P. Holbrook, C. M. Bergstedt, R. A. Bronte, C. R. Hayden, T. A. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2017
Can Animal Habitat Use Patterns Influence Their Vulnerability to Extreme Climate Events? An Estuarine Sportfish Case Study Boucek, R. E. Heithaus, M. R. Santos, R. O. Stevens, P. W. Rehage, J. S. Global Change Biology 2017
More Than Just a Spawning Location: Examining Fine Scale Space Use of Two Estuarine Fish Species at a Spawning Aggregation Site Boucek, R. E. Leone, E. H. Bickford, J. W. Walters, S. Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Frontiers In Marine Science 2017
Tidal and Diel Movement Patterns of the Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis Sabina) Along a Stream-Order Gradient Brinton, C. P. Curran, M. C. Marine And Freshwater Research 2017
Spatiotemporal Drivers of Energy Expenditure in a Coastal Marine Fish Brownscombe, J. W. Cooke, S. J. Danylchuk, A. J. Oecologia 2017
Restoration Versus Invasive Species: Bigheaded Carps' Use of a Rehabilitated Backwater Coulter, A. A. Schultz, D. Tristano, E. Brey, M. K. Garvey, J. E. River Research And Applications 2017
Vertical Movements of Juvenile Sablefish in Coastal Southeast Alaska Coutre, K. M. Beaudreau, A. H. Courtney, D. Mueter, F. J. Malecha, P. W. Rutecki, T. L. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2017
Comparing the Survival Rate of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Migrating Through Hydropower Systems Using Injectable and Surgical Acoustic Transmitters Deng, Z. D. Martinez, J. J. Li, H. Harnish, R. A. Woodley, C. M. Hughes, J. A. Li, X. Fu, T. Lu, J. Mcmichael, G. A. Weiland, M. A. Eppard, M. B. Skalski, J. R. Townsend, R. L. Scientific Reports 2017
Handling and Tagging Effects, in-River Residence Time, and Postspawn Migration of Anadromous River Herring in the Hudson River, New York Eakin, W. W. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2017
Displacement Effects of Heavy Human Use on Coral Reef Predators Within the Molokini Marine Life Conservation District Filous, A. Friedlander, A. M. Koike, H. . Lammers, M. Wong, A. Stone, K. Sparks, R. T. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017
Movement Patterns of Reef Predators in a Small Isolated Marine Protected Area With Implications for Resource Management Filous, A. Friedlander, A. M. Wolfe, B. W. Stamoulis, K. A. Scherrer, S. R. Wong, A. Stone, K. Sparks, R. T. Marine Biology 2017
Activity Space and Movement Patterns of Octopus Bimaculatus (Verrill, 1883) Around Santa Catalina Island, California Hofmeister, J. K. k. Voss, K. M. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2017
Movement Patterns of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in a Tidal Coastal Embayment in New England Hollema, H. M. Kneebone, J. Mccormick, S. D. Skomal, G. B. Danylchuk, A. J. Fisheries Research 2017
Use of Navigation Channels by Lake Sturgeon: Does Channelization Increase Vulnerability of Fish to Ship Strikes? Hondorp, D. W. Bennion, D. H. Roseman, E. F. Holbrook, C. M. Boase, J. C. Chiotti, J. A. Thomas, M. V. Wills, T. C. Drouin, R. G. Kessel, S. T. Krueger, C. C. Plos One 2017
Diel Movements of Juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish: Implications for Defining the Size of a Nursery Hotspot Huston, C. A. Stevens, P. W. Blaxton, R. M. Tolley, G. Scharer, R. M. Tornwall, B. M. Poulakis, G. R. Endangered Species Research 2017
Extreme Passive Acoustic Telemetry Detection Variability on a Mesophotic Coral Reef, United States Virgin Islands Jossart, J. Nemeth, R. S. Primack, A. Stolz, R. Marine Biology 2017
A Test of the Detection Range of Acoustic Transmitters and Receivers Deployed in Deep Waters of Southeast Alaska, Usa Loher, T. Webster, R. A. Carlile, D. Animal Biotelemetry 2017
Evaluating Upstream Passage and Timing of Approach by Adult Bigheaded Carps at a Gated Dam on the Illinois River Lubejko, M. V. Whitledge, G. W. Coulter, A. A. Brey, M. K. Oliver, D. C. Garvey, J. E. River Research And Applications 2017
Juvenile Steelhead Locate Coldwater Refugia in an Intermittently Closed Estuary Matsubu, W. Simenstad, C. A. Horton, G. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2017
Ecological Niche Partitioning Within a Large Predator Guild in a Nutrient-Limited Estuary Matich, P. Ault, J. S. Boucek, R. E. Bryan, D. R. Gastrich, K. R. Harvey, C. L. Heithaus, M. R. Kiszka, J. J. Paz, V. Rehage, J. S. Rosenblatt, A. E. Limnology And Oceanography 2017
Informing Conservation Strategies for the Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon Using Acoustic Telemetry and Multi-State Mark-Recapture Models Melnychuk, M. C. Dunton, K. J. Jordaan, A. Mckown, K. A. Frisk, M. G. Journal Of Applied Ecology 2017
Population, Habitat, and Marine Location Effects on Early Marine Survival and Behavior of Puget Sound Steelhead Smolts Moore, M. E. Berejikian, B. A. Ecosphere 2017
Habitat Partitioning and Seasonal Movement of Red Drum and Spotted Seatrout Moulton, D. L. Dance, M. A. Williams, J. A. . Sluis, M. Z. Stunz, G. W. Rooker, J. R. Estuaries And Coasts 2017
Interannual Site Fidelity of Pacific Halibut: Potential Utility of Protected Areas for Management of a Migratory Demersal Fish Nielsen, J. K. Seitz, A. C. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2017
Critical Foraging Habitat of Atlantic Sturgeon Based on Feeding Habits, Prey Distribution, and Movement Patterns in the Saco River Estuary, Maine Novak, A. J. Carlson, A. E. Wheeler, C. R. Wippelhauser, G. S. Sulikowski, J. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2017
Factors Affecting Detection Efficiency of Mobile Telemetry Slocum Gliders Oliver, M. J. Breece, M. W. Haulsee, D. E. Cimino, M. A. Kohut, J. Aragon, D. Fox, D. A. Animal Biotelemetry 2017
Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) Spawning Site Use in Lake Champlain Pinheiro, V. M. Stockwell, J. D. Marsden, J. E. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2017
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Assess Patterns in the Seasonal Residency of the Atlantic Stingray Dasyatis Sabina Ramsden, S. Cotton, C. F. Curran, M. C. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2017
Estimating Incision Healing Rate for Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters From Recaptured Fish Schoonyan, A. Kraus, R. T. Faust, M. D. Vandergoot, C. S. Cooke, S. J. Cook, H. A. Hayden, T. A. Krueger, C. C. Animal Biotelemetry 2017
Movement Patterns of Sphyrna Tiburo (Bonnethead Shark) in a Shallow Tidal Creek System Smith, D. T. Curran, M. C. Southeastern Naturalist 2017
Coral Reef Grazer-Benthos Dynamics Complicated by Invasive Algae in a Small Marine Reserve Stamoulis, K. A. Friedlander, A. M. Meyer, C. G. Fernandez-silva, I. Toonen, R. J. Scientific Reports 2017
Use of Gill Nets and Telemetry in Tracking Movements and Feeding of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis), Bluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix), and Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis) at a Salinity Front in a Small Estuary Stehlik, L. L. Manderson, J. P. Pessutti, J. P. Fishery Bulletin 2017
Do Intracoelomic Telemetry Transmitters Alter the Post-Release Behaviour of Migratory Fish? Wilson, A. D. m. Hayden, T. A. Vandergoot, C. S. Kraus, R. T. Dettmers, J. M. Cooke, S. J. Krueger, C. C. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2017
Depth Preferences and Three-Dimensional Movements of Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus, on an Artificial Reef in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Williams-grove, L. J. Szedlmayer, S. T. Fisheries Research 2017
Movements of Atlantic Sturgeon of the Gulf of Maine Inside and Outside of the Geographically Defined Distinct Population Segment Wippelhauser, G. S. Sulikowski, J. A. Zydlewski, G. B. Altenritter, M. A. Kieffer, M. Kinnison, M. T. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2017
Seasonal Movements and Connectivity of an Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) Spawning Component in the Western Gulf of Maine Zemeckis, D. R. Liu, C. Cowles, G. W. Dean, M. J. Hoffman, W. S. Martins, D. Cadrin, S. X. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2017
Temporal Constraints on the Potential Role of Fry Odors as Cues of Past Reproductive Success for Spawning Lake Trout Buchinger, T. J. Marsden, J. E. Binder, T. R. Huertas, M. Bussy, U. Li, K. Hanson, J. E. Krueger, C. C. Li, W. Johnson, N. S. Ecology And Evolution 2017
How Fishes Find the Shore: Evidence for Orientation to Bathymetry From the Non-Homing Sea Lamprey Meckley, T. D. Wagner, C. M. Gurarie, E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2017
Assessment of Early Migration Dynamics of River?specific Hatchery Atlantic Salmon Smolts Hawkes, J. P. Sheehan, T. F. Stich, D. S. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2017
Movement Patterns of Gray Triggerfish, Balistes Capriscus, Around Artificial Reefs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Herbig, J. L. Szedlmayer, S. T. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2016
Modeling Common Carp Under-Ice Movement Using Hierarchical Markov Simulation Armstrong, D. E. Hennen, M. J. Saunders, C. P. Brandenburger, T. Brown, M. L. Neumann, C. Ecological Modelling 2016
Predator-Prey Interactions Between Harbor Seals and Migrating Steelhead Trout Smolts Revealed by Acoustic Telemetry Berejikian, B. A. Moore, M. E. Jeffries, S. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Spatial and Temporal Movement Patterns of Two Snapper Species at a Multi-Species Spawning Aggregation Biggs, C. R. Nemeth, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Spawning Site Fidelity of Wild and Hatchery Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) in Northern Lake Huron Binder, T. R. Riley, S. C. Holbrook, C. M. Hansen, M. J. . Bergstedt, R. A. Bronte, C. R. He, J. X. Krueger, C. C. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2016
Dynamic Seascapes Predict the Marine Occurrence of an Endangered Species: Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus Breece, M. W. Fox, D. A. Dunton, K. J. Frisk, M. G. Jordaan, A. Oliver, M. J. Methods In Ecology And Evolution 2016
Estimating and Mitigating the Discard Mortality of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) in the Gulf of Maine Recreational Rod-and-Reel Fishery Capizzano, C. W. Mandelman, J. W. Hoffman, W. S. Dean, M. J. Zemeckis, D. R. Benoit, H. P. Kneebone, J. Jones, E. . Stettner, M. J. Buchan, N. J. Langan, J. A. Sulikowski, J. A. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2016
Invasive Silver Carp Movement Patterns in the Predominantly Free-Flowing Wabash River (Indiana, Usa) Coulter, A. A. Bailey, E. J. Keller, D. . Goforth, R. R. Biological Invasions 2016
Does Transmitter Placement or Species Affect Detection Efficiency of Tagged Animals in Biotelemetry Research? Dance, M. A. Moulton, D. L. Furey, N. B. Rooker, J. R. Fisheries Research 2016
Survival and Transit of in-River and Transported Yearling Chinook Salmon in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary Dietrich, J. Eder, K. Thompson, D. Buchanan, R. A. Skalski, J. R. Mcmichael, G. A. Frye, D. E. Loge, F. Fisheries Research 2016
Spatial Distribution and Habitat Use of Spawning American Shad in the St. Johns River, Florida Dutterer, A. C. Pine, W. E. Miller, S. J. Hyle, A. R. Allen, M. S. River Research And Applications 2016
Tagging Response and Postspawning Movements of Pacific Herring, a Small Pelagic Forage Fish Sensitive to Handling Eiler, J. H. Bishop, M. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2016
Factors Influencing the Survival of Outmigrating Juvenile Salmonids Through Multiple Dam Passages: An Individual-Based Approach Elder, T. Woodley, C. M. Weiland, M. A. Strecker, A. L. Ecology And Evolution 2016
Area Use and Movements of the White Croaker (Genyonemus Lineatus) in the Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Farris, M. Ahr, B. J. Lowe, C. G. Marine Environmental Research 2016
Using Movements and Habitat Utilization as a Functional Metric of Restoration for Estuarine Juvenile Fish Habitat Freedman, R. M. Espasandin, C. Holcombe, E. F. Whitcraft, C. R. Allen, B. J. Witting, D. Lowe, C. G. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2016
Exposure to Elevated Pco(2) Alters Post-Treatment Diel Movement Patterns of Largemouth Bass Over Short Time Scales Hasler, C. T. Midway, S. R. Jeffrey, J. D. Tix, J. A. Sullivan, C. Suski, C. D. Freshwater Biology 2016
Social Network Analysis Reveals Potential Fission-Fusion Behavior in a Shark Haulsee, D. E. Fox, D. A. Breece, M. W. Brown, L. M. Kneebone, J. Skomal, G. B. Oliver, M. J. Scientific Reports 2016
Abundance Estimate for and Habitat Use by Early Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon Within the Delaware River Estuary Hale, E. A. Park, I. A. Fisher, M. T. Wong, R. A. Stangl, M. J. Clark, J. H. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2016
Probability of Acoustic Transmitter Detections by Receiver Lines in Lake Huron: Results of Multi-Year Field Tests and Simulations Hayden, T. A. Holbrook, C. M. Binder, T. R. Dettmers, J. M. Cooke, S. J. Vandergoot, C. S. Krueger, C. C. Animal Biotelemetry 2016
Evaluating Harvest-Based Control of Invasive Fish With Telemetry: Performance of Sea Lamprey Traps in the Great Lakes Holbrook, C. M. Bergstedt, R. A. Barber, J. M. Bravener, G. A. Jones, M. L. Krueger, C. C. Ecological Applications 2016
Telemetry Narrows the Search for Sea Lamprey Spawning Locations in the St. Clair-Detroit River System Holbrook, C. M. Jubar, A. K. Barber, J. M. Tallon, K. Hondorp, D. W. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2016
What Is the Animal Doing? Tools for Exploring Behavioural Structure in Animal Movements Gurarie, E. Bracis, C. Delgado, M. Meckley, T. D. Kojola, I. Wagner, C. M. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2016
Analysis of Fine-Scale Daily Movement Patterns of Juvenile Pristis Pectinata Within a Nursery Habitat Hollensead, L. D. Grubbs, R. D. Carlson, J. K. Bethea, D. M. Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 2016
Effects of Pile Driving on the Residency and Movement of Tagged Reef Fish Iafrate, J. D. Watwood, S. L. Reyier, E. A. Scheidt, D. M. Dossot, G. A. Crocker, S. E. Plos One 2016
Annual Spawning Migrations of Adult Atlantic Sturgeon in the Altamaha River, Georgia Ingram, E. C. Peterson, D. L. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2016
Seasonal Mortality and Movement Patterns of White Bass in a Southeastern Us Reservoir Lincoln, K. J. Aday, D. D. Rice, J. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2016
Mortality, Transmitter Retention, Growth, and Wound Healing in Juvenile Salmon Injected With Micro Acoustic Transmitters Liss, S. A. Brown, R. S. Deters, K. A. Walker, R. W. Deng, Z. D. Eppard, M. B. Townsend, R. L. Seaburg, A. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2016
Assessing Reproductive Behavior Important to Fisheries Management: A Case Study With Red Drum, Sciaenops Ocellatus Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Burnsed, S. L. w. Bickford, J. W. Ecological Applications 2016
Characterizing Response of East Pacific Green Turtles to Changing Temperatures: Using Acoustic Telemetry in a Highly Urbanized Environment Madrak, S. V. Lewison, R. L. Seminoff, J. A. Eguchi, T. Animal Biotelemetry 2016
Comparative Use of a Caribbean Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem and Association With Fish Spawning Aggregations by Three Species of Shark Pickard, A. E. Vaudo, J. J. Wetherbee, B. M. Nemeth, R. S. Blondeau, J. B. Kadison, E. A. Shivji, M. S. Plos One 2016
Diel Activity Patterns of Juvenile Late Fall-Run Chinook Salmon With Implications for Operation of a Gated Water Diversion in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Plumb, J. M. Adams, N. S. Perry, R. W. Holbrook, C. M. Romine, J. G. Blake, A. R. Burau, J. R. River Research And Applications 2016
Can You Hear Me Now? Range-Testing a Submerged Passive Acoustic Receiver Array in a Caribbean Coral Reef Habitat Selby, T. H. Hart, K. M. Fujisaki, I. Smith, B. J. Pollock, C. G. Hillis-starr, Z. Lundgren, I. Oli, M. K. Ecology And Evolution 2016
Movement Patterns of Brook Trout in a Restored Coastal Stream System in Southern Massachusetts Snook, E. L. Letcher, B. H. Dubreuil, Todd L. Zydlewski, J. D. O'donnell, M. J. Whiteley, A. R. Hurley, S. T. Danylchuk, A. J. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2016
Sex-Biased Survivorship and Differences in Migration of Wild Steelhead (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Smolts From Two Coastal Oregon Rivers Thompson, N. F. Leblanc, C. A. Romer, J. D. Schreck, C. B. Blouin, M. S. Noakes, D. L. g. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2016
Effects of a Novel Acoustic Transmitter on Swimming Performance and Predator Avoidance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon: Determination of a Size Threshold Walker, R. W. Ashton, N. K. Brown, R. S. Liss, S. A. Colotelo, A. H. Beirao, B. V. Townsend, R. L. Deng, Z. D. Eppard, M. B. Fisheries Research 2016
Rhythms of Locomotion and Seasonal Changes in Activity Expressed by Horseshoe Crabs in Their Natural Habitat Watson, W. H. Johnson, S. K. Whitworth, C. D. Chabot, C. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Feasibility of Passive Integrated Transponder and Acoustic Tagging for Endangered Adult Delta Smelt Wilder, R. M. Hassrick, J. L. Grimaldo, L. F. Greenwood, M. F. d. Acuna, S. Burns, J. M. Maniscalco, D. M. Crain, P. K. Hung, T. C. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2016
Acoustic Positioning and Movement Patterns of Red Snapper Lutjanus Campechanus Around Artificial Reefs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Williams-grove, L. J. Szedlmayer, S. T. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016
Mortality Estimates for Red Snapper Based on Ultrasonic Telemetry in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Williams-grove, L. J. Szedlmayer, S. T. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2016
Spawning Site Fidelity, Catchment, and Dispersal of Common Snook Along the East Coast of Florida Young, J. M. Yeiser, B. G. Ault, E. R. Whittington, J. A. Dutka-gianelli, J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2016
Coastal Migration and Homing of Roanoke River Striped Bass Callihan, J. L. Harris, J. E. Hightower, J. E. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2015
Patterns of Home Ranging, Site Fidelity, and Seasonal Spawning Migration of Barred Sand Bass Caught Within the Palos Verdes Shelf Superfund Site Teesdale, G. N. Wolfe, B. W. Lowe, C. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Sex-Specific Movement Response of an Estuarine Sciaenid (Cynoscion Nebulosus) to Freshets Callihan, J. L. Cowan, J. H. Harbison, M. D. Estuaries And Coasts 2015
Initiation of Migration and Movement Rates of Atlantic Salmon Smolts in Fresh Water Stich, D. S. Kinnison, M. T. Kocik, J. F. Zydlewski, J. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2015
Mixed-Stock Inconnu Stenodus Leucichthys Habitat Use in an Arctic Estuarine Delta Complex Smith, N. J. Sutton, T. M. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Ultrasonic Telemetry Reveals Seasonal Variation in Depth Distribution and Diel Vertical Migrations of Sub-Adult Chinook and Coho Salmon in Puget Sound Smith, J. M. Fresh, K. L. Kagley, A. N. Quinn, T. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Seasonal Movement Patterns of Inconnu in an Arctic Estuary Delta Complex Smith, N. J. Sutton, T. M. Savereide, J. W. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2015
External Attachment of Acoustic Tags to Deepwater Reef Fishes: An Alternate Approach When Internal Implantation Affects Experimental Design Johnson, M. W. Diamond, S. L. Stunz, G. W. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
Shortnose Sturgeon in the Gulf of Maine: Use of Spawning Habitat in the Kennebec System and Response to Dam Removal Wippelhauser, G. S. Zydlewski, G. B. Kieffer, M. Sulikowski, J. A. Kinnison, M. T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
A Cage Release Method to Improve Fish Tagging Studies Williams, L. J. Herbig, J. L. Szedlmayer, S. T. Fisheries Research 2015
Responses of Coastal Largemouth Bass to Episodic Hypoxia Brown, D. T. Aday, D. D. Rice, J. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
Shortnose Sturgeon and Atlantic Sturgeon in the Kennebec River System, Maine: A 1977-2001 Retrospective of Abundance and Important Habitat Wippelhauser, G. S. Squiers, T. S. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
Observational Data on the Effects of Infection by the Copepod Salmincola Californiensis on the Short- And Long-Term Viability of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Implanted With Telemetry Tags Beeman, J. W. Hansen, A. C. Sprando, J. M. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Capture and Brief Invasive Procedures Using Electronarcosis Does Not Appear to Affect Postrelease Habits in Male Atlantic Sturgeon During the Spawning Season Balazik, M. T. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2015
Movement of Invasive Adult Lionfish Pterois Volitans Using Telemetry: Importance of Controls to Estimate and Explain Variable Detection Probabilities Bacheler, N. M. Whitfield, P. E. Munoz, R. C. Harrison, B. B. Harms, C. A. Buckel, C. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Fish Sound Production and Acoustic Telemetry Reveal Behaviors and Spatial Patterns Associated With Spawning Aggregations of Two Caribbean Groupers Rowell, T. J. Nemeth, R. S. Schaerer, M. T. Appeldoorn, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Brassy Chubs Kyphosus Vaigiensis Display Unexpected Trans-Island Movement Along Inshore Habitats Sakihara, T. S. Nishiura, L. K. Shimoda, T. E. Shindo, T. T. Nishimoto, R. T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Best Practices for Surgically Implanting Acoustic Transmitters in Spotted Seatrout Robillard, M. M. r. Payne, L. M. Vega, R. R. Stunz, G. W. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
Acoustic Tagging and Monitoring of Cultured and Wild Juvenile Crimson Jobfish (Pristipomoides Filamentosus) in a Nursery Habitat Parrish, F. A. Hayman, N. T. Kelley, C. Boland, R. C. Fishery Bulletin 2015
Movements and Foraging of Predators Associated With Mesophotic Coral Reefs and Their Potential for Linking Ecological Habitats Papastamatiou, Y. P. Meyer, C. G. Kosaki, R. K. Wallsgrove, N. J. Popp, B. N. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Individual Variation in Ontogenetic Niche Shifts in Habitat Use and Movement Patterns of a Large Estuarine Predator (Carcharhinus Leucas) Matich, P. Heithaus, M. R. Oecologia 2015
Movement Patterns, Habitat Use and Site Fidelity of the White Croaker (Genyonemus Lineatus) in the Palos Verdes Superfund Site, Los Angeles, California Wolfe, B. W. Lowe, C. G. Marine Environmental Research 2015
Migration Depth and Residence Time of Juvenile Salmonids in the Forebays of Hydropower Dams Prior to Passage Through Turbines or Juvenile Bypass Systems: Implications for Turbine-Passage Survival Li, X. . Deng, Z. D. Brown, R. S. Fu, T. Martinez, J. J. Mcmichael, G. A. Skalski, J. R. Townsend, R. L. Trumbo, B. A. Ahmann, M. L. Renholds, J. F. Conservation Physiology 2015
Three-Dimensional Tracking of Juvenile Salmon at a Mid-Reach Location Between Two Dams Li, X. . Deng, Z. D. Martinez, J. J. Fu, T. Titzler, P. S. Hughes, J. S. Weiland, M. A. Brown, R. S. Trumbo, B. A. Ahmann, M. L. Renholds, J. F. Fisheries Research 2015
The Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Habitat Use by Blacktip (Carcharhinus Limbatus) and Lemon (Negaprion Brevirostris) Sharks in Nurseries of St. John, United States Virgin Islands Legare, B. Kneebone, J. Deangelis, B. M. Skomal, G. B. Marine Biology 2015
Anthropogenic Modifications to a Barrier Island Influence Bonnethead (Sphyrna Tiburo) Movements in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Kroetz, A. M. Powers, S. P. Drymon, J. M. Park, K. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Testing the Thermal-Niche Oxygen-Squeeze Hypothesis for Estuarine Striped Bass Kraus, R. T. Secor, D. H. Wingate, R. L. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Habitat Selection and Utilization of White Croaker (Genyonemus Lineatus) in the Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors and the Development of Predictive Habitat Use Models Ahr, B. J. Farris, M. Lowe, C. G. Marine Environmental Research 2015
Performance of an Acoustic Telemetry System in a Large Fishway Jung, K. W. Deng, Z. D. Martinez, J. J. Geist, D. R. Mcmichael, G. A. Stephenson, J. R. Graf, P. J. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Residence Times of Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead in Off-Channel Tidal Freshwater Habitats, Columbia River, Usa Johnson, G. E. Ploskey, G. R. Sather, N. K. Teel, D. J. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2015
In Situ Tagging of Nassau Grouper Epinephelus Striatus Using Closed-Circuit Rebreathers at a Spawning Aggregation in Puerto Rico Tuohy, E. Nemeth, M. I. Bejarano, I. Schaerer, M. T. Appeldoorn, R. S. Marine Technology Society Journal 2015
Patterns of Intra-Estuarine Movement of Adult Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis): Evidence of Site Affinity at Seasonal and Diel Scales Turnure, J. T. Able, K. W. Grothues, T. M. Fishery Bulletin 2015
Home Range and Habitat Use of Juvenile Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Lamont, M. M. Fujisaki, I. Stephens, B. S. Hackett, C. Animal Biotelemetry 2015
Seasonal Thermal Ecology of Adult Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in Lake Huron and Lake Erie Peat, T. B. Hayden, T. A. Gutowsky, L. F. g. Vandergoot, C. S. Fielder, D. G. Madenjian, C. P. Murchie, K. J. Dettmers, J. M. Krueger, C. C. Cooke, S. J. Journal Of Thermal Biology 2015
Seasonal Residency of Adult Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis) in a Small Temperate Estuary Based on Acoustic Telemetry: A Local Perspective of a Coast Wide Phenomenon Turnure, J. T. Grothues, T. M. Able, K. W. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Umbrella Species in Marine Systems: Using the Endangered Humphead Wrasse to Conserve Coral Reefs Weng, K. C. Pedersen, M. W. Del raye, G. A. Caselle, J. E. Gray, A. E. Endangered Species Research 2015
Migratory Patterns and Habitat Use of the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias Taurus) in the Western North Atlantic Teter, S. M. Wetherbee, B. M. Fox, D. A. Lam, C. H. Kiefer, D. A. Shivji, M. S. Marine And Freshwater Research 2015
Habitat Selection of a Coastal Shark Species Estimated From an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Haulsee, D. E. Breece, M. W. Miller, D. C. Wetherbee, B. M. Fox, D. A. Oliver, M. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Seasonal Movements of American Lobsters in Southern Gulf of Maine Coastal Waters: Patterns, Environmental Triggers, and Implications for Larval Release Goldstein, J. S. Watson, W. H. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Comparative Migratory Behavior and Survival of Wild and Hatchery Steelhead (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Smolts in Riverine, Estuarine, and Marine Habitats of Puget Sound, Washington Goetz, F. A. Jeanes, E. Moore, M. E. Quinn, T. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Connectivity and Movements of Juvenile Predatory Fishes Between Discrete Restored Estuaries in Southern California Freedman, R. M. Whitcraft, C. R. Lowe, C. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Partial Migration of Striped Bass: Revisiting the Contingent Hypothesis Gahagan, B. I. Fox, D. A. Secor, D. H. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015
Timing and Route of Migration of Mature Female Blue Crabs in a Tidal Estuary Eggleston, D. B. Millstein, E. Plaia, G. Biology Letters 2015
Fall Spawning of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Roanoke River, North Carolina Smith, J. A. . Flowers, H. J. Hightower, J. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2015
Habitat- And Bay-Scale Connectivity of Sympatric Fishes in an Estuarine Nursery Dance, M. A. Rooker, J. R. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2015
Quantifying Delayed Mortality From Barotrauma Impairment in Discarded Red Snapper Using Acoustic Telemetry Curtis, J. M. Johnson, M. W. Diamond, S. L. Stunz, G. W. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2015
Movements of Steelhead (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Smolts Migrating Through the San Francisco Bay Estuary Chapman, E. D. Hearn, A. R. Singer, G. P. Brostoff, W. N. Lacivita, P. E. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2015
Movements of Out-Migrating Late-Fall Run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Smolts Through the San Francisco Bay Estuary Hearn, A. R. Chapman, E. D. Singer, G. P. Brostoff, W. N. Lacivita, P. E. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2014
Assessment of Subyearling Chinook Salmon Survival Through the Federal Hydropower Projects in the Main-Stem Columbia River Skalski, J. R. Eppard, M. B. Ploskey, G. R. Weiland, M. A. Carlson, T. J. Townsend, R. L. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2014
Empirical, Spatially Explicit Natural Mortality and Movement Rate Estimates for the Threatened Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi) Rudd, M. B. Ahrens, R. N. m. Pine, W. E. Bolden, S. K. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2014
Coastal Movements of Migrating Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon Marinus) in Response to a Partial Pheromone Added to River Water: Implications for Management of Invasive Populations Meckley, T. D. Gurarie, E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2014
Testing for Delayed Mortality Effects in the Early Marine Life History of Columbia River Basin Yearling Chinook Salmon Rechisky, E. L. Welch, D. W. Porter, A. D. Hess, J. E. Narum, S. R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Regional-Scale Migrations and Habitat Use of Juvenile Lemon Sharks (Negaprion Brevirostris) in the Us South Atlantic Reyier, E. A. Franks, B. R. Chapman, D. D. Scheidt, D. M. Stolen, E. D. Gruber, S. H. Plos One 2014
Fish With Chips: Tracking Reef Fish Movements to Evaluate Size and Connectivity of Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Pittman, S. J. Monaco, M. E. Friedlander, A. M. Legare, B. Nemeth, R. S. Kendall, M. S. Poti, M. Clark, R. D. Wedding, L. M. Caldow, C. Plos One 2014
Lake Trout in Northern Lake Huron Spawn on Submerged Drumlins Riley, S. C. Binder, T. R. Wattrus, N. J. Faust, M. D. Janssen, J. Menzies, J. Marsden, J. E. Ebener, M. P. Bronte, C. R. He, J. X. Tucker, T. R. Hansen, M. J. . Thompson, H. T. Muir, A. M. Krueger, C. C. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2014
Spawning Site Fidelity by Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) in the Gulf of Maine: Implications for Population Structure and Rebuilding Zemeckis, D. R. Hoffman, W. S. Dean, M. J. Armstrong, M. P. Cadrin, S. X. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2014
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Spawning Aggregations of Common Snook on the East Coast of Florida Young, J. M. Yeiser, B. G. Whittington, J. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Migration Behavior of Maturing Sockeye ( Oncorhynchus Nerka ) and Chinook Salmon ( O . Tshawytscha ) in Cook Inlet , Alaska , and Implications for Management Welch, D. W. Porter, A. D. Winchell, P. Animal Biotelemetry 2014
Physiological Stress Responses to Prolonged Exposure to Ms-222 and Surgical Implantation in Juvenile Chinook Salmon Wagner, K. A. Woodley, C. M. Seaburg, A. G. Skalski, J. R. Eppard, M. B. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2014
Residency and Seasonal Movements in Lutjanus Argentiventris and Mycteroperca Rosacea at Los Islotes Reserve, Gulf of California Tinhan, T. C. Erisman, B. Aburto-oropeza, O. Weaver, A. Vazquez-arce, D. Lowe, C. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Behavior, Movements, and Habitat Use of Adult Green Sturgeon, Acipenser Medirostris, in the Upper Sacramento River Thomas, M. J. Peterson, M. L. Chapman, E. D. Hearn, A. R. Singer, G. P. Battleson, R. D. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2014
Survival of Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar Smolts Through a Hydropower Complex Stich, D. S. Bailey, M. M. Zydlewski, J. D. Journal Of Fish Biology 2014
Aggregation Behavior and Seasonal Philopatry in Male and Female Leopard Sharks Triakis Semifasciata Along the Open Coast of Southern California, Usa Nosal, A. P. Caillat, A. Kisfaludy, E. K. Royer, M. A. Wegner, N. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Characterizing Pacific Halibut Movement and Habitat in a Marine Protected Area Using Net Squared Displacement Analysis Methods Nielsen, J. K. Hooge, P. N. Taggart, S. J. Seitz, A. C. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Hypolimnetic Oxygenation in Twin Lakes, Wa. Part I: Distribution and Movement of Trout Moore, B. C. Cross, B. K. Clegg, E. M. Lanouette, B. P. Skinner, M. Preece, E. Child, A. Gantzer, P. Shallenberger, E. Christensen, D. Nine, B. Lake And Reservoir Management 2014
Effects of Acoustic Tagging on Juvenile Green Sturgeon Incision Healing, Swimming Performance, and Growth Miller, E. A. Froehlich, H. E. Cocherell, D. E. Thomas, M. J. Cech, J. J. Klimley, A. P. Fangue, N. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2014
Fine-Scale Horizontal and Vertical Movement of Barred Sand Bass, Paralabrax Nebulifer, During Spawning and Non-Spawning Seasons Mckinzie, M. K. Jarvis, E. T. Lowe, C. G. Fisheries Research 2014
Diel Behavior in White Perch Revealed Using Acoustic Telemetry Mccauley, M. M. Cerrato, R. M. Sclafani, M. Frisk, M. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2014
Multi-Tissue Stable Isotope Analysis and Acoustic Telemetry Reveal Seasonal Variability in the Trophic Interactions of Juvenile Bull Sharks in a Coastal Estuary Matich, P. Heithaus, M. R. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2014
Environmental Interference Factors Affecting Detection Range in Acoustic Telemetry Studies Using Fixed Receiver Arrays Mathies, N. H. Ogburn, M. B. Mcfall, G. Fangman, S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Residence Time and Habitat Duration for Predators in a Small Mid-Atlantic Estuary Manderson, J. P. Stehlik, L. L. Pessutti, J. P. Rosendale, J. E. Phelan, B. Fishery Bulletin 2014
Spawning Site Selection and Contingent Behavior in Common Snook, Centropomus Undecimalis Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Villegas-rios, D. Walters, S. Bickford, J. W. Cooper, W. Muller, R. Trotter, A. A. Plos One 2014
Movement Patterns and Stock Composition of Adult Striped Bass Tagged in Massachusetts Coastal Waters Kneebone, J. Hoffman, W. S. Dean, M. J. Fox, D. A. Armstrong, M. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2014
Movements of Striped Bass Between the Exclusive Economic Zone and Massachusetts State Waters Kneebone, J. Hoffman, W. S. Dean, M. J. Armstrong, M. P. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2014
Movement Patterns of Juvenile Sand Tigers (Carcharias Taurus) Along the East Coast of the Usa Kneebone, J. Chisholm, J. Skomal, G. B. Marine Biology 2014
Predictable Temperature-Regulated Residency, Movement and Migration in a Large, Highly Mobile Marine Predator (Negaprion Brevirostris) Kessel, S. T. Chapman, D. D. Franks, B. R. Gedamke, T. Gruber, S. H. Newman, J. M. White, E. R. Perkins, R. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Effects of Ghost Fishing on the Population of Red King Crab (Paralithodes Camtschaticus) in Womens Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska Long, W. C. Cummiskey, P. A. Munk, J. E. Fishery Bulletin 2014
White Perch Morone Americana (Gmelin, 1789) Habitat Choice and Movements: Comparisons Between Phragmites-Invaded and Spartina Reference Marsh Creeks Based on Acoustic Telemetry Jones, K. M. m. Mcgrath, P. E. Able, K. W. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2014
Feasibility of Tracking Fish With Acoustic Transmitters in the Ice Harbor Dam Tailrace Ingraham, J. M. Deng, Z. D. Martinez, J. J. Trumbo, B. A. Mueller, R. P. Weiland, M. A. Scientific Reports 2014
Estimating Reach-Specific Fish Movement Probabilities in Rivers With a Bayesian State-Space Model: Application to Sea Lamprey Passage and Capture at Dams Holbrook, C. M. Johnson, N. S. Steibel, J. P. Twohey, M. B. Binder, T. R. Krueger, C. C. Jones, M. L. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2014
Habitat Use and Selection by Adult Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Mississippi River Herrala, J. R. Kroboth, P. T. Kuntz, N. M. , Na Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2014
Movement and Spatial Distribution of Common Carp in a South Dakota Glacial Lake System: Implications for Management and Removal Hennen, M. J. Brown, M. L. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2014
Movement Patterns of Summer Flounder Near an Artificial Reef: Effects of Fish Size and Environmental Cues Henderson, M. J. Fabrizio, M. C. Lucy, J. A. Fisheries Research 2014
Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Large-Scale Migration Patterns of Walleye in Lake Huron Hayden, T. A. Holbrook, C. M. Fielder, D. G. Vandergoot, C. S. Bergstedt, R. A. Dettmers, J. M. Krueger, C. C. Cooke, S. J. Plos One 2014
Movements and Demography of Spawning American Shad in the Penobscot River, Maine, Prior to Dam Removal Grote, A. B. Bailey, M. M. Zydlewski, J. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2014
Habitat Selection and Movement of Adult Humpback Chub in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, During an Experimental Steady Flow Release Gerig, B. Dodrill, M. J. Pine, W. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2014
Movements of Blue Rockfish (Sebastes Mystinus) Off Central California With Comparisons to Similar Species Green, K. M. Greenley, A. P. Starr, R. M. Plos One 2014
Home Range and Seasonal Movements of Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata) During Their Inshore Residency at a Reef in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Fabrizio, M. C. Manderson, J. P. Pessutti, J. P. Fishery Bulletin 2014
Distribution and Dynamic Habitat Use of Young Bull Sharks Carcharhinus Leucas in a Highly Stratified Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary Drymon, J. M. Ajemian, M. J. Powers, S. P. Plos One 2014
Fine-Scale Diel and Gender-Based Patterns in Behaviour of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) on a Spawning Ground in the Western Gulf of Maine Dean, M. J. Hoffman, W. S. Zemeckis, D. R. Armstrong, M. P. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 2014
A Comparison of Implantation Methods for Large Pit Tags or Injectable Acoustic Transmitters in Juvenile Chinook Salmon Cook, K. V. Brown, R. S. Deng, Z. D. Klett, R. S. Li, H. Seaburg, A. G. Eppard, M. B. Fisheries Research 2014
Evaluating the Influence of Environmental Factors on Yearling Chinook Salmon Survival in the Columbia River Plume (Usa) Brosnan, I. G. Welch, D. W. Rechisky, E. L. Porter, A. D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Use of Oviduct-Inserted Acoustic Transmitters and Positional Telemetry to Estimate Timing and Location of Spawning : A Feasibility Study in Lake Trout , Salvelinus Namaycush Binder, T. R. Holbrook, C. M. Miehls, S. M. Thompson, H. T. Krueger, C. C. Animal Biotelemetry 2014
Dynamics of Residency and Egress in Selected Estuarine Fishes: Evidence From Acoustic Telemetry Able, K. W. Grothues, T. M. Turnure, J. T. Malone, M. A. Henkes, G. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2014
Extending the 2 \% Rule : The Effects of Heavy Internal Tags on Stress Physiology , Swimming Performance , and Growth in Brook Trout Smircich, M. G. Kelly, J. T. Animal Biotelemetry 2014
English Sole Spawning Migration and Evidence for Feeding Site Fidelity in Puget Sound, Usa, With Implications for Contaminant Exposure Moser, M. L. Myers, M. S. West, J. E. O'neill, S. M. Burke, B. J. Northwest Science 2013
Movement and Spawning Migration Patterns Suggest Small Marine Reserves Can Offer Adequate Protection for Exploited Emperorfishes Taylor, B. M. Mills, J. S. Coral Reefs 2013
Residence, Habitat Use, and Movement Patterns of Atlantic Tripletail in the Ossabaw Sound Estuary, Georgia Streich, M. K. Kalinowsky, C. A. Peterson, D. L. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2013
Onshore-Offshore Movement of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus Gigas) on the Continental Shelf Stewart, J. S. Gilly, W. F. Field, J. C. Payne, J. C. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies In Oceanography 2013
Network Analysis of Acoustic Tracking Data Reveals the Structure and Stability of Fish Aggregations in the Ocean Stehfest, K. M. Patterson, T. A. Dagorn, L. Holland, K. N. Itano, D. G. Semmens, J. M. Animal Behaviour 2013
Migration Route Selection of Juvenile Chinook Salmon at the Delta Cross Channel, and the Role of Water Velocity and Individual Movement Patterns Steel, A. E. Sandstrom, P. T. Brandes, P. L. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Interannual Variation of Reach Specific Migratory Success for Sacramento River Hatchery Yearling Late-Fall Run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) and Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Singer, G. P. Hearn, A. R. Chapman, E. D. Peterson, M. L. Lacivita, P. E. Brostoff, W. N. Bremner, A. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Influence of Sex and Reproductive Status on Seasonal Movement of Lake Sturgeon in Namakan Reservoir, Minnesota-Ontario Shaw, S. L. Chipps, S. R. Windels, S. K. Webb, M. A. h. Mcleod, D. T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Fine-Scale Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) on a Western Gulf of Maine Spawning Ground Siceloff, L. Howell, W. H. Fisheries Research 2013
Survival and Movement Patterns of Central California Coast Native Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) in the Napa River Sandstrom, P. T. Keegan, T. Singer, G. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Growth, Survival, and Tag Retention of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Its Application to Survival Estimates Sandstrom, P. T. Ammann, A. J. Michel, C. J. Singer, G. P. Chapman, E. D. Lindley, S. T. Macfarlane, R. B. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Partial Migration and Diel Movement Patterns in Puget Sound Coho Salmon Rohde, J. Kagley, A. N. Fresh, K. L. Goetz, F. A. Quinn, T. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Intra-Individual Behavioral Variability Displayed by Tuna at Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) Robert, M. Dagorn, L. Filmalter, J. D. Deneubourg, J. L. Itano, D. G. Holland, K. N. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
Influence of Multiple Dam Passage on Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River Estuary and Coastal Ocean Rechisky, E. L. Welch, D. W. Porter, A. D. Jacobs-scott, M. C. Winchell, P. M. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2013
Effect of Hypoxia on Rockfish Movements: Implications for Understanding the Roles of Temperature, Toxins and Site Fidelity Rankin, P. S. Hannah, R. W. Blume, M. T. o. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
Intra-Population Variation in Activity Ranges, Diel Patterns, Movement Rates, and Habitat Use of American Alligators in a Subtropical Estuary Rosenblatt, A. E. Heithaus, M. R. Mazzotti, F. J. Cherkiss, M. S. Jeffery, B. M. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2013
Survival and Behavior of Juvenile Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) in Two Estuaries in Oregon, Usa Romer, J. D. Leblanc, C. A. Clements, S. P. Ferguson, J. A. Kent, M. L. Noakes, D. L. g. Schreck, C. B. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Including Independent Estimates and Uncertainty to Quantify Total Abundance of Fish Migrating in a Large River System: Walleye (Sander Vitreus) in the Maumee River, Ohio Pritt, J. J. Dufour, M. R. Mayer, C. M. Kocovsky, P. M. Tyson, J. T. Weimer, E. J. Vandergoot, C. S. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2013
Movements of Juvenile Endangered Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis Pectinata, in an Estuarine River System: Use of Non-Main-Stem River Habitats and Lagged Responses to Freshwater Inflow-Related Changes Poulakis, G. R. Stevens, P. W. Timmers, A. A. Stafford, C. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Residence Time and Habitat Use of Coho Salmon in Humboldt Bay, California: An Acoustic Telemetry Study Pinnix, W. D. Nelson, P. A. . Stutzer, G. Wright, K. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Depths and Thermal Habitat Used by Large Versus Small Northern Pike in Three Minnesota Lakes Pierce, R. B. Carlson, A. J. Carlson, B. M. Hudson, D. Staples, D. F. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Telemetry and Random-Walk Models Reveal Complex Patterns of Partial Migration in a Large Marine Predator Papastamatiou, Y. P. Meyer, C. G. Carvalho, F. Dale, J. J. Hutchinson, M. R. Holland, K. N. Ecology 2013
Post-Spawn Migrations of Hatchery-Origin Oncorhynchus Mykiss Kelts in the Central Valley of California Null, R. E. Niemela, K. S. Hamelberg, S. F. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Demography and Movement Patterns of Leopard Sharks (Triakis Semifasciata) Aggregating Near the Head of a Submarine Canyon Along the Open Coast of Southern California, Usa Nosal, A. P. Cartamil, D. C. Long, J. W. Luehrmann, M. Wegner, N. C. Graham, J. B. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Archival and Acoustic Tags Reveal the Post-Spawning Migrations, Diving Behavior, and Thermal Habitat of Hatchery-Origin Sacramento River Steelhead Kelts (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Teo, S. L. h. Sandstrom, P. T. Chapman, E. D. Null, R. E. Brown, K. . Klimley, A. P. Block, B. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
The Effects of Environmental Factors on the Migratory Movement Patterns of Sacramento River Yearling Late-Fall Run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Michel, C. J. Ammann, A. J. Chapman, E. D. Sandstrom, P. T. Fish, H. E. Thomas, M. J. Singer, G. P. Lindley, S. T. Klimley, A. P. Macfarlane, R. B. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Juvenile Salmonid Migratory Behavior at the Mouth of the Columbia River and Within the Plume Juvenile Salmonid Migratory Behavior at the Mouth of the Columbia River and Within the Plume Mcmichael, G. A. Hanson, A. C. Harnish, R. A. Trott, D. M. Animal Biotelemetry 2013
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Observe the Effects of a Groundfish Predator (Atlantic Cod, Gadus Morhua) on Movement of the American Lobster (Homarus Americanus) Mcmahan, M. D. Brady, D. C. Cowan, D. F. Grabowski, J. H. Sherwood, G. D. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2013
A Floating Bridge Disrupts Seaward Migration and Increases Mortality of Steelhead Smolts in Hood Canal, Washington State Moore, M. E. Berejikian, B. A. Tezak, E. P. Plos One 2013
Site Fidelity and Reproductive Timing at a Spotted Seatrout Spawning Aggregation Site: Individual Versus Population Scale Behavior Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Walters, S. Bickford, J. W. Cooper, W. Muller, R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
First Documented Occurrences of the Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum, Lesueur, 1818) in the Saco River, Maine, Usa Little, C. E. Kieffer, M. Wippelhauser, G. S. Zydlewski, G. B. Kinnison, M. T. Whitefleet-smith, L. A. Sulikowski, J. A. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2013
Ontogenetic Changes in Dispersal and Habitat Use in Hatchery-Reared Lingcod Lee, J. S. f. Tezak, E. P. Berejikian, B. A. Reviews In Fisheries Science 2013
Telemetry Tag Effects on Juvenile Lingcod Ophiodon Elongatus Movement: A Laboratory and Field Study Lee, J. S. f. Tezak, E. P. Berejikian, B. A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2013
Migratory Patterns of Lower Feather River Natural and Hatchery-Origin Oncorhynchus Mykiss Kurth, R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
The Physiological Effects of Capture Stress, Recovery, and Post-Release Survivorship of Juvenile Sand Tigers (Carcharias Taurus) Caught on Rod and Reel Kneebone, J. Chisholm, J. Bernal, D. Skomal, G. B. Fisheries Research 2013
Context-Dependent Diel Behavior of Upstream-Migrating Anadromous Fishes Keefer, M. L. Caudill, C. C. Peery, C. A. Moser, M. L. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Environmental Constraints on Piscivory: Insights From Linking Ultrasonic Telemetry to a Visual Foraging Model for Cutthroat Trout Hansen, A. G. Beauchamp, D. A. Baldwin, C. M. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Fine Scale Diel Movement of the East Pacific Green Turtle, Chelonia Mydas, in a Highly Urbanized Foraging Environment Macdonald, B. D. Madrak, S. V. Lewison, R. L. Seminoff, J. A. Eguchi, T. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2013
Diversity of Movements by Individual Anadromous Coastal Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus Clarkii Clarkii Goetz, A. Baker, B. Buehrens, T. Quinn, T. P. Journal Of Fish Biology 2013
Fine-Scale Movements and Habitat Use of Juvenile Southern Flounder Paralichthys Lethostigma in an Estuarine Seascape Furey, N. B. Dance, M. A. Rooker, J. R. Journal Of Fish Biology 2013
Telemetry-Based Mortality Estimates of Juvenile Spot in Two North Carolina Estuarine Creeks Friedl, S. E. Buckel, J. A. Hightower, J. E. Scharf, F. S. Pollock, K. H. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Coastal Spawning by Winter Flounder and a Reassessment of Essential Fish Habitat in the Gulf of Maine Fairchild, E. A. Siceloff, L. Howell, W. H. Hoffman, B. Armstrong, M. P. Fisheries Research 2013
Habitat Associations and Dispersal of Black Sea Bass From a Mid-Atlantic Bight Reef Fabrizio, M. C. Manderson, J. P. Pessutti, J. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
Reconsidering Residency: Characterization and Conservation Implications of Complex Migratory Patterns of Shortnose Sturgeon (Acispenser Brevirostrum) Dionne, P. E. Zydlewski, G. B. Kinnison, M. T. Zydlewski, J. D. Wippelhauser, G. S. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2013
Movement and Home Range of Pink Abalone Haliotis Corrugata: Implications for Restoration and Population Recovery Coates, J. H. Hovel, K. A. Butler, J. L. Klimley, A. P. Morgan, S. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
Diel Movements of Out-Migrating Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) and Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Smolts in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Watershed Chapman, E. D. Hearn, A. R. Michel, C. J. Ammann, A. J. Lindley, S. T. Thomas, M. J. Sandstrom, P. T. Singer, G. P. Peterson, M. L. Macfarlane, R. B. Klimley, A. P. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Migratory and Within-Estuary Behaviors of Adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus) in a Lagoon System of the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight Capossela, K. M. Fabrizio, M. C. Brill, R. W. Fishery Bulletin 2013
Sex Differences in Residency of Adult Spotted Seatrout in a Louisiana Estuary Callihan, J. L. Cowan, J. H. Harbison, M. D. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2013
Alligator Gar Movement and Macrohabitat Use in the Lower Trinity River, Texas Buckmeier, D. L. Smith, N. G. Daugherty, D. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Route Use and Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Through the San Joaquin River Delta Buchanan, R. A. Skalski, J. R. Brandes, P. L. Fuller, A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2013
A Comparison of Single-Suture and Double-Suture Incision Closures in Seaward-Migrating Juvenile Chinook Salmon Implanted With Acoustic Transmitters : Implications for Research in River Basins Containing Hydropower Structures Brown, R. S. Deters, K. A. Cook, K. V. Eppard, M. B. Animal Biotelemetry 2013
A Field Evaluation of an External and Neutrally Buoyant Acoustic Transmitter for Juvenile Salmon: Implications for Estimating Hydroturbine Passage Survival Brown, R. S. Deng, Z. D. Cook, K. V. Pflugrath, B. D. Li, X. . Fu, T. Martinez, J. J. Li, H. Trumbo, B. A. Ahmann, M. L. Seaburg, A. G. Plos One 2013
Movement of Juvenile Weakfish Cynoscion Regalis and Spot Leiostomus Xanthurus in Relation to Diel-Cycling Hypoxia in an Estuarine Tidal Tributary Brady, D. C. Targett, T. E. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
Survival of Seaward-Migrating Pit and Acoustic-Tagged Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Snake and Columbia Rivers : An Evaluation of Length-Specific Tagging Effects Brown, R. S. Oldenburg, E. W. Seaburg, A. G. Cook, K. V. Skalski, J. R. Eppard, M. B. Deters, K. A. Animal Biotelemetry 2013
Pathologic and Physiologic Effects Associated With Long-Term Intracoelomic Transmitters in Captive Siberian Sturgeon Boone, S. S. Divers, S. J. Camus, A. C. Peterson, D. L. Jennings, C. A. Shelton, J. L. Hernandez, S. M. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2013
Characterizing Daily Movements, Nomadic Movements, and Reproductive Migrations of Panulirus Argus Around the Western Sambo Ecological Reserve (Florida, Usa) Using Acoustic Telemetry Bertelsen, R. D. Fisheries Research 2013
Ecosystem-Level Consequences of Movement: Seasonal Variation in the Trophic Impact of a Top Predator Andrews, K. S. . Harvey, C. J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013
The Effects of Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters on Laboratory Growth, Survival and Tag Retention in Hatchery Yearling Chinook Salmon Ammann, A. J. Michel, C. J. Macfarlane, R. B. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Movements by Adfluvial Bull Trout During the Spawning Season Between Lake and River Habitats Barnett, H. K. Paige, D. K. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Stranding of Spawning Run Green Sturgeon in the Sacramento River: Post-Rescue Movements and Potential Population-Level Effects Thomas, M. J. Peterson, M. L. Friedenberg, N. Van eenennaam, J. P. Johnson, J. R. Hoover, J. J. Klimley, A. P. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2013
Use of Ultrasonic Telemetry to Estimate Natural and Fishing Mortality of Red Snapper Topping, D. T. Szedlmayer, S. T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2013
Does Uv Disinfection Compromise Sutures? An Evaluation of Tissue Response and Suture Retention in Salmon Surgically Implanted With Transmitters Walker, R. W. Brown, R. S. Deters, K. A. Eppard, M. B. Cooke, S. J. Fisheries Research 2013
A Pilot Study of Deepwater Fish Movement With Respect to Marine Reserves a Pilot Study of Deepwater Fish Movement With Respect to Marine Reserves Weng, K. C. Animal Biotelemetry 2013
Performance Assessment of Bi-Directional Knotless Tissue-Closure Devices in Juvenile Chinook Salmon Surgically Implanted With Acoustic Transmitters Woodley, C. M. Wagner, K. A. Bryson, A. J. Eppard, M. B. Animal Biotelemetry 2013
Holding Behavior of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) and Steelhead (O-Mykiss) Smolts, as Influenced by Habitat Features of Levee Banks, in the Highly Modified Lower Sacramento River, California Zajanc, D. Kramer, S. H. Nur, N. Nelson, P. A. . Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2013
Estuarine and Early-Marine Survival of Transported and in-River Migrant Snake River Spring Chinook Salmon Smolts Rechisky, E. L. Welch, D. W. Porter, A. D. Jacobs-scott, M. C. Winchell, P. M. Mckern, J. L. Scientific Reports 2012
Combining Fishing and Acoustic Monitoring Data to Evaluate the Distribution and Movements of Spotted Ratfish Hydrolagus Colliei Andrews, K. S. . Quinn, T. P. Marine Biology 2012
Evidence of Autumn Spawning in Suwannee River Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi (Vladykov, 1955) Randall, M. T. Sulak, K. J. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2012
Vertical and Horizontal Movement Patterns of Scyphozoan Jellyfish in a Fjord-Like Estuary Moriarty, P. E. Andrews, K. S. . Harvey, C. J. Kawase, M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
Variation in the Early Marine Survival and Behavior of Natural and Hatchery-Reared Hood Canal Steelhead Moore, M. E. Berejikian, B. A. Tezak, E. P. Plos One 2012
Seasonal Distributions and Movements of Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus Osseus) Within the York River System, Virginia Mcgrath, P. E. Hilton, E. J. Musick, J. A. Southeastern Naturalist 2012
Effects of an Extreme Temperature Event on the Behavior and Age Structure of an Estuarine Top Predator, Carcharhinus Leucas Matich, P. Heithaus, M. R. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
Home Ranges of East Pacific Green Turtles Chelonia Mydas in a Highly Urbanized Temperate Foraging Ground Macdonald, B. D. Lewison, R. L. Madrak, S. V. Seminoff, J. A. Eguchi, T. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
An Empirical Movement Model for Sixgill Sharks in Puget Sound: Combining Observed and Unobserved Behavior Levin, P. S. Horne, P. Andrews, K. S. . Williams, G. D. Current Zoology 2012
Seasonal Residency, Habitat Use, and Site Fidelity of Juvenile Sand Tiger Sharks Carcharias Taurus in a Massachusetts Estuary Kneebone, J. Chisholm, J. Skomal, G. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
An Elasmobranch Maternity Ward: Female Round Stingrays Urobatis Halleri Use Warm, Restored Estuarine Habitat During Gestation Jirik, K. E. Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Fish Biology 2012
The Effects of Neutrally Buoyant, Externally Attached Transmitters on Swimming Performance and Predator Avoidance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Janak, J. M. Brown, R. S. Colotelo, A. H. Pflugrath, B. D. Stephenson, J. R. Deng, Z. D. Carlson, T. J. Seaburg, A. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2012
Effects of Suture Material and Ultrasonic Transmitter Size on Survival, Growth, Wound Healing, and Tag Expulsion in Rainbow Trout Ivasauskas, T. J. Bettoli, P. W. Holt, T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2012
Consistent Movement Traits Indicative of Innate Behavior in Neonate Sharks Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Olsen, E. M. Moland, E. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2012
Effect of Migration Pathway on Travel Time and Survival of Acoustic-Tagged Juvenile Salmonids in the Columbia River Estuary Harnish, R. A. Johnson, G. E. Mcmichael, G. A. Hughes, M. S. Ebberts, B. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2012
Home Range, Habitat Use, and Migrations of Hawksbill Turtles Tracked From Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, Usa Hart, K. M. Sartain, A. R. Fujisaki, I. Pratt, H. L. Morley, D. Feeley, M. W. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
Deep Danger: Intra-Specific Predation Risk Influences Habitat Use and Aggregation Formation of Juvenile Lemon Sharks Negaprion Brevirostris Guttridge, T. L. Gruber, S. H. Franks, B. R. Kessel, S. T. Gledhill, K. S. Uphill, J. Krause, J. Sims, D. W. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012
Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes Americanus Walbaum) Burial in Estuaries: Acoustic Telemetry Triumph and Tribulation Grothues, T. M. Able, K. W. Pravatiner, J. H. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2012
Characterizing Seasonal Habitat Use and Diel Vertical Activity of Lake Whitefish in Clear Lake, Maine, as Determined With Acoustic Telemetry Gorsky, D. Zydlewski, J. D. Basley, D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2012
Optimal Suturing Technique and Number of Sutures for Surgical Implantation of Acoustic Transmitters in Juvenile Salmonids Deters, K. A. Brown, R. S. Boyd, J. W. Eppard, M. B. Seaburg, A. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2012
Development of External and Neutrally Buoyant Acoustic Transmitters for Juvenile Salmon Turbine Passage Evaluation Deng, Z. D. Martinez, J. J. Colotelo, A. H. Abel, T. K. Lebarge, A. P. Brown, R. S. Pflugrath, B. D. Mueller, R. P. Carlson, T. J. Seaburg, A. G. Johnson, R. L. . Ahmann, M. L. Fisheries Research 2012
Migration Characteristics of Hatchery and Natural-Origin Oncorhynchus Mykiss From the Lower Mokelumne River, California Del real, S. C. Workman, M. Merz, J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2012
Disruption of an Atlantic Cod Spawning Aggregation Resulting From the Opening of a Directed Gill-Net Fishery Dean, M. J. Hoffman, W. S. Armstrong, M. P. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2012
A Comparison of the Behavior and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) and Steelhead Trout (O-Mykiss) in a Small Estuary System Clements, S. P. Stahl, T. Schreck, C. B. Aquaculture 2012
Movement Patterns of Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass in and Around a Lake Michigan Harbor: The Importance of Water Temperature Carter, M. W. Weber, M. J. Dettmers, J. M. Wahl, D. H. Journal Of Great Lakes Research 2012
The Influence of Tag Presence on the Mortality of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Exposed to Simulated Hydroturbine Passage: Implications for Survival Estimates and Management of Hydroelectric Facilities Carlson, T. J. Brown, R. S. Stephenson, J. R. Pflugrath, B. D. Colotelo, A. H. Gingerich, A. J. Benjamin, P. L. Langeslay, M. J. Ahmann, M. L. Johnson, R. L. . Skalski, J. R. Seaburg, A. G. Townsend, R. L. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2012
Evaluating Discard Mortality of Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus) in the Commercial Trawl Fishery: Developing Acoustic Telemetry Techniques Yergey, M. E. Grothues, T. M. Able, K. W. Crawford, C. Decristofer, K. Fisheries Research 2012
Scale and Pattern of Broadnose Sevengill Shark Notorynchus Cepedianus Movement in Estuarine Embayments Williams, G. D. Andrews, K. S. . Katz, S. L. Moser, M. L. Tolimieri, N. Farrer, D. A. Levin, P. S. Journal Of Fish Biology 2012
The Influence of Stocking Density on the Swimming Behavior of Adult Atlantic Cod, Gadus Morhua, in a Near Shore Net Pen Ward, D. . Fore, M. Howell, W. H. Watson, W. H. Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society 2012
Migrations of Common Snook From a Tidal River With Implications for Skipped Spawning Trotter, A. A. Blewett, D. A. Taylor, R. G. Stevens, P. W. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2012
Seasonal Movements of Smallmouth Bass in the Lake Washington Ship Canal, Washington Tabor, R. A. Sanders, S. T. Lantz, D. W. Celedonia, M. T. Damm, S. Northwest Science 2012
The Effect of an Externally Attached Neutrally Buoyant Transmitter on Mortal Injury During Simulated Hydroturbine Passage Brown, R. S. Pflugrath, B. D. Carlson, T. J. Deng, Z. D. Journal Of Renewable And Sustainable Energy 2012
Size-Dependent Behavior of Tuna in an Array of Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) Robert, M. Dagorn, L. Deneubourg, J. L. Itano, D. G. Holland, K. N. Marine Biology 2012
Seasonal Patterns of Movement and Residency by Striped Bass Within a Subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay Wingate, R. L. Secor, D. H. Kraus, R. T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
Diel Activity of Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon in a Northwest Florida Bay Wrege, B. M. Duncan, M. S. Isely, J. J. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2011
Olfactory-Mediated Stream-Finding Behavior of Migratory Adult Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon Marinus) Vrieze, L. A. Bergstedt, R. A. Sorensen, P. W. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2011
Microhabitat Use and Seasonal Movements of Hatchery-Reared and Wild Shortnose Sturgeon in the Savannah River, South Carolina -Georgia Trested, D. G. Ware, K. Bakal, R. Isely, J. J. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2011
Home Range and Movement Patterns of Red Snapper (Lutjanus Campechanus) on Artificial Reefs Topping, D. T. Szedlmayer, S. T. Fisheries Research 2011
Site Fidelity, Residence Time and Movements of Red Snapper Lutjanus Campechanus Estimated With Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring Topping, D. T. Szedlmayer, S. T. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011
Environmental Influences on the Spatial Ecology of Juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish (Pristis Pectinata): Results From Acoustic Monitoring Simpfendorfer, C. A. Yeiser, B. G. Wiley, T. R. Poulakis, G. R. Stevens, P. W. Heupel, M. R. Plos One 2011
Movement Patterns and Residence of Adult Winter Flounder Within a Long Island Estuary Sagarese, S. R. Frisk, M. G. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2011
Does Variation in Movement Tactics and Trophic Interactions Among American Alligators Create Habitat Linkages? Rosenblatt, A. E. Heithaus, M. R. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2011
The Behavior of Cod (Gadus Morhua) in an Offshore Aquaculture Net Pen Rillahan, C. Chambers, M. D. Howell, W. H. Watson, W. H. Aquaculture 2011
Movement Patterns of Adult Red Drum, Sciaenops Ocellatus, in Shallow Florida Lagoons as Inferred Through Autonomous Acoustic Telemetry Reyier, E. A. Lowers, R. H. Scheidt, D. M. Adams, D. H. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2011
Winter Coastal Movement of Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon Throughout Northwest Florida and Southeast Alabama Parauka, F. M. Duncan, M. S. Lang, P. A. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2011
Influence of Incision Location on Transmitter Loss, Healing, Survival, Growth, and Suture Retention of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Panther, J. L. Brown, R. S. Gaulke, G. L. Deters, K. A. Woodley, C. M. Eppard, M. B. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
Electronic Tags and Genetics Explore Variation in Migrating Steelhead Kelts (Oncorhynchus Mykiss), Ninilchik River, Alaska Nielsen, J. L. Turner, S. M. Zimmerman, C. E. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2011
Seasonal Home Range Estimates and Habitat Selection of Saugeye in a Small Warmwater Impoundment Neely, B. C. Dumont, S. C. Cole, R. L. Farooqi, M. A. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2011
Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon During Barge Transport Mcmichael, G. A. Skalski, J. R. Deters, K. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2011
Electronic Tagging of Green Sturgeon Reveals Population Structure and Movement Among Estuaries Lindley, S. T. Erickson, D. L. Moser, M. L. Williams, G. D. Langness, O. P. Mccovey, B. W. Belchik, M. Vogel, D. Pinnix, W. D. Kelly, J. T. Heublein, J. C. Klimley, A. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
Movements of Hatchery-Reared Lingcod Released on Rocky Reefs in Puget Sound Lee, J. S. f. Berejikian, B. A. Rust, M. B. Massee, K. Wright, T. Brakensiek, K. Steltzner, S. Blankenship, H. L. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2011
Passive Acoustic Telemetry Reveals Highly Variable Home Range and Movement Patterns Among Unicornfish Within a Marine Reserve Marshell, A. Mills, J. S. Rhodes, K. L. Mcilwain, J. Coral Reefs 2011
Survival of Migrating Atlantic Salmon Smolts Through the Penobscot River, Maine: A Prerestoration Assessment Holbrook, C. M. Kinnison, M. T. Zydlewski, J. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
Diel Movements of Fishes Linked to Benthic Seascape Structure in a Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Hitt, S. Pittman, S. J. Nemeth, R. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011
Tracking and Mapping Sun-Synchronous Migrations and Diel Space Use Patterns of Haemulon Sciurus and Lutjanus Apodus in the Us Virgin Islands Hitt, S. Pittman, S. J. Brown, K. A. . Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2011
Marine Habitat Use by Anadromous Bull Trout From the Skagit River, Washington Hayes, M. C. Rubin, S. P. Reisenbichler, R. R. Goetz, F. A. Jeanes, E. Mcbride, A. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2011
Site Fidelity and Movement of Eight Species of Pacific Rockfish at a High-Relief Rocky Reef on the Oregon Coast Hannah, R. W. Rankin, P. S. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2011
Abundance, Habitat Use and Movement Patterns of the Shovelnose Guitarfish (Rhinobatos Productus) in a Restored Southern California Estuary Farrugia, T. J. Espinoza, M. Lowe, C. G. Marine And Freshwater Research 2011
Grouper and Snapper Movements and Habitat Use in Dry Tortugas, Florida Farmer, N. A. Ault, J. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011
Movements of Small Adult Black Rockfish: Implications for the Design of Mpas Green, K. M. Starr, R. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011
Habitat Use, Movements and Site Fidelity of the Gray Smooth-Hound Shark (Mustelus Californicus Gill 1863) in a Newly Restored Southern California Estuary Espinoza, M. Farrugia, T. J. Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2011
Spatiotemporal Distribution and Population Characteristics of a Nonnative Lake Trout Population, With Implications for Suppression Dux, A. M. Guy, C. S. Fredenberg, W. A. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2011
Seasonal Distribution of Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon in the Pensacola Bay System, Florida Duncan, M. S. Wrege, B. M. Parauka, F. M. Isely, J. J. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2011
Groupers on the Edge: Shelf Edge Spawning Habitat in and Around Marine Reserves of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Coleman, F. C. Scanlon, K. M. Koenig, C. C. Professional Geographer 2011
Conventional Tagging and Acoustic Telemetry of a Small Surgeonfish, Zebrasoma Flavescens, in a Structurally Complex Coral Reef Environment Claisse, J. T. Clark, T. B. Schumacher, B. D. Mctee, S. A. Bushnell, M. E. Callan, C. K. Laidley, C. W. Parrish, J. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2011
Movements of Yearling Chinook Salmon During the First Summer in Marine Waters of Hood Canal, Washington Chamberlin, J. W. Kagley, A. N. Fresh, K. L. Quinn, T. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
Efficacy of Single-Suture Incision Closures in Tagged Juvenile Chinook Salmon Exposed to Simulated Turbine Passage Boyd, J. W. Deters, K. A. Brown, R. S. Eppard, M. B. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2011
Using the Judas Technique to Locate and Remove Wintertime Aggregations of Invasive Common Carp Bajer, P. G. Chizinski, C. J. Sorensen, P. W. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2011
Seasonal Distribution and Movements of Shortnose Sturgeon and Atlantic Sturgeon in the Penobscot River Estuary, Maine Fernandes, S. J. Zydlewski, G. B. Zydlewski, J. D. Wippelhauser, G. S. Kinnison, M. T. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
Performance Assessment of Suture Type, Water Temperature, and Surgeon Skill in Juvenile Chinook Salmon Surgically Implanted With Acoustic Transmitters Deters, K. A. Brown, R. S. Carter, K. M. Boyd, J. W. Eppard, M. B. Seaburg, A. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
Movement Patterns of Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes Americanus) in the Southern Gulf of Maine: Observations With the Use of Passive Acoustic Telemetry Decelles, G. R. Cadrin, S. X. Fishery Bulletin 2010
High Resolution Tracking of Adult Horseshoe Crabs Limulus Polyphemus in a New Hampshire Estuary Using Fixed Array Ultrasonic Telemetry Watson, W. H. Chabot, C. C. Current Zoology 2010
Quantifying the Behavioral Response of Spawning Chum Salmon to Elevated Discharges From Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, Usa Tiffan, K. F. Haskell, C. A. Kock, T. J. River Research And Applications 2010
Home Range, Habitat Use, and Site Fidelity of Barred Sand Bass Within a Southern California Marine Protected Area Mason, T. J. Lowe, C. G. Fisheries Research 2010
Improving Conservation Planning for an Endangered Sawfish Using Data From Acoustic Telemetry Simpfendorfer, C. A. Wiley, T. R. Yeiser, B. G. Biological Conservation 2010
Feasibility of Surgically Implanting Acoustic Tags Into Pacific Herring Seitz, A. C. Norcross, B. L. Payne, J. C. Kagley, A. N. Meloy, B. Gregg, J. L. Hershberger, P. K. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
Seasonal Movements of American Horseshoe Crabs Limulus Polyphemus in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire (Usa) Schaller, S. Y. Chabot, C. C. Watson, W. H. Current Zoology 2010
Factors Affecting Reception Range of Ultrasonic Tags in a Georgia Estuary Cotton, C. F. Marine Technology Society Journal 2010
Residency, Space Use and Movement Patterns of Juvenile Sandbar Sharks (Carcharhinus Plumbeus) Within a Virginia Summer Nursery Area Conrath, C. L. Musick, J. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2010
Movement Patterns and Nursery Habitat of Juvenile Thresher Sharks Alopias Vulpinus in the Southern California Bight Cartamil, D. C. Wegner, N. C. Kacev, D. Ben-aderet, N. J. Kohin, S. Graham, J. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010
Diel Movement Patterns and Habitat Preferences of the Common Thresher Shark (Alopias Vulpinus) in the Southern California Bight Cartamil, D. C. Wegner, N. C. Aalbers, S. A. Sepulveda, C. A. Baquero, A. Graham, J. B. Marine And Freshwater Research 2010
Tidal Movements of Female Leopard Sharks (Triakis Semifasciata) in Elkhorn Slough, California Carlisle, A. B. Starr, R. M. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2010
An Evaluation of the Maximum Tag Burden for Implantation of Acoustic Transmitters in Juvenile Chinook Salmon Brown, R. S. Harnish, R. A. Carter, K. M. Boyd, J. W. Deters, K. A. Eppard, M. B. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2010
Application of Acoustic Telemetry to Assess Residency and Movements of Rockfish and Lingcod at Created and Natural Habitats in Prince William Sound Reynolds, B. F. Powers, S. P. Bishop, M. A. Plos One 2010
Movement Patterns and Home Ranges of a Pelagic Carangid Fish, Caranx Crysos, Around a Petroleum Platform Complex Brown, H. Benfield, M. C. Keenan, S. F. Powers, S. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010
An in Situ, Individual-Based Approach to Quantify Connectivity of Marine Fish: Ontogenetic Movements and Residency of Lingcod Bishop, M. A. Reynolds, B. F. Powers, S. P. Plos One 2010
Seasonal and Ontogenetic Changes in Movement Patterns of Sixgill Sharks Andrews, K. S. . Williams, G. D. Levin, P. S. Plos One 2010
Gender-Mediated Patterns in the Movement of California Sheephead in the Northern Channel Islands (Eastern Pacific) Lindholm, J. Knight, A. Domeier, M. L. California Fish And Game 2010
A Comparison of the Survival and Migratory Behavior of Hatchery-Reared and Naturally Reared Steelhead Smolts in the Alsea River and Estuary, Oregon, Using Acoustic Telemetry Johnson, S. L. Power, J. H. Wilson, D. R. Ray, J. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2010
Seasonal Movement of the American Horseshoe Crab Limulus Polyphemus in a Semi-Enclosed Bay on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (Usa) as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry James-pirri, M. J. Current Zoology 2010
Early Marine Migration Patterns of Wild Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus Clarki Clarki), Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss), and Their Hybrids Moore, M. E. Goetz, F. A. Van doornik, D. M. Tezak, E. P. Quinn, T. P. Reyes-tomassini, J. J. Berejikian, B. A. Plos One 2010
Early Marine Survival and Behavior of Steelhead Smolts Through Hood Canal and the Strait of Juan De Fuca Moore, M. E. Berejikian, B. A. Tezak, E. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
Long-Term Movement Patterns and Trophic Ecology of Blacktip Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus Melanopterus) at Palmyra Atoll Papastamatiou, Y. P. Friedlander, A. M. Caselle, J. E. Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2010
Seasonal Use of a New England Estuary by Foraging Contingents of Migratory Striped Bass Pautzke, S. M. Mather, M. E. Finn, J. T. Deegan, L. A. Muth, R. M. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
Site Fidelity and Movements of Sharks Associated With Ocean-Farming Cages in Hawaii Papastamatiou, Y. P. Itano, D. G. Dale, J. J. Meyer, C. G. Holland, K. N. Marine And Freshwater Research 2010
Estimating Survival and Migration Route Probabilities of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Perry, R. W. Skalski, J. R. Brandes, P. L. Sandstrom, P. T. Klimley, A. P. Ammann, A. J. Macfarlane, R. B. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2010
Long-Term Presence and Movement Patterns of Juvenile Bull Sharks, Carcharhinus Leucas, in an Estuarine River System Heupel, M. R. Yeiser, B. G. Collins, A. B. Ortega, L. A. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2010
The Effects of a Surgically Implanted Microacoustic Tag on Growth and Survival in Subyearling Fall Chinook Salmon Frost, D. A. Mccomas, R. L. Sandford, B. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2010
Movements of Brown Smoothhounds, Mustelus Henlei, in Tomales Bay, California Campos, B. R. Fish, M. A. Jones, G. Riley, R. W. Allen, P. J. Klimley, A. P. Cech, J. J. Kelly, J. T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2009
Assessing Estuarine and Coastal Migration and Survival of Wild Atlantic Salmon Smolts From the Narraguagus River, Maine Using Ultrasonic Telemetry Kocik, J. F. Hawkes, J. P. Sheehan, T. F. Music, P. A. Beland, K. F. American Fisheries Society Symposium 2009
Use of Ultrasonic Telemetry to Determine the Area of Bait Influence and Trapping Area of American Lobster, Homarus Americanus, Traps Watson, W. H. Golet, W. J. Scopel, D. A. Jury, S. H. New Zealand Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research 2009
Movements of Bonnetheads, Sphyrna Tiburo, as a Response to Salinity Change in a Florida Estuary Ubeda, A. J. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2009
Home Range Size and Patterns of Space Use by Lingcod, Copper Rockfish and Quillback Rockfish in Relation to Diel and Tidal Cycles Tolimieri, N. Andrews, K. S. . Williams, G. D. Katz, S. L. Levin, P. S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Defining Winter Trophic Habitat of Juvenile Gulf Sturgeon in the Suwannee and Apalachicola Rivermouth Estuaries, Acoustic Telemetry Investigations Sulak, K. J. Randall, M. T. Edwards, R. E. Summers, T. M. Luke, K. Smith, W. T. Norem, A. D. Harden, W. M. Lukens, R. H. Parauka, F. M. Bolden, S. K. Lehnert, R. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2009
A Multiple-Release Model to Estimate Route-Specific and Dam Passage Survival at a Hydroelectric Project Skalski, J. R. Buchanan, R. A. Townsend, R. L. Steig, T. W. Hemstrom, S. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2009
Detection Distances of Selected Radio and Acoustic Tags in Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Shroyer, S. M. Logsdon, D. E. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2009
Home Range Dynamics of the American Lobster, Homarus Americanus Scopel, D. A. Golet, W. J. Watson, W. H. Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology 2009
Scale-Dependent Effects of Habitat on Movements and Path Structure of Reef Sharks at a Predator-Dominated Atoll. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Lowe, C. G. Caselle, J. E. Friedlander, A. M. Ecology 2009
Movement Patterns and Water Quality Preferences of Juvenile Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus Leucas) in a Florida Estuary Ortega, L. A. Heupel, M. R. Van beynen, P. Motta, P. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2009
Long-Term Movement Patterns of Tiger Sharks Galeocerdo Cuvier in Hawaii Meyer, C. G. Clark, T. B. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Whitney, N. M. Holland, K. N. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Site Fidelity, Home Range, and Tidal Movements of White Perch During the Summer in Two Small Tributaries of the York River, Virginia Mcgrath, P. E. Austin, H. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2009
Spring Home Ranges of White Bass in Irrigation Reservoirs of the Republican River Basin, Nebraska Martin, D. R. Powell, L. A. Pope, K. L. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 2009
Movement of Gray Snapper Lutjanus Griseus Among Subtropical Seagrass, Mangrove, and Coral Reef Habitats Luo, J. G. Serafy, J. E. Sponaugle, S. Teare, P. B. Kieckbusch, D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Site Fidelity and Movement Patterns of Groundfish Associated With Offshore Petroleum Platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel Lowe, C. G. Anthony, K. M. Jarvis, E. T. Bellquist, L. F. Love, M. S. Marine And Coastal Fisheries 2009
Movements of Prespawn Adult Atlantic Salmon Near Hydroelectric Dams in the Lower Penobscot River, Maine Holbrook, C. M. Zydlewski, J. D. Gorsky, D. Shepard, S. L. Kinnison, M. T. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2009
Migration of Green Sturgeon, Acipenser Medirostris, in the Sacramento River Heublein, J. C. Kelly, J. T. Crocker, C. E. Klimley, A. P. Lindley, S. T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2009
Effects of Gastric and Surgical Insertions of Dummy Ultrasonic Transmitters on Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Seawater Hall, J. E. Chamberlin, J. W. Kagley, A. N. Greene, C. H. Fresh, K. L. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2009
Effects of Transportation and Other Factors on Survival Estimates of Juvenile Salmonids in the Unimpounded Lower Columbia River Clemens, B. J. Clements, S. P. Karnowski, M. D. Jepsen, D. B. Gitelman, A. I. Schreck, C. B. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2009
Overwinter Survival of Stocked Age-0 Lake Sturgeon Crossman, J. A. Forsythe, P. S. Baker, E. A. Scribner, K. T. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2009
Habitat Use, Residency, and Seasonal Distribution of Female Leopard Sharks Triakis Semifasciata in Elkhorn Slough, California Carlisle, A. B. Starr, R. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Differentiating Mortality From Delayed Migration in Subyearling Fall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Buchanan, R. A. Skalski, J. R. Mcmichael, G. A. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2009
Variation in Movement Patterns of Red Drum (Sciaenops Ocellatus) Inferred From Conventional Tagging and Ultrasonic Telemetry Bacheler, N. M. Paramore, L. M. Burdick, S. M. Buckel, J. A. Hightower, J. E. Fishery Bulletin 2009
Migration and Spawning of American Shad in the James River, Virginia Aunins, A. Olney, J. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2009
Diel Activity Patterns of Sixgill Sharks, Hexanchus Griseus: The Ups and Downs of an Apex Predator Andrews, K. S. . Williams, G. D. Farrer, D. A. Tolimieri, N. Harvey, C. J. Bargmann, G. Levin, P. S. Animal Behaviour 2009
Fidelity to Spawning Grounds by a Catadromous Fish, Centropomus Undecimalis Adams, A. J. Wolfe, R. K. Barkowski, N. Overcash, D. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009
Using Acoustic Tagging to Determine Adult Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) Movement Patterns in the Western Sambo Ecological Reserve (Florida, United States) Bertelsen, R. D. Hornbeck, J. New Zealand Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research 2009
Patterns in Vertical Movements of Black Rockfish Sebastes Melanops Parker, S. J. Olson, J. M. Rankin, P. S. Malvitch, J. S. Aquatic Biology 2008
Acoustic Telemetry to Assess Post-Stocking Dispersal and Mortality of Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen Texanus Karam, A. P. Kesner, B. R. Marsh, P. C. Journal Of Fish Biology 2008
Movement and Habitat Selection by Invasive Asian Carps in a Large River Degrandchamp, K. L. Garvey, J. E. Colombo, R. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2008
First Characterization of Shark Nursery Habitat in the United States Virgin Islands: Evidence of Habitat Partitioning by Two Shark Species Deangelis, B. M. Mccandless, C. T. Kohler, N. E. Recksiek, C. W. Skomal, G. B. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2008
Movement and Distribution of Young Bull Sharks Carcharhinus Leucas in a Variable Estuarine Environment Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Aquatic Biology 2008
Effects of Biofouling on Performance of Moored Data Logging Acoustic Receivers Heupel, M. R. Reiss, K. L. Yeiser, B. G. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Limnology And Oceanography-Methods 2008
Fine-Scale Movement Patterns, Site Fidelity, and Habitat Selection of Ocean Whitefish (Caulolatilus Princeps) Bellquist, L. F. Lowe, C. G. Caselle, J. E. Fisheries Research 2008
Seasonal and Diel Movements of White Sturgeon in the Lower Columbia River Parsley, M. J. Popoff, N. D. Van der leeuw, B. K. Wright, C. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2008
Spatial Distribution and Long-Term Movement Patterns of Cownose Rays Rhinoptera Bonasus Within an Estuarine River Collins, A. B. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Estuaries And Coasts 2008
Habitat Dynamics of Summer Flounder Paralichthys Dentatus Within a Shallow Usa Estuary, Based on Multiple Approaches Using Acoustic Telemetry Sackett, D. K. Able, K. W. Grothues, T. M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2008
Variation in the Performance of Acoustic Receivers and Its Implication for Positioning Algorithms in a Riverine Setting Simpfendorfer, C. A. Heupel, M. R. Collins, A. B. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 2008
Survival of Migrating Salmon Smolts in Large Rivers With and Without Dams Welch, D. W. Rechisky, E. L. Melnychuk, M. C. Porter, A. D. Walters, C. J. Clements, S. P. Clemens, B. J. Mckinley, R. S. Schreck, C. B. Plos Biology 2008
Investigation of Foraging Habits and Prey Selection by Humpback Whales (Megaptera Novaeangliae) Using Acoustic Tags and Concurrent Fish Surveys Witteveen, B. H. Foy, R. J. Wynne, K. M. Tremblay, Y. Marine Mammal Science 2008
Occurrence, Home Range and Movement Patterns of Juvenile Bull (Carcharhinus Leucas) and Lemon (Negaprion Brevirostris) Sharks Within a Florida Estuary Yeiser, B. G. Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine And Freshwater Research 2008
Seasonal and Diel Movements of Giant Trevally Caranx Ignobilis at Remote Hawaiian Atolls: Implications for the Design of Marine Protected Areas Meyer, C. G. Holland, K. N. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007
Assessment of Harbor Seal Predation on Adult Salmonids in a Pacific Northwest Estuary Wright, B. E. Riemer, S. D. Brown, R. F. Ougzin, A. M. Bucklin, K. A. Ecological Applications 2007
Dynamics of Summer Flounder, Paralichthys Dentatus, Seasonal Migrations Based on Ultrasonic Telemetry Sackett, D. K. Able, K. W. Grothues, T. M. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2007
Habitat Use, Site Fidelity, and Movement of Adult Striped Bass in a Southern New Jersey Estuary Based on Mobile Acoustic Telemetry Ng, C. L. Able, K. W. Grothues, T. M. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2007
Use of Washington Estuaries by Subadult and Adult Green Sturgeon Moser, M. L. Lindley, S. T. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2007
Seasonal Movement and Resource-Use Patterns of Resident Horseshoe Crab (Limulus Polyphemus) Populations in a Maine, Usa Estuary Moore, S. Perrin, S. Estuaries And Coasts 2007
Seasonal, Diel, and Tidal Movements of Green Jobfish (Aprion Virescens, Lutjanidae) at Remote Hawaiian Atolls: Implications for Marine Protected Area Design Meyer, C. G. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Holland, K. N. Marine Biology 2007
Site Fidelity and Movement of Adult Atlantic Cod Gadus Morhua at Deep Boulder Reefs in the Western Gulf of Maine, Usa Lindholm, J. Auster, P. J. Knight, A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007
Movements of Green Sturgeon, Acipenser Medirostris, in the San Francisco Bay Estuary, California Kelly, J. T. Klimley, A. P. Crocker, C. E. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2007
Inferring Resource Distributions From Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Movements: An Analysis Based on Net Displacement and Length of Track Gutenkunst, R. Newlands, N. Lutcavage, M. E. Edelstein-keshet, L. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2007
Scaling Acoustic Telemetry of Bluefish in an Estuarine Observatory: Detection and Habitat Use Patterns Grothues, T. M. Able, K. W. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2007
Long-Term Effects and Recovery From Surgical Implantation of Dummy Transmitters in Two Marine Fishes Fabrizio, M. C. Pessutti, J. P. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2007
Elevated Body Temperatures of Adult Female Leopard Sharks, Triakis Semifasciata, While Aggregating in Shallow Nearshore Embayments: Evidence for Behavioral Thermoregulation? Hight, B. V. Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2007
Site Fidelity and Movement Patterns of Wild Subadult Red Drum, Sciaenops Ocellatus (Linnaeus), Within a Salt Marsh-Dominated Estuarine Landscape Dresser, B. K. Kneib, R. T. Fisheries Management And Ecology 2007
Residence and Movement Patterns of Cownose Rays Rhinoptera Bonasus Within a South-West Florida Estuary Collins, A. B. Heupel, M. R. Motta, P. J. Journal Of Fish Biology 2007
Acoustic Monitoring of Sixgill Shark Movements in Puget Sound: Evidence for Localized Movement Andrews, K. S. . Levin, P. S. Katz, S. L. Farrer, D. A. Gallucci, V. F. Bargmann, G. Canadian Journal Of Zoology 2007
Behavior of Yellowfin (Thunnus Albacares) and Bigeye (T-Obesus) Tuna in a Network of Fish Aggregating Devices (Fads) Dagorn, L. Holland, K. N. Itano, D. G. Marine Biology 2007
Daily Patterns of Locomotion Expressed by American Lobsters (Homarus Americanus) in Their Natural Habitat Golet, W. J. Scopel, D. A. Cooper, A. B. Watson, W. H. Journal Of Crustacean Biology 2006
Effects of Surgically Implanted Acoustic Transmitters \Textgreater 2\% of Body Mass on the Swimming Performance, Survival and Growth of Juvenile Sockeye and Chinook Salmon Brown, R. S. Geist, D. R. Deters, K. A. Grassell, A. Journal Of Fish Biology 2006
Site Fidelity and Movement of the Parrotfishes Scarus Coeruleus and Scarus Taeniopterus at Conch Reef (Northern Florida Keys) Lindholm, J. Knight, A. Kaufman, L. Miller, S. L. Caribbean Journal Of Science 2006
Microhabitat Use, Home Range, and Movements of the Alligator Snapping Turtle, Macrochelys Temminckii in Oklahoma Riedle, J. D. Shipman, P. A. Fox, S. F. Leslie, D. M. Southwestern Naturalist 2006
Home Range and Habitat Use of Juvenile Atlantic Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas L.) on Shallow Reef Habitats in Palm Beach, Florida, Usa Makowski, C. Seminoff, J. A. Salmon, M. Marine Biology 2006
Migratory Behavior of American Shad in the York River, Virginia, With Implications for Estimating in-River Exploitation From Tag Recovery Data Olney, J. E. Latour, R. J. Watkins, B. E. Clarke, D. G. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2006
Post-Release Survival and Riverine Movements of Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Desotoi Acipenseriformes) Following Induced Spawning Parkyn, D. C. Murie, D. J. Colle, D. E. Holloway, J. D. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 2006
Laboratory and Field Evidence for Structural Habitat Affinity of Young-of-the-Year Lingcod Petrie, M. E. Ryer, C. H. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2006
Movement Patterns of the Round Stingray Urobatis Halleri (Cooper) Near a Thermal Outfall Vaudo, J. J. Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Fish Biology 2006
Site Fidelity and Seasonal Movement Patterns of Adult California Sheephead Semicossyphus Pulcher (Labridae): An Acoustic Monitoring Study Topping, D. T. Lowe, C. G. Caselle, J. E. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006
Intertidal Migration and Habitat Use by Subadult Dungeness Crab Cancer Magister in a Ne Pacific Estuary Holsman, K. K. Mcdonald, P. S. Armstrong, D. A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006
Movement Patterns, Home Range Size and Habitat Utilization of the Bluespine Unicornfish, Naso Unicornis (Acanthuridae) in a Hawaiian Marine Reserve Meyer, C. G. Holland, K. N. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2005
In Situ Tagging and Tracking of Coral Reef Fishes From the Aquarius Undersea Laboratory Lindholm, J. Fangman, S. Kaufman, L. Miller, S. L. Marine Technology Society Journal 2005
Movements and Site Fidelity of the Bonefish Albula Vulpes in the Northern Florida Keys Determined by Acoustic Telemetry Humston, R. Ault, J. S. Larkin, M. F. Luo, J. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2005
Quantitative Analysis of Aggregation Behavior in Juvenile Blacktip Sharks Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Marine Biology 2005
Seasonal Movement Patterns, Habitat Use, and Home Range of Flathead Catfish in the Lower St. Joseph River, Michigan Daugherty, D. J. Sutton, T. M. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2005
Optimization of an Acoustic Telemetry Array for Detecting Transmitter-Implanted Fish Clements, S. P. Jepsen, D. B. Karnowski, M. D. Schreck, C. B. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2005
Effects of Surgically Implanted Transmitter Weights on Growth and Swimming Stamina of Small Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout Zale, A. V. Brooke, C. Fraser, W. C. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2005
Fishing and Natural Mortality of Adult Largemouth Bass in a Tropical Reservoir Waters, D. S. Noble, R. L. Hightower, J. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2005
Home Range and Habitat Utilization of Adult California Sheephead, Semicossyphus Pulcher (Labridae), in a Temperate No-Take Marine Reserve Topping, D. T. Lowe, C. G. Caselle, J. E. Marine Biology 2005
Long-Term Residence of Red Snapper on Artificial Reefs in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Szedlmayer, S. T. Schroepfer, R. L. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2005
Use of Acoustic Tags to Estimate Natural Mortality, Spillover, and Movements of Lingcod (Ophiodon Elongatzu) in a Marine Reserve Starr, R. M. O'connell, V. Ralston, S. L. Breaker, L. Marine Technology Society Journal 2005
Brown Bullhead as an Indicator Species: Seasonal Movement Patterns and Home Ranges Within the Anacostia River, Washington, Dc Sakaris, P. C. Jesien, R. V. Pinkney, A. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2005
Diel Movement Patterns of Ocean Sunfish Mola Mola Off Southern California Cartamil, D. P. Lowe, C. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2004
Movement Patterns and Trajectories of Ovigerous Blue Crabs Callinectes Sapidus During the Spawning Migration Carr, S. D. Tankersley, R. A. Hench, J. L. Forward, R. B. Luettich, R. A. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2004
Acoustic-Tracking and Radio-Tracking of Horseshoe Crabs to Assess Spawning Behavior and Subtidal Habitat Use in Delaware Bay Brousseau, L. J. Sclafani, M. Smith, D. R. Carter, D. B. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2004
Effects of Acoustic Transmitters on Swimming Performance and Predator Avoidance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Anglea, S. M. Geist, D. R. Brown, R. S. Deters, K. A. Mcdonald, R. D. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2004
Short-Term Survival and Movements of Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks Captured by Hook-and-Line in the North-East Gulf of Mexico Gurshin, C. W. d. Szedlmayer, S. T. Journal Of Fish Biology 2004
Use of a Marine Reserve in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii by the Giant Trevally, Caranx Ignobilis Wetherbee, B. M. Holland, K. N. Meyer, C. G. Lowe, C. G. Fisheries Research 2004
Spawning Season and Nest Fidelity of Largemouth Bass in a Tropical Reservoir Waters, D. S. Noble, R. L. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2004
Movement Patterns, Depth Preferences, and Stomach Temperatures of Free-Swimming Juvenile Mako Sharks, Isurus Oxyrinchus, in the Southern California Bight Sepulveda, C. A. Kohin, S. Chan, C. Vetter, R. D. Graham, J. B. Marine Biology 2004
Estimation of Shark Home Ranges Using Passive Monitoring Techniques Heupel, M. R. Simpfendorfer, C. A. Hueter, R. E. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2004
Homeothermy in Adult Salmon Sharks, Lamna Ditropis Goldman, K. J. Anderson, S. D. Latour, R. J. Musick, J. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2004
Habitat Associations of Adult Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas L.) in an Unfished Florida Keys Back Reef: Applications to Essential Fish Habitat Glazer, R. A. Kidney, J. A. Bulletin Of Marine Science 2004
Short-Term Movements of Juvenile and Neonate Sandbar Sharks, Carcharhinus Plumbeus, on Their Nursery Grounds in Delaware Bay Rechisky, E. L. Wetherbee, B. M. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2003
Catch-and-Release Fishing on a Spawning Aggregation of Common Snook: Does It Affect Reproductive Output? Lowerre-barbieri, S. K. Vose, F. E. Whittington, J. A. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2003
Post-Mating Behavior, Intramolt Growth, and Onset of Migration to Chesapeake Bay Spawning Grounds by Adult Female Blue Crabs, Callinectes Sapidus Rathbun Turner, H. V. Wolcott, D. L. Wolcott, T. G. Hines, A. H. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2003
Movement and Dipersal of Tournament-Caught Largemouth Bass in Lake Mead, Arizona-Nevada Wilde, G. R. Paulson, L. J. Journal Of Freshwater Ecology 2003
Movement Patterns, Home Range, and Habitat Utilization of Adult Kelp Bass Paralabrax Clathratus in a Temperate No-Take Marine Reserve Lowe, C. G. Topping, D. T. Cartamil, D. P. Papastamatiou, Y. P. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003
Site Utilization by Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) in Off-Shore Gravel Habitat as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry: Implications for the Design of Marine Protected Areas Lindholm, J. Auster, P. J. Marine Technology Society Journal 2003
Diel Movement Patterns of the Hawaiian Stingray, Dasyatis Lata: Implications for Ecological Interactions Between Sympatric Elasmobranch Species Cartamil, D. P. Vaudo, J. J. Lowe, C. G. Wetherbee, B. M. Holland, K. N. Marine Biology 2003
Behavioral Responses of Free-Ranging Blue Crabs to Episodic Hypoxia. Ii. Feeding Bell, G. W. Eggleston, D. B. Wolcott, T. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003
Behavioral Responses of Free-Ranging Blue Crabs to Episodic Hypoxia. I. Movement Bell, G. W. Eggleston, D. B. Wolcott, T. G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003
Seasonal and Diel Distribution and Movement of Cutthroat Trout From Ultrasonic Telemetry Baldwin, C. M. Beauchamp, D. A. Gubala, C. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2002
Movements of Bocaccio (Sebastes Paucispinis) and Greenspotted (S-Chlorostictus) Rockfishes in a Monterey Submarine Canyon: Implications for the Design of Marine Reserves Starr, R. M. Heine, J. N. Felton, J. M. Cailliet, G. M. Fishery Bulletin 2002
Seasonal Migration Patterns and Site Fidelity of Adult Paddlefish in Lake Francis Case, Missouri River Stancill, W. Jordan, G. R. Paukert, C. P. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2002
Diel and Seasonal Patterns of Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Telemetered Cutthroat Trout in Lake Washington, Washington Nowak, G. M. Quinn, T. P. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2002
Bioenergetics of Free-Ranging Juvenile Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyrna Lewini) in Kane'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hi Lowe, C. G. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2002
The Impact of Biomedical Bleeding on Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus Movement Patterns on Cape Cod, Massachusetts Kurz, W. James-pirri, M. J. Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology 2002
Habitat Use and Movements of Juvenile Shortnose Sturgeon in the Savannah River, Georgia South Carolina Collins, M. R. Post, W. C. Russ, D. C. Smith, T. I. j. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2002
Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Juvenile Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus), in Relation to Oceanographic Conditions of the Western North Atlantic, Determined With Ultrasonic Telemetry Brill, R. W. Lutcavage, M. E. Metzger, G. Bushnell, P. Arendt, M. D. Lucy, J. A. Watson, C. Foley, D. Fishery Bulletin 2002
Movements of Rainbow Trout in Response to Dissolved Oxygen and Food Availability in Lake Ogallala, Nebraska Barrow, T. M. Peters, E. J. Journal Of Freshwater Ecology 2001
Seasonal Occurrence and Site-Utilization Patterns of Adult Tautog, Tautoga Onitis (Labridae), at Manmade and Natural Structures in Lower Chesapeake Bay Arendt, M. D. Lucy, J. A. Munroe, T. A. Fishery Bulletin 2001
Diel and Seasonal Activity Patterns of Adult Tautog, Tautoga Onitis, in Lower Chesapeake Bay, Inferred From Ultrasonic Telemetry Arendt, M. D. Lucy, J. A. Evans, D. A. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2001
Seasonal Variation in Home Range Size and Habitat Use of Flathead Catfish in Buffalo Springs Lake, Texas Weller, R. R. Winter, J. D. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 2001
Depth and Muscle Temperature of Pacific Bluefin Tuna Examined With Acoustic and Pop-Up Satellite Archival Tags Marcinek, D. J. Blackwell, S. B. Dewar, H. Freund, E. V. Farwell, C. Dau, D. Seitz, A. C. Block, B. A. Marine Biology 2001
Tidal Influence on Spatial Dynamics of Leopard Sharks, Triakis Semifasciata, in Tomales Bay, California Ackerman, J. T. Kondratieff, M. C. Matern, S. A. Cech, J. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2000
Movements and Food Habits of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in Delaware Bay (Usa) Salt Marshes: Comparison of a Restored and a Reference Marsh Tupper, M. H. Able, K. W. Marine Biology 2000
Movement Patterns, Habitat Utilization, Home Range Size and Site Fidelity of Whitesaddle Goatfish, Parupeneus Porphyreus, in a Marine Reserve Meyer, C. G. Holland, K. N. Wetherbee, B. M. Lowe, C. G. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2000
Diel Movements of Bat Rays, Myliobatis Californica, in Tomales Bay, California: Evidence for Behavioral Thermoregulation ? Matern, S. A. Cech, J. J. Hopkins, T. E. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 2000
Tracking Adult North Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) in the Northwestern Atlantic Using Ultrasonic Telemetry Lutcavage, M. E. Brill, R. W. Skomal, G. B. Chase, B. C. Goldstein, J. L. Tutein, J. Marine Biology 2000
Habitat Utilization and Biological Characteristics of Adult Atlantic Sturgeon in Two South Carolina Rivers Collins, M. R. Smith, T. I. j. Post, W. C. Pashuk, O. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 2000
Foraging Behavior of an Estuarine Predator, the Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus in a Patchy Environment Clark, M. E. Wolcott, T. G. Wolcott, D. L. Hines, A. H. Ecography 2000
Horizontal Movements and Depth Distribution of Large Adult Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Near the Hawaiian Islands, Recorded Using Ultrasonic Telemetry: Implications for the Physiological Ecology of Pelagic Fishes Brill, R. W. Block, B. A. Boggs, C. H. Bigelow, K. A. Freund, E. V. Marcinek, D. J. Marine Biology 1999
Space Utilization and Swimming Depth of White Sharks, Carcharodon Carcharias, at the South Farallon Islands, Central California Goldman, K. J. Anderson, S. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 1999
Influence of Externally Attached Transmitters on the Swimming Performance of Juvenile White Sturgeon Counihan, T. D. Frost, C. N. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1999
Foraging and Agonistic Activity Co-Occur in Free-Ranging Blue Crabs (Callinectes Sapidus): Observation of Animals by Ultrasonic Telemetry Clark, M. E. Wolcott, T. G. Wolcott, D. L. Hines, A. H. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 1999
Intraspecific Interference Among Foraging Blue Crabs Callinectes Sapidus: Interactive Effects of Predator Density and Prey Patch Distribution Clark, M. E. Wolcott, T. G. Wolcott, D. L. Hines, A. H. Marine Ecology Progress Series 1999
Lobster Movements in an Estuary Watson, W. H. Vetrovs, A. Howell, W. H. Marine Biology 1999
Olfactory Clues Play a Critical Role in the Estuarine Migration of Silver-Phase American Eels Barbin, G. P. Parker, S. J. Mccleave, J. D. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 1998
Aggregation Behavior of the Grey Reef Shark, Carcharhinus Amblyrhychos, at Johnston Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean Economakis, A. E. Lobel, P. S. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 1998
Spawning Migration of Telemetered Striped Bass in the Roanoke River, North Carolina Carmichael, J. T. Haeseker, S. L. Hightower, J. E. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1998
The Role of Olfaction in Homing and Estuarine Migratory Behavior of Yellow-Phase American Eels Barbin, G. P. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 1998
Environmental Preferences of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) at the Northern Extent of Its Range Block, B. A. Keen, J. E. Castillo, B. Dewar, H. Freund, E. V. Marcinek, D. J. Brill, R. W. Farwell, C. Marine Biology 1997
Ultrasonic Telemetry of Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus, at Artificial Reef Sites in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico Szedlmayer, S. T. Copeia 1997
An Acoustic Tracking of a Megamouth Shark, Megachasma Pelagios: A Crepuscular Vertical Migrator Nelson, D. R. Mckibben, J. N. Strong, W. R. Lowe, C. G. Sisneros, J. A. Schroeder, D. M. Lavenberg, R. J. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 1997
Movement Patterns and Migrations in Crabs - Telemetry of Juvenile and Adult Behavior in Callinectes-Sapidus and Maja-Squinado Hines, A. H. Wolcott, T. G. Gonzalez-gurriaran, E. Gonzalezescalante, J. L. Freire, J. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 1995
Evidence for Hydrodynamic Orientation by Spiny Lobsters in a Patch Reef Environment Nevitt, G. A. Pentcheff, N. D. Lohmann, K. J. Zimmerfaust, R. K. Journal Of Experimental Biology 1995
Biotelemetry of White Crappies in a South-Dakota Glacial Lake Guy, C. S. Willis, D. W. Jackson, J. J. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1994
Vertical and Horizontal Movements of Striped Marlin (Tetrapturus-Audax) Near the Hawaiian-Islands, Determined by Ultrasonic Telemetry, With Simultaneous Measurement of Oceanic Currents Brill, R. W. Holts, D. B. Chang, R. K. c. Sullivan, S. Dewar, H. Carey, F. G. Marine Biology 1993
Movements and Distribution of Hammerhead Shark Pups on Their Natal Grounds Holland, K. N. Wetherbee, B. M. Peterson, J. D. Lowe, C. G. Copeia 1993
Horizontal and Vertical Movements of the Shortfin Mako Shark, Isurus Oxyrinchus, in the Southern California Bight Holts, D. B. Bedford, D. W. Australian Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research 1993
Vertical and Horizontal Movements of Adult Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus-Tshawytscha in the Columbia River Estuary Olson, A. F. Quinn, T. P. Fishery Bulletin 1993
Ultrasonic Telemetry of Age-O Summer Flounder, Paralichthys-Dentatus, Movements in a Southern New-Jersey Estuary Szedlmayer, S. T. Able, K. W. Copeia 1993
Depth and Temperature of the Blue Marlin, Makaira-Nigricans, Observed by Acoustic Telemetry Block, B. A. Booth, D. T. Carey, F. G. Marine Biology 1992
Tracking Coastal Sharks With Small Boats - Hammerhead Shark Pups as a Case-Study Holland, K. N. Lowe, C. G. Peterson, J. D. Gill, A. Australian Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research 1992
Direct Measurement of Swimming Speeds and Depth of Blue Marlin Block, B. A. Booth, D. T. Carey, F. G. Journal Of Experimental Biology 1992
Direct Measurement of Active Dispersal of Food-Falls by Deep-Sea Demersal Fishes Priede, I. G. Bagley, P. M. Armstrong, J. D. Smith, K. L. Merrett, N. R. Nature 1991
Ultrasonic Telemetry of Small-Scale Movements and Microhabitat Selection by Molting Blue Crabs (Callinectes-Sapidus) Wolcott, T. G. Hines, A. H. Bulletin Of Marine Science 1990
Foraging Behavior of Abyssal Grenadier Fish - Inferences From Acoustic Tagging and Tracking in the North Pacific-Ocean Priede, I. G. Smith, K. L. Armstrong, J. D. Deep-Sea Research Part A-Oceanographic Research Papers 1990
High Tide Movements of the Temperate-Zone Herbivorous Fish Cebidichthys-Violaceus (Girard) as Determined by Ultrasonic Telemetry Ralston, S. L. Horn, M. H. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 1986
Ultrasonic Telemetry of American Eel Movements in a Tidal Creek Helfman, G. S. Stoneburner, D. L. Bozeman, E. L. Christian, P. A. Whalen, R. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1983
Daily Patterns in the Activities of Swordfish, Xiphias-Gladius, Observed by Acoustic Telemetry Carey, F. G. Robison, B. H. Fishery Bulletin 1981
Small-Scale Movements of Albacore, Thunnus-Alalunga, in Relation to Ocean Features as Indicated by Ultrasonic Tracking and Oceanographic Sampling Laurs, R. M. Yuen, H. S. h. Johnson, J. H. Fishery Bulletin 1977
Winter Aggregations of Carp (Cyprinus-Carpio) as Revealed by Ultrasonic Tracking Johnsen, P. B. Hasler, A. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1977
Coastal Movements of Adult Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus-Nerka) Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Stasko, A. B. Horrall, R. M. Hasler, A. D. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1976
Coastal Movements of Mature Fraser River Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus-Gorbuscha) as Revealed by Ultrasonic Tracking Stasko, A. B. Horrall, R. M. Hasler, A. D. Stasko, D. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1973
Further Ultrasonic Tracking and Tagging Studies of Homing Cutthroat Trout (Salmo-Clarki) in Yellowstone Lake Mccleave, J. D. Labar, G. W. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1972
Behavior of Adult American Shad (Alosa-Sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques Dodson, J. J. Jones, R. A. Leggett, W. C. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1972
Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa-Sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques Leggett, W. C. Jones, R. A. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1971
Ultrasonic Tracking of Homing Cutthroat Trout (Salmoclarki) in Yellowstone-Lake Mccleave, J. D. Horrall, R. M. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1970
Open-Water Orientation of White Bass, Roccus Chrysops, as Determined by Ultrasonic Tracking Methods Hasler, A. D. Gardella, E. S. Horrall, R. M. Henderson, H. F. Journal Of The Fisheries Research Board Of Canada 1969


Scientific Name Common Name
Acanthocybium solandri Wahoo.
Acanthurus chirurgus Doctorfish tang, Doctorfish.
Acanthurus coeruleus Blue tang.
Acanthurus xanthopterus Yellowfin surgeonfish.
Acipenser baerii Siberian sturgeon.
Acipenser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon, Shortnose strugeon.
Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon.
Acipenser medirostris Green sturgeon.
Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon, Gulf sturgeon.
Acipenser transmontanus White sturgeon.
Aetobatus narinari Spotted eagle ray, Whitespotted eagle ray.
Albula vulpes Bonefish.
Alligator mississippiensis American alligator.
Alopias vulpinus Thresher shark.
Alosa aestivalis Blueback herring.
Alosa mediocris Hickory shad.
Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife.
Alosa sapidissima American shad.
Ameiurus nebulosus Brown bullhead.
Anguilla rostrata American eel.
Anoplopoma fimbria Sablefish.
Aprion virescens Green jobfish.
Archosargus probatocephalus Sheepshead.
Archosargus rhomboidalis Sea bream.
Argopecten irradians Whelk.
Atractosteus spatula Alligator gar.
Balistes capriscus Grey triggerfish, Gray triggerfish.
Balistes vetula Queen triggerfish.
Bathytoshia lata Hawaiian stingray.
Calamus calamus Saucereye porgy.
Calamus penna Sheepshead porgy.
Callinectes sapidus Blue crab, Blue crabs.
Calotomus carolinus Carolines parrotfish.
Canthidermis maculata Oceanic triggerfish, Ocean triggerfish.
Caranx crysos Blue runner.
Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally.
Caranx latus Horse-eye jack.
Caranx melampygus Bluefin trevally.
Caranx ruber Bar jack.
Carcharhinus acronotus Blacknose shark.
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Grey reef shark, Grey shark, Grey reef sharks, Gray reef shark.
Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark.
Carcharhinus galapagensis Galapagos shark.
Carcharhinus isodon Finetooth shark.
Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark.
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark, Blacktip sharks, Blacktip, Oceanic blacktip.
Carcharhinus melanopterus Blacktip reef shark, Blacktip shark.
Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark, Duskey shark.
Carcharhinus perezii Caribbean reef shark, Carribean reef shark, Caribbean reef sharks.
Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark.
Carcharias taurus Grey nurse shark, Sand tiger shark, Spotted ragged-tooth shark, Ragged-tooth shark.
Carcharodon carcharias White shark.
Carcinus maenas Green crab.
Caulolatilus princeps Ocean whitefish.
Cebidichthys violaceus Monkeyface prickleback.
Centropomus undecimalis Common snook.
Centropristis striata Black sea bass.
Cephalopholis cruentata Graysby.
Cheilinus undulatus Humphead wrasse.
Chelonia mydas Green turtle, Loggerhead sea turtle, Green sea turtle.
Chlorurus perspicillatus Spectacled parrotfish.
Citharichthys sordidus Pacific sanddab.
Clupea pallasii Pacific herring.
Coregonus artedi Cisco.
Coregonus clupeaformis Lake whitefish.
Coryphaena hippurus Dolphinfish, Common dolphinfish, Mahi mahi.
Coryphaenoides armatus Grenadier.
Coryphaenoides yaquinae Grenadier.
Ctenopharyngodon idella Grass carp.
Cyanea capillata Lion's mane jellyfish.
Cycleptus elongatus Blue sucker.
Cynoscion nebulosus Spotted seatrout.
Cynoscion regalis Weakfish.
Cyprinus carpio Common carp, Carp.
Dosidicus gigas Jumbo squid.
Entosphenus tridentatus Pacific lamprey.
Epinephelus adscensionis Rock hind.
Epinephelus drummondhayi Spiked hind, Speckled hind.
Epinephelus guttatus Red hind.
Epinephelus itajara Goliath grouper.
Epinephelus morio Red grouper.
Epinephelus striatus Nassau grouper.
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtles, Hawksbill turtle, Hawksbill sea turtle.
Esox lucius Northern pike, Pike, European pike.
Esox masquinongy Muskellunge, Muskellenge.
Etelis carbunculus Deepwater red snapper.
Etelis coruscans Deepwater longtail red snapper, Longtail red snapper.
Gadus macrocephalus Greenland cod, Pacific cod.
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod, Atlantic od.
Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark.
Galeorhinus galeus School shark, Soupfin shark.
Genyonemus lineatus White croaker.
Gila cypha Humpback chub.
Ginglymostoma cirratum Nurse shark, Nuse shark.
Gymnothorax funebris Green moray.
Haemulon aurolineatum Tomtate.
Haemulon flavolineatum French grunt.
Haemulon parra Sailor's choice.
Haemulon plumierii White grunt.
Haemulon sciurus Bluestriped grunts, Bluestriped grunt.
Haliotis corrugata Pink abalone.
Heterodontus francisci California horn shark.
Hexanchus griseus Sixgill shark, Bluntnose sixgill shark.
Hippoglossus stenolepis Pacific halibut.
Holocentrus adscensionis Longjaw squirrelfish, Squirrelfish.
Holocentrus rufus Longspine squirrelfish.
Homarus americanus American lobster.
Homarus gammarus European lobster, American lobster.
Hydrolagus colliei Spotted ratfish.
Hypanus americanus Southern stingray, Southern ray.
Hypanus sabinus Atlantic stingray.
Hypomesus transpacificus Delta smelt.
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Silver carp.
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Bighead carp, Hybrid bigheaded carp.
Hyporthodus niveatus Snowy grouper.
Ictalurus furcatus Blue catfish.
Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish.
Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo.
Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako shark, Mako shark.
Kajikia audax Striped marlin.
Katsuwonus pelamis Skipjack tuna.
Kyphosus vaigiensis Brassy chubs, Brassy chub.
Lachnolaimus maximus Hogfish.
Lamna ditropis Salmon shark.
Leiostomus xanthurus Spot.
Lepisosteus osseus Longnose gar.
Lepisosteus platostomus Shortnose gar.
Lethrinus harak Thumbprint emperor, Thumbprint emperors.
Lethrinus obsoletus Orange-striped emperor.
Leucoraja ocellata Winter skate.
Limulus polyphemus Horseshoe crabs, Horseshoe crab, Atlantic horseshoe crab, American horseshoe crab, American horsehoe crab.
Lobatus gigas Queen conch.
Lobotes surinamensis Atlantic tripletail.
Lota lota Burbot.
Lutjanus analis Mutton snapper.
Lutjanus apodus Schoolmaster snapper, Schoolmaster.
Lutjanus argentiventris Yellow snapper.
Lutjanus campechanus Red snapper.
Lutjanus cyanopterus Cubera snapper.
Lutjanus griseus Mangrove snapper, Grey snapper, Gray snapper.
Lutjanus jocu Dog snapper.
Lutjanus synagris Lane snapper.
Macrochelys temminckii Alligator snapping turtle.
Maja squinado Spider crab.
Makaira nigricans Blue marlin.
Malaclemys terrapin Diamondback terrapin.
Megachasma pelagios Megamouth shark.
Megalops atlanticus Atlantic tarpon, Tarpon.
Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale.
Melanogrammus aeglefinus Haddock.
Metacarcinus magister Dungeness crab.
Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth bass.
Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass.
Mola mola Ocean sunfish.
Morone americana White perch.
Morone chrysops White bass.
Morone saxatilis Striped bass, Sttriped bass.
Mugil cephalus Sea mullet, Striped mullet, Flathead grey mullet.
Mulloidichthys martinicus Yellow goatfish.
Mustelus californicus Grey smooth-hound shark, Grey smoothounds.
Mustelus canis Smooth dogfish.
Mustelus henlei Brown smoothhound.
Mycteroperca bonaci Black grouper.
Mycteroperca interstitialis Yellowmouth grouper.
Mycteroperca microlepis Gag grouper, Gag.
Mycteroperca phenax Scamp grouper, Scamp.
Mycteroperca rosacea Leopard grouper.
Mycteroperca venenosa Yellowfin grouper, Yellowfn grouper.
Myliobatis californica Bat ray, California bat ray.
Naso lituratus Pacific orangespine unicornfish.
Naso unicornis Bluespine unicornfish.
Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark.
Notorynchus cepedianus Broadnose sevengill shark, Sevengill sharks, Sevengill shark.
Octopus bimaculatus Two-spot octopus.
Ocyurus chrysurus Yellowtail snapper.
Oncorhynchus clarkii Cutthroat trout, Westslope cutthroat trout, Coastal cutthroat trout.
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Pink salmon.
Oncorhynchus keta Chum salmon.
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon.
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout, Redband trout, Rainbown trout.
Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon, Kokanee.
Oncorhynchus spp Cutthroat x steelhead hybrid.
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon.
Ophiodon elongatus Lingcod.
Osmerus mordax Rainbow smelt.
Panulirus argus Spiny lobster, Caribbean spiny lobster.
Paralabrax clathratus Kelp bass.
Paralabrax maculatofasciatus Spotted bay bass.
Paralabrax nebulifer Barred sand bass.
Paralichthys californicus California halibut.
Paralichthys dentatus Summer flounder.
Paralichthys lethostigma Southern flounder.
Paralithodes camtschaticus Red king crab.
Parophrys vetulus English sole.
Parupeneus porphyreus Whitesaddle goatfish.
Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey.
Phacellophora camtschatica Fried-egg jellyfish.
Phoca vitulina Harbor seal, Japanese harbor seal.
Pleuronichthys verticalis Hornyhead turbot.
Pogonias cromis Black drum.
Polyodon spathula Paddlefish.
Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish.
Pomoxis annularis White crappie.
Pristipomoides filamentosus Crimson jobfish, Opakapaka.
Pristis pectinata Smalltooth sawfish.
Pseudobatos productus Shovelnose guitarfish.
Pseudopleuronectes americanus Winter flounder.
Pseudupeneus maculatus Spotted goatfish.
Pterois volitans Indo-pacific lionfish, Red lionfish.
Pylodictis olivaris Flathead catfish.
Rhinoptera bonasus Cownose ray, Atlantic cownose rays.
Rhinoptera brasiliensis Brazilian cownose rays.
Rhizoprionodon porosus Caribbean sharpnose shark.
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae Atlantic sharpnose shark, Sharpnose shark.
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon.
Salvelinus confluentus Bull trout.
Salvelinus fontinalis Brook trout, Brook char, Brook charr.
Salvelinus namaycush Lake trout, Lake charr, Arctic char.
Sander canadensis Sauger.
Sander vitreus Saugeye, Walleye.
Scaphirhynchus albus Pallid sturgeon.
Scarus coeruleus Blue parrotfish.
Scarus taeniopterus Princess parrotfish.
Sciaenops ocellatus Red drum.
Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Cabezon.
Sebastes auriculatus Brown rockfish.
Sebastes caurinus Copper rockfish.
Sebastes chlorostictus Greenspotted rockfish.
Sebastes ciliatus Dusky rockfish.
Sebastes constellatus Starry rockfish.
Sebastes diaconus Deacon rockfish.
Sebastes elongatus Greenstriped rockfish.
Sebastes entomelas Widow rockfish.
Sebastes levis Cowcod.
Sebastes macdonaldi Mexican rockfish.
Sebastes maliger Quillback rockfish.
Sebastes melanops Black rockfish.
Sebastes miniatus Vermilion rockfish, Sunset rockfish.
Sebastes mystinus Blue rockfish.
Sebastes nebulosus China rockfish.
Sebastes nigrocinctus Tiger rockfish.
Sebastes paucispinis Bocaccio.
Sebastes pinniger Canary rockfish.
Sebastes rosaceus Rosy rockfish.
Sebastes ruberrimus Yelloweye rockfish.
Sebastes rubrivinctus Flag rockfish.
Sebastes rufus Bank rockfish.
Sebastes serriceps Treefish.
Semicossyphus pulcher California sheephead.
Seriola dumerili Greater amberjack.
Seriola rivoliana Almaco jack.
Sparisoma aurofrenatum Redband parrotfish.
Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda.
Sphyrna lewini Hammerhead shark, Scalloped hammerhead shark, Scalloped hammerhead sharks, Scalloped hammerhead.
Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead, Great hammerhead shark.
Sphyrna tiburo Bonnethead shark, Great hammerhead shark.
Squalus acanthias Spiny dogfish.
Squalus suckleyi Spiny dogfish.
Stenodus leucichthys Inconnu.
Stereolepis gigas Giant sea bass.
Tautoga onitis Tautog.
Tetronarce occidentalis Western atlantic torpedo.
Thunnus alalunga Albacore.
Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna.
Thunnus obesus Bigeye tuna.
Thunnus orientalis Pacific bluefin tuna.
Thunnus thynnus Bluefin tuna, Atlantic bluefin tuna.
Trachinotus falcatus Permit.
Triaenodon obesus Whitetip reef shark, Whitetip shark, Whiettip reef shark.
Triakis semifasciata Leopard shark.
Urobatis halleri Round stingray.
Xiphias gladius Swordfish.
Xyrauchen texanus Razorback sucker.
Zebrasoma flavescens Yellow tang.
